438 Trouble

The children really had a great time. For these little guys, it is a very happy thing to be able to go to the reserve to see the cute elephants and little orangutans.And there are giraffes and elands, these are the reasons why the children are happy, because they saw many cute animals.

Qi Ping has never doubted his children's love for small animals, because during their growth, there are always some small animals around them, which are their best partners.

But fortunately, the children are not the kind of people who are full of love; they like small animals, but they are never polite when they should eat meat.

When I go to the ranch, I like to play with the calf, but the barbeque, steak, braised beef and the like are always welcome.Sometimes they yelled that the little rabbits were cute, but once King Kong and the others caught the rabbits, the little ones would definitely run to grandma to eat braised rabbit meat.As for Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, they are the children's best buddies, but they don't shy away from eating chicken and pheasant...

Qi Ping actually likes to see these things, and there should be a limit to caring for animals. Qi Ping doesn't like his children becoming vegetarians, and he doesn't like seeing them lose the fun and joy they should have because of the so-called caring for animals. Life.Obviously, caring for animals should also have a degree, and it is true that it must not be excessive.

The little ones are happily enjoying a good life, and the little ones are growing up healthily and happily; in fact, these are indeed the most important things for Qiping, as for other things.

To be honest, Qi Ping doesn't really care.

"You should give me a letter. How long have you been hanging people over there and ignoring them?" Steve was protesting, Qi Ping is really a jerk, "Please, Dude. I know you're rich, but what's waiting for your answer right now is a billionaire. Yes, or no, that's easy."

"I'm still weighing the pros and cons. This matter is really important. If I cooperate with Ellison, I won't have any advantage, not to mention that he just asks me to help him arrange the project. To be honest, I Now I am doubting and considering; I am indeed going to be a private island resort now, but obviously I may not be able to occupy the highest-end market by myself."

After wiping off his sweat, Qi Ping was indeed a little embarrassed; speaking of which, he really didn't pay much attention to Ellison during this time.It's just that this doesn't mean that Qi Ping didn't consider the opinions raised by Ellison. He has considered carefully, but there is no real clear answer yet.

"Then I think you still need to think more about it now. I know there are a lot of interests involved, and I know it will make you distressed. You have the initiative now, and you should be more powerful at this time. Maybe you I also know that many people now know some of your plans, such as your island resort."

Steve is definitely telling the truth. There are too many people who want to cooperate with Qiping now, because the interests involved are huge.So friendship belongs to friendship, but you still need to be cautious; whoever makes this deal, the amount is really too big.

In fact, Steve is a very smart person. Although he is a little unreliable emotionally, he is very clear about some things.Although he met Ellison through some rough and tumble relationships, he is more aware that his greatest career and achievement now is to cooperate with Qiping.

So it's really not worth it to offend Qi Ping for some illusory big cakes, not to mention that the two are still pretty good friends.So don't meddle too much in these business matters, it's someone else's business.

To be honest, Qi Ping is indeed thinking about this matter carefully, trying to consider this matter more comprehensively.Obviously, he shouldn't be thinking one-sidedly now. What he needs to do is to take all factors into consideration and find a way to maximize his own interests.

As it is now, although it seems that there is some conflict; but if you think about it carefully, it may not be the case, because the market is really too big.Even if Qiping will indeed create a high-end island resort, it may not necessarily collide head-on with Ellison's resort, because the style of the resort will be somewhat different.

What Ellison wants to make Qiping shoot is Lanai Island, which is the most distinctive island in Hawaii.It is a place favored by the rich and famous, but it may not be the best island resort there, because it is indeed too big.

The island resort in Qiping is definitely not that big; and Ellison's Lanai Island is magnificent, while the resort in Qiping's plan will be more casual and natural.

These are two completely different styles. It can also be said that one is in Hawaii and the other is in the Caribbean. This is a small gap, with a different style.It is true that there are the most famous islands and oceans here, but there are still some small differences, and they still have different charms.

And cooperating with Ellison can still get some good help; for example, in some of Ellison's social circles, his circle is actually full of people who are either rich or expensive.Qi Ping may not be short of money or something like those people, but having more friends like this, even if it's just for talking, will be a good help.

Qi Ping still needs to think about it slowly, and it is natural for Steve to say nothing at this time.Because he is also very clear that this matter does not seem to be a big deal; but the interests involved may not be small, and he actually knows some principles of Qi Ping.

Don't think that Qi Ping helped some people arrange some 'air reform' projects before, but in fact, none of them would have any conflict with his interests.Now, once an opening is made on Ellison's side, it's hard to say whether it will cause some other reactions. After all, since the exception has been made once, it may be possible to make an exception a second time.

"Are you still troubled by this matter?" Kate helped Qi Ping rub her temples, of course she knew her husband's troubles now, "Maybe you can do something that doesn't offend others, you can help him reform Lanai Island. But in this process, the quality is definitely not as good as our forest farm, and you have done a lot of things like this.”

"This is indeed a good way. I really do not do such things less. But my dear, if such things continue to be done, then it will really offend people. This time Ellison said many times, I don’t want a castrated version. That’s what I’m worried about now, if it’s just a general project, I’m sure it doesn’t matter.”

Qi Ping is more distressed, and this is what he is troubled with now.No way, who made Ellison have a lot of appetite, and his requirements are really not low.But it's normal to think about it, because he is the top rich man, so he has no reason to lower his requirements. Of course, he wants the best for himself. Those castrated versions of air renovation projects are really meaningless.

Ellison is really hard to dismiss. Such a rich man has connections and financial resources. Although Qi Ping is not afraid, it is not easy to refuse directly.So at these times, we should think of more ways to combine benefits and think of some more comprehensive ways.

"I'm thinking about some good ideas now. I can arrange some projects for him. But it's only near the hotel, and I can't arrange a project covering the entire Lanai Island for him. And in the process, I may and He signed the agreement, and I have to be responsible for our island resort."

Knocking on the table, Qi Ping finally made up his mind; this kind of cooperation is worth continuing, but in the process, Qi Ping should strive for more benefits, and of course, need to minimize some potential threats. lowest.

"I think such a proposal may be difficult to satisfy him, but we can only do this. Everyone knows that the biggest cost of our forest farm is these air environment projects. We can't let anyone master such technology, and we can't let them have Opportunity to carry out any production with our technology."

Kate nodded straightly, she agreed with Qi Ping's current proposals; this seems to be the best way, not to offend people directly, but also to guarantee her own interests.There should be some smarter solutions to such things, and sometimes it is really not a good thing for him to be direct.

Even if there is no business cooperation, or not a direct competitor, then there is no need to worry about being suppressed by a super rich like Ellison.But a smart businessman will definitely offend some people; but sometimes it is necessary to find some partners, so that it is more in line with the characteristics of a businessman.

Finally, this troublesome matter has been settled. Although it is not particularly perfect, there are basically not too many omissions.It is basically solved, even if it does not satisfy everyone, but it is enough for one person to take a step back, this is the sea and the sky, and this is the general understanding.

Qi Ping knew the general idea, and Ellison didn't push himself further; because everyone knows that this is a matter of sincerity, and don't think that money and technology can be arrogant.Show more sincerity and respect, and let each other feel acceptable, so that such cooperation can last long, and only then can we become business partners.

Now that this annoying matter is resolved, of course I am happy, and maybe it would be nice to open a can of beer to celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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