Chapter 425 Island
After all, they have been married for many years, Qi Ping is so careful, and Skett seems to know something soon; look at this guy's abnormal enthusiasm for these documentaries these days, watching this guy keep checking some information and so on Yes, this is very abnormal.

Kate felt that he understood now, he knew what his husband was thinking now; even if he didn't fully grasp it, at least he knew a little bit of the situation now.

"I do have some new ideas now, but I think we may need to discuss and consider a little more now. You also know that I have never been a person who is easy to dismiss, and I have a lot of ideas now. "

"Then you tell me whether it's about investment or life. If it's about investment, then I think you can make up your own mind. But if it's more about life, I think you really want to ask us more."

Holding the cute little sweetheart, the husband and wife leaned together and chatted; maybe it was some small household matters, or it might be some business experience and the like.But speaking of it, the family now has so much wealth, if it is not to squander and lose, it is really hard to say that they will feel the pressure, because now it is the accumulation of wealth numbers, because now the family is really If you are very rich, you only need to guarantee the basic property rights of the forest farm, so you are not afraid of falling or the like.

Kate stared at Qi Ping. She felt that she had underestimated her husband after all. She felt that this restless guy was starting to have some ideas now. Maybe this unreliable guy had some strange ideas again. .

"How about we buy a private island? How about making it into a resort, an island resort, where the blue sea and sky and the privacy can be guaranteed to the greatest extent, that's great." Qi Ping expressed his thoughts, and now he is I'm thinking about getting a private island, "I'll do some small projects at that time, there is no reason why our island resort can't make money."

"I heard that the top-notch private island costs about three hundred thousand dollars a week. It seems to be David Copperfield's island. I'm excited now. The resort on the forest farm is really good, but it's not as good as the island resort. There are some differences. But there is no need to worry about conflicts between the two resorts, as these are different resorts and the way of leisure is also different.”

Qi Ping is still talking freely, and he feels that his current ideas still have very good execution ability.The prospects are good, and my planning is becoming more and more promising and wonderful.There is no way, who made him a genius, who made him have excellent skills now, so at this time, he can completely be frightened.

"Then you have to think about it. Private islands are definitely not that easy to develop. It seems that fresh water resources, even construction rights, etc. need to be considered, and wildlife protection or some other things need to be considered. I believe this matter It’s not going to be that simple, buying a private island isn’t particularly hot right now.”

Kate thought about it, and she felt that this matter still has some room for manipulation, but now it is more necessary to seriously consider this matter.

For the simple reason that this matter is really worth doing.The prospect is bright and the potential is huge, and the family's mountain resort and island resort are completely two styles, so even if the island resort is built, there is no need to worry about affecting the business of the mountain resort.

This matter must be tried; if you try more, you may discover a new project.

Now this is just a small intention, and I feel that the private island is something that can be considered.No way, the private island is tall and has considerable development potential. This is what people look forward to the most.

And I have to admit that there is such a reason, that is, the old Qi family definitely has no objection to more "real estate" and more investment.If the private island resort is on the right track, it really has great potential.

Although Qi Ping is indeed quite moved, and has discussed a lot with Kate; but this matter really cannot be decided immediately, because no matter how good the prospects are, it still requires careful planning and the like, so as to maximize on avoiding some risks.

Choosing an island is a big problem; there are many islands that can be sold in the world, but not all of them are suitable for development.Not only the location of the island should be considered, but also the size, area or height.

An island that is too small is not suitable. Although the island resort enjoys the blue sea, blue sky and white sandy beach, it can't just be the size of a palm. It should have some space for activities.Moreover, the sea level needs to be higher, and if the tide cannot rise, it will be the same as staying in a water prison.

The most important thing is that Qi Ping will definitely choose a tropical island; after all, he hopes that his private island will be full of spring flowers all year round, and he doesn't need to think about seasons and other issues at all.Since it's a private island resort, people can't stay on the island to watch the snow scene, it's more exciting to play in the water and swim.

Qi Ping put forward the most basic condition. In fact, such a condition is not high at all. Many private island owners have such requirements.It's just that this has indeed caused many islands to be labeled as unqualified, because there are only so many suitable locations.

It is only in the preliminary conception now, and it is just constantly exploring and planning; Qi Ping is not busy making a decision now, he has indeed become fascinated by some marine life and beautiful tropical islands these days.But this does not mean that he has to spend a lot of money because of this. Even if he bought a private island this time, it is also for investment.

So at this time, Qi Ping needs to think more about issues such as return on investment or risk. Now he can only consider all aspects of the problem as much as possible, so that he can ensure that his hobbies will not let him In order to ensure that he has the confidence to speak to the greatest extent, his pockets will be damaged.

Qi Ping is still thinking about it here, and asked some professionals by the way; there is no way, the rich people invest like this, just put forward an idea, but there will be a lot of professionals to help with various analysis, various investigation.As for the reason, it's not because there is a lot of money in the pocket.

Qi Ping didn't express anything more, but many people began to express; Qi Ping is going to make a big move, hurry up!
(End of this chapter)

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