America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 449 Expectation

Chapter 449 Expectation
Qi Ping and Kate are looking forward to and very happy. In fact, they are really looking forward to their two-person world. They haven't enjoyed the two-person world for a long time.

In the past few years, I have been revolving around the children. In fact, it has been like this since a few years ago; from the first child Xiaoyao and Yoyo, to the next Lele and Little Sweetheart.In fact, these four children have become the center of Qi Ping and Kate's life in the past few years, and because of these little guys, they can't go to the world of two at all, and the little troubles have always occupied their lives.

Even in the forest farm, sometimes two people will hold hands for a walk, but at that time, they either hold the child in their arms, or see the little stalker running around.In terms of a two-person world, this is simply a luxury.

But now that Xiaoyao and the others have grown up, the little ones can actually live well in the forest farm under the care of their grandparents.Even the youngest sweetheart has learned to walk now. Although she still needs other people to take care of her meals, she has been weaned long ago and doesn't need to cling to her mother all the time.

"The two of you should go on vacation, and take a look at our island by the way. I support you very much. You are still young, so you can go around and have a look. Our situation is different. Others have rich people. It's always on vacation or something, our family is just nesting in the forest farm all day long, these little things take up too much of your time."

My mother is very supportive of her son and daughter-in-law going on vacation. She knows that young people should have a young life; it's just that they have been busy taking care of the children in recent years, so there is still more or less no time.So now the children can let go of their hands a little bit, and let them go on vacation, to a two-person world with young people.

"I don't want to go at all, I still like to nest in the forest farm. Let's take care of the children, and we can do something by the way. You don't need to worry about things at home when you go to the island to see and play. Xiaoyao and the others She’s so old, don’t need to worry. Tiantian is not a problem, anyway, it’s your mother who takes her when she’s at home.”

Dad is also very supportive. It is not a problem for the son and daughter-in-law to go on vacation, although in his view it is natural to do more things now.But young people have the lifestyle of young people, besides; Kate has been raising children for the past few years, so she should not be bound by these little guys to let her relax.

Qi Ping and Kate are looking forward to it. This time, the two of them are going to the Caribbean Sea for vacation; the world of two people, the private island belonging to the family, all these are so exciting.And without the harassment of the little ones, you can do some exciting things that they look forward to, because the little ones don't need to worry about those things when they are away.

"We're going diving and surfing. Hurry up and go to the villa and bring back the surfboards and wetsuits. If it wasn't because the motorboat is too big, I would like to go surfing on our island." Kate was packing her luggage, She felt that going to the island to stay for three days this time would definitely be exciting. This is a world for adults and they can play like crazy.

"Then let's buy a motorboat when the time comes. Anyway, that is our island. Although there is no better infrastructure there, there is no need to worry about nowhere to store the motorboat. This time we will have fun, Playing wildly with no worries. I even thought about it, we can go to the sea to catch fish and clams, and we can enjoy this extremely leisurely vacation freely."

Qi Ping was busy checking the list, and then hurriedly ran to the villa by the sea; there are surfboards and other toys in the villa by the sea, so of course he can't miss it when he goes to the island this time.So this time I still need to bring some necessary and convenient small equipment. Of course, going on vacation this time is going to be crazy.

It really needs to be carefully considered, because it is so much expected and so much fun for them.In the final analysis, there are no little ones around, so there is no need to worry about some safety and other things, and there will be a lot less ties and the like, and you can let go as much as you want.

"No, it's too high-profile for you to do this. What can we do if you come here like this? I just bought the island and went on vacation. I won't be blamed to death."

Luo Yi was the one who reacted the most, because Kate wanted to announce it to everyone now; so as a good friend of Luo Yi's wife Nina, she had no reason not to know, and she was quite envious and jealous.

In fact, Luo Yi and Nina are in almost the same state, because Nina has been busy taking care of the children in recent years.Although Nina and Luo Yi only have two children, and Luo Yi's parents are by their side to take care of them.But Luo Yi, who is more ambitious, is relatively busy with work, and they don't have much time to enjoy the world of two.

