America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 431 Going to the Ranch

Chapter 431 Going to the Ranch
Qi Ping took the little naughty guys out to play together, on the tall and mighty F650.Xiaoyao and Lele happily sat cross-legged on the back seat, the chair was too big, they chatted and played with small toys.As for Kate, she and Yoyo are taking care of the little sweetheart who is babbling and learning to talk.

Pooh and King Kong are already very familiar with this big car. This big car allows them to lie in the car very comfortably; take a nap and squint for a while, isn't it just outside.

"Dad, are we going to ride a bull? I like calves the most, and I want to knock them down. I'm a cowboy, and I'm going to participate in a bull riding competition." Both Xiaoyao and Lele were in high spirits. They are looking forward to going to the ranch to play games. "Dad, you are the best, can you ride a bull?"

"No, I can't ride a cow. Riding a cow is too dangerous, and those cows in our family are beef cattle, they can't actually ride, they are cute, we can't bully them." Don't think about it, and don't care if you are It's not the status in the children's minds anymore, and they directly deny it.

Flush is a little stressful, and he thinks it's a good thing that his precious kids love the great outdoors.It's just that kids just love the thrill of the outdoors, and that's what can really feel a little stressful.

Xiaoyao and Lele are still thinking about the bull riding. The little guys have really watched these games a lot these days.These competitions are really popular in the United States, such as some traditional rodeos in Texas, and the best bullriders in North America gather in Oklahoma City every year, where the bull riding competition is the highest.

In the United States, the bull riding competition is a very popular sport, which requires not only superb skills, but also superhuman courage and tenacious will.The cows in the bull riding competition are neither given medicine nor trained, but are kept free-range for a long time, kept from seeing people, and cultivated wild. No one has ever ridden them.Once someone rides on its back, the cow's temper will explode and the degree of rage can be imagined.

As for these games, don't they just look at the mania of the bull and how it can throw the cowboy off in a few seconds. Of course, the more advanced judging standard now is to look at the performance of the cowboy and the bull.For example, the control of the cowboy, the swing and bump of the bull, etc. These things are actually really difficult and exciting!

Kate was teasing the children with a smile. She teased the children and asked the fat boys if they had the confidence to hold on to the bull's back for eight seconds without falling off. She wanted to see if the children had the courage to subdue the bull.

Of course I have confidence, the children are full of confidence.

Xiaoyao and Lele are shouting that they can both ride bears.Pooh and Baby Bear are much stronger than those big bulls, so Xiaoyao and Lele now have absolute confidence.The bull riding competition is just sitting on the back of the bull for eight seconds, and the little guys must think they can beat the bull, they are the best.

The fussy kids are full of self-confidence now, they belong to the superheroes, there is nothing they can't do.As long as they are willing, then they can be Spider-Man, Captain America, or even Superman in red pants; as for carrying a rake and a stick, then it is the combination of the second senior brother and the first senior brother... full of imagination In this world, there is nothing that children cannot do.

When I arrived at the ranch, I saw King Kong and Pooh running around happily; but these guys are more reliable, knowing that they can't rush into the cows, and they don't even get too close to the cows.

No way, although these cows are relatively gentle, it doesn't mean they don't have a temper.Seeing big black bears and chimpanzees, these cows will definitely panic and fear.

In fact, once these cattle blow up the herd, it is a very dangerous thing; don't talk about the big black bear, it is estimated that the bull devil will not be able to bear it.Tens of thousands of bulls galloping, the formation of fire bulls...isn't that the reason.

After running the ranch for a while, Qi Ping actually knew something.For example, these free-range cattle are definitely better than captive fattened cattle; for example, although cattle need exercise to grow better, those who rely on helicopters to drive cattle are not good. The cattle walk fast and are nervous. The meat is rough...

We're not really reliable ranchers, but that doesn't mean we don't know anything about ranch management.Now Qi Ping just understands a little bit. Anyway, as a boss, he still needs to guide the overall situation.As for doing everything by himself, Qi Ping didn't want to do it anyway.

"Xiaoyao, you and Lele pay attention. Don't run to the cows with Pooh and the others. You are all heroes. If you pass by, you will scare the cows. We eat a lot of beef every day. If Spook them, and we won't have much beef to eat in the future."

