America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 435 Children's Small Conflicts

Chapter 435 Children's Small Conflicts

The cute little sweetheart is still at the age of babbling, and often calls her father 'papa' or 'eight eight' or something like that.This made Qi Ping a little helpless, and it also made Kate very proud; because the cute little sweetheart would call "Mom" first, Kate once again confirmed her most important position in the children's growth process.

The little girl is still learning to speak, and now she can speak more and more, and even now she can chat with her little friends Romeo and Juliet for a long time.

It's just that when it comes to learning to walk, Qi Ping feels that King Kong and the others have completely set a bad example.Who made them all crawl and walk? Although King Kong and Pooh can stand up, they still prefer to lie on their stomachs.

So at this time, you can only see the cute little sweetheart crawling on the carpet or lawn all day; in fact, she can stand up for a while, and even take a few steps.But the little girl prefers to crawl around, because she won't fall down and gets up faster.

"Papa, hit!" Little Sweetheart said childishly, stretching out her little hand to grab Dad's nose.

"If you want to fight and go home and fight again, your mother still wants you to become a little lady. This is hopeless!" I patted the aggressive little girl's buttocks, and it seemed that he had become the girl's favorite girl again. Bad dad, "I told you many times, don't grab Romeo's feather, it will hurt."

The little girl was very unhappy, and her father didn't cooperate with her to play games at all; so the little girl was depressed and lay motionless on her father's shoulder.But the little girl is still fine now, she hasn't cried and made a lot of noise; but it is probably useless even if she cries, because she should gradually know something now, for example, crying is not the solution to the problem.

"Mom, mom!" Just after returning home, the little girl who didn't want to talk at first got excited, and stretched out her little hand to be hugged by her mother.

The little girl started to make a fuss, she doesn't like her father anymore, so she still needs to find her mother at this time.Qi Ping has long been used to the little girl's "like the new and dislike the old".

Just being hugged by her mother, the originally unhappy little sweetheart became energetic; the true nature of the little chatter showed, although the little chatter could only say a few sentences over and over again, and there were more people who didn't know what to say. I don't understand the Martian language.But it doesn't matter, she can chat very speculatively with her mother, and now the big and small chatterers are even more happy chatting.

"How did you offend my precious granddaughter, I heard her suing you?" He brought a big glass of milk to the precious granddaughter, and it was necessary to laugh at the unsatisfactory son by the way.

"How dare I offend that little bully, she is the real little princess now. She grabbed Romeo just now, so why don't I hug her away? It's all right now, don't want me to hug, and I don't know I have filed a lot of complaints against Kate. I heard daddy, beating, etc., and I don’t know if I was going to hit me or I hit her.”

Qi Ping laughed. In fact, the family would not take the little girl's words seriously; in fact, the little girl's active performance made people feel very happy, because her lively and cuteness brought more laughter to everyone.

As for being blackmailed and the like, Qi Ping didn't care at all; who told her that this was his baby girl, even if the baby girl always bullied him, Qi Ping would be happy with it.

"Then don't just think about your little daughter, and your big fat son. Xiaoyao and Lele have talked about it several times, and they want to see the little elephants. I think it's almost the same. Those elephants are all It’s been a while since they’ve been transported back, so it’s time to get used to the environment here. Our forest farms and zoos don’t have a bad environment.”

My mother's self-confidence is bursting. Anyway, my own things must be the best, and the best without any negotiation.When building confidence in the good things at home again, she actually thinks more about her precious grandson and granddaughter, which are priceless treasures.

"Those big elephants really don't adapt to our family's protected area. I think it's depressing enough. Maybe it's because I've been in Africa for too long, and I'm still not used to life in the United States. But I It is estimated that the environment in our protected area is so good, these country bumpkins have no knowledge at all, so they are still hyperactive now as if they had taken a stimulant."

When it comes to protected areas, Qi Ping is under pressure now; those rare animals have actually been quarantined and brought back, but some of the previous plans seem to be invalidated.I have thought about many reasons why these animals cannot adapt to the new environment, but I never thought that it would be because the environment of the reserve is so good.

This really made Qi Ping feel a little ecstatic and proud, but what followed was more distress.

