America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 429 The Importance of a Partner

Chapter 429 The Importance of a Partner

A large number of people, this is a strong army; this is not like going into the mountains to 'pick mushrooms', it is more like going into the mountains to fight bandits.Just look at the two bears that seem to be opening the way, running majesticly, whoever sees it will be scared to death.

"King Kong, we are going to charge! Pooh and Baby Bear have run far away, we are going to be left behind!" Xiaoyao and Lele were a little anxious. They have been to the mountains for countless times, and they are familiar with each other. Will be afraid, "We can't run slowly, or they will eat up all the delicious food."

Xiaoyao and Lele urged King Kong to speed up too, but they saw King Kong happily hammering his chest twice; he landed on all fours and started to run, leaving only two little kids yelling behind him.

It was these two brothers who made King Kong run faster, and now they are yelling and telling King Kong to wait for them; the brats are really difficult to serve, because they change their minds too easily, and they are not reliable at all.

Seeing the two brats running happily ahead, Qi Ping wasn't worried at all; he and Kate held Yoyo's little hands, and were happily listening to the beautiful little princess chirping.By the way, I also need to perfunctory Liang Shanbo and his family who followed up the mountain. Anyway, there were laughter and laughter along the way.

Liang Shanbo's noise is very troublesome, and for some reason it has recalled some past events in the past two days.As long as it enters the mountain now, it is recalling its past glory.For example, he once beat a huge black bird and drove it away... In fact, there are too many such great achievements, and Liang Shanbo just picked out the one he is most proud of.

It's just that Qi Ping gradually felt that something was wrong. According to what Liang Shanbo said, it is estimated that this happened several years ago.The most important thing is that it didn't seem that Liang Shanbo beat the big black bird violently at that time, but Liang Shanbo was beaten violently, and even Zhu Yingtai was also beaten up.

Thinking about it, it's enough to make my heart suffocate, this little boy who didn't live up to expectations really healed his scars and forgot the pain; his nose was bruised and his face was swollen and he had to go home to rescue soldiers, but now he is shamelessly bragging about his strength everywhere.The most important thing is that this stinky parrot that can only pick peaches took all the credit for driving away the Andean condor. .

"Liang Shanbo, hurry up and play the game!" Qi Ping couldn't listen anymore, and Kate gradually realized that she was giggling; only Yoyo was still confused, not knowing what her parents were laughing at. "Hurry up and help me catch a big bird, and we'll roast it tonight."

"Fat bird, chicken wings, chicken thighs!" Liang Shanbo began to shout at the top of his voice. This is a typical type of thunder that never rains.

According to its calling, the birds in the whole forest know it.The most important thing is that Liangshanbo is also a sharp mouth, it can't catch birds at all.So seeing this guy flying out with his wife and children, Qi Ping almost knew what the result would be.

Not surprisingly, this group of parrots will fly back soon; either they did not see any wild birds or the like, or they were calling for rescuers.It is the most unreliable thing to expect them to hunt.

"Dad, hurry up! The little bear found the treasure, and it found the mushroom!" The kid Xiaoyao appeared again, and the work to open the way ahead has been completed, "Hurry up and give me the small shovel, I promised grandma Bring back a lot of mushrooms, I am the most powerful Xiaoyao!"

Qi Ping and Kate looked at each other, and they suddenly felt that either Xiaoyao had brought Liang Shanbo down, or Liang Shanbo had taught Xiaoyao to be bad.Looking at Xiaoyao's posture, it is very likely that he is the type who has taken all the credit away, and it seems that he is definitely the type with peace of mind.

Xiaoyao ran away with a small toolbox, and now he is going to dig 'mushrooms'.It's really hard to expect to teach children, these little brats are so stubborn that they insist that truffles are mushrooms.So mushrooms are mushrooms, anyway, they look similar, anyway, they are all fungi.

Baby Bear, this little sloth bear, is really capable. Whoever makes him smell the smell of truffles at ordinary times, whoever makes him have a keen sense of smell by nature.As for finding truffles, there is actually no problem for Baby Bear or Winnie; it's just that this kid is often impatient, and he just likes to find two truffles to get praise.

Seeing Xiaoyao and Lele digging the mud hard with their buttocks pouted, Qi Ping's task now is to watch from the sidelines; he is still very confident in the abilities of the fat sons, and there is no doubt that the little ones will still be fine Dig out the truffles without damage.

