Chapter 427

Arguing with Kate is just some small fun in life. For Qi Ping, the most important thing now is to take care of his family and watch the children grow up.Although he basically stays at home all year round, Qi Ping, who is in the "nest" actually does some serious things.

Buying an island is a serious matter; although Qi Ping had some uncertainties before, he really felt that this matter had not yet been written off.But now, I know everything I need to know, and I have made up my mind.

First of all, it must be a tropical island; and it is still an island for development, and there are no rare animals on the island.These conditions are just basic, because there should be a port suitable for docking ships and a beach.

Geographical location, size, topography, climatic characteristics, local culture, and ease of access from land to the island, potential for future redevelopment and legal constraints, political stability of the country where the island is located, legal issues and issues of legal ownership of the island Tax burden... Qi Ping has done a lot of things during this period, and he has checked a lot of information.

Now he is staring at Florida, the Caribbean, and Hawaii; there is no way, Qi Ping is staring at tropical islands, he does not intend to give up the beach for the mountains and rivers and pine trees, although there are millions of lakes in Canada And thousands of kilometers of coastline, so it also has more islands than other countries.

In Canada, it is not uncommon to find islands selling for a third of the price of similar islands in the United States or a tenth of the price of similar islands in the Caribbean.

But cheap is cheap, but it does not meet the requirements of being flush.

"What's your budget this time? I don't know what to do when I look at it like this. You are looking at islands with tens of millions of dollars, and you are also investigating islands with hundreds of millions of dollars. This is a bit too exaggerated, right? You won’t be able to make money right away after entering the island, and the follow-up development here is really expensive.”

I was frightened by Qi Ping. Qi Ping’s investigation was indeed scary; Qi Ping’s island purchase team is now casting a net and inspecting everywhere. As long as the big boss Qi Ping thinks it is a more suitable island, they will go Various surveys.It seems that the price is not the problem now, but the environment, hydrology and debt of the island.

"Budget, the budget is not necessarily very clear now. I will take it when I meet a suitable island. Anyway, my current money can't always be stored in the bank to depreciate. Keep it for investment, this time it is a serious investment. A handful. Take a look by the way, and if it gets too big, I’ll leave some shares for you.”

Qi Ping is cheerful, and has indeed inspected several islands in the past few days; there are actually large islands and small islands, although some islands still look good.It's just that Qi Ping didn't rush to make a decision, and even those good islands were picked by Qi Ping there.

The requirements are high, so at this time, it is natural to be picky and picky; at this time, there is nothing to say, Qi Ping must be more serious, because the investment this time seems to be a large amount, so it is necessary to be more serious.Consider all aspects, so that you can avoid some troubles in the next few things.

"Big Island, or Big Island is better. The island we bought is bigger and has more complete infrastructure. It doesn't matter if it's expensive, you get what you pay for. Tell me the truth, this time the resort is very expensive. It's not that you intend to make some small moves, to create some special features on the island, some unique skills of yours."

Luo Yi was motivated, and he came out this time just to see if there was a chance to buy a share; there was a lot of movement on Qi Ping's side, so this explained a lot of things.So if there is an opportunity, it is natural to seize it.However, we still need to know a little bit, that is to see if Qi Ping will display his signature technology 'air quality transformation' on the island.

"That must be done, otherwise I would not be willing to spend so much money. Let me tell you, don't think that the money you spend to buy the island can be exchanged for shares. This time is different, friendship belongs to friendship , Business belongs to business." Qi Ping took a sip of coconut juice, there is really no shortage of coconuts in tropical islands, "Don't disclose the purchase price to outsiders at that time, just increase it a little bit, or I won't It's good to kill people."

Luo Yi nodded straightly, of course he knew what Qi Ping meant; although he said it was a business, it still needed a little 'friendship'.Luo Yi's equity price and the like must be much cheaper; but other investors and the like, pay as much as they should pay, or even pay more!

I am still very satisfied, and even feel a little surprised; I did know some things before, knowing that Qi Ping's acquisition of Haidao may be a big deal this time, and I also feel that I may have some opportunities to invest in shares.

