America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 440 Attack of the Savages

Chapter 440 Attack of the Savages
"Big news, big news!" Luo Yi ran over and yelled, "The legendary Bigfoot has appeared, Sasquatch!"

Qi Ping's expression was a bit strange, and in fact he could hear some doubts or ridicule from Luo Yi; there was really no way, they were all familiar people and knew some things, so now they were all amused.

Bigfoot, also known as "Sasquatch", is a giant ape-like monster discovered but not confirmed in the United States and Canada.Among the Indians in North America, there have long been legends of this mysterious monster.It was a large, hairy, human-like creature that might have been the fabled wildling.

In fact, in the United States, Sasquatch is very popular; among the Indians in North America, legends of this mysterious monster have long been circulated.In Canada and the United States, the legend of "Bigfoot" has a very long history, and it existed before Europeans set foot on this continent.

There was even a video. In 1967, American photographer Roger Patterson and his companions shot in the valley of California. In the film, the "Bigfoot" covered in black fur was walking. It was two meters tall and had shoulders. Nearly one meter wide, it looks tall and mighty, much like a gorilla, but its body shape and walking posture are very similar to humans.

Although it was later debunked as a hoax, the so-called Bigfoot was actually a man dressed in a chimpanzee costume.This deception once caused countless scientists in the world to go crazy. They watched this short video countless times, and even went to California to conduct field investigations. Finally, they analyzed that "Bigfoot" is probably the descendant of the ancient great ape. Adventure lovers They are also particularly interested in "Bigfoot", and they meet to embark on an adventure trip.

And now the so-called Bigfoot appeared again, still in California; but this time it was not in the northern valley of California, but in the mountains of southern California.

The famous gossip media TMZ broke the news and photos, a blurry photo; but you can see a relatively small North American wild man standing in the forest, next to it is a deer, it seems to be in a confrontation with a black bear , they appear to be fighting over the deer.

The 'savage' appeared, and a lot of clearer photos were taken at once; although we couldn't see too many specific details, but he was taller and hairy all over, like an ape, isn't this the legendary North America Savage.

Aside from the resemblance, this includes the fact that this wild man hunted a deer that could fight a black bear.All of this proves many things, such as the fact that the North American Savages are real, and now that they have finally found evidence of their real existence, this is enough to attract the attention of Savage fans, scientists, and zoologists.

Qi Ping can't control the sensation from the outside world now. The reason why he can't laugh or cry now is because it seems that there are a lot more troubles now.This time, it wasn't Qi Ping's trouble that he asked for, it was because of the trouble that his little brothers gave him, including those unreliable gossip media that only made gimmicks, but didn't pay attention to the truth at all.

The morality of the media really shouldn't be considered too much. In order to attract attention, they will report whatever is shocking.Especially gossip media like TMZ, which is an entertainment news website owned by America Online, is usually good at gossip. For example, the sudden death of King Michael Jackson is what they reported first.

"No matter how you look at it, it's King Kong and Pooh, and look at the location of the report here, Ramona, a small town in southern California, where your King Kong and Pooh are active. I can guarantee that they are absolutely true." Luo Yi is gloating, this has already caused a sensation, and now the major news media seem to be paying attention to these things.

Now it's just the gossip media TMZ, and then maybe it will be big media like Columbia TV and ABC.News is time-sensitive and sensational. Now that the North American Savages have appeared, that is the biggest news.As for authenticity and the like, these unscrupulous media don't think about it at all, because they just need news.

"I think it's also King Kong and Pooh. Although the photo is not very clear, I can see it at a glance. And I also know this deer. Didn't I give you some venison two days ago? This is what King Kong and the others caught. " Qi Ping's face was very strange, he really didn't know what to say, because he was too speechless.

These speechless things really make people laugh bitterly. If you think about it, you can know what happened.

