America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 439 The Procrastinating Workaholic

Chapter 439 The Procrastinating Workaholic
In fact, Qi Ping didn't particularly want to create a spirit gathering array for Ellison on Lanai, which actually didn't do much good for Qi Ping.At most, he would earn some appearance fees, which might be a good reward; but to be honest, Qi Ping really didn't really care about so much money, because such a sum of money would give him a headache.

But there is no way, who made Ellison the top person on the wealth list, needless to say, this guy's connections and financial resources.So at this time, Qi Ping really needs a little sincerity, which can be regarded as making friends.

Ellison felt a little awkward. Anyway, he is also the CEO of the largest software company, and his personal wealth ranks at the top of the planet.But this time I put forward some ideas of my own, but the result was that I was left out for a while. After pushing three times and four times, the result was that the area of ​​the project I wanted had shrunk significantly, and I had to sign an agreement. There would be a lot of things in it. limits.

Quite uncomfortable, but there is really nothing to do; who made him lack the skills in this area, who made Qiping a super rich man, a little money may not be able to make Qiping completely surrender.

In fact, Ellison also knows that Qiping has shown enough sincerity now, because thinking about the requirements and restrictions of Qiping's previous engineering transformation, this is a huge difference.Since Qi Ping is giving face, Ellison of course needs to be sensible; he is a madman, but it does not mean that his IQ and EQ are low, otherwise he would not be able to achieve his current achievements.

So now basically the two of them have reached some consensus, what is missing now is only some grasp of the details.This matter is easy to handle, so I hired a professional team of lawyers and brokers to do some work, draft out some clauses in the contract, and then see if I can get more benefits for myself.

Happy cooperation and mutual prosperity; this one thing is very good and very satisfying.

Qi Ping was completely relieved. Now he just needs to wait for the money to arrive, and then he can take the jade to Hawaii.Over the years, Qi Ping has not reduced his pace of collecting top-level jade. He has a lot of good jade in his safe; except that everyone in the family has very good jade ornaments, the rest are reserved for future use. A rainy day.

This time the cooperation can be considered to have gained some benefits, not only earning some pocket money, but also the whole family can enjoy the hospitality of going to Hawaii for vacation.It's still very good. It's pretty good to go there to eat and drink, and to see the scenery and sea view.

Although in California, I also have sea view villas at home and go to the beach, but the scenery there may be different from that in Hawaii.It's worth checking out anyway, as both Chip and Kate think it'll be fun when the whole family heads off on vacation.Enjoying the fun of vacation while working, this kind of idleness is not uncommon.

In fact, some cooperation matters with Ellison have been settled, which really makes Qi Ping feel a lot easier; he is the type who comes to deal with one thing, and now that these things are settled, The stress will naturally decrease.In fact, Qi Ping still prefers to have nothing to do, that is the real relaxation and ease.

There is no way, it is really unrealistic to want to relax and take vacations all the time. You still need to learn to sneak in, at least when you are working, and you need to take it seriously.Only by getting things done at work, earning more wealth and laying a solid economic and material foundation, can you enjoy life easily.

If Qi Ping wants to talk about dedication, he must be joking. The word dedication is the biggest irony and ridicule for him. He has never been a truly dedicated person.But to say that Qi Ping is a passive sabotage person is definitely a misunderstanding; because when there is a job, Qi Ping is definitely more serious and hardworking than anyone else.

One thing to do one thing well, this is Qiping's style of doing things.He never thought there was anything wrong with such a style of doing things, and he was still proud of his style of doing things.Because he has found a good balance between his career and family; and his family and career are very satisfactory.

"It's really procrastinating for you to do something. Your cooperation with Ellison has been procrastinating, and there has been no movement for a long time. Now there is finally a little movement, but I expect you to cut the mess quickly. It’s not realistic. You just keep procrastinating, and you’ll have a headache when everything comes together.”

Luo Yi's ridicule is definitely not a joke, he knows Qi Ping very well, and he knows Qi Ping's character.Therefore, Qi Ping is a bit procrastinating in doing some things, not only can't stand it anymore, but also ridiculed, because he knows that Qi Ping will definitely have troubles in the next period of time, and he has a lot of things to do.