Qi Ping was thinking not to frighten those precious cows, and fairy cows are real treasures; although they have been developed for several years, their overall base is still not large enough, or not enough.Therefore, each of these fairy cows is a baby bump. In addition to selecting the right breeding cows, you also need to pay attention to selecting more suitable ones and sending them to the slaughterhouse...

Whether it is running a ranch or a forest farm, in fact these are not simple things; although Qi Ping really likes to be lazy, he really doesn't like naivety very much.But he is very clear and understands that he will encounter a lot of troubles in order to develop the industry under his hands, but these difficulties can be solved very well; because the boss Qi Ping is rich, the quality of his products Very reliable.

Xiaoyao and Lele don't care about this, the two brats ran away happily; their task now is to scare the calves, although there is no way to scare the big bulls, but the calves must be fine of.

Pranks and naughty tricks are what Qi Ping's two fat sons love to do most.In fact, they were innocent and cute at first, but when they met King Kong and Pooh, two mischievous villains, it was impossible for them to like to play pranks.

Let the kids mess it up, Chip and Kate never asked the kids to be personable or anything like that.The kids love the outdoors and are sporty boys, which is something Flush and Kate would love to see.

Boys don't necessarily need to be a good boy, a nerd, and sometimes behave wildly, which is not a bad thing.Who made them boys, who made these little guys tall, rich and handsome in the future.

"Mom, my elder brother and younger brother are really disgusting. They only know how to bully calves. Those calves are very cute, but my elder brother and younger brother only know how to scare calves with Pooh and King Kong. Pooh and King Kong are very cute, but Brother and younger brother can't, they are all big kids, they should be sensible, they can't teach King Kong and Pooh bad."

Yoyo started to hunt down her brother and younger brother again, because her older brother and younger brother are so bad and hateful, they can only be mischievous, and they always do some annoying things.

Those cute calves were eating pasture, but King Kong and Pooh yelled and frightened them; seeing the calves running around in fright, the elder brother and younger brother were still laughing there, and they also took King Kong and Pooh ran over and continued to frighten the frightened calves.

Qi Ping and Kate really didn't know what to say, and the two boys Xiaoyao and Lele really got off their feet.It was originally agreed not to scare the calf, but the children were so crazy that they forgot everything.Let's scare those calves first. As for whether they will be criticized or not, the children can't remember now.

Take the children to play wildly on the ranch, because the ranch and the forest farm have different styles, and you will get some different fun here.

The scenery of the forest farm is more beautiful and pleasant. It looks like a fairy tale world of birds singing and flowers fragrant.Although the area of ​​the forest farm is large, there are dense forests, large lawns and the beautiful Muse Lake.The resorts, horse farms and tennis courts there are all enjoyable, and the scenery there makes people reluctant to leave.

As for the pasture, in fact, the scenery of the pasture is not bad, and there is also a lot of grass here; but there is a big difference between pasture grass and lawn grass, pasture grass is actually more 'rough' and 'wild'.Here, the endless view makes people feel broad-minded; and it is a kind of enjoyment to watch groups of cattle leisurely flicking their tails and eating pasture.

Xiaoyao and Lele followed their parents obediently, with their heads lowered one by one; they had just been criticized and couldn't scare the calf.Not because Mom and Dad love the cows, but because they are worried about the danger those calves will pose.

Although Xiaoyao and Lele still don't understand the situation, they really don't know why they might be trampled by cute calves under the protection of King Kong and Pooh.

But the little guys really don't know why such a thing happened, but the little guys are still very obedient.The little ones followed their parents and ran around obediently, rolling on the grass, running with Pooh, and wrestling with King Kong...

The children really had a great time, so Qi Ping and Kate felt very happy and satisfied.For them, taking the children to the ranch to play games is not just to make the children feel happy and happy.Now the children are lively and lovely, running carefree and cheerfully on the vibrant pasture, which makes people feel very happy.

If you have fun, Qi Ping and Kate will feel extremely happy.It's just that when Qi Ping is busy enjoying these beautiful days with his children, Qi Ping will not forget his work.

Work is actually very important, but Qi Ping seems to enjoy life more.

(End of this chapter)

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