Chapter 420

Every time I go back to China or my hometown, the happiest thing is actually my parents; because the sons are very promising now, because now the house is full of children and grandchildren, these are the reasons for their pride and pride.

The private plane landed, and the Qiping family came out of the plane painted with cartoon characters on the fuselage.The family then went to the hotel first. A private jet is indeed very good, but it is a long-distance flight and jet lag needs to be considered.The most important thing is that these lovely children can't make them feel tired.

"Dad, I want to eat oil sticks again!" Seeing Xiaoyao pawing the car window and listening to the little guy talking about his little thoughts, Qi Ping just found it funny, "Dad, let's go see oil sticks. I'm hungry."

It’s not because he’s hungry or something, Xiaoyao just wants to watch the deep-fried dough sticks now; the small, short flour is put into the oil pan, and the rapid expansion becomes golden crispy fried dough sticks, of course he I like it.It's true that this kid likes delicious food, but now it seems that he prefers to watch this wonderful show.

"We will have a lot of good food when we get back to the hotel. I remember you had a big steak with your brother on the plane, and you drank milk. You can't eat any more now, or Mom will be angry." Dear Kissing the little hand of the precious daughter, as for the eldest son, he was ignored, who made the little girl stretch out her little hand to let his father kiss him.

"It's not fair, I can still eat a lot of good food now. Grandma, I'm not fat at all!" Hurry up to rescue the soldiers, because Dad is unreliable now, it is more practical to go to grandma as a rescuer.

"Yes, we Xiaoyao are not fat at all. Don't listen to your father, he just scares you. When we get back to the hotel, we will look for delicious food, but we must also listen to the doctor's advice, pay attention to balanced nutrition, not just meat Meat."

Originally, Xiaoyao was smiling, and grandma was indeed his biggest backer; it's just that the little guy hadn't been smiling for a long time, and this seemed to be a reaction.You can't just eat meat, that means you also need to eat vegetables!
Xiaoyao is very wronged now, his parents don't let him eat only meat, and now his grandparents always let him eat vegetables.It's not fair at all, vegetables don't taste as good as meat.Xiaoyao's favorite thing is to eat meat, but now he has to eat a lot of vegetables, which is not good at all.

Regardless of where this mischievous son is frowning, the little guy is actually not obese like many American children; that is because some American children always eat junk food like fast food, which is too calorie. Just like blowing a ball, it rose up.

Xiaoyao's body is fleshy, but the flesh is still very strong; it is understandable when you think about it, this kid has grown up eating delicious food and drinking spicy food, so it is difficult for him not to gain flesh.It's just that Xiaoyao has been very active since he was a child. He fights and wrestles with King Kong and Pooh every day.What's more, apart from being crazy with King Kong and the others, Xiaoyao has a lot of other outdoor activities.

In fact, Qi Ping is not worried at all about the children in his family getting fat. All the children are big eaters, and all the snacks can eat, drink and pretend.However, they have a lot of activities. Although they prefer meat, they are not short of vegetables and fruits, and they are still in a state of balanced nutrition.The most important thing is that the narcissistic and stinky Kate thinks that the children will get her good genes, so the figure will definitely be good.

Xiaoyao's plan to go out to see the oil stick fell through, because his parents didn't support him, and he said that he could only see the oil stick in the morning.So the fat boy went and rolled a few times on the bed, and then went to sleep.As for the younger siblings, they have never woken up; Tian Tian is the most powerful, playing games with Dad all the time.

"This little girl, I thought it was a little sweetheart, a little sweetheart padded jacket, but it turned out to be a little villain who was just torturing me." He bit the little girl's little hand lightly, and smiled happily when he saw the little girl , Qi Ping smiled and said to Kate, "She slept for a long time on the plane, she didn't need jet lag at all, and she slept for a long time every day anyway."

"Then you hug our little sweetheart, she likes someone to play games with her the most. I'm a little tired now, I want to take the children to rest for a while to beat the jet lag. We have a lot of things to do next, Now I have to prepare some physical strength like the children, so that we can play games and eat food better."

For Kate's irresponsible words, Qi Ping was dumbfounded; what does it mean to prepare physical strength to eat, drink and have fun, and it is too decisive to push away the most troublesome things so cleanly. This is prepared in advance Bar!
Kate smiled triumphantly amidst Qi Ping's stunned, triumphantly kissed her little daughter who was still playing the game, and kissed Qi Ping perfunctorily by the way, that's about it.The next thing is to take Xiaoyao, Lele, and Youyou to sleep. The mother and son need to replenish their energy and suffer from jet lag. They are eating crazy for the next crazy fun.

Qi Ping doesn't know what to say now, or he doesn't plan to say anything.Long-distance flights can be tiring, especially if you need to fight jet lag.Although the family members are in good health, it's just that jet lag is something that adults can't stand it in many cases, let alone the children.

Unless it is a baby like Tiantian who sleeps all day long, he doesn't care about day and night. Sleeping when he is sleepy is the life of a baby.Now the little girl is very energetic, she is biting her father's face; the father and daughter are having a good time, competing in biting their faces and bumping their noses.

It really won't be an easy thing to be with such a little naughty guy, there is no reasoning with such a little guy at all, the little girl is the biggest.

Kate took Xiaoyao and they were sleeping and jet-lagged, and it was not good for Qi Ping to keep making trouble with the little girl; although it was a big apartment, the baby girl didn't know how to lower her voice when she laughed.So Qi Ping quickly packed all the baby girl's needs, such as baby bottles and pacifiers, and he was carrying a small bag on his back, planning to take his precious daughter to go shopping.

