America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 445 Everyone is happy

Chapter 445 Everyone is happy
A lively birthday party, which still makes people feel very enjoyable.Although Qi Ping's birthday is usually enjoyed with his family, but occasionally there are some different birthday parties, which still makes people feel very interesting.

Wearing a paper crown, Qi Ping showed off and ran around with the children; those who came were all close friends and relatives, and everyone held a party for Qi Ping's birthday together.In fact, Laomei still likes parties very much, and the birthday party is naturally a very interesting highlight.

King Kong and Pooh are very happy. These big eaters ate most of the cakes; although there is cream on their mouths and big fat faces, they will feel very happy and happy.Even Pooh's daughter-in-law Jenny, who has been living in the wild, has come back, not to mention the baby bear who can go home if she wants to go home, or go to the mountains if she wants to go.

Qiping has received many gifts, gifts from children, gifts from Kate and gifts from relatives and friends.In fact, for Qi Ping, his greatest enjoyment is actually taking the children around. The children are the best gifts he has received, which are extremely precious and priceless.

"Go out and play! Go out and play!"

Liang Shanbo was very happy. This guy is getting a little fat recently; he has colorful feathers, is strong and strong, and is a bit powerful when he flies. Although he doesn't fly high and fast, he can talk while flying, and his mouth can't be idle.

Liang Shanbo flew directly to the airport with his wife and children, the airport in the forest farm; this time he also took his wife and children to go out to play games and vacation together, and he still seemed to be quite enjoying and looking forward to it.And it’s not bad to fly. Although it is through the window, it can see the blue sky and white clouds and soar above the clouds. This will make Liang Shanbo, whose heart is higher than the sky, full of sense of accomplishment. Far away parrots, birds.

The whole family went on vacation together, of course this is also Qiping's work; the cooperation with Larry Ellison is about to start, Qiping can't always enjoy the joy and happiness of his birthday, he still needs to do something of.

The children asked for leave again, and Qi Ping felt that he really meant to take the children into the ditch.But it's not bad, that is, even if the children ask for more leave, the little ones don't need to worry about education.And when it comes to children’s education, it doesn’t have to be in school.

In fact, many American students do not necessarily go to school. Children and parents have the right to choose the form of education.They can go to free public schools, paid private schools, or "HomeSchool".

This kind of education method in which parents independently arrange their children's learning at home has a history of more than half a century in the United States. More and more parents realize that the knowledge taught in schools is outdated and cannot meet the needs of the market, and the teaching methods of schools The method ignores the personality of the students and cannot meet the special needs of each student.I teach children at home, I can teach students according to their aptitude, I can arrange courses and progress according to the interests of the children, and the time is quite flexible.

Of course, there are also many parents who think that such a deal may prevent their children from learning bad or being bullied at school.Learning at home is also recognized by the American education system.

Qi Ping and Kate never require their children to study in school, and they don't necessarily require their children to have excellent academic performance and rely on their grades and credits to be admitted to Princeton University, Harvard University and the like.

No need at all, both Qiping and Kate hope that the children will be more happy and innocent.As for academic performance, it has never been an issue.Whether to go to school or not is secondary, and the children's happiness is actually the most expected thing.

The little ones would drag their little suitcases around, and as soon as they heard that they were going out to play, the little ones were busy packing up.For the little ones, it is no stranger to travel and vacation, and they enjoy the fun of vacation very much.

Xiaoyao and Lele have similar personalities, and the two little guys pack their luggage in that 'rough' style.These two boys just pulled the luggage out of their closets and stuffed it straight into the suitcase.But Yoyo is different, the little girl will tidy up slowly, fold her beautiful skirt neatly and put it in the box.

Of course, kids still need to bring some of their favorite toys when they go out to play.Robots, RC planes, or Barbie dolls are bound to take up a good portion of the box.Although it is a vacation, it will not affect the children's game play at all, and they will not change their game style.

In fact, sweetheart is the best, this little girl is a good boy, sweetheart, obedient little girl lying in father's arms.For some of the questions raised by her father, the little girl doesn't need to think too much at all; she doesn't need to bring a beautiful skirt, and she doesn't need to bring a cute doll; Just hold it.

So don't ask the little girl's opinion too much, she is not sensible at all now; if she only brings toys according to the little girl's opinion, there will definitely be big troubles when she arrives in Hawaii.The little girl is still young, but it doesn't mean that the little girl is easy to get rid of. In fact, she still has a high quality of life and requirements.

In fact, there is a reason for taking the children on vacation this time; that is, the children were dishonest in school, they made mistakes again and were suspended.This is not good news, but to a certain extent, both Qi Ping and Luo Yi are quite happy, and they are willing to see the unity of the children.

In American schools, there are always some small bullies on campus; especially in some public schools, there is a little bit of good and bad.This is not alarmist talk, because there are always some children whose backgrounds are not very good, and their parents may not be so qualified.

Qi Ping never encouraged children to speak only with their fists, but he also didn't want them to be afraid.On some principled matters, it is even more necessary to persist.

The second boy of Luo Yi's family was bullied, so Luo Yan must not be able to bear it. If the younger brother was bullied, then the elder brother would go to help.But Luo Yan was also beaten, because there were too many bullies in that group; at this time, it was a disaster, and Xiaoyao and Lele immediately went to fight when they found out; don't look at Yoyo who always said that her brother and younger brother were dishonest, but this time Time will not lag behind.