Isn't it just that someone regarded King Kong as a North American savage? The person who discovered King Kong might have broken into the forest farm secretly. He found King Kong and Pooh hunting in the mountains.Perhaps the person who discovered and took the photo should know that since he arrived at the Fairyland Forest Farm, he should know that there is a chimpanzee and a black bear in the Fairyland Forest Farm.

Anyway, I don't know the reason, this photo should be posted a few days ago, and some ambiguous words are really misleading.If it weren't for someone familiar, who would have known that this was King Kong and Pooh; with pictures and the truth, plus a long-standing story, it would be hard not to believe it.

"What to do, have you thought about what to do? Your King Kong is going to become a big star again now. When he was young, he was a little famous for making commercials and movies. But he has retired from acting. It's been a long time. He didn't appear in front of the public anymore. When he came out, he was misunderstood and became a savage, and he was really wronged." Although Luo Yi was gloating, he was still more concerned about the progress of these things, and more concerned about King Kong.

"What can I do, of course it's cold salad! I can see now that my King Kong was harmed by those unscrupulous media. Originally, our family was nestled in the forest farm and enjoyed a small and delicious life in peace. Well, but now get me a Savage out, and that's not to expect peace."

Qi Ping is really helpless, those unscrupulous media don't think about the authenticity of this matter, so busy and blindly reporting it, isn't this just asking for trouble!

"I think there will definitely be a lot of people who won't believe this is true, especially the residents of Ramona. They all know King Kong and Pooh, and they will report this false report to those TV stations. Believe me, we His life will not be disturbed too much, but I think Kentris needs to be more serious now, and the security pressure will not be small in the next period of time."

Kate was relieved. Although she was indeed dumbfounded by this news, she didn't think it was a big trouble.It's very simple, how to live or how to live, there is no need to disrupt the current life trajectory because of this matter, and there is no need to worry at all.

This is a false report, and this piece of news is a complete absurd drama; so now all you need is a little patience, and now you only need those media who are a little more serious to follow up the report, then this kind of misunderstanding can be completely solved up.There was nothing to worry about. This time the trouble was not caused by King Kong, and even though it seemed to have caused a sensation now, it would not have any impact on the forest farm or King Kong afterwards.

"I think we should consider reminding those media now, but TMZ is fine. I believe they don't care about the truth of the matter at all, what they want is to attract more attention." Qi Ping thinks it is still necessary to remind some media, Otherwise, this matter may really be a problem.

This matter will not affect the normal operation of the forest farm, nor will it affect the life of Qiping's family.But to be honest, except for some celebrities who like exposure, no one likes to be surrounded by reporters or gossip paparazzi all day long, which really makes people feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"We really need to remind some media. As for whether they believe it or not, that's another matter. We only do what we should do. Whether those media will verify this is not something we can decide. In fact, I am not worried at all. In this matter, I have always believed that we only need to do our own thing well, and we don’t need to worry about what others say.”

Kate's support seems to have come in a timely manner, and she also has the same attitude; there is no need to care about what others do, as long as you do your own thing well is enough.

Qi Ping is not worried at all about King Kong being a North American savage.It's just a misunderstanding, and it's a misunderstanding that can be unraveled soon.Nothing to worry about, no need to be distressed or have a headache because of some misunderstanding or the presence of flies.

The phone is also constantly ringing, and it seems that there are still many wise readers who will express skepticism when they read the news.For example, Qi Ping's father-in-law's family, such as Steve or Ellison who has only known him for a short time, in fact, they may all know something, and they will doubt it, that is the true identity of King Kong.

Qi Ping also explained that he thought he had grasped the truth of this matter; there was no doubt about King Kong's true identity, and Qi Ping could indeed tell King Kong and Pooh at a glance, without any explanation.But it's hard to tell whether others believe it or not, because some people stubbornly believe that only they are the smartest.

So Qi Ping made a phone call, but those reporters didn't seem to appreciate it; there was no need to collect it. At this time, it is more practical to stir up the news about the wild people in North America. It is not in their interest to reveal the truth so early.

Therefore, it is better that only a small number of people know the truth of the matter for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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