America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 436 Negotiation Negotiation

Chapter 436 Negotiation Negotiation
Qi Ping is dangling, and now he is planning to go to the NBA; the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Clippers, such a Los Angeles derby is quite exciting.It's just that at this time, you still need to find some companions to watch the game together, which is actually more lively and interesting.

Anyway, Qi Ping is now a professional fan. He only watches those games that are good-looking, and they are still the kind of games that are more contradictory.This kind of game is full of gunpowder and conflicts. By the way, let's watch some good players perform, so it is really a more enjoyable thing.

"Now you watch the game by yourself. Your family is a baseball fan, and no one will watch basketball with you. I don't want to go. If I have the time, I might as well lie down and sleep at home." Luo Yi He had betrayed his hobbies a long time ago. I think everyone was a basketball fan at the beginning, and they have been loyal fans for four years in college.

"Then I want to do some research to see if I can find a friend to watch the game with me. I don't believe it yet, no one has watched the game with me yet. I want to pay the ticket, the front row, and arrive at Sometimes beer, drinks, popcorn, whatever. Come to think of it, drinking a beer while watching a good basketball game is definitely worth it."

Qi Ping continued to encourage, but the effect seemed normal.People are not tempted, these prices are very ordinary.

"You go to the game alone, anyway, I won't go. What a joke, I can't afford the tickets now; besides, none of your friends and business partners are worth less. I think now, You are so cheap, no one really cares about such a little cheap."

Luo Yi's blow came very timely. Thinking about some of his friends, they may not really like to take advantage of such a small advantage.These people's social status is still good, such a little cheapness may not be able to make them excited, spending two hours watching the game, it is better to do something you like.

After all, there are not many basketball fans around. There are quite a few who like baseball, rugby and even ice hockey, but basketball is not necessarily what everyone likes.

Don't look at the lack of basketball fans, but this does not affect Qiping's enthusiasm for watching the game; and there are lovely children here. Although they prefer baseball, basketball can become their second interest.

Interest needs to be cultivated, and Qi Ping is now cultivating children's love for basketball.And Qi Ping is very sure about these bear kids; a little temptation, even if the kids are not very interested in basketball, they will happily follow their father to watch the basketball game.

Thinking about it, my treatment is really average enough, and now I have become reduced to lying to my own children just to find golf friends to watch the game.Thinking about it, it is full of heartache, especially these children of mine still seem to be the type of mighty and unyielding, even if it is a certain small favor, they don't care very much, which is even more disappointing.

"I don't want to go to the game, I don't like to play. I don't like noise, the basketball court is not comfortable at all." Youyou plausibly said that the little girl just doesn't like the basketball court; she prefers a quiet place, anyway, the noisy basketball court is not her favourite.Not only the basketball court, but also the baseball field is not attractive to her, and it is more comfortable to stay at home and draw.

Well, there is no hope for the baby girl, so let's develop towards the fat boys.

Xu Yixin's jersey, basketball, and the fat boys were unmoved, they didn't care at all.The little guys are not interested in basketball, so these basketball equipment and the like are really not suitable for them; after reflection, it is better to find the things that the fat boys like.

"Dad, can I have a lot of snacks?" As expected, the two fat sons are now crowded in front of dad, and they are now seriously bargaining, "Can it only be snacks, can there be toys? "

"There are no toys. We can eat some snacks and drink some drinks while watching the game. Of course, if you like basketball, Dad can also buy you basketballs or beautiful jerseys."

The two fat sons are both sports fans, and the little ones also like the atmosphere of live games; watching games, eating snacks, and cheering for their favorite teams or players, these things are really easy for young fans However, they can indeed do these things well.

The little ones watched a lot of baseball; not just the San Diego Padres games, but some of their Uncle Joshua's games as well.It couldn't be easier to watch baseball. Apart from the TV broadcast, my grandfather often took them to watch the game live, so the little guys are very familiar with these things.

Now it's time to negotiate. The two little guys don't care whether they go to watch basketball or football. Anyway, it's not their favorite baseball.But what the two little guys care about now is Dad's promise. What they care about now is what kind of snacks Dad promised to prepare for them. This is the focus of their concern, not the competition.

The two boys are actually very used to the lively stadium; like their father, Xiaoyao and Lele both like to be lively. They like outdoor sports and sports competitions.And I have to admit that although these two little guys were trained by Kate to become baseball fans at a young age, it doesn't mean that they don't understand basketball at all. Who made their father often stay at home to watch games?

It was a lot of fun haggling with the kids; although the little ones were a little bit more vocal now and came up with some plans for their weekend.I have to say that these little guys are very talented, they learned how to raise prices at a young age, and each of them obviously has a big appetite.

"Dad, Dad." Little Sweetheart came over staggeringly, saw Dad chatting with brothers, the little girl who was most unwilling to be lonely walked over slowly while shouting, "Brother, Tiantian."

Well, with such a little girl here, no one should want to be idle; this little girl is very capable, and now the family has recognized it all, and now her little mouth is never idle, always chattering Calling people everywhere, because she wants to show that she can already speak.

Chat with the two fat sons, discuss the price; and then be gagged by the precious daughter, this time I just don't want to do anything.It gets dizzy pretty quickly, and you don't even remember what you said earlier, because the best thing these little guys do is to make people feel very confused.

"It seems that your game plan is about to fail, and I can guarantee that my children will not let you go. Maybe what you need to consider now is to convince the cute little sweetheart, she seems to be more interested in the game." Kate This is definitely gloating, no matter how you look at it.

"She is not interested in basketball games, she is very interested in going out to play games. Don't you know our little daughter, as long as she can go out to play games, she is very happy and looking forward to it. She is a California girl , she likes outdoor activities and sunshine, she is not a character who stays at home all day."

Kissing the little sweetheart's chubby face, Qi Ping felt that he was full of happiness; although this little girl really likes to be mischievous now, even though the little girl always disrupts some of his father's plans.But it doesn't matter, for the sake of the cute little sweetheart, it doesn't matter how many plans are disrupted, as long as the little sweetheart is happy.

Going to the game is naturally a very important thing, but compared to going to the game, there are still some other things that are more important.Qi Ping is very clear that he just likes being with children, although his little ones always bring him some troubles; but Qi Ping accepts all these troubles with a smile.

The game plan fell through for the time being, because Little Sweetheart now knew that her father and brothers might leave her and go out to play games.So the little girl is watching very closely now. When she is having fun and sleeping peacefully, then maybe she can not care where her father and brothers go to play games.

But once the little girl remembered her father and brothers, if she couldn't see it, it would be a big deal.Smart sweethearts don't like being excluded, little girls like crowds; the most important thing is to play games without bringing sweethearts, then this matter is absolutely unacceptable, and little girls will cry and protest.

So Qi Ping needs to ensure such a state now, that is, he cannot leave the little girl's sight for a long time.Little sweetheart is very narrow-minded, Qi Ping doesn't want his precious daughter to be angry.

Continuing to stay at home, I had to postpone the on-site game that I had previously discussed with Xiaoyao and Lele; fortunately, this is just a basketball game, and the children don’t care.If the baseball game was postponed, the kids would explode, Qi Ping knew.

It feels very good, taking the children to continue to dominate at home, and taking these little rascals to enjoy a delicious life at home.This is indeed a pleasure, the children are growing up, in fact, Qi Ping is also growing up at this time.

He now knows more and more how to get along with children. Who made him have four children now? If he doesn't know how to get along with children at this time, it must be unreasonable.

Qi Ping feels very proud, that is, he is a very good father. He not only brings enough material security to the children, but also brings more laughter to the children's childhood.

(End of this chapter)

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