America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 434 Joshua's Ideal

Chapter 434 Joshua's Ideal
Qi Ping now knows the reason why Larry Ellison came to find him this time. After all, it's just because of the resort and the island.

Speaking of which, Ellison's Lanai Island is the sixth largest island in Hawaii, and there are indeed resort hotels on the island. It can be said that this is a place where some rich people like to come.Vacationing here is actually quite enjoyable.

"You are really causing me trouble. It would be embarrassing to refuse. But if you agree, it will not do me any good. It is just a little appearance fee and material fee, which means nothing to me. No." After taking a sip of wine, Qi Ping said with a wry smile.

"Didn't you help people arrange a lot of projects to improve the air before? Kate also said that a large part of your private helicopter was funded by the extra money you earned during that time." Luo Yi pouted , but the tsundere little girl of Qi Ping's family just stretched out her hand to pat his mouth, which is too regrettable, even if she wants to get close.

"That's different. The projects that were arranged before are all exquisite. They are just for some wealthy households. They don't accept resorts, tourism and the like, and they don't accept any amount of money. You should also know that, my personality That’s it, anyway, there can’t be any conflict with my industry.”

Qi Ping's words really met with booing from bad friends. Thinking about Qi Ping's stinky behavior, it's not that those industries that compete with him never cooperate.In fact, many resorts or farms want to introduce some core technologies of Fairyland Forest Farm, but no matter how high the price is, there is no way to make Qiping fall in love.

The brothers started joking again. In fact, Ellison didn't cause Qi Ping any trouble at all when he came here this time.Because this matter is only a preliminary intention now, it is not too disturbing at all.And Qi Ping has enough reasons to refuse, because business is business, and he and Ellison are not real friends.

"Qi, you should know something. I'm an adult now, and I can't be an obedient child all the time now. See what I mean, I can make some choices on my own now, I shouldn't be able to do everything Let my family help me with my ideas. The Detroit Tigers drafted me last year, but you told me that I don’t have to enter the professional league so early, I need more progress and foundation, and even life is not just for earlier make money."

Joshua looked a little distressed, he was a little unhappy now.

"I understand, so I went back to campus, back to USC, which you think is closer to home. But now the Pittsburgh Pirates are also interested in me, and the news I got is that the signing bonus is also very good. But I still Without support, both Mark and Catherine wanted me to finish college and not just be a community college student like Kate."

Joshua's complaints are not unreasonable. He is a legendary "special recruiter", a special sports recruiter; because he is good at baseball, he got a scholarship from USC.This is a prestigious school. Compared with Kate, which is only a community college, this is the difference between a junior college and a junior college.For Joshua's parents, of course they hope to see him finish his studies.

As for playing baseball and the like, Joshua's talent is good; but this kid is definitely not a super genius or something, and the possibility of becoming a superstar is not high, but he still has a certain potential to become a good potential to become a role player.

So at this time, the problem comes. Joining the professional federation now may allow Joshua to make some money now, a lot of money.But this may delay his future development, because he may be able to earn a sum of money now, a sum of money that many people may not be able to earn in their lifetime.

But this can't be a one-shot deal, because his potential is not particularly outstanding, and it may be difficult for him to stay in the MLB for a long time.At this time, completing studies will provide an extra guarantee. It is also a good way to stay in school for a few more years to lay a good foundation, and it does not necessarily mean entering the professional league early.

In fact, Joshua really has a lot of choices, because there is no financial pressure at home, so he doesn't have to invest in the professional league early like some students in the slums to earn money to support his family. Joshua can polish his skills more in school. Basic skills.

In fact, that's what Joshua did. Last year, the Detroit Tigers selected Joshua in the draft.Of course, the MLB draft is very particular. It doesn’t mean that if you are selected, you have to go; if you are not satisfied with the signing bonus or the draft pick is not high, then you can refuse to report, and you can participate in the next draft.

This is the case with Joshua. Last year, he was only selected in the No.30 round. He was in the mid-back position; It's better to stay in school for a year to polish your skills.Anyway, it is a good thing to have solid basic skills, and you will get more opportunities to play and exercise in college leagues like the NCAA.

"You know, once you go to sign and play MLB this time, it's very difficult for you to go back to school. You know what I mean, maybe you can go back to school to get a degree again, but it won't be Student status. And once you go to the professional league, you will face a lot of pressure, and no one will tolerate you like this, because this means that you have already entered the society."

Qi Ping felt that this matter must be clearly explained to Joshua, and of course he also knew that Joshua would definitely think of these things.And now Joshua is able to talk to him about these things because Joshua trusts him enough.

"I've thought it through. In fact, we all know that if I go to MLB now, I will play professional baseball. Maybe my career may not be very smooth, but who can guarantee that I will not achieve some results, maybe I can become a good player. And even if I can only stay in the league for a few short years, I can make millions and tens of millions of dollars in these few years, even if you don’t introduce me to a job, My life can also be guaranteed.”

Well, it seems that Joshua really thinks farther; he is actually very clear, regardless of the fact that fifty young players may get the opportunity to enter the MLB in the draft every year.But among such a few people, perhaps only those players with a high pick can stay in the league for a long time; the lower the pick, the more likely it is to become a meteor like a flash in the pan.

Now that Joshua has already considered these things, it also proves that he is indeed thinking far ahead, and it seems that he is not just impulsive.

In fact, Qi Ping was quite worried at the beginning, worried that Joshua wanted to join the professional league early in order to earn more money and gain more fame.Such impulsiveness may not be a good thing, because such immaturity will make people feel worried, because once they get rich, it will make young people's mentality unbalanced and so on.

But now it seems that there is no need to worry too much. Joshua has considered it carefully, and his consideration is relatively comprehensive.Then, Qi Ping will still choose to support Joshua; it is a very simple reason, because now Joshua is no longer a kid in his teens, he is now 20 years old, he has grown up Now, you can make your own decisions.

In fact, Joshua also came here to find lobbyists, because now his family members hope that he will join the professional league after completing four years of university studies.And now that he has the support of his brother-in-law, this is a huge boost; although Qi Ping usually seems to have no status at home, he still has a great say in some major issues.

Now that Qi Ping has been persuaded by Joshua, he will try his best to support Joshua; in fact, this matter is not that difficult, Joshua has no financial pressure, he can lay a solid foundation Go to Union again.But he doesn't need to worry about the future, even if he can't become a big star and make a lot of money in the league, he doesn't need to worry about his future work.

So now Joshua can join the professional league without any worries; he is now pursuing his ideals and improving his strength in the best league.Sometimes success is not necessarily the greatest achievement, being able to satisfy one's wishes and enjoying the process is a kind of success.

It's very simple, because although Joshua is not a billionaire, he has a billionaire brother-in-law.He has no pressure at all, and he is completely free to pursue his ideals impulsively and willfully.In fact, the rich and well-connected people can be carefree and pursue their ideals crazily without worrying about the pressure of life.

"I'm still worried. We all know that there are too many good players in MLB. Joshua may not be the best player there. I hope he can polish his skills in the NCAA. I hope he can Acquiring more knowledge and obtaining a degree at USC will make him no longer a person who only lives by playing baseball in the future."

Kate expressed her concerns, but she is now showing support for Joshua.Because Kate can also see now that Joshua wants to join the professional league, not for money or work, but to pursue his own ideals.

Then this matter needs to be supported, because it is a good thing to have ideals, because pursuing ideals will make people feel happy and fulfilled.Now Joshua is enjoying the pursuit of his ideals, so this matter should be full support.

Joshua's own choice, coupled with the fact that his family is now more and more supportive, then there is nothing to say about this matter!

(End of this chapter)

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