"I took Tiantian out shopping, she doesn't want to sleep at all now." When going out to play, it is natural to say hello to the family, if you don't say hello to your mother, you will definitely be scolded. "Just take a rest in the hotel. I'll take her to a crowded place. She likes to run outside."

"Well, we are all a little tired now. Take Tiantian and pay attention, everything is ready, don't be short of this or that." Although that is what she said, my mother still checked decisively After looking at the bag that Qi Ping was carrying, he felt relieved that there was nothing missing for his granddaughter, "Take her out for shopping, don't go to places where there are too many people and too noisy, and be careful not to scare Tiantian."

Qi Ping nodded straightly, and Lafayette's edict naturally needs to be listened to; Qi Ping knows something better, that is, the little girl is really too young now, so he needs to pay attention when he wants to take her out to play.

The little girl likes to be lively, and she likes to be carried around by people all day long.But when he was in the forest farm, even if he ran around, he was actually relatively quiet.Even if you take the little girl to go for a walk in the town sometimes, it's not actually such a noisy place, the little girl doesn't actually have much experience, okay?

The baby girl was happy, the little girl was biting her pacifier and looking around with her big black eyes; she rarely saw so many people, she liked to see lively scenes.

So Qi Ping is now wandering around with the little girl, of course it can't just be rolling the road; there is still a lot of car exhaust, so it can't just be rolling the road.Go shopping around, find a park for a walk; of course, you can't miss places like pedestrian streets, which places will definitely be the little girl's favorite, because she likes to be lively!

"Brother, is your baby a mixed race?" A buddy was stunned. Mixed races are not rare now, but they are not common. Pretty."

"America, my little girl is beautiful. Look at this one with big eyes and long eyelashes." Qi Ping began to show off, and the little girl happily lay on his father's shoulder. The big eyes are too busy now. Others Everyone likes to say hello to her and play games, "I am also courageous, and I like people to say hello to her the most, and I don't recognize her at all."

Unknowingly, Qi Ping also has the attributes of a dazzler and a madman. When others say his child is cute, he immediately becomes excited.Although he is not a star or something, the child is naturally not the second generation of stars. In fact, this is good, so that he will not attract crowds everywhere he goes.

Take a break with a cup of coffee, and chat by the way; although these are some strangers, they don't necessarily need to know each other.Now it's just talking to a few strangers and talking about your own cute baby.

"Actually, I've seen quite a few mixed-races look beautiful, but there are also some mixed-races who are just average. Those who say that mixed-races are all beautiful are misleading. Many people just see some mixed-races are beautiful, but they don't see the crippled appearance of mixed-races." As for those who say that people of mixed race are smart, that’s not necessarily the case.”

Qi Ping is talking eloquently. In the past, he also thought that mixed races might be beautiful, cute and smart, but now that he thinks about it, he thinks that mixed races are just ordinary children.As for those beautiful mixed races, anyway, Qi Ping thinks that such mixed races are just the good side seen by others.

They all think that people of mixed blood must be beautiful, and that people of mixed blood must be beautiful; but they don't even think about it, if there is no excellent gene of my mother, how can there be a beautiful child.In the final analysis, we still need to look at the genes of our parents, and what we don't see is that if we have mixed blood, we must be a smart and beautiful little mixed blood.

Anyway, Qi Ping doesn't think so, because there are four little mixed-race children in his family; the mixed-race of the children is quite obvious, after all, they are not one-eighth, one-quarter mixed-race, not some kind of grandmother , Grandpa's generation is of Chinese descent.So it's normal for Xiaoyao and the others to be more obviously mixed.

Although Qi Ping is average-looking, he is not ugly. The face of the public is a little bit of the face of the public, but anyway, there is a big gap between affecting the appearance of the city and lowering the average score. If you are thick-skinned, you can call yourself a 'Handsome'.

As for Kate, this is a big beauty; not only it looks like this in Qi Ping's eyes, but also a big beauty in Western aesthetics.Sometimes there is indeed a gap between the aesthetics of the East and the West, but most of the time everyone knows something, that is, real beauty is recognized by adults.

The children are all good, beautiful and cute; Kate has always been proud of this, and she stubbornly believes that the children are so cute and beautiful because they have inherited more of her genes.It's just that the children's performance is not good enough for their studies. Kate thinks that this has nothing to do with her. Kate knows that she is not a flower vase, and the children are very smart, they just don't like studying.

After walking around outside with the little girl in my arms, the little girl is a little tired from playing now, and she also wants to sleep.For Qi Ping, it is almost time to go home now, and the little girl has shown mercy and allowed her father to stop running outside.

"Dad, are you taking your sister out to play games? Why don't you ask me to go with you, I also want to eat and play!" I just returned to the hotel and planned to take a rest, but this was hit hard, "Dad , Lele is going out to play games too, where can we go to play games?"

Dumbfounded, Lele is blocking the door. He probably heard that his father took his sister out to play games when he woke up. This kid is seriously unbalanced now.After all the calculations, I didn't count this. I didn't expect Lele to wake up so quickly.The result of this is basically to tell Qiping, and the next step is to go out for a stroll.

"You were sleeping just now, and I couldn't wake you up, so I didn't take you shopping. You are just like your brothers and sisters, you are a lazy pig who only knows how to sleep." Gently, she held Tian Tian in her arms bed; of course, we also need to pay attention to explaining to the fat son, so as not to leave the impression of father's partiality in the little guy's young mind, "My sister is asleep now, we need to lower our voice."

"Then let me keep my voice down. Dad, let's go out and play games. I also want to go out and play, and I want to eat a lot of good food." Lele came over, and the little guy carefully looked at his sister. Then I started to tell some of my little expectations.

Get out and play, that's what matters!
(End of this chapter)

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