But there is no certainty about all of this, and all of this is actually still some guesswork.And now that you have obtained the letter of approval, you can naturally prepare for the next things.Obviously, after having the quasi-belief, the next things can start.

The amount of investment is relatively large, so not only do you need to be cautious, but you also need to prepare funds. This is a big deal.

Luo Yi can breathe a sigh of relief now, although he still doesn't know where Qi Ping is going to buy the island, or even see how Qi Ping pays attention to the island's needs.However, Luo Yi is very confident that as long as Qi Ping uses his trump card, he will definitely not be afraid of not making money, and naturally he will not have to worry about losing money.

Qi Ping needs to keep busy now, he still has a lot of islands to explore slowly; good islands are really rare, either they are not suitable for development, or the infrastructure is too poor, or even the surrounding environment Such comparisons are unsatisfactory. There are really many such things, and this is definitely not something that can be developed immediately after finding an island.

"Look, the island just now can't do it. It's surrounded by shallow water, and the water is too shallow. Not to mention that we won't be able to build a more formal pier by then, but we just want to do some water sports, diving, etc. It’s all difficult.” Qi Ping is now sighing, this time he failed to find a good island again, only helpless and frustrated, “You said how to find a better island is so difficult, I don’t know Lack of money!"

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult to find an island. The island just now is not only shallow. The key is that it is too close to the land, and the surrounding water pollution must also be considered. And I think these islands are too small to have Method development. If you do a little renovation, you will find that the land is not enough, and if you add more buildings, you will have to cut down trees and fill holes, and the cost is too high.”

So far I have not been able to find a good island, and I have inspected several islands in the previous circle after two or three days; it is a pity that none of them are satisfactory so far, so on the way back, Qi Ping and Luo Yi are not only in Tucao.Even Qi Ping began to doubt whether his island purchase team only took money and did nothing, or why could they only find so many messy islands!
Qi Ping is indeed depressed, but depression is depression, and the next thing to do is to continue to prepare to find a good island.Although he felt that the efficiency of his island purchase team was a little low, he still needed to continue to pay for them to prepare for the selection of suitable islands. Of course, the pressure also needed to be known to those people.

I knew something before that it is not easy to buy a good island; I also saw some news that many people now regret buying islands.But in fact, those islands that regret buying are of relatively low quality, and those popular islands are still quite gunners.

The island’s maintenance and maintenance costs are high, relatively speaking, supplies are insufficient, transportation is inconvenient, and there are even rare animals, all of which have shattered many people’s island dreams.There is still a gap between reality and ideals. Islands are definitely not the paradise in their dreams. They need to face various troubles such as transportation, water and electricity, and natural disasters. There are still many unknown troubles there sometimes.

But for Qi Ping, the biggest trouble is that he can't find a good island, otherwise he must be sure.It is sure to create a paradise for people to live in isolation on a small island with white sandy beaches and facing the sea.

The water is clear and the sand is young, and the shadows of the coconut grove...isn't it a pleasure, not to mention that since Qi Ping has made a move, it must be more than that, it must be extremely tall.

It's still quite depressing, I was so enthusiastic during this time, and I ran out so diligently to investigate; but the result was good, I ran out with high spirits, and ended up walking back in despair.There is no interest at all, only shock, disappointment, and a lot of headaches left.

Still not in a hurry, Qi Ping now knows that buying islands is actually more particular than buying forest farms and pastures, because islands have higher requirements and are actually more difficult to develop.

It’s better not to worry now, anyway, I’ve already gone out to experience it and raised my posture; so at this time, I should keep a low profile, and don’t bluff and think that everything can be done after spending money, but it’s actually not that simple.

It’s better to go home and take care of the children. Anyway, there’s no rush to buy an island. It’s better to take your time and enjoy a leisurely and nourishing life.As for when you can buy a small island, it should always be when the time is ripe and you will meet a suitable small island.

All in all, it's all about not being in a hurry, and some things can't be rushed.

(End of this chapter)

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