America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 430 Who is right and who is wrong

Chapter 430 Who is right and who is wrong
Digging truffles is really interesting. The little ones are of course very interested in going to the mountains, and the little ones can also play games and eat snacks, so playing games in the mountains is really interesting.Whether it is to pick mushrooms or go camping, children like it very much.

Get some truffles, and it'll be complete; the kids will be happy, and the adults will think they've had enough fun hanging out together this time, and that's enough.

"You just don't care about anything as soon as you go home, and you don't even think about how many things you have to do now. Look, your private island resort is still not a word, and our wildlife sanctuary is here It is also a drastic move now, you still have to pay more attention to your work now, don't just think about eating, drinking and having fun."

Luo Yi is a typical emperor who is not in a hurry for eunuchs. He is urging Qi Ping to go to work quickly, instead of always thinking about enjoying the leisurely life at home.

There are still a lot of things to do now, and there are still many projects that are just getting started.But at this time, Qi Ping is still enjoying a pleasant little life at home slowly. Such a 'non-professional' attitude really makes people feel quite speechless. This guy is a jerk to a certain extent. .

"I really don't have to worry about so many things now. Someone is taking care of the island purchase. It can't be said that I should call or investigate one by one. Besides, I don't want to go to the reserve now. Those small The animals just came here, and they haven’t adapted to the life here, and they can’t play games; it’s almost like going to the zoo, it’s not interesting at all.”

Qi Ping still didn't want to go out, because he didn't think he needed to be serious now.It's all about someone who can help him with these things, and even those people who handle those things will be more professional and reliable.At this time, we ran over, in fact, it was the type of pointing fingers and doing a disservice.

So I still don't go, and it's useless to go.Qi Ping knew his strengths, so he never intervened in those professional matters. He didn't want to end up with the reputation of a layman who likes to guide experts. It would be really embarrassing.

"I've convinced you, you are really comfortable as a hands-off shopkeeper. If Bill Gates and the others were like you, I don't think they will be the richest man. Those big presidents and big CEOs don't necessarily know everything. But people are willing to manage it. You are good, you just want to retire at a young age, do you have any ambitions!"

"No, I'm not self-motivated. I haven't retired yet. If I retire, I really don't care about anything!"

Qi Ping's words made Luo Yi choke heavily, and he had never seen such a shameless person; now, at the age of Thirty Lang, he is at the peak of his career.And now with such a good foundation and such a good opportunity, I would feel sorry for myself if I didn't work hard; but it's good to be here in Qiping, and I always think it's easy to sneak around and play tricks.

This is really shameless, but after thinking about it, I really can't say anything.Although Qi Ping is lazy all day long, he has created wealth that is hard for almost everyone to achieve.Qi Ping is indeed a hands-off shopkeeper, but the property under his hands is taken care of, and he has always performed very well.

If you want a career, you have a career, and if you want wealth, you have wealth; and this person is idle all day long. This is not to say that the second generation of rich and second generations of officials, this is completely self-made wealth.

Thinking about it, it's really psychologically unbalanced. No matter how you look at it, Qi Ping is a winner in life.Rich and powerful, and has a beautiful wife, lovely children, and parents who have been helping to take care of the family.

The most important thing is that he has never known what it means to be tired, and he has always lived a relaxed and comfortable life; riding a horse, walking the dog, and driving a helicopter around the forest farm.Qi Ping, such as the flying eagle and running dogs, is not difficult for Qi Ping. He teases the parrot all day long, and there are a few extremely loyal hounds who work hard to help him guard the house.

When it comes to hunting, it’s not about leading the yellow and catching the green, but the big black bears and chimpanzees rushing in front; hunting is a technical job, and Qi Ping and his friends can just complete a violent scene.Hunting should be more wild; biting with teeth and pawing with claws is much more interesting than shooting down with one shot.

Seeing Qi Ping lying on the sofa as if he was cramp again, watching him teasing Romeo and Juliet; Luo Yi thinks it is better to let nature take its course now, Qi Ping’s current personality is definitely impossible to change up.The most important thing is that Qiping's industry must have a psychological plan, so don't point and point here.

