Chapter 441
Qi Ping doesn't care about the hot news that is hyped up by the outside world at all, and now he is helping Americans to popularize the science of Sasquatch.

Didn’t you see, a lot of news these days is talking about these things; about Bigfoot’s past and present lives and possible species, anyway, a lot of messy people jumped out.Some people were witnesses, some people heard the legends; of course, at this time, there must be some bricks and beasts pointing out the country, talking about the habits and race of Bigfoot, as if they had actually seen it.

Although there are many voices questioning these days, because they have heard some news; the so-called "North American Savage" found in Ramona this time is actually the little boy from the famous Fairyland Forest Farm. One of the owners, there's nothing to say about that because it's a chimpanzee!

In fact, these unsolved mysteries and unknown creatures are really attractive. I haven’t seen the Loch Ness Monster, South African Sea Monster or Tianchi Water Monster. These unsolved mysteries are the most attractive.Over the years, too many people have been paying attention to this matter, and they all want to get an answer.

"King Kong really can't run up the mountain these days, at least he can't run too far. Although Kentris and the others are strictly investigating these days, normally no one can run in. But there is no guarantee that they will come out. In case, it is better not to let King Kong take risks, if it is captured, then I will be sad."

Mom smiled and rubbed King Kong's big head, seeing King Kong's silly wide eyes, she laughed.

King Kong is still at home happily basking in the sun and eating fruit with his legs crossed, but he doesn't know that the outside world is already a sensation. Too many people are now concerned about the progress of the Ramona Savage incident.Whether it is true or not, this matter needs an answer, and everyone is waiting to see!

"King Kong really can't run around now, and now it has become a big star all of a sudden. Although there are still some people who don't believe it, our family King Kong and Pooh are here. I'm not afraid that those who spread rumors will not accept this fact. They I used to be in the entertainment industry for a while, and I was a little famous. But all these years of hard work are not as good as a photo, what kind of world is this!"

Qi Ping sighed, took a bite of the pear and threw it away; Pooh opened his mouth wide decisively, and the juice splashed when he bit into it.

"The hype becomes popular faster. People often don't care about the work, they only care about some scandals and gossip. I know some things. For example, some actors you liked before, I think they are just vases and have no acting skills. But they are as superficial as you There are a lot of people here, it’s enough for you to only see the beauties.”

Kate was also complaining, and by the way, Qi Ping was taken out and whipped to relieve her hatred.There is no reason, I just want to whip Qi Ping, and want to let him improve his memory, so at this time, he needs to beat.

Qi Ping is nodding even more, his wife is right, and she sees it thoroughly; now many actors don't have any works, acting skills, etc., but they can't hold on to their fame.It is enough to be famous, to accept the endorsements that should be received, and to run commercial performances even more; in fact, many celebrities are really such stinky people, they only want to make money quickly instead of polishing their works.

Anyway, Qi Ping doesn't care about those gossips now. When he meets a good movie, he goes to the cinema to cheer him on, and he doesn't watch the bad one.He is past the age of star-chasing now, and even this guy has never been a real star-chaser; there is no way, star-chasing is too costly and laborious, and it is too far away, it is better to keep a distance.

King Kong really didn't have the ambition to become a big star at all, but Qi Ping was about to become King Kong's manager.Although Qi Ping is no stranger to this identity, a few years ago, when King Kong and Pooh were young, Qi Ping did not take these little stars out to make money and make extra money.

But now that we have all retired, this sudden reappearance in front of the public is really a bit uncomfortable and dumbfounding.Not only because of such a wry reason for being "returned", but also because the price of "returning" this time is a bit high, a little bit of family property has really been scrapped.

Qi Ping has always known something, he is somewhat famous; but basically people who know him are insiders, the so-called insiders are engaged in farming and animal husbandry, these people are envious of Qiping and treat him as a Make an idol.But the general public doesn't know much about Qiping. Even if Qiping's property is very good, Qiping has never been considered a well-known big entrepreneur.