"You think I'm thinking this way. I'm still busy buying islands. I haven't written anything about these things until now. This Ellison has popped up again, so you can't refuse directly. Am I asking for trouble, this is clearly trouble looking for me, okay?"

Qi Ping felt that he was really wronged, he was never a person who likes to take the initiative and troublesome; but now some things will always find him, which makes people feel dumbfounded.

"It's unreliable to expect you to buy and develop the island as soon as possible. Look at what you're doing now. You're idle and not doing your job properly." Luo Yi continued to criticize and accuse Qi Ping, who made Qi Ping too disappointing, "I've been raising funds with a lot of fighting spirit these days. Now that the funds are almost in place, there is still no movement from your side!"

"Soon, it will be done soon. It's not that I don't want to speed up the progress, it's that all aspects are involved. I definitely don't want to leave hidden dangers, so it should be more comprehensive preparations now." Qi Ping said To tell the truth, he is quite clear about the principle of sharpening a knife and not mistakenly chopping firewood.

Who made the matter of buying an island more involved? This is not too small an island, and Qiping's next development will not be small.At this time, there will be some influence and some involvement; so now we still need to do more work and investigate more thoroughly, so that we won't panic when the time comes.

And the result of this is that Qi Ohping's workload is constantly increasing, and he now has a work schedule that makes people feel ridiculous.Don't look at Qi Ping who is nestled in the forest farm all day long, showing the quality and morality of a housewife, but there are many people staring at him, Qi Ping is a big man who attracts attention.

No way, who made Qi Ping so different? A handsome man like Qi Ping is like a firefly in the dark no matter where he is, so bright and outstanding.He doesn't want to be troublesome, doesn't want to cause trouble, he wants to enjoy his beautiful life in peace and quiet all the time, but this doesn't seem particularly realistic.

There are still a lot of things to do next, thinking about it, Qi Ping feels quite headache and helpless; looking at his schedule and work schedule, he suddenly feels full of heartache.

We never want to be a workaholic, we just want to live a leisurely life with our wives and children; but looking at the present, there are really too many things to do.Even, most of the time, I don't take the initiative to reach out, but unfortunately there will always be some things that pop up, and they need to be resolved together.

There is really a lot of work ahead, and Qi Ping will feel quite distressed and helpless; there is no way, these things are all he needs to solve.

First of all, it is the private island, which must be the focus of the next work.Qi Ping is not joking about this matter, this may be a new point of interest growth.

There is no doubt that the island resort has a great future. As long as this matter is done well, the industry will become richer and more three-dimensional after the leveling.It is actually a good thing to have more profit points. Who will let him have more children? At this time, he should prepare more property for the children.

The island resort is really not yet written off, and the island has not yet been bought; and even if it is bought, the development and construction will actually take a relatively long cycle.At this time, Qi Ping needs to have enough patience, but fortunately, Qi Ping is still a very patient person, he can afford to wait, because he knows that private islands have a bright future.

There is no doubt that the matter of the private island still needs to be paid attention to, and it is the focus of Qiping's next work.It's just that Qi Ping's job can't be just his own private island. He still has a lot of things to do. Those are his jobs and duties, and he can't let go of them at all.

Going to Hawaii, and setting up some places on Lanai Island as gathering spirit formations; Qi Ping thinks this matter is still very meaningful, not only because he met a rich man and made money, but also because he can take his family on vacation, and also Because he can take the opportunity to practice his hands.There are many spirit-gathering formations set up on the forest farm and pasture, but it really needs a little research and planning to make the island better, and to adapt measures to local conditions.

In addition to going to Hawaii, Qi Ping actually has other things to do; his job is not just to stare at the island, which is very unrealistic.

For example, in the wildlife sanctuary, it seems that it is slowly getting on the right track, but in fact there are still many things to be dealt with and many details to be worked out.Don't think that having a professional team is enough. Qi Ping, a big boss, can't be idle most of the time.

(End of this chapter)

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