Chapter 433 Fans
Qi Ping met Larry Ellison. This shoehorn-faced business prodigy is actually quite young, with some gray and messy beards. In Qi Ping's opinion, this hairstyle is messy enough.Not at all like a top rich man worth tens of billions, more like an ordinary retired old man.

Qi Ping doesn't like Ellison's style, but Ellison doesn't necessarily like Qi Ping's current image; how should I put it, a short-sleeved T-shirt, jeans, and a pair of sneakers , and then came riding on a black horse.If it weren't for the fact that he was in the Fairyland Forest Farm, it would be really hard to say that this is a rich man, a scientist, and more like an animal trainer.

"You two go to my side and don't make trouble, okay. Boss, I am not out to play today, but to visit guests!" Qi Ping was very angry, and the two troublemakers, King Kong and Pooh, also ran over. It seems that he thought it was because the eldest brother came out to play games without bringing them, and he was angry, "Go home first, and I will take you to the mountains to play when I go back."

"Mr. Qi, nice to meet you. I think they are your partners, very cute little guys." Ellison is a madman, and often looks down on some competitors, but This Jew has a high IQ and EQ. "Don't they want to leave you? Then let them follow you. I'm sure they won't be naughty."

"I'm really sorry, I know it's rude. But they are so naughty, and I usually spoil them too much, so once they get angry, I can't even do anything about it." Qi Ping pretended to be embarrassed, Although he came to visit, he would not wrong his little brothers because of this.

In fact, although Ellison felt that the image of Qi Ping was a little different from the rich man and scientist he imagined, it didn't mean that he just didn't like Qi Ping.In fact, as far as Ellison is concerned, he still plays his cards unreasonably. He is the typical example.

He once skipped an important Oracle meeting for a regatta, leaving hundreds of executives on the sidelines.The same thing happened more than once, because he was also busy sailing during the financial conference call.And he saw that HP's board of directors was unhappy, so he bluntly said that HP's board of directors is an idiot.

It's just such a person, he doesn't do outrageous things once or twice; so he seems to have a very good resistance to some outrageous things, and he can accept them all.

Maybe this is the waywardness of being rich, who makes people rich!

Qi Ping doesn't know software, he doesn't know Silicon Valley; Ellison doesn't know forest farms, he has no agriculture and animal husbandry industry under his hands.But both of them are rich, so they can chat about their hobbies.

Who said that Americans are straightforward when it comes to business. In fact, they also like clouds and mountains and mists when they do business.For example, Qi Ping and Ellison are now chatting about red wine, racing cars, movies, and their hobbies.

It seems quite speculative, because these two unreliable and somewhat out-of-the-ordinary characters have achieved outstanding achievements in their respective fields.The two even talked to some media and attacked together; Ellison has been attacked by the media a lot, because he is a playboy and speaks out loud, and he is really easy to offend people.

But Qi Ping is not much better, although he seems to be low-key; but Qi Ping has never paid much attention to those media, and the industry under his hands is basically done by himself, and he doesn't care about outside comments and opinions. Category.Therefore, some people scold Qiping for monopoly, or do not know how to operate, but Qiping also ignores it.

The two extraordinary geniuses really have some intentions of meeting each other now, and now they are short of burning yellow paper and beheading chicken heads to make a vow.It's just that both Qi Ping and Ellison are clear that this just seems to be a very speculative chat. They haven't talked about some key issues yet, and there is still no conflict with each other's interests.

So the current situation is calm, with the appearance of a confidant; as for the extent to which it will go next, this is something that no one knows.Anyway, there is nothing to care about. To be honest, Qi Ping is now just to see if there is anything different about this Ellison.

I'm still a little curious, but he's also a billionaire anyway, and he's at the top of Forbes' pig killing list.It's better to satisfy his curiosity a little bit, even if he is worth a lot now, Qi Ping will still admire or be curious about those big figures who have achieved great achievements in other fields, even if those people may not be perfect. people.

