America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 422 The Billionaire's Children

Chapter 422 The Children of Ten Billionaires
Qi Ping really feels like a celebrity now, because he has his wife and children with him now.

In such a small third-tier city, there are actually not many foreigners, or even relatively few.Moreover, there are still four children, and the three little mixed races are beautiful and cute. This is indeed very attractive, attracting the attention of many passers-by, even far exceeding the attention brought by their mothers.

In addition to the three little mixed races holding hands, there is also a cute little baby hanging on the flush chest; the little guy is chubby and cute, which counts as four children. This multinational couple has four child.Among them, there is a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, they are quite cute.

Four children, this is indeed very attractive and attracts a lot of attention; and now, although the domestic two-child policy has been relaxed, even when Qi Ping was young, the implementation of some family planning in rural areas was not particularly strict.But such a combination of four children is really eye-catching, let alone a mixed race.

"Mom, my brother said he wants to eat stinky tofu again. I don't want to eat stinky tofu, and my sister definitely doesn't like it either. Dad, can we stop my brother and brother, they are too annoying." Yoyo took her brother and brother by the hand With her hand in the middle, the little girl is now pissed off by her hated older brother and younger brother.

Kate laughed. She actually didn't like deep-fried stinky tofu at first because she thought it smelled bad.But over the past few years, she has long been used to stinky tofu, and even quite likes those stinky tofu.Those stinky tofu are actually delicious when dipped in chili sauce; it's a pity that the eldest daughter still has some psychological barriers, and the little girl doesn't like those delicacies as much as her elder brother and younger brother for the time being.

"Mom, we can't listen to my sister. We want to be fair. My brother and I like to eat stinky tofu. I also want to eat fried dried dumplings and ham sausage. I don't like cotton candy anymore, but my sister likes it." Lele was excited. When he heard that his sister was against stinky tofu, he became excited.

The children started arguing again, and started discussing whether stinky tofu was good or not, and whether cotton candy was fun.It's just that it ended soon, because they saw the sugar blower; to be honest, Qi Ping has never seen this sugar blower a few times. There was no such thing in his hometown before, but now the living conditions are better. , There are more of these rare things.

The little guys are crowded in front of the stall now, watching the sugar blowing man attentively; one of them is holding a candied haws skewer, but now they are all busy looking at the sugar blowing man, and now they have no time to eat candied haws.

"Dad, I want a little monkey. Dad, can you tell grandpa, I want a King Kong, and I want to give it to King Kong as a gift." Xiaoyao looked at it for a long time, his little face was full of smiles.

"Then you can go and talk to grandpa yourself, but I don't know if grandpa can blow out King Kong or Pooh." Qi Ping was a little stressed, and the little ones saw a lot of interesting things blown out by the master sugar blower Small animals and cartoon people, but this does not mean that King Kong or Pooh can be blown out.

"Then can you give me your mobile phone? I can show my grandpa Pooh, so that I can play King Kong. Grandpa is the best. He knows a lot of small animals." Lele thought for a while, and came up with a very good one. scheme.

It's actually a very enjoyable thing to go shopping with cute children.Especially seeing the happy faces of the children made me even more happy.For some traditional crafts and such, both Ziping and Kate think it is very meaningful, and the children will definitely like these.

Now these little guys are staring at the sugar blower's grandfather, but the Mandarin of the little guys is pretty good. Although they have a little local accent, and even have a little difficulty in expressing it, they can still communicate with the sugar blower's master. There was a very good communication, and now they have already told the sugar blower's grandfather what kind of shape he wants.

"Well, boy. How come these babies in your family are always with the blind bear and the gorilla. I can get you a horse or a deer. It's not a problem, but I can't tell the orangutan and the blind bear. The craftsmanship is not good enough." The master of the sugar blower was dumbfounded, looking at the mobile phone photos shown to him by the children, he was really a little flustered.

In fact, it's not just the master sugar blower who is panicking now, but also some other onlookers.They were originally watching the sugar blowers and these little bastards, but now they saw some cell phone photos, and they were completely dumbfounded.Hanging shoulders with Xiong Xiazi, let the big chimpanzee hug... Is there such a child? !

There are not only one or two dumbfounded people, everyone is talking about it; even if it is said that immigrants and foreign wives may not be common in small cities, but it is not necessarily because they have never heard of it or seen it. .But such a family actually has a lot of beasts as companions. This is too incomprehensible, and it may not be like this in foreign countries.

Qi Ping doesn't need to explain now, the little guys are now responsible for explaining to the sugar blower's grandfather.The old man had played a lot of sugar figures before, and the little ones are not only his little fans, but they have become good friends with the old man now.So now they are introducing King Kong, Pooh and others, and introducing these special family members of their own.

"Are you that flush? I heard people say that you seem to be in the United States. I remember reading some news on the Internet saying that there seem to be several animal stars in your family, and they have all been on TV before?" A young The little girl seemed to remember it. Although not everyone in the city knew about Qiping, some people might have seen some news.

"Ah? Yes, I'm Qi Ping. Why don't you go back to your hometown for the holidays? You know me?" Qi Ping didn't feel complacent. He's not a celebrity who needs popularity. "King Kong and the others have all retired for many years, and now they are not in the entertainment industry. They just spend their days doing evil at home, messing around with these naughty bastards."

Qi Ping admitted it, and there is nothing to hide; he is indeed not a star, and he doesn't need to hide from the paparazzi, he doesn't care about it at all.Now that you've recognized them all, let's admit it frankly.He's not a big star or anything like that, so it's not that much trouble to worry about people watching or someone asking him for an autograph.