"Otherwise you should take some time to come out, let's go on vacation together. Leave those little troubles at home, and we young people will go to play together. Then rent a yacht, we will be a real vacation Already." Qi Ping invited Luo Yi, in fact, the addition of Luo Yi and his wife will not affect the vacation in the world of two.

"I don't have time, so I won't go now. I'll go with Nina after this period of time is over. I'm different from you. I'm still short on time. The most important thing is that I'm not like you. Your family only went to Hawaii for vacation. , We don’t have this kind of treatment yet. When we are busy during this time, our whole family will go to the island for vacation. This is an old couple, and it’s unrealistic to have a two-person world.”

Luo Yi curled his lips. He felt that this was definitely unrealistic; in fact, it is better to be more realistic now, there is no need to think about romance, and life is the most important thing.Of course, it may be that the grapes are sour if they can't eat grapes. Who told them that they don't have any time now. They can only envy the two people who go to the island for vacation.

Qi Ping smiled and said nothing, of course he knew that what he did would definitely cause 'anger and resentment'.First of all, Brother, Luo Yi, and Steve are psychologically unbalanced, and they are also psychologically unbalanced.The most important thing is that they are afraid of being compared. With Qi Ping doing this, they will inevitably be nagged.

So it is better for Qi Ping to make a fortune silently now, whoever made him a little too high-profile in this matter.Once he does this, it will appear that others are not doing well.Qi Ping has become a model husband, but the other men in the forest farm are all kinds of annoying.

Qi Ping smiled and said nothing, he knew it was better for him to keep a low profile now.In fact, he is also very happy. You can see that Kate can't help showing off and promoting everywhere; in fact, Kate is quite looking forward to this time the world of two people on the island, because Kate has indeed spent too much time in these years. Now that she is at home, she also needs some time for herself.

Of course, even though she was in her early thirties, she was still a very young girl.After all, women are born to like romance, even if they are now mothers of four children; but this young hot mom also likes romance, and likes to enjoy a romantic and leisurely journey with the person she loves the most.

Thinking about it, what I did was still not in place. Speaking of which, it has been several years since I got married, although the two of us have gone on vacation together a few times.But there has never been a lot of time, or the two of them don't have that much time.There is no way, because the two of them spend too much time in the forest farm, so that there is no time for a real vacation.

So seeing Kate's excitement and anticipation, Qi Ping felt a little guilty when he felt happy.No way, who made him not do well enough? Although Qi Ping always thought that he had done a good job, he felt that he was very considerate and considerate to his wife and children, but now he still seems a little negligent and insufficient.

So now we need some summarization and reflection. We can't just say that we feel good about ourselves, but we still need to take into account the expectations and requirements of our family members.

Qi Ping feels that he is just so promising, and has always been in the state of staying at home.Since he is determined to be a good man at home, he should perform better, so as to live up to his reputation as a good man at home.

Speaking of which, Qi Ping is really in such a state, he feels that he should do better and more thoughtfully.In the final analysis, he values ​​and cares about his family, and he hopes that he can bring more happiness to his family.

Qi Ping and Kate are now earnestly preparing, and they are constantly counting; this time going to the island is not so easy, who let the current island of their own is still basically in a state of poverty, before they want to buy something there Classes are also not very convenient.

So it's better to prepare more now. Only by preparing more fully can we ensure that we will not be caught off guard when we arrive on the island.Fortunately, this is a vacation for two adults, so even some small oversights are not a big problem.

If you are taking the children to the island, there must be no negligence, otherwise it will be a real headache.Now you only need to prepare some necessities, and then take a little inventory, which is almost the same, there is no need to be so detailed, after all, there are no little ones around.

The preparations are done, that's about it; the children don't have much reaction, because they are playing the game happily now.For father and mother to go out to play, the little ones are still acceptable, and they also said that they will be obedient at home.

(End of this chapter)

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