America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 428 Treasure Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 428 Treasure Hunting in the Mountains
"Dad, come back quickly. We're going to catch mushrooms, and we're all waiting for you now!" Xiaoyao's voice came over, and this kid had a hot-tempered personality, very anxious.

Qi Ping hurriedly packed up. Taking the children into the mountains has never been easy, and it really needs to be more comprehensively prepared.He is packing and checking now, and he hopes that he can take better care of his family.

"Xiaoyao, do you want to help Dad? I think you should take the medical kit now. You should not just protect your younger siblings from getting hurt. You also need to consider more distant and comprehensive." Qi Ping wanted to be happy Learn to take more responsibility, he hopes this good guy will become more and more sensible.

"Okay then." Xiaoyao obediently picked up the small medical kit, but the little guy is still a little dissatisfied now, "Dad, can I help you get a gun? I like hunting, take me to hunt, I want to defeat Big Bad Wolf."

"I'll think about it again, but it's definitely not now. We are going to pick mushrooms and dig bamboo shoots today. For our dinner, we need to work harder now." Qi Ping is still very clear, and there are still things that need to be done at these times Do your part, and you can't desert yourself now, "You can't carry Dad's shotgun now, but I can consider asking you to help me keep a pistol."

Xiaoyao was elated, he actually liked those guns too.When I was young, the little guy might just be more interested in toys, but as he grows up, the little guy now has more and more boys' hobbies.

Horseback riding, driving, and hunting are all games that Xiaoyao has become more and more interested in, and he now enjoys some outdoor activities more and more.Of course, he actually has quite a few toys, but these are absolutely non-conflicting.

"Lele, don't steal caviar. Do you know it's unfair? My brother and sister didn't eat caviar, but you are the only one here to steal it." Pinching the fat son's chubby face, this Snacks are now caught in a battle with food again, "You should know that you can only eat caviar when you are eating, and you can't secretly open the refrigerator."

"But my mother forbids me to eat candy and chocolate again, and I'm hungry again. I want to be full now, so that my little stomach won't be hungry, and I can pick mushrooms." The little guy is plausible, but Without letting go of the action at hand, another large spoonful of caviar was stuffed into his mouth.

Qi Ping, dumbfounded, pushed the fat son away, and the most important thing was to snatch the caviar from the fat son.It's not that Qi Ping is distressed, caviar is indeed expensive, but Qi Ping is not short of money.Lele eats caviar like this, and he stuffs it into his mouth spoonful by spoonful like ice cream or jelly. Qi Ping thinks it's not stressful, at most it's just replenishment, and there is no financial pressure.

It's just that it can't be to let the little guy eat without restraint. Qi Ping is still a little worried that the kids will become real little fat people if they eat it.Although the children are not counted as real fat people now, the little ones are still in good shape; it's just that they are flush enough to guarantee that if these snacks are opened to eat, they will definitely appear as big fat people one by one.

"Is there any mistake? Xiaoyao is only so young now, you just let him play with guns." The mother was very annoyed, seeing the pistol pinned to the waist of the eldest grandson, she was very annoyed; "Your gun is for Xiaoyao It's not safe, he usually likes to play around, if there is any danger, it's not good."

"Mom, don't worry. The insurance of my gun is very reliable, and there is no danger. And there is no bullet in the gun, I must know that, I am so unreliable." Qi Ping shouted wronged, he is indeed Let Xiaoyao carry a pistol on his back, but it was only a relatively light pistol with no bullets.

"Of course I know that there are no bullets in the gun. I have seen it. The key is that I heard Xiaoyao say that you are going to take him to hunt, right? How old is he! You are too. You are completely raising our Xiaoyao like a cowboy. Let's learn to hunt at a young age." Well, it seems that this is the reason why my mother is angry, as long as she thinks of her fat grandson going hunting at a young age, she will feel uncomfortable.

As for playing with guns at a young age, this is really not that rare; in fact, many American children play with guns and hunt when they are less than ten years old. To play with guns at this age, only adults are required Taking care of it on the side is actually almost the same, there is not so much to worry about.

So Qi Ping just smiled, being criticized by his mother too many times, which also led to the continuous improvement of Qi Ping's current resistance.This small criticism is completely acceptable, and it will not make him feel frustrated or need to correct himself, because he does not feel that he has made a mistake at all.

