Chapter 446
It is still very enjoyable to arrive at Lanai Island. Compared with the noisy Oahu Island in the distance, Lanai Island is always a separate island.The lawn hut has the feeling of a small country hotel, and the fragrance of pine wafts at night.Each restaurant can provide tourists with world-class services.Each has its own golf course, tennis courts, gardens and swimming pool.

There is a peaceful environment and a leisurely pace of life here, and the feeling of being at home is incomparable.Leisurely and undisturbed, it is more enjoyable here; vacations should not be affected by too many people.

"I'm a little, little bird, I want to fly, but I can't fly high!"

Liang Shanbo is flying happily on the beach at low altitude, with his wife and children; in fact, it really can't fly high because it is too fat.According to human standards, it is the virtue of middle-aged people with a big beer belly showing off everywhere.

Liang Shanbo and his wife and children are basically satisfied with this vacation, and they don't have too many requirements, because they can eat well and have fun here.As for the island and its dense forest, it is not attractive at all, because the forest farm at home is like this.

"Daddy, I'm going to beat the waves!"

Lele is full of vigor, and he likes to be shirtless when he comes to the beach; Lele, who is wearing small swimming trunks, runs towards the sea with bare feet.As for these small waves, it doesn't matter to this brat at all, because he is just shouting verbally; as soon as the waves hit his feet, the kid just ran to the shore yelling.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo are more reliable, they are now holding my sister's little hands from left to right; because my sister wants to walk on her own, even though she always falls down and can't walk fast, they will protect her and accompany her Walk slowly.

Although the children are still young now, they can gradually see some characters.Qi Ping is actually very satisfied with these. The children may sometimes have some small shortcomings, but generally speaking, their personalities are very good.The happiest thing for Qi Ping and Kate is actually the unity and friendship of the children.

Sometimes Yoyo really looks like a female man, but she is still young; and the little girl also has the will to become a lady, although she sometimes plays crazy.The most important thing is that she does not lack the girl's care and kindness, which is enough.

As for Xiaoyao, this kid's personality is actually carefree, and under the influence of Xiaoyao, Lele actually has such a personality.These two boys really tend to be wild boys and pure men.

But compared to Xiaoyao, Lele's competitive spirit is much stronger; and Xiaoyao, this kid always looks like a good man.In fact, Qi Ping also knows something, because Xiaoyao is the eldest son in the family, whether it is intentional or not, he always thinks that he should learn to take care of and protect his younger siblings, even if Yoyo was only born a few minutes later than him.

Regarding Xiaoyao's character, sometimes Qi Ping thinks that this kid is too easy to talk to, maybe it would be better if Xiaoyao learns to fight for himself.But he will also be happy, because Xiaoyao can really do his best to protect his younger brothers and sisters.

He will share toys with his younger siblings, and he will think of his younger siblings if he has delicious food. If someone dares to bully his younger siblings, he will definitely rush to fight, there is no reason at all.Protecting younger siblings is a responsibility for Xiaoyao.

For Qi Ping, coming to Hawaii this time is both work and vacation; he really came here at the invitation of Ellison to complete the cooperation between the two.It's just that the family has never been to a famous resort like Hawaii.So this time, it is better for the whole family to go out.

He has indeed done so, Lanai Island is really not that easy to come in, who made it so that only those who are either rich or expensive have such financial support.For high-end resorts, the threshold is to keep the vast majority of tourists out; although passenger flow and the like are restricted, this does not affect Lanai's ability to create wealth in the slightest.

Qi Ping still has some say in this matter, because his forest farm is like this.The so-called small profits but quick turnover does not exist in his industry, what he occupies is the high-end market; and such a high-end market may not bring reputation, grade, etc., in Qi Ping's view, such a high-end The market is actually profit.

Of course, such high-end products are a reflection of identity and face for consumers; such high-quality, high-quality products are beyond the reach of ordinary people and cannot afford them.Some people may have swollen faces to pretend to be fat, but there are still many people who are actually enjoying improving their quality of life.

It doesn't matter what others think, for Qi Ping, being able to make money is actually the most important thing.

"I think our private island resort can also follow this model. Looking at the infrastructure and high-quality services here, I think it is still very satisfying. Our customer base is actually the super rich. They care about The environment cares more about the quality of service. It is not easy to satisfy those people, who makes their demands so high.”

Chipping and Kate walked on the beach holding hands. Although the children ran and yelled, it didn't affect their walk at all.

"I think so too, but I'm not worried at all. The service quality of our forest farm resort is very good. Maybe our resort is not the best in service quality, but it can definitely meet a very good standard. The most important thing is our The resort has the most satisfying environment, and this is where our resort is expected and welcomed."

Kate has learned badly, and now Kate is not objective enough to look at things; quite subjective Kate thinks her own things are the best, so the service quality must be improved, but the core selling point of the resort at home is the environment, which is beyond doubt.There is no need to learn from others, just follow the path of our fairyland forest farm. This is a different path and there is no experience to learn from.

Well, the young couple are learning badly now; after some discussions and comparisons between them, the result is that the Lanai Island Resort is indeed very good, but this is not enough to make Wonderland Island follow the path of Lanai Island. .Because we are taking a different path, there is nothing to learn from.