The little ones proudly started to show off the truffles they dug up, which were about the size of a big finger; there was no way, when there were many truffles, they were just such a small piece, not so big.Even these freshly dug truffles will taste a little weird, but it's ok, delicious.

"Dad, hurry up and wash the mushrooms. We are going to eat mushrooms. I know mom has brought a bottle of olive oil. We are going to eat these mushrooms." Lele really deserves the title of snack food, and she just dug it out As for the truffles, I am thinking about eating them now.

"Then there is only this little mushroom now, but what should we do with so many people?" Qi Ping asked while washing the truffles. The mushrooms were dug out with the help of Baby Bear, tell me how to distribute them."

"Then, let's eat it for my sister and mother first. Lady first, I know." Although the little eyes are staring at the 'mushroom', Lele is still 'hard-spoken', the little guy is actually very smart, "Then let's wait You have to pick a lot of devils next time, and then you will eat the baby bear, then me and my brother, and finally dad!"

Qi Ping rolled his eyes and didn't know what to say. The little guy still knows that it is a good thing for women to be first.As for the children's ranking of Dad last again, this is actually quite normal; who made Dad an adult, and Dad is a man.This kind of treatment is normal and understandable, and there is nothing to protest about.

So at this time, Qi Ping watched Kate with envy and hatred to taste the delicious truffles first. At this time, there is no need to be modest, because this is the demeanor displayed by gentlemen, so the ladies naturally feel at ease enjoy the treatment they deserve.

But I also need to give a good compliment to the two little gentlemen. Their performance is really outstanding, and the truffles they dug up are really delicious, making people feel like eating another one!
Xiaoyao and Lele became energetic in an instant, pestering Pooh and Baby Bear to let them continue to help find 'mushrooms'; coquettish, negotiating, bribery and cheating... These methods are easy and enjoyable to play, as long as Pooh and the others are willing to go It would be nice to help find more mushrooms, which is all the wishes of the little ones now.

Baby Bear and Winnie ran away wobbly, and as for whether they were working or not, only they knew.Anyway, Qi Ping is very clear that these two lazy guys are more active in eating than anyone else, but in terms of work; in fact, they are not necessarily lazy in everything, but sometimes they will definitely work without exerting effort.

Qi Ping's current task is to continue to take his family to walk slowly in the mountains. Although there may be a good harvest in this woodland, there may be a good truffle 'reserve' here, but it is obvious that Qi Ping needs Just be patient, because truffles are never that easy to find.

As expected, Baby Bear and Winnie are now wandering about doing foreign work, and they are obviously doing their jobs without putting in effort.Sniff under this tree, rub against that tree; maybe roll over, and lie down a little to express 'concentration'.

These two unreliable guys make people feel very helpless, but Qi Ping has no way to force them to work.In fact, even if they are urged, it will be useless, because it is too normal for them to do foreign work, and they are very accomplished in laziness, and no one can accuse them of doing something.

Dongfeng is more reliable, it is now working conscientiously, sniffing and searching everywhere.Maybe it doesn't have the best sense of smell, but he is definitely the hardest-working and most down-to-earth one, at least not as capable as Pooh and others, but also a bum.

The children are now in charge of full-time services, Xiaoyao follows Pooh, Yoyo follows Dongfeng, Lele is naturally in charge of Baby Bear; the children are now running around with their good partners, this is also for the division of labor and cooperation, and to improve the efficiency of picking mushrooms.

"Dad, Dongfeng found mushrooms." Yoyo was happy, and happily ran towards Dongfeng with her small bucket. "I'm going to find mushrooms now, Dongfeng and I are the best."

Well, Yoyo has indeed found the truffle now, so the little girl happily dug out the truffle and showed it off everywhere like offering a treasure.It's just that Dongfeng is the only one who can find truffles now, because it won't be lazy if it is down-to-earth and willing to work, and it has always been a typical example of diligence.

Qi Ping is now running around with his baby girl, because Dongfeng can find more truffles; as for Xiaoyao and Lele, they obviously found the wrong partner, and they have no chance to find better truffles now.

So at this time, Qi Ping naturally only needs to take care of Yoyo, because Xiaoyao and Lele are about to fall asleep now, and their good partners are lying in the shade of the trees and getting ready to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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