America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 432 Invitation from the Top Rich Man

Chapter 432 Invitation from the Top Rich Man

Qi Ping started off on a dime-pitty way, going straight to the Caribbean Sea; the small islands of the Bahamas are actually not bad, the political situation here is relatively stable and the tourism industry and economy are relatively developed.

The famous Caribbean Sea, this is a resort; besides, I live by the Pacific Ocean, so it is only natural for me to go to the Atlantic Ocean to do my best and enjoy the "exotic style" by the way.

It's just that Qi Ping is a little unhappy now, and also frowns a little.

Although he usually doesn't come out often, but basically as long as he goes a little far, he must use his family's private jet to travel.But this time there was a problem, the private jet was not easy to stop.Without a ready-made airport, such a jet plane will definitely not be able to stop, even if it is only a relatively small business jet.

So now there are only two options, one is by boat and the other is by seaplane.

This is really a choice. Anyway, it is relatively close. It is better to go there by boat. By the way, let's take a look at the sea water quality here.Since it is an island on the sea, blue sea, blue sky and white sandy beach are definitely needed. No one likes the yellow and turbid sea water.

This time, Qiping chose the vicinity of Harbor Island in the north of Grand Bahama Island; of course, Qiping can’t buy Big Harbor Island. Known as the only pink sand beach, this is worth the money.

It's just that Wheel Island, Chub Reef, and the like below Great Harbor Island are pretty good.Although it is relatively narrow, it is also very good.The long and narrow is the best explanation. Although the width of these islands may only be a few hundred or a few kilometers, the length can even reach three to five kilometers.

This time I mainly came here to see the environment of the island. As for the residents on the island or the development restrictions on the island, these are not things that Qi Ping needs to worry about.Anyway, he is a moderately rich man, and he does have some money in his pocket. Naturally, there is a professional team to help him take care of these things.

In fact, Qi Ping also knows that there are indeed very few aborigines on these islands; because such islands have nothing but beaches.There is indeed some pressure on such an island to survive here, because the living supplies are completely in need of supplies.

But for Qiping who is engaged in island tourism, such an island is completely acceptable.Isn't a high-end island resort just a luxury, and supplies are normal.Moreover, this island is not too far away from Nassau and Grand Bahama Island, so the pressure of supplies and the like is actually not that great.

Qiping is basically satisfied with the environment here, which is good and has good development potential.The price also needs to be considered, but fortunately, the price of such an island will not be very high.

Come and go in a hurry, Qi Ping is basically quite satisfied; but you can't be too eager, because there are not few good islands, and there are more people who want to cooperate with Qi Ping.

Requirements still have to be mentioned, for example, the aborigines on the island must leave, this cannot be considered, there is no doubt about it.

Qi Ping doesn't care if those people leave their hometowns, because they will definitely be compensated; but legally, these procedures must be followed to ensure that this is Qi Ping's private island with absolute privacy.

If you think about it, you know, if the top resorts here are open; then the tourists who come here must be either rich or expensive, and the quality of service is one thing to keep up with, and they certainly don't want some messy people to take pictures or feel that they are security is threatened.

It is also necessary to consider that the tourists who can reach the island all have a certain status and wealth, and the people they make friends with must be either rich or expensive.How bad it would be for a few fishermen and natives to come.

No way, Qi Ping is a capitalist; capitalists often consider interests, rather than those so-called morals.Let's look at the actual situation, anyway, what Qi Ping needs now is to guarantee his own interests; as for the others, let's talk about it!
"Would you like to come back first? I have received some news from my side. You seem to be a big shot now. You have come into contact with top rich people." The phone rang, and it was Luo Yi's call; of course, Stephen was also indispensable. Noisy, this is a real friend and a reliable partner.

"I have just arrived here, and I have just finished inspecting the island. You are urging me to go back again, isn't it a bit too careless?" Qi Ping's complaints are not unreasonable, although he came here this time mainly It's an investigation, but it doesn't mean you can't take a break and look at the scenery, "I'm doing something here, and you are urging me. Is there anything that I can't turn around without me?"

