America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 424 New Hobbies

Chapter 424 New Hobbies
"It's not right for you to do this. Our baby will not worry about not going to a good university in the future. They will definitely be good children in the future. But you have to ask them for leave every now and then, so they won't be able to go to school?!"

Hearing his mother's reprimand, Qi Ping just kept his head down and didn't dare to speak. Thinking about it, it's really a little guilty. The two older children in our family are both in primary school, and Lele is also in kindergarten. Now that she is king and hegemony, only Tian Tian, ​​who is still learning how to speak, is left to dawdle at home all day.

But the children's father is unreliable, he wants to ask for leave every now and then; it would be better if it is a holiday or something like Thanksgiving or Christmas holiday.There are also American-style spring breaks and the like. These are statutory holidays, and children can enjoy the fun of the holiday freely.

It's just that there may be some family activities today, or the traditional festivals of the Han nationality, so maybe I'm going back to China and my hometown, and I'm definitely going to ask for leave.

So it's safe to say that the Chipping kids have more holidays than some American kids because they come from two different cultures.At this time, they can be happier, and they will get more 'cultural influence'.

"It's my fault, my fault. I know, I won't take them to see elephants this time." Qi Ping is embarrassed, but it's because a group of elephants has long been confirmed in the wildlife sanctuary. Come here, I want to please the children; it's a pity that I only care about pleasing the children, and the result is to offend the children's grandma.

"It's okay to see elephants. I still want to see elephants. But you have to prioritize. You have to ask for leave for the children after the elephant is brought back. Are you a father like this?! This is not King Kong is going to be a father when he grows up, what does this herd of elephants have to do with you, they were bought with money, and have nothing to do with our family!"

With a big wave of my mother's hand, it also established a tone.

Obviously, elephants should not be brought home, or the home will really be similar to a zoo.There are bears and chimpanzees, and there are deer, horses, or cranes and swans.Fortunately, Pooh's daughter-in-law doesn't like to stay at home, otherwise it would not be an easy thing for Pooh's family of three to be here.

Qi Ping was scolded, and Kate snickered aside; she almost raised this opinion just now, and was going to welcome those lovely elephants to the reserve with Qi Ping and the children.But now after being reminded by her mother-in-law, she remembered that this matter is correct. Although it is very important for children to play games, they can't stop reading because of playing.

Looking at this unfulfilling prodigal daughter-in-law, Qi Ping felt quite depressed and heartbroken; to become Kate's husband, he often needs to come out to take the blame!

Is there any mistake, our status in the family is just like this, and things like being criticized, being scolded and being disliked are definitely inevitable.But luckily now, when we encountered some ambiguity, Kate actually pushed the trouble to us neatly!It is also a disadvantage that we have a good psychological quality, otherwise it is really easy to lose our psychological balance.

"You are indeed so kind to children, even I will be jealous. I am starting to doubt your love for me now, and I suspect that your love for me was not pure in the first place. Look at the four children I gave birth to you, And after I gave birth to four children, my family status didn't improve significantly! There is no mistake, I gave birth to a boy and a girl, which is enough to raise my status in the family again."

After all, they have been married for many years. Seeing Qi Ping, she seemed to feel a little psychologically unbalanced. Kate, who was holding her little sweetheart, resolutely beat him up.Only by being the first to shift the main contradiction, so that you don't need to be 'condemned'.

"Do you still have a conscience?" Qi Ping couldn't laugh or cry, Kate was too cunning, "I was scolded just now, and don't talk to me about the topic of family status, I'm sitting at the bottom now, even a I don’t have any companions. I was beaten by King Kong and them two days ago, and even they are lying on my head now, do you think it’s useful for me to say these things?”

"In fact, we will consider your proposal many times. We are very clear that you are the soul and core of the family, and we love you very much." Kate smiled sweetly, and began to praise decisively, and it must be equal, " We all know that your opinion will not be rejected by everyone only very rarely, but more often we will respond to your call."

