America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 442 Personal Performance

Chapter 442 Personal Performance
Kate is still right, because although King Kong is very smart, it may be difficult for him to understand these complicated emotions. It is difficult for him to understand the "pursuit" of so many people now. In fact, this is no longer a pursuit. This is total harassment.

So now, it is really necessary to jump out of Qiping. He is the big brother, and it is right to give the younger brothers the thunder.

It is really necessary to fight against and withstand thunder. Who makes it difficult for the younger brothers to deal with such complicated things now.So now, Qi Ping really needs to solve these troubles.

As for the fact that a large number of media reporters or some curious people want to dig more news from Qi Ping, Qi Ping doesn't care at all now.

These things, anyway, what should be dug up is almost dug up, and I am not a public figure or a big star.This is just a gust of wind, as long as this period of time passes, who will be interested in you, an inexplicable person; now everyone is paying attention, in fact, it is because of curiosity and novelty, there is nothing to worry about.

This is also because Qi Ping has enough confidence in himself, he has not committed crimes, tax evasion and other things.Since there is no scandal, you can dig deeper, I am afraid that you will smear it or something.We are not some 'hidden riches' who don't dare to say anything when we have money. Our money comes from aboveboard, so we can spend it however we want!
Qi Ping is full of confidence, so he doesn't care about being a little high-profile.Sometimes it's a good thing to be high-profile, at least to let some people know your strength, so that you won't make some fools there.

In fact, during this period of time, Qi Ping was also troubled with a lot of headaches, and he felt that it was time for these troubles to be resolved once and for all.You can’t just be constantly being questioned about certain things, right? Those supernatural reporters can always find a way to find you, ask them about King Kong, and by the way, ask about Qi Ping some stories.

I have to say, this is really annoying; Qi Ping doesn't like this kind of "pursuit", he still likes a leisurely life, and he still prefers that his life is not disturbed by such boring people.

So call a press conference, then that's what should be done.Needless to say, all the troubles have been solved in one battle, and then continue to enjoy your beautiful and leisurely life.

"Believe me, although those reporters are difficult to deal with, you can handle them. I have absolute confidence in you, there is no doubt about it." Kate looked at it with satisfaction, and she took care of the flush shape ; When the press conference was held, Qi Ping must have been very powerful, "I know your temper, your strength, you can easily get rid of them, and let this group of annoying flies completely stay away from our lives."

"Of course I know what I'm capable of, and I actually can handle them. I'm used to giving speeches off script, I'm used to getting where I'm going. Those reporters are just a piece of cake for me, you'll see me posting Fantastic performance at the meeting. Believe me, you and the kids will be proud of me, no doubt about it!"

It's a shame to show off, Qi Ping is a stinky fart to the limit; he is indeed such a person, he is still very confident and confident, Qi Ping has no doubts about his performance at the press conference.Because he can say whatever he wants, he will only say what he wants to say or thinks he should say; as for the others, he doesn't worry at all.

The press conference, in the final analysis, is just a briefing session; Qi Ping can't be like a rookie, he will feel nervous when he sees the long guns and short guns on the reporter's side.In fact, he didn't worry about it at all. Qi Ping had experienced big storms anyway, so he really didn't need to worry about this little battle.

Qi Ping set off full of confidence, taking his family and younger brother with him; because Qi Ping was too lazy, the press conference was just held outside the forest farm.As for why they are not in the forest farm, it is very simple; because the number of reporters is a bit large, and the quality of those guys is not necessarily guaranteed, so it is better to hold the press conference outside the forest farm.

It really means that there are a lot of people, and now I really have the feeling of becoming a big star.But now Qi Ping has some interest, and he also feels that his choice is correct.Looking at the turmoil of this matter, it is really too big, and now it is time to resolve these matters.

In fact, when Qi Ping appeared with a gorilla and a big black bear, it caused a commotion from the media reporters.Although I have heard of some of them before, but seeing King Kong for real will still have a great sense of oppression.

Even knowing that some private zoos also have some animals, but this does not mean that those animals can have the intelligence and gentleness of these two behemoths that appear now.It is really unimaginable that the chimpanzees and black bears in the fairyland forest farm are really as smart and cute as the rumors, although they look fierce.

Qi Ping also appeared, and the forest farm owner full of legendary stories appeared; it seemed that he didn't pay much attention to this press conference, just a simple casual shirt and slacks.It's not like coming to a press conference or something, just simply accepting an interview.

The reporters are so disappointed, they are uncrowned kings after all.But now they don't get the slightest sense of respect, because it will make them less news reports and subjects.The most important thing is to feel disillusioned, why does this young and promising rich man not care about his appearance at all; the appearance of Wall Street elites in suits and shoes is actually more attractive.

"This is Sasquatch from TMZ, but I think by now you all know what happened. Actually, we all know that some media are not responsible at all, and they are grandstanding for attention. I I think media reporters need to have a media bottom line. Unfortunately, I don’t see this now.”

As soon as Qi Ping opened his mouth, it was the reporter who bombarded TMZ, but this was also very satisfying; these guys made fake news and ignited public opinion, and now they are basically being blamed.Because many media colleagues are attacking, they think that if TMZ is more rigorous, they will find that this matter is actually a complete misunderstanding.

