Chapter 421
Going home is of course a very happy thing, and this is naturally a thing that people look forward to.That's certainly true for the grown-ups, as this is where their roots lie.

In fact, for children, returning to their hometown may not have such a deep emotional resonance.Now the little ones still can't understand some of the emotions of the adults. The local conditions, returning to the roots of the fallen leaves, or seeking the roots and ancestors are really too far away for them.But for the little ones, as long as they return to their hometown, they can play many games and eat many snacks that are not available in the forest farm. These are actually the reasons why they are very happy.

Lao Qi's family is back, so they still have some influence in the village.

Who made the old Qi’s family so prosperous in the past few years? It’s not just that they went abroad or immigrated; the key is to look at the two sons of the old Qi’s family. Big villas and super luxury cars are not new. There are many planes and helicopters.

And now some people in the village have heard about it, and some know about it. It has made a big name in the United States. Now some of the best beef or vegetables and fruits are supplied by Lao Qi's family.As for the other one, it seems to be in charge of the Chinese market, and they all cooperate with the best restaurants.

Developed, this is thoroughly developed; it's just that it's the business of Lao Qi's family, and the people in the village don't necessarily have to be rich or something.At most, when you have some work, maybe you can go to see if you can make connections. You don’t necessarily expect the old Qi’s family to help you immigrate or how much money you will be given.

"Your father is being generous here. He paid for the repair of this road in the village. I don't bother to talk about it. I was talking about a two-lane concrete road, but it turned out to be a single-lane road. You can look at the quality, what kind of thing is this repaired. He doesn’t know how to pay for it, and he only made half of it if he wanted to do something good.”

My mother seems to be very resentful, very dissatisfied with the village cadres;It really doesn't matter if you spend a few 10 yuan, and building a road in the village can be regarded as benefiting the hometown; but that's good, the money is spent cleanly, but the road repaired is nothing!

"It was a mistake for me to spend money to build a road. I can only say that the current budget is not enough. Now the price of goods is always rising, and the manpower and material resources are also rising. Moreover, building a road now requires land. It's all about money." Dad replied dryly, he was a typical forceful rhetoric, "This time is a lesson, next time I do something, I will definitely not be so eager to take out the money, otherwise I have nothing to do."

"You shouldn't trust them. You've spent most of your life here, and you don't know anything about our village. Everyone in the village needs to show respect, so hold back a little, and you can still do something with the money. But the people in the town are different. If your money is taken out, it is not your money. How to spend it is their business. It's a bad reputation."

Mom is not just adding insult to injury, it is also because she has some experience, and she actually knows some things.Anyway, I just feel unhappy, not to mention that the money has been spent, and I still feel angry everywhere.

Such things are really nothing; those who attract investment, those who are officials, and those who are in power are corporals and corporals with good service, and they have written various checks or conditions.But when your money is in place and the factory is built, it will be a big event; serving the people before has become serving the people, which is a typical "feng shui turn".

And there are some things that are more disturbing, that is, being a good person and a good deed, which can be regarded as a name, and the result of this is that many people and many relationships will always come to the door.

In the past, Qi Ping contributed some money to his alma mater, whether it was elementary school or junior high school; in the village, he paid for the tuition and living expenses of the students who went to college.Even here in the town, Qi Ping will help pay tuition for some families who are under pressure.

The money does not pose much pressure on Qi Ping, he really has some money; doing some good deeds can be regarded as benefiting the hometown or accumulating some virtues, and it is also because more or less we still need to pay attention to word of mouth, You can't bear the reputation of being talented but not virtuous.Qi Ping really does not intend to invest in the country, so sometimes he does not need a good reputation.

Of course, he is clear that some big companies and rich people do charity, which is earth-shattering; what is not seen is how many good deeds they have done, anyway, if they do some good deeds, they must be known to everyone as much as possible.This is the so-called corporate image and sense of social responsibility, not only to improve the impression in people's eyes and minds, but also to gain some benefits in terms of policies.

Qi Ping doesn't care about these, he is relatively low-key, and he doesn't plan to make some investments in the country; so it's better to keep a low voice when he does some things.He doesn't have so many stalwart ideas, all he cares about is his hometown.In the final analysis, there are too many poor people in the world, and Qi Ping also has limited ability, maybe he is also "helping his relatives but not helping his relatives", he just does things under his nose.

Indeed, Qi Ping is such a somewhat narrow-minded person, but this seems very real; he does not have so many ambitions, nor does he have such high morals.Those who worry about the country and the people are too exaggerated for Qi Ping. He doesn't need to worry so much about the future of the country and the fate of the people. He just needs to do his own thing well.

For Qi Ping, the most important thing is to do the things right under his nose. What he is looking at is the three-acre land of his hometown.What he cares about as much as possible is people who have some friendship with him and can be related to him. He doesn't need to make people all over the country think of him, as long as he has a good reputation in his hometown, these In fact, it's about the same for Qiping.

"Dad, I want to eat yams again, and I want to eat chestnuts. Can we go to my aunt's house? My aunt said that there are a lot of moldy tofu, and I want to eat radish corners and stinky pickles." Back home, Xiaoyao He flung himself on the sofa quickly, the little guy started to enter the 'order mode', the little guy was thinking a lot now, "Dad, put your luggage quickly, I'm going out to play games."

