America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 444 The True Meaning of Life

Chapter 444 The True Meaning of Life

It's still treated like the head of the family. Don't think that we are not very popular or valued at home. It's because we didn't find the right entry point.

Just look at the activities at home now, this is not my 30th birthday, this is just an ordinary birthday, but the family really wants to celebrate it.

Qi Ping doesn't care about these things at all now, he is just enjoying himself happily.Mom and Kate are happy to throw a birthday party, so let them do it.As the big birthday star Qi Ping, now he just takes care of the children at home, and celebrates his birthday lively at night.

"Dad, King Kong."

On the thick carpet, Little Sweetheart struggled to sit up; the little girl could walk a little now, but she still liked to crawl around more.Clapping his little hands and calling for his father, he saw King Kong running back home in a blink of an eye, so he immediately rebelled, and now he opened his little hands to want King Kong to hug him.

Qi Ping can be sure that King Kong, Pooh, Romeo, and Juliet must have a higher status than him in Little Sweetheart's mind.As long as those little guys are around, Little Sweetheart will definitely play games with them.As for where her father is, the little girl doesn't care at all, unless she wants to go out to play and ask her to hold her.

King Kong happily ran over, and his little finger, which was thicker than a carrot, lightly touched Little Sweetheart's head, and sure enough, he saw the little girl lying down.

Happily pushing up the little sweetheart, Qi Ping felt that his precious daughter must have a talent for dancing.King Kong pushed and turned it around countless times, and the little girl didn't feel dizzy at all; anyway, she could only hear the little girl's laughter, and her favorite game was rolling.

King Kong and Pooh don't need to worry, they will be strong when playing games with children.Qiping may pay attention when the children are too young. At that time, the children are indeed too fragile.But now that the children are older, as long as King Kong and the others put in a little effort, there is no need to worry. They have rich experience in playing games with the children.

"No wonder many people outside are calling for King Kong to be given the rights of a citizen. Look at how smart it is. No matter where it goes to play during the day, it will definitely come back at night. This is a little villain on the mountain, but when you return When he is home, he is a caring uncle who takes the children to play games. Be careful, don’t let outsiders see it, or if you poke it out, it will definitely call for the rights of King Kong citizens again, it is really too smart.”

Luo Yi, this is definitely a dog that can't spit out ivory, and this happy moment of the big birthday will add to the big birthday.So ignore him, so as not to panic.

This boy King Kong is indeed very troublesome. In fact, many people who care about him are worrying about it.Especially some irrelevant and messy people, all kinds of show sense of existence and moral superiority.

Some time ago, King Kong was mistaken for a North American savage, which really caused an uproar.Although the misunderstanding was finally uncovered, I knew that this was just an unscrupulous hype and irresponsible report by the gossip media.But this incident really made King Kong popular, and it is no longer the small reputation in the advertising circle that it was a few years ago, and it was even a little famous in the world at one time.

This is not an exaggeration, who made so many people in the world interested in mysterious creatures, as long as there is a little trouble, it can really spread immediately.And thanks to the Internet, a little thing can really spread all over the world immediately.

The misunderstanding of the North American savages was solved, but there were some other troubles that followed, which Qi Ping couldn't help but never thought of.It's really frustrating, because some people are too much toss.

Chimpanzees are close relatives of human beings and one of the four great apes. They are the closest living senior primates to human beings, and they are also the creatures with the highest intelligence level besides human beings today.These are all known to people, and chimpanzees are indeed too familiar and too close to humans.

Moreover, in recent years, because the genetic similarity between chimpanzee and human has reached nearly 90.00%, some scholars have advocated that animals of the genus chimpanzee be merged into the genus Homo.A civil society in the United States once requested to grant human rights to a chimpanzee and release it, although it ultimately lost the case because the court believed that the reason was that the chimpanzee could not bear legal responsibility and should not enjoy the corresponding legal rights.

But now there are some people who can't wait to jump out, and they are now convincing; King Kong is so smart, its IQ is definitely not worse than some human children.So at this time, King Kong should be given human rights, and it should be handled specially; there is no way, whoever makes King Kong too smart, it should get more rights.

So Qi Ping felt fucked, these insignificant people were too busy and too busy.Those people kept their mouths open, and they showed their love and kindness. They are not afraid of tossing, anyway, it is someone else who is tossing, and it has nothing to do with them; as for what these tossing people can get, it may be fame, popularity, etc. , what they can get is the so-called moral high ground.

"Dad." The little girl climbed up vigorously, and stood up with her little buttocks supporting the ground. This is a typical example of learning to run before learning to walk, "Dad, hit me."

"Father doesn't fight, King Kong likes you." Qi Ping picked up the little girl, and now the little girl started to have conflicts with King Kong, "You have to play games with King Kong, you can't always bite him."

The little girl is still a little too young. Although she still has some experience with King Kong and the others, children are forgetful and indeed too young, so sometimes they will really provoke King Kong and Pooh without knowing it.For example, Little Sweetheart's teeth haven't grown yet, but the greedy little guy always grabs fruit with King Kong, because King Kong always refuses to share delicious fruits with her.

I haven't chatted a few more words here, the little girl is impatient; she is struggling restlessly in her father's arms, and the father just let go of her hand here, and the little girl crawled down happily. Xin Xin continued to harass King Kong who was eating and drinking with fruit.

The children are growing up, which means that Qi Ping is slowly getting old; although he is only in his thirties now, although he thinks that he is in the best state of his life now.But sometimes when I see the growth of the children, I really feel that I am really getting old; although birthday is a very beautiful and happy thing, sometimes there are still some melancholy.