The cost has increased, and manpower, material resources and energy have to keep up at this time. Isn't this just spending more money?Those country bumpkins really didn't live up to expectations at all. When they got to a good place, they all got excited. It seemed that they thought everything was good and everything they saw was fun.

These mischievous creatures are very mischievous now, and their freshness has not passed, so at this time, don't expect them to learn to get along with people or familiarize themselves with some conditions in the reserve. Thank God that they are not causing serious damage now.

As soon as I heard that those animals have not adapted to life in the reserve, my mother lost her interest in taking the children to play in the reserve.The animals that came here this time include chimpanzees, elephants, giraffes, etc., which are indeed quite new; but these things are not easy to provoke, we should wait until they are familiar with the reserve, or else they will go It's not to watch the excitement and see the novelty, it's to add trouble to yourself.

"Qi Ping, you have to pay attention now. Your precious son got into trouble again. This time he didn't hit someone or chase a girl or something. He told too much truth this time and offended the food delivery restaurant. "Luo Yi drove Qiping's three children back like sheep. He was here to pick them up from school.

"Are you being sued again? Which one is suing? This is too inappropriate. In itself, the food in their restaurant is not good, and it's because of my son's bad words?" Qi Ping was a little angry, The children are telling the truth, okay? The meals in those restaurants may be relatively clean and hygienic, but they are definitely not as delicious or nutritious as those at home.

"This time it's Lele, your second kid. This little idiot is really good at spreading hatred. I heard that he said over there that the food in the restaurant is not good, but the food made by grandma is the best. The most important thing is that he called the name, only the food from the forest farm is the best, and the other things are not tasty at all.”

Luo Yi was gloating, the little ones in Qiping's family were really good at making trouble; and the school the little ones were studying now was an ordinary public school, but this didn't mean that the little ones would become children of ordinary families because of this.The little ones have high requirements. Although they do have fun with other children sometimes, it doesn't mean that the little ones are the same as other children all the time.

The kids come home, and that's life; say hello to the family first, and then run to the kitchen to find grandma.When the little ones go home, of course they need to eat some snacks and drink some drinks. This is the procedure after returning home every day, and the family is used to it.

"Mom, can my sister eat chocolate now?" The little brother Lele is not qualified at all now, he sometimes thinks that his sister will cause headaches, "Look at my sister coming here again, I don't know if she can What to eat."

Qi Ping was amused, and Lele was originally leaning on the sofa, but now he can't.His baby sister ran over, the cute little sweetheart was holding his brother's leg with her two little hands, and looked up at him with her chubby little face.The little drooling, eyes staring at the chocolate can't move away.

"You can give her some chocolate, but only a small piece." Xiaoyao still beat the baby bear on the carpet, but Yoyo ran over, and she would take care of her sister, "My sister wants to eat chocolate, but you and brother always It's not good to be stingy and not willing to give snacks to my sister, we have to learn to share."

"But I don't know what my sister can eat. I used to give my sister snacks, but my mother didn't allow it." Lele plausibly said that, on the one hand, it was because he was prevented from giving her sister snacks, and on the other hand, it was because of Lele Maybe ignore the criticism, "I only have a little chocolate now, but my sister always wants to eat my chocolate."

Four brothers and sisters are together, so they must not be quiet; Qi Ping is also used to it, children will have a lot of conflicts when they are very young, and some conflicts still exist when they grow up... In fact, I expect the children to be friendly all the time There is no contradiction in getting along, which is simply an unrealistic thing, and they will have too many conflicts together.

Seeing the children wreaking havoc at home, seeing the little ones playing here, Qi Ping is not worried at all now; even if the little ones sometimes get into trouble, it doesn't matter.Because they are brother and sister, they will have some conflicts, but they will make up quickly because they are the most important people to each other.

Chipping and Kate are enjoying the children playing around and growing up at home, even if there are some conflicts and so on.Then there is actually no need to worry or be nervous about these things, because children like to play around, and these conflicts are nothing more than normal.

As for the topic of being ignored by the children again and again, Qi Ping will not be angry with his children.

(End of this chapter)

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