But they also know that even though they say so, they still have to learn what should be learned.Although Wonderland Island has unique selling points, it is also necessary to learn from the models and advantages of those successful island resorts; if other people's resorts can be successful, there are always their advantages and places worth learning, and only by learning from each other can we achieve greater success. success.

I don't know what the two couples are thinking, they are here to work, but the whole family is dispatched to look like a vacation.Since it's a vacation, the couple wandering around are still discussing their business experience, learning the success model of Lanai Island and so on, and doing "spying".

I have to say that they came to Lanai Island this time with not pure minds, and a lot of things came up all of a sudden.But fortunately, although things seem to be a lot, it really doesn't affect them at all to enjoy life leisurely on the island.

"Grandpa, can you open the coconut for me? This is the coconut I asked for from an uncle just now, and I just picked it from a big tree. I want to drink coconut, and I want grandpa to open it for me."

"Grandma, are there a lot of straws? We're all going to drink coconut ones, we're going to share."

As soon as he got back to the hut, Xiaoyao took his younger siblings to harass his grandpa who was resting; grandpa didn't like to go for a walk on the beach, grandpa and grandma were resting.But when they came back, the little ones ran to find grandpa and grandma in a fuss.

Qi Weihui and Yu Landun's heads were dizzy for a while, this is not at home, where there are so many straws and the like.Besides, do you grow coconuts at home? You usually drink them, but they are all chopped up by the hawker and you can drink them directly.This is good, how to open the coconut is a big problem.

Although it's a bit of a headache, it's definitely not a problem that can't be solved; isn't it just coconuts, it can still stump people!

The kids can't be disappointed, and the little requests from the kids aren't too much; just ask the waiter for a few straws, which are guaranteed.Find a fruit knife or the like, just cut open the coconut shell; it’s not that you don’t have tools, it’s not that you haven’t seen it before, it’s not difficult for the well-informed grandparents at all!

"Our family's naughty boys are really not worrying here. The Benben and Haohao from Xiaolei's family are here, so I don't want to pass it. I can toss them to death."

Seeing the lovely grandchildren lying on the sofa, the four little creatures huddled together and drinking coconut juice while biting straws, Yu Lan laughed.The children may have never seen the coconut just picked from the tree, or they may simply want to share the coconut juice with their brothers and sisters; this is just a game for the little ones, not necessarily because the coconut juice is delicious.

But for grandparents, this is the cuteness of children; looking at the appearance of the little ones poking their buttocks, Yu Lan somehow thought of those newborn puppies at home, often crowded together Rushing to drink milk.

Although the little ones can be a little troublesome, these cute little ones can actually bring more joy to the family.Don't look at them usually being noisy, but who made them children, naughty is a child's talent; and some inadvertent actions of these cute little guys can actually make everyone forget the troubles they once caused.

"This island is really nice. It's very comfortable to live here. It's much better than our villa by the sea. It's not so noisy and very quiet." Dad seems to like private islands very much. Private islands Quiet.

"That's for sure, who made the island here not completely open to the outside world. Look at the other beaches, isn't it crowded with people and noisy? It's much better here, tourists and the like are restricted Yes. What I mean is that our island will be in the same way in the future, and it must not be turned into a public swimming pool or something like that."

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, the father and son began to chat.

"This is right, just like our forest farm. There are so many people who know that our forest farm is good, and want to come in and have a look. But if we all accept it, it will not work. It is one thing to invite people to come over. The key is that if everyone can come here, the grade will go down. It’s not worth it, it’s better to only do business with a small number of people. It’s great to save trouble and make money.”

It seems that Dad is still very talented as a capitalist. At least Dad is very clear about the core attraction of some of his industries.As for charity, convenience, or some things like being tall, it is not attractive to him at all; as long as the children can live well and leave more good things and wealth to them, this is what he wants to do. concerned.

As for how insignificant people think and live, it really has nothing to do with him.Two sons, six grandchildren, and a thriving family.As long as you take care of your own family, there is no need to be so great about caring about other people's lives.

Qi Ping and his father were chatting, reminiscing about some things in the past, which can be regarded as reminiscing about bitterness and sweetness; thinking about some small things about their little troublemakers, this made them feel even more happy and happy.

"Dad, Uncle said he was going to play baseball, MLB! Dad, I know the Minnesota Twins, but where is Minnesota, can I watch Uncle play baseball?"

Lele hurried over, the little fan had just finished chatting with his uncle, and now he was in distress.Uncle is not very good at all, so the little guy is now going to his father to find a solution to the problem.

"Minnesota is far away from our home. We can watch my uncle play baseball in the future, but we have to take a long flight to go to Minnesota."

Think about it, Joshua is miserable enough, even if the draft pick is not high; the key is that he did not go to the team he likes, and he was "assigned" to a place of bitter cold; from the sunny state to the coldest place in the United States state, Joshua should be crying.

"By the way, Lele. The Twins are also a major league team. If uncle's Twins are playing against the Padres, who are you rooting for?" Qi Weihui teased his fat grandson, the little guy is his hometown team Padres fan; but his uncle plays for other teams now, which is interesting.

"Then I want to watch the game. If my uncle plays, I like the Twins. If my uncle doesn't play, I like the Padres." Lele replied without thinking. Yeah, I don't like the Twins anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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