The result of this is that the five children who grew up together are excited, and they want to fight together; there is no other reason, that is, because they are very united, and they must not be afraid of each other because there are many people and they are old.Besides, the little guys have eaten and drank well since childhood, have good physical fitness, and wrestled with King Kong and the others. In fact, their fighting skills are superb.

The result was a group fight, more or less a failure; although the little guys were crying, they beat and cried more children, and they were not afraid of trouble at all.Even if they are invited by their parents and suspended from school, these little guys are actually no strangers, and they don't think there is anything wrong with protecting their brothers and sisters.

Of course, Qi Ping and Kate knew that there was no way to directly praise such things, and the little ones also needed to be grounded and their pocket money deducted; Taking the kids on vacation is a bonus.

The whole family was dispatched, and they went to Hawaii and Lanai together; but King Kong and Pooh should be at home, they are too big and too fat.And compared to going on vacation, they actually prefer to stay in the forest farm; the forest farm is their home field, and they can dominate the forest farm.

In fact, going out to play is not their ideal, they don't even like to go to a villa by the sea; what's so good about the sea, if you want to play in the water, you might as well splash in your own swimming pool, if you don't think it's big enough, you can go to the Muse Lake In fact, they are all similar. Anyway, it is more comfortable in the forest farm instead of going out to play and there is not much place to run.

Qi Ping is quite happy, that is, his forest farm has a relatively large area, so King Kong and the others can run around.Although this seems to be just a place to have fun within the forest farm, such an area is actually enough; because these wild little bastards also have their own range of activities and territories, and they don't like to run around.

"Daddy, daddy!" Romeo yelled nervously, it was greeting the unreliable daddy.

Liang Shanbo is unreliable, he stands on the seat and eats a fruit meal leisurely; when he was on the plane for the first time, he was also nervous and yelled in fright.But there is a big brother around to protect, so there is no need to worry about it; even if you get used to it, it will make people feel very enjoyable.

Eating a feast of fruit and seeing Baiyun at my feet, it feels so fulfilling.Liang Shanbo has always been jealous of Dabai's ability to fly very high and fast, but he can't do anything about it; maybe it's because it's a parrot, but it's more because it's a bit fat and doesn't plan to lose weight.

The little ones at home are a bit wild, but that's only when they're outside; they're actually pretty much the same kind, loving taking care of their family and enjoying a laid-back life at home.Of course, there are some common problems. Compared with the same kind, they are a bit fat; they have no worries about food and clothing and do not need to worry about safety issues, and the life of these guys is basically playing games and being lazy.

In fact, Qi Ping already knew about these things, and he never asked these little bastards to make any changes.The simple reason is that he believes that these guys have the right to enjoy the life they choose, and even the lives of these little guys at home have been affected by Qi Ping.

The children were happily enjoying their happy journey. The little ones were lazily lying on the seats, either watching cartoons or playing games.The little ones are a typical example of exuberant energy, but fortunately this is their own private jet, the little ones basically don't need to be disturbed too much during the journey, and they can still enjoy their own game time.

"Father, Diandian!" Little Sweetheart was in trouble again. The little girl was just chatting with Juliet in her arms, but suddenly remembered that her little pony Diandian was not by her side, "Is Diandian at home? It will miss me of."

"Diandian is at home, but King Kong can protect it." Yoyo is a good older sister, she is taking care of her younger sister now, unlike her elder brother and younger brother who just like to play games by herself, "Uncle and aunt can take care of Diandian, and King Kong."

Well, now that my sister has said so, little sweetheart is relieved; in fact, the little girl likes her sister the most. Compared with her brothers who are unreliable, her sister is actually more gentle and considerate.So little sweetheart likes to be with her sister. Of course, it would be even better if the brothers are willing to take her to chat and play games.

I went straight to Hawaii happily. It took about six hours of flight from the forest farm to Honolulu; Larry Ellison performed very well, but he is also a half-landlord anyway.And this time Qi Ping came here to work for him, so of course it needs warm hospitality.

No way, Qi Ping is worth a lot in terms of himself, and his visit this time is actually an invitation from Ellison.Don't think that Qi Ping took the labor fee or something like a two-way deal. In fact, Ellison knows very well that he really owes Qi Ping a favor in this matter.

Now that Qi Ping's family is here, the warm hospitality is a matter of course; it's not just business or business, but also because Qi Ping is a good friend.We are all weirdos and arrogant capitalists that some media thinks... It doesn't matter whether they have similar tastes or similar interests, or if we have a good impression of each other and can become friends, it doesn't matter.

Ellison hoped that Qiping could arrange for him those miraculous air improvement projects that were rumored to be true. In fact, Ellison was really moved; He cares so much about and enjoys the environment.And now his Lanai will have such an environment, even if it is only on a small scale, he will look forward to it.

As for Qi Ping, practice with Lanai Island, because soon his private island will be acquired, and he also needs to start thinking about preparations.Of course, he is also gaining some friendship with Ellison. Who makes a top tycoon like Ellison have unimaginable wealth and connections, which is also what Qiping needs.

Therefore, this is a thorough cooperation. Everyone can benefit from cooperation and get what they need. This is everyone's happiness!

(End of this chapter)

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