America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 447 Children's Growth

Chapter 447 Children's Growth
Of course, vacations are extremely fun and enjoyable, but Qi Ping also knows that he should work.Since he took Ellison's money, he should get things done.

"Xiaoyao, remember how Dad taught you?" Qi Ping smiled and teased the fat son, the little guys are now his best assistants, "You have to do a lot of work today, you are Dad's best assistant."

"I know, I will carry the toolbox with my younger brother, and my younger sister will draw maps and make marks." Xiaoyao wore a small sun hat and looked like a little assistant.

For children, it is very happy to be able to do many things and help mom and dad.It's the same with little ones, they're always looking to prove they've grown up.

This time, Qi Ping really planned to take the children to complete the work, although he had arranged too many spirit-gathering formations and knew it well.However, it is really the first time that the Spirit Gathering Formation has been set up on the island according to local conditions.I have the confidence to do these well, so you can also try it with your children.

Qi Ping had seen the map of Lanai Island a long time ago, and Ellison knew that this was what he should do; the specifics, including the scale of buildings, flower beds, and lawns, etc., were all clearly marked.Because he has heard a lot that Qi Ping needs to measure the land before starting the layout. There is a lot of attention and incomparable precision in it, and no mistakes can be made.

As for why there is such news, it is actually heard; it is not what Qi Ping said, but also that he got the news from the previous investors of the wildlife sanctuary.It is said that the Wildlife Sanctuary was once on the verge of bankruptcy because those investors were assholes who modified the environment privately and caused the air environment to deteriorate.

Ellison thinks this is normal. Air modification is originally an extremely exaggerated technology, so there are naturally many limiting factors.At this time, you can't make some changes without permission, and you have to trust professionals.

Kate followed with a smile, and of course she would not miss the big event of working together; in fact, Kate is not very clear about what kind of magical technology Qi Ping has mastered, but as a smart woman, there is no need to know those.

However, she knows more information than many people, such as what is needed to measure the land; but it seems that the surrounding environmental restrictions are not so strict. In fact, if such a project is done on the same level, it can be It's quite simple and rude, and it's definitely not a delicate job anyway.

The outside world also knows some news, such as jade is an important material for the air improvement project; but no one knows about the quality of jade, except Qi Ping.

Of course, there were some people who wanted to master these miraculous technologies in the past. After all, Qi Ping helped many rich people do such projects in the past; but it is a pity that those people did not discover anything other than destroying the completed projects. .Only jade is the material they know, but no one knows what kind of rules are laid out.

"Yuyou, make a mark here." The first thing Qi Ping found was in the center of Lanai Island Resort, which is the legendary eye, "Xiaoyao and Lele will follow me to start digging here, Kate, you can help I will improve the information and let Ellison's people backfill and seal it. We will start working hard together now, and we will strive to complete this work as soon as possible so that we can go home."

Let the wife and children start to get busy, and everyone started working together.

Youyou happily drew a small circle, the irregular scale reached the size of a car wheel; the daughter is so rich, this immediately added a lot of workload to the father and brothers.

Xiaoyao and Lele are now happy. Digging holes and other things are things they like very much, and this is still work, so the little ones are more motivated.

The little guys are happily busy. Although these little assistants sometimes seem to be a disservice, as long as these enthusiastic little assistants exist, Qi Ping will feel that the things he does are incomparable. valuable.The existence of the little assistants does not mean how many things they have actually done.

"Dad, my sister is a little tired. We need to take a rest." Xiaoyao ran ahead with a small shovel on his shoulders, but in a blink of an eye he saw his sister falling asleep in his mother's arms. The little guy thought of a lot, sister Now that she is still young, she always likes to sleep, "We can go back first, and let grandpa and grandma take care of her, so that we can continue to work."

"And Romeo, as long as Romeo and Juliet are here. My sister is very good, she won't cry when she wakes up." Yoyo thought of many things, she knew that her sister really likes to sleep late now, but who told Tiantian As for my sister, "We have to continue working, let my sister go home first."

Well, it seems that little sweetheart has really become a little burden now; she was just sent here, and the little girl was originally playing with her grandparents in the villa, but she was unhappy after not seeing her parents for a long time.But it's good now, the little girl will be sent back soon after being sent back, who made her still need to sleep when she is still young.

The family is together, happily busy; the most important thing now is actually to take good care of this cute little burden.Sweetheart is too young to be a helper, and when she is around, not only does she need to take care of her, but she also needs someone to play games with her.

So it is certain that now it is necessary to send back the little girl who is dozing off in her mother's arms, and then everyone needs to make persistent efforts together.Obviously, it is necessary to speed up the progress of work now, only in this way can he get out of this matter earlier, and then return to the forest farm to continue to dominate.

Qi Ping and Kate are very satisfied with the performance of the little ones. In fact, they knew these things a long time ago. For example, although the children are naughty, they are never lazy.When it comes to doing things, working, etc., children also have such habits; apart from doing some housework at home to earn pocket money, children also like outdoor activities very much.

"Children, I think we need to have a meeting now. Let's discuss and summarize the work just now. We need to praise the advantages, but we need to improve some shortcomings." Call the children around, and now is the beginning Made some summaries.

"Dad, I know I was lazy just now. I shouldn't let my brother work alone, I'm sorry." Lele thought for a while and admitted his mistake, but seeing the kid sitting on the grass and eating chocolate, It is estimated that this kid is just talking with his mouth, he still doesn't have a deep understanding of it yet.

"Yuyou, what about you?" Qi Ping asked the baby girl, the little girl is very serious, but there are also some minor deficiencies.

"Father, I am very serious. I have never been lazy." Youyou thought for a while, and the little girl felt that she was the most serious now, "I am a good boy, and I work very hard."

"Sweetheart, but you lack the spirit of unity and cooperation at work. You should know that this is a learning to unite. I'm sorry, we didn't see your cooperation spirit in the work just now. Brother and younger brother also know how to work together to dig Pit, but you don't have much team spirit during this process, and you lack more confidence in your partner."

Kate hugged her daughter and began to explain seriously. Of course she knew what was going on with her baby girl. It was really because Yoyo's brother and younger brother lacked concentration.No way, Xiaoyao and Lele are really easy to play at times. They don't have the concentration like Yoyo to do things well, because they often only have 3 minutes of enthusiasm.

So in this matter, the children lack some communication and trust; the children usually get along very well, but once they are at work, the children still lack the spirit of unity and cooperation.This is why Qi Ping and Kate are willing to bring their children to Lanai Island. They hope that the children can learn more about the spirit of cooperation.

It is something that Qi Ping and Kate have always insisted on: entertaining and teaching; they are also very clear that the growth of children cannot be just smooth sailing, and children will also have some small troubles in the process of growing up.So at these times, Qi Ping and Kate need to educate their children well.

As for the family running out to work, it seems that the efficiency has been greatly slowed down; but Qi Ping really doesn't care about these things at all, he knows that this work must be completed with quality and quantity.

So in this process, if the children can get more happiness and learn some very good good characters, then it would be a great thing.So now Qi Ping and Kate are helping the children grow up, so that they can suffer less interference during the growth process.

The little guys may not immediately make changes because of this incident, this conversation.In fact, this should be a subtle thing. Even if the children are good children, in fact, what children need is time during the process of growing up.

In fact, Qiping is very clear about some things, that is, the growth of children should be a long-term thing, and they need to learn to learn and grow continuously.These things are simply things that cannot be rushed; to educate children, one should maintain enough patience, and this should not be rushed at all.

Fortunately, Qiping and Kate are very patient, and the growth of the children has indeed brought too much joy.It is a kind of joy to accompany the children to grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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