Qi Ping suddenly felt that his daughter-in-law was still very good at talking, and he thought Kate's words were still very pleasant.It's just that I suddenly saw Kate turning around holding Little Sweetheart, is there any mistake?Even if you praise me in a perfunctory way, then you should be careful, so that you don't just leave after talking like this, it doesn't make people feel enjoyable!
There is no way, the virtue of my daughter-in-law is like this; just a moment ago, I was still shouting that having four children is the meritorious service of the family, so the family status should be improved.But at the next moment, I feel that this topic may be unfavorable to me, so it is better to change the topic decisively.Perhaps from the very beginning, Kate brought up these topics to find a reason for herself to escape.

Forget it, and go to watch TV; recently I have become obsessed with some documentaries, various adventures, treasure hunts, and a little bit of pet world.It's funny, the BBC documentaries and the Discovery Channel are flush favorites right now.

"You really don't want to see the elephants? I told you, this time the energy is sufficient, and the procedures for the elephants brought in will be much simpler. Real elephants, African elephants, big stupid elephants !" Luo Yi's phone call came, and he kept quiet, "You also know that there are two big elephants, two husband and wife. There are also four small stupid elephants. When this large group of elephants comes, they all No blood relationship, how rare!"

"It's rare. I'll be scolded if I go out again! I'm not going anywhere now. I'll go to see the elephants when they come back. Now I can't interact with each other through the cage. It's meaningless. Anyway. There are also people taking care of and checking over there, so I won't join in the fun." Qi Ping selectively ignored Luo Yi's eye-opening reminder.

The plan to see elephants is not suitable for implementation at the moment, and it is better to wait until the elephants are sent back to interact with them better.

Continue to lie on the sofa and watch TV, and watch some news about the Great Barrier Reef; the Great Barrier Reef is famous, tourist attractions and so on.It's just that Qi Ping is more excited about the underwater world and ocean islands, although the forest farm is really beautiful now.But Qi Ping is still a little dissatisfied now, he is a little greedy now.

"Honey, honey, wife, goddess..." Staring at the TV, Qi Ping yelled casually, anyway, as long as Kate heard it, "Come here, let's watch some interesting documentaries. Come and watch, Oddly shaped fish."

"I'm not interested in those fish at all. I'm thinking about something now. I remember you just taught the children some basic manners, such as looking into other people's eyes and not being perfunctory when calling people. But looking at your current performance, don't I think your education will be very unconvincing? I am holding our little sweetheart now, and she will be troubled by your bad influence. "

Kate hugged Tiantian and sat on the sofa next to Qiping, teaching and beating Qiping while staring at the TV.Of course she knows that Qi Ping is obsessed with documentaries recently. Although she really doesn't like these documentaries very much, there are many things like watching TV and movies on the sofa with Qi Ping. She still remembers that the documentaries she sees now seem to be It's a bit familiar.

Kate was a little puzzled. The more she watched, the more confused she became; the more she watched, the more she felt that she should have seen this documentary and was familiar with it.

"BBC Great Barrier Reef, Episode [-]." Qi Ping talked eloquently, as if he wanted to give Kate some advice. "Look, this is a lemon shark. In fact, there are many kinds of sharks. Famous, but lemon sharks are not easy to provoke, they are fierce and sometimes attack people."

Obviously this is the lemon shark catching small fish, but in Qi Ping's introduction, it becomes the fierce temperament and some living habits of the lemon shark.This is of course not an introduction to a documentary. After all, this documentary does not introduce sharks. It simply mentions some marine life living in the Great Barrier Reef.

But besides watching documentaries these days, Qi Ping also took the initiative to check online; in fact, this guy has money in his pocket, so he doesn't care about some paid channels at all.As long as it is what he is interested in now, then Qi Ping really wants to see it.Now I feel more and more that the amount of knowledge is too narrow, and there are many things of interest, so let's continue to read.

It is a good thing to have more knowledge, and it is very necessary; if you see something interesting in a documentary, you must continue to search and expand.Maybe there will be some extensions during this expansion process, so I will continue to search for information and videos. Anyway, this is very time-consuming, because these things are really interesting and attractive.

Qi Ping felt that he had learned a lot. For example, he knew that there are many types of sharks, and some sharks are relatively gentle, while others are more fierce.He also knows a lot of whales, a lot of dolphins, and some other sea creatures that are interesting, fascinating, and fascinating anyway.

"I found some problems now. You seem to be very interested in the ocean and islands now. Could it be that you just made some investments and now you have other ideas?"

(End of this chapter)

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