Years make people grow old!

When I was a child, I looked forward to my birthday so much, but now the birthdays tell me that I am really getting old.

Nest in the study to mourn the spring and autumn, and take care of the long and short guns in his collection by the way; every man still has some hobbies of his own, relatively speaking, Qi Ping is not so keen on cars.Although he does own a few luxury cars now, he is relatively restrained, not like some young rich people who always have various luxury sports cars.

As for guns and the like, this is really Qi Ping's hobby; he likes all kinds of guns, some are practical, and some are collectible.Anyway, his study looks like an arsenal to many people, because there are all kinds of long and short guns hanging on the wall; as for office work and the like, it is indeed in the study, but the frequency is pitifully rare, because he is really a little Not doing business.

Qi Ping recently received a good gun, the Carl Gustaf 45 submachine gun; this is a classic gun, the M45 submachine gun is a Swedish gun that came out in 1945.This is an antique, the United States used this gun during the Vietnam War.

In fact, automatic weapons such as submachine guns are not allowed to be owned in the United States in principle, at least for ordinary citizens.Because automatic weapons are too powerful, and California, which has stricter gun control, does not allow citizens to own such automatic weapons, but for Qi Ping, he has learned a lesson.

Regarding guns, each state in the United States actually has its own laws and the like. Rifles and pistols are popular, but these civilian guns must be somewhat castrated and shrunk compared with military guns.Fully automatic weapons are prohibited, and only semi-automatic weapons are allowed for civilian-owned weapons, and even semi-automatic weapons have limited ammunition storage capacity.

So Qi Ping moved his mind. He has a lot of rifles and pistols, but no submachine guns or machine guns.This is not enough, so I have to find a way.

Automatic weapons can only be sold to the military, police, and licensed agencies and companies.So Qi Ping is thinking about the security department of his own forest farm, and he not only has a little money now, but has indeed subsidized some politicians over the years; although it is not easy to get an automatic weapon certificate, it is still possible after getting it After enjoying the fun, I bought a few automatic weapons and attached them to the security department. Anyway, I kept them in my study.

As for the M45 submachine gun, production has been discontinued; so even if the performance of this gun is very good, it is still an antique. It is said that it was collected by American veterans during World War II.Since it is a collection, then let's buy it; it is a collection, this is an antique, and it has been more than half a century. It is not an antique!

It can be said with certainty that Qi Ping is now an old fritter.He is no longer pure and law-abiding like he was when he first came to the United States. He is now more and more likely to become a wealthy prick. Now he likes to do things that are beneficial to him. Of course this It is also necessary to make use of the resources in your own hands.

This is a good thing, although it seems that this is a bit of a reverse growth and has entered the rebellious period; but compared to being a law-abiding, non-provoking model citizen, Qi Ping prefers freedom.Although such freedom has a certain limit, Qi Ping is really becoming more and more 'rebellious', because he wants to do what he likes.

"Did you really get a submachine gun?" Seeing Qi Ping showing off that antique gun, Luo Yi was dumbfounded; although he had bought a gun with Qi Ping, he also knew that Qi Ping's study had There are many guns, but when Qi Ping took out the submachine gun from the safe, he still felt a little stunned, "This thing is too fierce!"

"There is no way, I can only collect it and not play it more. Let me tell you, playing submachine guns and pistols is a completely different feeling. When will you find a better shooting range for your enjoyment, I will be under the control of my family It’s amazing, otherwise I will definitely build a shooting range by myself, and I will definitely have fun playing it by then.”

Qi Ping didn't want to say enough, he felt that this submachine gun in his hand was a bit useless for a hero.Who makes the gun control in California strict? You may still be able to play two guns in the wilderness in the wild; but those are semi-automatic rifles and pistols. event.

"No wonder my wife always says that Kate is showing you black material. She doesn't worry about it all day long. Usually, if you want to play with guns and go to the mountains, you're thinking about building a private shooting range. I see You are really rich now, just put two wine bottles in the yard; you are good, plan to set up a shooting range and go straight with a submachine gun."

The cheek hurts, and Luo Yi feels that the iron buddies he has known for more than ten years are still in a young state; even if they are in their early 30s, the children can already hold hands and make soy sauce up.But it's a good thing here, he's still alive, and he's becoming more and more 'innocent'.It seems that it is a good thing to have more children. The children grow up and the fathers become younger.

Qi Ping is indeed living younger and younger now, and it is also because he is living the true meaning now; there is no way, who makes him not short of money now.A successful career and a happy family are such a satisfying life; at this time, it is of course important to cherish the good life now, but at this time, Qi Ping will also know how to enjoy life more.

For example, there is no harm in being a little frivolous at this time, and it is not a big problem to be a little 'out of line' at this time.As long as it's not really committing crimes or something like that, sometimes stealing and playing tricks can really make your life a lot more exciting.

Qi Ping is in such a state now, he is now looking for a little bit in certain rules to make his life enjoyable, he just wants to make his life more loving.

Nesting in the study and chatting with Luo Yi, showing off the collection, such a small day is really leisurely.Until I heard a lot of yelling, needless to say, this means that the children have come home; the little ones have come home, but they have forgotten that today is Dad’s birthday, and they are calling grandma loudly, because the last thing to come home One of the important things is to start eating and drinking.

Eating, drinking and playing games, in fact, the children are living out the true meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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