Chapter 450 Two people's world
Both Qi Ping and Kate were very happy. When they said goodbye to their families, they didn't have any worries or reluctance.It's not that they are heartless, but because they have confidence in the children; the little ones are usually very tough, and they are easy to take care of.The most important thing is that my parents are quite powerful, and there must be no problem with them taking care of the children.

So when the two of them took off from the plane, they entered into the mode of a two-person world. The two of them sat facing each other, drinking and eating delicious Western food; in fact, this is quite romantic, and both of them enjoy the current two. World vacation mode, full of sweetness and warmth.

Who said that an old couple can't be sweet and romantic after several years, and they have just been together for more than seven years.This young couple still needs more time together, they like the sweetness and romance of two people together.Even after having children, they will enjoy such a rare two-person world even more.

"I'm always remembering that we used to travel together, when we first fell in love. It's just a pity that we couldn't finish Highway [-]. In fact, it's still like this until now, we couldn't go together After seeing the most beautiful road, we seem to have missed a lot of beautiful scenery.”

Qi Ping is indeed a little regretful. Although he and Kate once walked along Highway [-] together, it seemed that they came back before finishing the walk.Thinking about it now, it seems that there is still a little regret, after all, it was their first two-person trip, but they still failed to achieve a "start well and finish well" result.

"I don't care at all if I made it all the way, what I care about is the process of our travel together. I know it is a very good memory. Although we didn't have a private plane at that time, we didn't have a caravan, but we have a lot of good memories. .For me, our road trip on Highway [-] was incredibly romantic and beautiful."

Kate seems to be more emotional. She really doesn't care if she didn't complete the journey. She cares more about the good memories the two of them had together.Who made that period of travel full of joy, now recalling it is very sweet and beautiful.

As for whether or not the journey is complete, it really doesn't matter at all. The important thing is to enjoy the sweetness and beauty with the person you love the most.

"Actually, I always thought that we had a lot of time together, and we should have enjoyed too many good memories together. But in terms of travel, it seems that we really have too little about travel. common experience." Qi Ping felt aggrieved, and it seemed that he really needed to reflect.

"I admit that, although we seem to be together every day, we are basically in the forest farm, in our home. Every day we open our eyes and think about something, such as thinking about taking the baby today What kind of games do they play, or whether they will be called to school because they get into trouble? Our life has long revolved around children without knowing it, maybe we don’t realize it at all arrive."

What Kate said is absolutely true. Because of having a child, life has indeed changed unconsciously.Children, have now become the center of their lives.

"I'm always looking forward to, looking forward to a family trip around the world when our kids are older. You know, mom and dad are getting older, and I want to be able to Take them to travel all over the world, let's go see those beautiful scenery together."

Qi Ping is really looking forward to, looking forward to having more good memories with the whole family.

"I'm also looking forward to it, but I still have to wait. Traveling around the world has never been an easy task, even if we have enough financial resources. It's just that traveling around the world like this is often a physical test. I I hope that the children will grow up a bit, at least our little sweetheart needs to grow up, otherwise it will be difficult for her to enjoy the travel process. I don't want the original beautiful travel to become a burden, we need to consider everyone's body .”

Of course Kate is also looking forward to this kind of world travel, which will be some good memories for the whole family.It's just that it seems that the timing is still a bit premature, who makes the little sweetheart still young now.As for the parents, there is no need to worry. Although they are slowly getting older, life in the forest farm will make them healthy, and they will not be a burden if they want to travel around the world.

The two were chatting and laughing, and the long-distance flight for several hours was actually a kind of enjoyment for them.Without the children's bluffing, the two of them can sit together and chat quietly.Who makes those little guys at home never worry, they are too energetic.

"The environment here is really nice, I like it very much. But I think we still need enough time to bring the children here, and now there is only white sand beach here." The two walked on the beach holding hands, letting the waves beat On the feet, leisurely and romantic; the so-called seven-year itch does not exist at all, and they are still so sweet together now.

For her own island, Kate is 100 million satisfied, although the environment here is not as good as the forest farm.

The time when two people are together is of course full of sweetness, without the harassment of the children around, of course they can go wherever they want.You can also have nothing to worry about, and you will not miss diving, sea swimming, etc.; if there are children around, they will definitely not be able to swim in the sea together, because then they must still need to take care of the children.

This is the private island of Lao Qi's family. Although it will attract some investment in the next development of the island resort, the ownership of the island will definitely not change.It's just a joint development. It's about finding some partners as much as possible to maximize the benefits. This is the type of strong cooperation.

Without the concern of some children, Qi Ping and Kate also drove the yacht to sea; although they also have a villa on the west coast, they will drive the yacht to sea from time to time.But there's the Pacific Ocean, and here's the Caribbean; and, admittedly, it's a lot more relaxed without the little ones around.

This time I went to the island just for fun; swimming, offshore diving and sunbathing seemed to be the vast majority of arrangements.Even a game of beach volleyball is enough to keep them entertained for a long time; it's crazy fun, and of course the food is good.

There is a barbecue on the beach with the sea breeze blowing, the main thing is the caught seafood; there are grilled octopus, grilled octopus, etc., these are actually available.Although it may not be some precious seafood or the like, it is still really delicious to them; what they enjoy is the process, not necessarily the taste of these seafood.

Although there are no five-star hotels or villas, although I live in a simple cottage now; but it is romantic enough to hear the sound of the waves and the sea breeze.Speaking of it, it is because the person who travels together is the person I love the most, so even if the environment is not the best, it will still make people feel sweet and happy from the bottom of their hearts.

In fact, this time I will not have too much time to enjoy the two-person world, only a short three days; but it is still very enjoyable, and there is no specific arrangement, no where to go, what to do something.It's fine for the two of you to be as happy as you like, and you will be happy no matter what you feel.

They are enjoying this trip quite a lot now, and they are enjoying their two-person world very much; now they can play wildly and take a relaxing vacation.It's all so beautiful, and it doesn't make people feel any pressure.Traveling on vacation should be about enjoying, instead of looking around tiredly, this should be about doing whatever you want, and this is a trip where you control your time completely.

This is a complete enjoyment, an unparalleled enjoyment for Qiping and Kate; even when talking with the children on the phone, the young couple began to learn to lie to the children.

Why did the little ones keep asking if the island is fun or not? The little ones didn't think about their parents at all. What they cared about was whether the island was fun or not.

This requires lying. If you don't lie, the children will definitely be restless, and they will come to the island to play games arguing.So such a white lie is still necessary, not only to save myself a little trouble, but also to prevent my parents from being unable to manage these little naughty things at home.

But there are still some small depressions, who makes the little guys keep asking questions about whether the island is fun or not.They don't seem to care that they haven't seen their parents for several days. There is really no way, the little ones are not attached to their parents at all, which is really hurtful.

Qi Ping and Kate are really depressed, but they feel quite good about themselves. They feel that in the eyes of the children, their status is definitely nothing to say.But looking at the performance of the children now, there is no way they look like their parents; even the youngest sweetheart, just yelled their parents twice and then continued to play games on their own.

At this time, Qi Ping and Kate were a little dumbfounded. It can be said that since the birth of the children, they have never 'disappeared' at the same time for a long time.But looking at the performance of our children, no matter how you look at it, they are already used to their parents leaving them to go out to play.

(End of this chapter)

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