He came out wobbly, and saw Kate sitting on the sofa, teaching his fat son how to know about guns; Lele and Yoyo were also poking around, but they were not good students, and they were completely absent-minded.Xiaoyao is more reliable, who made him interested in hunting now.

"Sister, goodbye. Don't miss me, you are still too young, you can only stay at home." Yoyo kissed her sister, and then put on her sun hat and was ready to go, "We are going to pick mushrooms, sister goodbye!"

The cute little sweetheart can't go with her now, she is still too young, so now the little girl can only stay at home with her grandparents.So even if the little girl stretched out her little hands to grab and grab, even though the little girl was babbling and didn't know what to say; but everyone could see that the little girl wanted to go out and play.

"Mom, Dongfeng hasn't come home yet? I can't even find it, so how do we pick mushrooms? Pooh likes to be lazy the most, and he doesn't even help us find mushrooms."

Xiaohuachao Youyou and her mother started chatting, and now they are discussing the topic of picking mushrooms.By the way, I still hope to bring my good partner with me. I have prepared a lot of small baskets. If Dongfeng is not around, how can I pick mushrooms.

In fact, the mushrooms you mentioned are truffles. Although many people think that Italian white truffles and French black truffles are the best truffles in the world, they actually grow well in the United States.

This stuff is very picky about the growth environment, as long as there is a slight change in sunlight, water, or soil pH, it will not grow. It is the only delicacy in the world that cannot be planted neatly and orderly.Truffles mainly grow under oak, hazel, beech and lime trees, because truffles cannot photosynthesize and cannot survive on their own, and must rely on a symbiotic relationship with certain tree roots for nutrients.

Finding truffles is not an easy task because many of them are buried in the ground.In France, people are accustomed to using sows as the right-hand man to harvest black truffles, while in Italy, there are also some hounds that are trained to find buried truffles because of their keen sense of smell.

In fact, the fact that there are truffles in the forest farm is really an unexpected harvest. Qi Ping knew that there were mushrooms here before, but truffles are indeed a bit tall. He also knows that there are some white truffles in Oregon. European truffles are different, being milder and more crunchy.

But when one day the security director of the forest farm, Kent Reese, surprised to find a large truffle with the help of Dongfeng, not to mention Qi Ping was dumbfounded, the whole family was dumbfounded.

My family is no stranger to delicious truffles; now my forest farm actually produces truffles, which of course makes me proud and happy.I also feel that this is a godsend opportunity. There are a lot of snacks in the family. If the forest farm produces truffles, the living expenses of the family will be reduced a lot in the future.

And it must be admitted that the environment of the forest farm is so good, and it also produces truffles; then there is no reason not to improve the quality, and the products of the fairyland forest farm must be the best.Not only Qi Ping and Kate firmly believe in this concept, but the children now have this awareness that the things at home are the best.

Going out to find truffles is one of the main activities of the family during this period; as long as the children arrive at the weekend, they will go to the mountains together to find truffles.

As for the usual times, Qi Ping and Kate are also staring at this matter; not only for more delicious food on the dinner table at home, but also for business.Now they need to know the output, taste and quality of the truffles at the forest farm. If the output can keep up and the quality is excellent, then it must be another high-profile product of the forest farm.

Truffles have always been a luxury item, and the price is extremely high.Qi Ping also thinks that the truffles produced by himself may not be the top truffles, but they are not far behind; anyway, in the high-end market, the truffles from Fairyland Forest Farm can also have a place.

The quality is good and with the name of Fairyland Forest Farm, there is no reason why it should not be popular.

As for looking for truffles, this is technical work; it is very troublesome to train sows to find truffles like the French, let Dongfeng play a role, it is very smart and powerful, and it is absolutely no problem to bring other small partners to find truffles.

As for Pooh and Baby Bear, their sense of smell is actually more developed than that of hunting dogs; but these guys are impatient, and they are in a state of having fun when they go into the mountains, and it is no problem to find two truffles.

But expect them to help find truffles all the time, then they will definitely go crazy; at that time, they will hit trees and crush bushes. This is a demonstration and protest. Those that are more exciting and rough can't be technical work anyway.

The same thing also includes King Kong; when you enter the mountain, you should act wildly, instead of doing something 'without technical content', which is too inferior!

(End of this chapter)

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