"Sweetheart, come and give me a hug!" Kate hugged Tian Tian, ​​who was wearing a little princess dress, and the girl woke up, "Come and show Dad, look at our little sweetheart's cute braids."

Tiantian stretched out her little hand happily, the little girl was very energetic when she woke up, unlike some children who just woke up listless and needed to take a break.The little girl stretched out her little hand and squirmed restlessly in Kate's arms. This was another tough, mischievous little guy.

Qi Ping was chatting with his cute little daughter in his arms, kissed the little girl's little hand, and chatted with this little girl who only knew how to babble. We had a great time chatting.

"Our little sweetheart has only shaved her head once, when she was just born. But look, her hair is not thick at all, and it is not long at all. It is difficult for me to make a beautiful braid for her. Now I can only make such a cute little braid." Kate said with some regret after touching her cute little daughter.

"But I think the little girl seems to like her braids very much. This is her new hairstyle, and I started to like it. I can guarantee that you will take Yoyo and our little sweetheart to form a shopping trio in the future, You are all equally beautiful." Seeing the little girl babbling in front of the mirror, Qi Ping was really amused.

Qi Ping teased that Kate took everything she ordered, and she never thought that being ugly was a bad thing.Kate likes beautiful clothes, cosmetics, and jewelry. She likes to take her children to go shopping with her mother-in-law.

This is nature and cannot be stopped.

Even this kind of nature has been well inherited. Like their father, the two sons are willing to go shopping sometimes; but they have never had much patience, and even if they go shopping, they need to say in advance what they want. Anyway, I never choose slowly.For the old men at home, shopping needs to be purposeful and purposeful.

As for Kate, she has successfully made her daughters like shopping; needless to say, Yoyo has the potential to be a shopaholic at a young age.And this little girl is sometimes squeamish, but as long as she goes shopping, she can really not cry all day. Qi Ping even sometimes wonders if the girl is born to be a shopaholic.

Kate's current task is to make her little daughter a shopaholic. The little girl is not interested in shopping and the like, anyway, as long as she goes out to play.But the little girl likes beautiful skirts and new clothes; but no, even with a new hairstyle, she lies in front of the mirror and keeps looking, as if she is fascinated by the beautiful little princess in the mirror. fall down.

Looking at the cute appearance of the little daughter, Qi Ping and Kate both laughed; it is because of these cute children that the family is more complete and there are more laughter in the family.Even if these cute little guys are mischievous sometimes, even if they sometimes make people feel headaches; in fact, these cute little guys are the soul and core of the family.

Chipping and Kate never hide their love and importance for children, they always think that children will make their lives more sunny and happy.In fact, this is the case, these pistachios make the house lively all day long; although sometimes it will be crazy, but most of the time it is still laughter.

Let the little girl crawl on the carpet by herself, this little girl can already crawl around, so there is no need to worry too much.Not only because King Kong is taking care of it, but also Romeo with a loud voice, they are super microphones if something happens.

"Did someone start urging you to go to work again?" Kate asked curiously while the child was playing by herself, "I heard some voices just now, it seems to be Luo. I think he must be urging you to go to work, he Same with Steve, never liked seeing you at home. They always do, and when they prefer to work instead of being at home, then expect you to do the same."

"That's right, that's right! They are such people, selfish, selfish..." It's not just a woman's patent to say bad things behind their backs, Qi Ping also likes it very much, especially when he looks unhappy, "They can't stay at home. It's elation to be out there. I don't think they're in the right place, they're neglecting their families so much."

Well, Qi Ping and Kate are obvious, and they are slandering Luo Yi; the concept is different, Qi Ping puts family as the core and career in the secondary position.But in Luo Yi's view, Qi Ping is completely a housewife, he is just running a family; as for his career, he has no idea where he ranks.

This is a difference in concept, but there is no way to correct it.As for who is right and who is wrong, there is no need, because no one is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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