Some discussions sounded from the side, and it was obvious that most people didn't know Qiping; but those who knew a little began to spread rumors, and by the way, the younger ones hurriedly checked the Internet.This is because I met a famous person, so I don’t want to get an autograph or something, take a few photos first, maybe it will be the capital to brag about in the future, okay?

Celebrities, where is it so easy to meet; even if it is in the capital or Dashanghai, even if there are many celebrities and other activities there, it may not be absolutely easy to meet.What's more, this is a fellow, a famous celebrity from his hometown.

"Isn't it? Are there any mistakes in the report? He is worth at least one billion US dollars to start. Isn't that worth billions of RMB? There is also that fairy cow that is better than the small Japanese Wagyu, which is raised by his family. ?”

"Really or not? This is not a draft or something. Private jets and the like are considered real, but the best vegetables, fruits and resorts in the world are owned by his family. Why didn't I hear it at all?" ever said?"

"I think it's true. Many high-end restaurants in China have to airlift a lot of vegetables from his forest farm. Now many people are saying that if there are no vegetables and fruits from the fairyland forest farm, it is not real. A top-notch restaurant. His vegetables and the like have a great reputation, and even money can't buy them..."

Qi Ping was silent in a low-key manner, and the alien-like stares of the people around him did not cause any pressure to him; Harassment or something.It is obvious that tens of billionaires are standing by their side. This is indeed a relatively rare thing. This is a big man on the Forbes pig killing list, which can be met but not sought after.

Of course, the children are also big stars, and there are not many mixed-race children in themselves, and they are still cute children.By the way, some people now know that this is the daughter and prince of a billionaire, so it looks even more attractive.It's just that everyone feels very strange about the children of these billionaires; staring at a sugar blower for a long time, holding a candied haws in his hand and yelling, this doesn't look like the children of tens of billionaires at all .

Unlike the children of tens of billionaires, things like this are still going on; for example, these little guys are happily eating stinky tofu and fried chestnuts with sugar... These very civilian snacks look very pleasing The children's favor, the little ones are all happily eating snacks, shopping, and by the way harassing their sister who can't speak now.

"Dad, I can give my sister a chestnut. But you have to let me kiss my sister. My sister is drooling now. She must be hungry now." Lele proudly peeled a candied chestnut, the little guy Showing off, he drew circles with golden chestnuts under the gaze of his younger sister.

"If you kiss my sister less, she will stop drooling. You and your brothers and sisters are little villains. Grandpa and grandma have told you many times, don't pinch your sister's little face all the time, but you don't listen. Look now, my sister is always drooling, so she is not a lady at all."

"But my sister is very cute and beautiful, and she likes me too. I just pout, and my sister will kiss me. Don't you believe me, I will prove it to you!"

If Lele starts to play tricks, although he pouted, Baby Sister doesn't seem to pay him much attention now.But the little guy is really not discouraged at all, the little guy is dangling under the eyes of his sister; saying things like 'sister I love you', 'sister is the cutest', this is what I want to make My sister kisses him, so that I can prove that I didn't bully my sister, so that I can prove that my sister is as cute as Lele!

Both Qi Ping and Kate were amused by the fat boy, who really knows how to toss and play games; but it is quite normal for little brothers and sisters to fight and fight, and now the little sweetheart is still young, so Now the conflict is not so intense.But when the little sweetheart grows up, it is estimated that the family will be very lively.

Both Qi Ping and Kate are very touched by this kind of thing; because besides Tiantian, they have three children.In fact, these mischievous ghosts will have some small conflicts every now and then. Their quarrels and the like are not uncommon at all, and even now the family members are used to it.

There are several brothers and sisters in the family, so don't ever expect to get along in harmony all the time, sometimes there will be troubles and conflicts.

The little ones started to make noise again, and they couldn't have a quiet lunch. Fortunately, Qi Ping had the foresight to find a good restaurant and ask for a private room, so that he wouldn't worry about the children making big noises while eating.In fact, this can also make children more self-loving. They don't need to be noisy in crowded and noisy halls, and they can happily eat delicious food.

"I don't want to eat the beef here. It's not as good as our beef. I want to eat fried octopus, Dad. I also want to eat braised pork, but I can't eat fatty meat. You can help me eat fatty meat." Well, I only eat lean meat." Yoyo still doesn't know how to use chopsticks very well, but the small spoon is very easy to use; as for braised pork, fat meat will definitely not stick to it.

"OK, I will eat the big fat meat. Actually the beef here is also very good, but the beef here is a bit spicy, I think you may not like it very much. But the egg custard here seems to be very good, can anyone help Will my sister cool down the egg custard, so that my sister won’t be hungry. We have to go to the supermarket in the afternoon, so we can’t make my sister hungry.”

Qi Ping has enjoyed all kinds of treatment, Xiaoyao and Yoyo are very happy to take care of his sister; even Lele, who is busy eating and drinking, is now stretching out his little hand to show that he can take care of his sister.The children are still very caring and united, even if they often have conflicts, they will still be united and friendly.

Have a big meal, this is really authentic Chinese food, although it is some home-cooked food; but for children, there is no need to worry about unsuitable tastes, these snacks can be a good joke, in the forest farm That's how the kids ate and drank.

However, Qi Ping also felt some pressure now. The little guys ate too much delicious food and drink at the forest farm, so now their appetites are full of appetite.The little guys ate some vegetables or beef, and immediately knew that the dishes here were not as good as the ones at home, and they were quite smart.

(End of this chapter)

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