"Grandpa, I have to go to my room by myself. Is my room ready? I don't allow my brother and younger brother to run to my bedroom. That's my bedroom." Dragging a small pink box, Yoyo started to enter. When it comes to tidying up, she is not as sloppy and careless as her older and younger brothers. "Grandpa, is my bedroom clean? I haven't lived here for a long time. If it's not clean, you have to clean it up for me."

"It's very, very clean." Holding his cute little granddaughter, Qi Weihui was so happy, "I helped Yoyo tidy up your room a few days ago. Grandpa has never allowed other people to live in your room, and this It has been ventilated for a few days, and the quilt has been dried. Grandpa will take you to the room now, and your brother and younger brother are not allowed to go there. They are all little dirty ghosts. They are not like our Yoyo who likes to be clean and tidy. Destroyed."

"Yes, grandpa. My elder brother and younger brother don't like tidying up the room. I don't allow them to go to my bedroom now. Their bedroom is dirty and their toys are scattered. It doesn't look good at all." Talking on and on, the little girl likes to 'slander' her elder brother and younger brother very much now, because the elder brother and younger brother just don't like learning to tidy up the room now.

Now I'm busy, the little girl is going to tidy up her bedroom slowly; she needs to tidy up her bedroom, and put her Barbie dolls neatly.She is not like her elder brother and younger brother, who directly put toys around.

Regardless, what Qi Ping has to do now is to be lazy; except for Little Sweetheart who hasn't been back to his hometown, the other three children are quite familiar with his hometown.They don't need to be greeted by others at all, they can have a good time.

"When your uncle and the others come back, then you will have something to play with." Take the little ones home and clean up first. This is still the youngest son's family. The eldest son's family will be back in a few days. The population is really prosperous, "You can clean up the room by yourself now, and then help grandpa clean up the room, okay?"

Qi Ping continues to be lazy, and he intends to continue to be lazy; some things still cannot be done on his own initiative, and Qi Ping does not want to do the active work now.He feels that his greatest enjoyment now is actually laziness with his lovely little daughter in his arms. There are still many things to do now, and he can be lazy for a while.

The little ones are alive and well, and they can have fun at home; it is better to let them have fun, because this is also their home, and there is nothing to feel restrained here.But it's better to play hard, anyway, Qi Ping feels that he is enjoying himself now.

"Every time you go home, you are like this, constantly slacking off and relaxing. I think this is very unfair. You completely ignore the children at home, and always let your parents take care of them for you, and let your parents take care of them. They go to play games. I think it's not good, this is where you grow up, you should tell the children stories about your childhood."

Kate is the type who talks a lot now, and she is now seeking benefits for herself in the name of the children.She just wants to go shopping now, she will find it very interesting; of course, Qi Ping thinks that there is nothing interesting in this country, especially now that it is winter, it looks relatively deserted, and there is nothing to do. Worth going crazy.

"I don't want to go out now, not at all. Winter is a time for sleeping and staying at home. I just want to stay at home now. I don't want to go anywhere."

Qi Ping thinks it's better to stay at home, crack sunflower seeds, eat dried persimmons and raisins.If conditions permit, you can also take the children to smash walnuts or take the children to walk around the streets, or set off firecrackers and find special snacks everywhere. This is actually a very interesting and interesting thing , I enjoyed it very much.

Well, Kate thinks that Qi Ping is too lazy to do a certain amount of work. At this time, she should slowly cultivate Qi Ping to have more fun in shopping and outdoor activities.Kate has to hold onto Qiping, because Qiping is a bit of an otaku-like bastard, so at this time he has to be broken.

"You should know something by now, your wife is only 30 years old. Your eldest daughter has become more and more fond of shopping, she has grown up now. And your younger daughter, I think you know her better than we all personality; she would quite like to go out shopping, and she would like to have a strong bag carrier."

Kate is praising herself and looking for a step. She is already in her early thirties, but every time she rounds her age to 30 years old.As for shopping, now that she has two lovely little daughters as her powerful shields, with the existence of two daughters, there is no shortage of reasons to pull Qiping out.

Comrade Qiangqiang bagger has nothing to say now. He now knows some of his treatment, and he knows that he should not fight now.Qi Ping is very clear now, what Kate said is correct.

"Then I will take you around the city later. I know you want to go to the pedestrian street, where there are many food stalls. By the way, let's go to the city hall square, where we will have a good meal and drink Take a meal, take a look at the scenery by the way, etc. If you have other suggestions, I will follow and implement them."

Kate nodded in satisfaction, feeling very satisfied that Qi Ping's awareness is improving; the next thing is to talk about some of her own proposals, and she seems to have entered into a state of hyperactivity now.As long as she thinks of going out shopping together, she will be very happy and enthusiastic. Now she has too many thoughts and expectations.

After all, it is because Kate is still a little strange to this country, and many things here are so fresh and interesting to her.Although I have been here many times, and I will come back every Chinese New Year, Kate still thinks it will be very interesting.

Of course Kate finds it interesting, but it is also very interesting and interesting to the children in their hometown.They are thinking about going out to play games and eat good food. These little things are not just mischievous now, they still have their own aesthetics and cognition. They know that it is very interesting and fun in their hometown.

(End of this chapter)

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