But now, the best and most potential racehorses in the United States all have the shadow of Wonderland Forest Farm; although I dare not say that Qi Ping, the owner of the forest farm, is the absolute master, the ownership in his hands is absolute.Moreover, the famous fairy cow was bred by him alone; the vegetables and fruits of the fairyland forest farm were all famous and the best.

Even now many people and many media have begun to shift their attention, because now many people are beginning to know that the so-called North American savages are a misunderstanding, an unscrupulous and unscrupulous gossip media there to sensationalize the hype.But Qi Ping, a super rich man, really has too many concerns.

If you think about it, you will know that Qi Ping, the forestry owner, is really amazing; it is said that he started from scratch, and he has magical abilities.

As for the ability, the improvement of the air environment; otherwise, how did they make a fairyland forest farm, or how did they make a resort.Although some people think that there is a good environment in the forest farm first, and then Qi Ping studies and masters it, so Qi Ping is not the most powerful, he just takes advantage of the light of nature.

However, even if it is the magic of nature, only Qiping has mastered this technology now. Now only Qiping can skillfully use this technology and create a desirable resort and produce mouth-watering vegetables. fruit……

Therefore, Qi Ping is very powerful; now we should not care about the so-called savage hype in the gossip media, which has basically been confirmed to be a chimpanzee.It is better to care about the owner of the chimpanzee now, this is a truly rare existence, and it is worthy of careful study.

This time Qi Ping was completely picked out, which made Qi Ping really feel dumbfounded.At the same time, it can be regarded as a thorough experience of the power of these media reporters, those gossip paparazzi can even pick up all your information.

Things like social status and property are small things, and these things are really easy to investigate.Now, everything including Princeton University's honorary doctorate and the previous leak of Xianniu technology have been dug up. As for the number of Qiping's family members, this is not a problem; there are even media assertions, They have photos of Qiping when he first arrived in the United States.

Obviously it should be King Kong's matter, but now it's all jumped to Qiping here; it really makes people feel pressured, a lot of pressure.Qi Ping doesn't like being a public figure, he doesn't like being the center of attention of others.

This is the truth, he was a little famous before, and there were indeed people who knew him.But now, he has become the focus of everyone's attention, even some ordinary people are concerned about some stories about Qi Ping.

No way, Qi Ping is too storytelling, his story is quite legendary.Not to mention the fact that he started from scratch, the property he owns now, or the magical stories he has mastered, just the way he treats King Kong and Pooh is enough to make many people pay attention; It is said to be the focus of public concern.

"You have become a big star now, what are you going to do? I think you need to hold a press conference now, regardless of whether anyone cares about your story, what we need is to let more people know the truth of this matter .We now need to let King Kong's pressure be released, it should not bear such complicated pressure."

Kate kicked Qi Ping, who was pretending to be dead. She felt that this matter needed to be seriously considered, and she couldn't let King Kong continue to bear these things now.

"Then have you ever thought about me? If I go to hold a press conference and disclose the truth, I will fall into the wolf's mouth. In fact, many people have already known what happened. The truth is about to be revealed. Just wait a little longer and this will pass. If I come out, it will add fuel to the fire."

Qi Ping was under a lot of pressure. He felt that his wife was trying to trick him; this matter really couldn't be done, and he knew it after thinking about it.

Now some people are discussing the matter of the Savages, discussing the authenticity of this matter and so on.But more people have already found King Kong and Pooh, and know that the bear and the 'wild man' in the photo are actually good friends, and there is no confrontation between them.The truth of this matter has basically been revealed.

"I don't think you should be low-key at this time, you should show enough responsibility now. Do you know what I mean, King Kong is very smart, but it is difficult for him to understand this complicated society. And you, I don't need to worry at all ;I know that your psychological quality is very strong, and you can easily get through this difficulty."

Kate brought it up, and he felt that what is needed now is Qi Ping Ding Lei; Qi Ping has a strong psychological quality, but King Kong does not.So it's better for Qi Ping to fight against thunder and get this matter done, so that King Kong can continue to live and play happily.

(End of this chapter)

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