Of course, this is just adding insult to injury, who makes colleagues enemies.In fact, these media are all of the same conduct, and when there is news, they flock to it; but when it comes to the stinky conduct of their peers, they are very serious.

"King Kong and Pooh, my best friends. But you have also seen that they are good friends. I don't see any tendency for them to confront each other. You should also know that they have been together since childhood. They are Best friend and partner." Qi Ping continued, ignoring the ugly face of the reporter with the TMZ logo on his chest.

Qi Ping was bombarding from the beginning, ignoring the reporters who were asking questions endlessly, and he completely ignored the reporters' questions.He just can't hear it, and he doesn't want to hear it; if he has to answer after hearing it, then the rhythm will not belong to him, which is not a good thing, anyway, Qi Ping doesn't like it very much.

The reporters have learned to behave, and now they are no longer talking nonsense, because all they have to do now is stick out the recorder.There is no way, whoever makes Qi Ping now is a big man, and the news is all about him.So these unscrupulous reporters have long since gathered here without integrity. They want news and materials, so of course they can't miss this critical moment.

Didn't you see, Qi Ping simply ignored these reporters; questions were ignored, and raising hands was even ignored.So these winking reporters already know that it is better to be honest in other people's territory, and follow the rules of the Fairyland Forest Farm, so that they may be able to get some satisfactory answers.

"Okay, now it's time for free questions. But I think you also know the whole thing, I don't think Ramona has wildlings, Sasquatch. Maybe there are Sasquatch, but definitely Not King Kong and Pooh, not in Ramona." Looking around at these reporters, seeing these uncrowned kings listening to him honestly, he still felt a sense of accomplishment.

Qi Ping is very happy to see this, the feeling that everything is under control will give people a sense of accomplishment.However, seeing these reporters looking at him eagerly, Qi Ping decided to show mercy; so the next thing, maybe this is the free time for these reporters to ask questions, and now it is time to give these reporters a little A chance to show off.

"My time is precious, I cherish your time, I can't be here to chat with you all the time." Scratching Pooh's chin, Qi Ping felt that this farce needs to end quickly, "Of course, I think only A very small number of people may have the opportunity to ask questions, and preferably not my personal privacy."

Although the reporters felt unhappy and dissatisfied, there was really nothing they could do; they knew very well that many celebrities had great personalities, whether they were singers, movie stars, athletes, rich people, etc.At this time, it is better to be submissive. To be a reporter, you need to learn to have eyesight.

"Mr. Qi, we all know that King Kong may be considered..."

"It's not maybe, but it must have been misunderstood. Those irresponsible media have disrupted King Kong's life. This is not good news." When Qi Ping spoke, the reporter suddenly felt fucked; did he make a mistake? The question is not finished yet.

Indeed, Qi Ping did not cooperate with these reporters; but these reporters stayed here honestly, because they did not want to miss some news.They would not stay here if they wanted to save face or something like that; for the media and journalists, morality is a luxury, and there is no need to exist or need it at all.

"Mr. Qi, we all know that the environment in the Fairyland Forest Farm is very good. King Kong behaves very smart, just like a smart child. Do you think that the air environment in the Fairyland Forest Farm can help improve King Kong's IQ? I think many people now They all think so; because everyone seems to have a consensus that the products of Fairyland Forest Farm have always been excellent."

It seems to be a reporter from the "New York Post", one of the oldest newspapers in the United States. Of course, its reporting style is also famous for sensationalism and gossip.

"I think this may be a good help. Obviously you may have seen some results. The quality of the products of Fairyland Forest Farm is recognized as excellent. I don't deny the unique environment of Fairyland Forest Farm here, but we can't ignore our employees. Serious and hard working attitude.”

For this topic, it is better to understate and perfunctory the past; because Qi Ping is very clear that the environment of the forest farm must be of great help, and even Professor Bruce has some research results.But if it is publicized, then it is asking for trouble, so it is better to keep a low profile at this time.

"Mr. Qi, many people think that you have succeeded in the United States..."

Another reporter reached out, but Qi Ping interrupted in time; he didn't like some mainstream voices, he didn't like them at all.

"Maybe you're going to say it's an American Dream again, maybe say what you like. You're ignoring individual effort, you know what I mean. That's a bad question, so I'm not even in the mood right now."

There is nothing wrong with being a rich man with a weird temper, anyway, Qi Ping is too lazy to give those reporters a good look.Qi Ping just wants to solve these troubles now, and in fact he is doing very well now.

"I met you this time, and I even brought King Kong and Pooh. I think you should know something, and that is to stop hyping about Bigfoot, especially Ramona Bigfoot, that's just a Misunderstanding. Also, I don't want anyone interrupting my life, so it's over now."

It is true that everything is over, which makes people feel very happy; Qi Ping is now enjoying the joy of leaving a burden behind, and he has successfully thrown away a trouble from himself, and his engineering schedule has another One thing is missing.

Qi Ping ran back with King Kong and Pooh, leaving the reporters behind; now he didn't want to care about those at all, it was someone else's life.What Qi Ping cares about is only his own life; as for other people, it doesn't matter at all, as long as they don't affect our life.

So I have to admit one thing, that is, Qi Ping is really an asshole; although he is being sought after by the media now, he doesn't care at all.As for the weird rich man that the media put on him, it is even more unimportant to Qi Ping.

He's eccentric, but pointed at these reporters.

(End of this chapter)

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