King Kong and Pooh are also very happy, and their happiness is very reasonable; that is, they eat meat and drink alcohol. Anyway, they have drunk a good collection of wine now, which is called happiness.But I'm a little unhappy, that is, I only drank a little, and the big brother didn't care about it, but the elder brother actually stopped it; this is not in line with the usual elder brother's habits, it should not be the best way to eat and drink other people's food Happy!

"They can drink a little, but not much. They learned this bad habit from the black horse outside. My black charcoal is the best drinker, and their drinker is very average. Thank you, Larry, but They really can't drink too much." Well, here's where it really takes advantage; King Kong and Pooh can only have a few drinks, but that kid Heitan is a wine barrel.

"I've known for a long time that you have some very interesting friends in your tree farm, and I'm glad to meet them. I'm sorry, I didn't know that Heitan also likes to drink, this is my faux pas."

Ellison is very authentic, repeatedly calling out his impoliteness; since it is impolite, of course it needs to be remedied quickly.Although Qi Ping hypocritically said not to get used to Heitan, but when Ellison took out a bottle of Romanée-Conti 1990 from his private collection of red wine, Qi Ping was not polite.

Heitan was very happy, it smelled the aroma of red wine; it started with beer to improve its drinking capacity, and then red wine became its favorite, and it was not used to white wine being too strong.

This is good wine, maybe better than the usual red wine; the most important thing is that such a full bottle of red wine belongs to it, so it is worth it.By the way, let's take a closer look at this bully. If we get to know each other, we might be able to get more good wine.

"Wow! Qi, your buddy looks very greedy. Is it okay, I doubt it will be drunk. This is a bottle of wine, this is 750ml." Ellison is not distressed, although this bottle of wine is More than 3 U.S. dollars, but he can afford it; the key is that he is afraid that the dark horse of Qiping will be poured down, and that would be bad.

"No problem, a bottle of wine is nothing to worry about. Once my children were naughty and helped him steal three bottles of wine from the wine cellar. I don't know if he drank too much, but I know he drank. After three bottles he was very happy. I have started to let him pay attention to moderation now, I don't want him to drink too much, he can't be a drunkard."

Smiling and touching Heitan's head, the two brothers are in a good mood; Heitan is drinking happily, and Qi Ping is happy when he sees his little brother happy.

Ellison now feels more and more that being famous is worse than meeting, although he knew some things before; for example, the owner of the fairyland forest farm has magical technology that can improve the air, for example, there are several special members in his forest farm.

Now Ellison has met these amazing members, a black fat horse who loves to drink, has a personality, but is very loyal.There is also a black fat bear who looks extremely docile but a bit mischievous.There is also that chimpanzee with a big stomach, although he has been eating, but every time he gets something delicious, the first thing he thinks of is to give it to his elder brother.

Suddenly began to envy, Ellison has sons and daughters, but he does not have such a caring partner.It's no wonder that Qi Ping dotes on these good partners so much. Ellison can guarantee that if he has such a partner, he will spoil him even more.

The topic started to change, and now it's more about King Kong and them.They are smart and kind, and many times people even think that they are the kindest.

Ellison is also concerned about these topics now, and he wants to know some stories about King Kong and the others; although he has heard that King Kong and the others have filmed commercials before, but now that they have really seen them, then they will Feel shocked and envious.

They look not just cute, but more like some cute and mischievous children; although they look big and dangerous.But there is really no need to worry, because they are kind and cute, they can actually get along with people, they are obedient and sensible.

They can eat by themselves, drink drinks by themselves, and even know how to play games; they are so smart and cute, which makes people feel extremely envious.Being able to become the best companions with these simple and friendly animals makes people feel happy and happy.

"Larry, you may need to pay attention. King Kong is a little unhappy now, he is going to the toilet now, and he is very anxious now. I can tell you some things, for example, if he is angry, then he will make a sound And then the action. You can't keep pestering him, it's going to annoy him. He's a cool boy, and he doesn't like doing ridiculous things in the living room."

Seeing King Kong being chatted with Ellison holding hands, Qi Ping laughed; King Kong kept pushing away Ellison's hand, but Ellison kept leaning towards him shamelessly.So at this time, Qi Ping had to help his younger brother to get ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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