"It's true that you can't transfer without leaving. Have you heard of Hawaii? It is said that including the main island of Oahu, there are more than 100 small islands and 8 large islands. The climate is mild and pleasant all year round, and it has a uniquely beautiful environment. , with beautiful scenery and charming beaches, is selected as the best tourist destination by the world tourism industry every year. The legendary Honolulu, Pearl Harbor, and the legendary diving and surfing are all famous.”

Luo Yi's loudness is a headache, so Qi Ping will not be polite; it is better to just scold directly, of course I have heard of Hawaii, but Hawaii has nothing to do with us.

"You really can't do it if you don't come back now. Who told you that you have some special technologies now. You have heard of Oracle, it is the database software company. His big boss wants to talk to you about cooperation now." , this is worth 500 billion U.S. dollars, madmen and weirdos!"

Luo Yi seemed a little excited, although he is also worth a lot of money now; but this is a legendary figure, and he basically ranked in the top ten on the rich list, and even reached the top three at one point.This is a real rich man, and such a rich man is quite a 'legendary'.

Qi Ping actually doesn't know much about Larry Ellison, but he knows some stories.Known as the richest man in Silicon Valley, he achieved nothing before the age of 32.He went to three universities, but didn't get a degree because his grades were mediocre; he changed a dozen companies, and his wife left him.When I was a start-up company, I only had a capital of more than 1000 US dollars.

But more than ten years later, he became the boss of the world's largest and most profitable software company.But after becoming a wealthy man, this business prodigy has a lot of journalism; because Ellison likes to enjoy and squander, is arrogant, and likes to associate with many beautiful women, which directly leads to mixed evaluations of this business prodigy from the outside world .

Qi Ping is now wondering whether he has nothing to do with Silicon Valley or not; although Ellison is a top rich man, our worth is not bad.The most important thing is that it has nothing to do with us. It's one thing to be envious of his money, but it doesn't mean that we are short of money. Our life is also very interesting.

But now Qiping is still in some situations. Ellison can't find Qiping, maybe he can find it, but there is no way to contact him directly. After all, they didn't have any cooperation or relationship before.

But Luo Yi and Steve can do it, especially Steve's former playboy, he has a relatively wide social circle; he will still be very enthusiastic about meeting a top rich man like Ellison.

This is understandable, Qi Ping also knows and understands.There is no way, whoever let others have too much money, too much is unbelievable.So when you meet such top rich people, you will feel a little lack of confidence unconsciously.You are a multi-millionaire, even if you barely count as a billionaire, there is still a gap compared with the tens of billions of billionaires.

Qi Ping started to rush back, and he is also checking some information now.

Lanai is the sixth largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, with a coastline of nearly fifty miles and an area of ​​140 miles, which means it has an area of ​​more than 360 square kilometers.And this island, with more than 90.00% of the ownership belongs to Oracle Corporation, which means it belongs to Ellison.

This island is more exclusive and private than other Hawaiian islands; there are only two resorts on the island, one is a rural resort and the other is a beach resort.In 1994, Bill Gates chose Lanai for his wedding, and booked all the cars, helicopters and guest rooms. The guests invited to the wedding included Paul Allen and Warren Buffett. A billionaire suddenly made this small island the focus of the world.

Qi Ping is now thinking about it. It is said that Oracle may have spent more than [-] million U.S. dollars to acquire the property rights of Lanai Island.I have to say that this business genius is rich and willful.When Ellison buys an island, it is in units of [-] million, and it is still in US dollars; what's more, it is definitely not that simple to buy such a big island, and all aspects of the relationship actually need to be taken care of in place.

Qi Ping really needs to think about this matter now. For a business genius like Ellison and a character full of stories, it would be a lie to say that Qi Ping is not curious.But if you want to say that Qi Ping will be flattered because he got Ellison's invitation, that's definitely not the case. Anyway, we are worth a lot, and we don't need to worry about being suppressed.

So for Qi Ping, what he needs to consider now is why Ellison invited him, and what is the purpose of this invitation.

If it is said to jointly develop islands and the like, then Qi Ping needs to start seriously thinking about it; he does not lack money and does not lack suitable partners, but it seems that it is not bad to meet such a top rich man as a partner matter.

Of course, all of this needs to be considered, researched and analyzed slowly, and all of this is not sure yet.

(End of this chapter)

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