America's Mountains Are King

456 Potential Threat

456 Potential Threat
The struggle of He Niu's trapped beasts continues. They are absolutely unwilling to be beaten like this, and they are absolutely unwilling to be driven out of the high-end market layer by layer without any power to fight back.

Since there is no direct contest between the strength and the fairyland forest farm, then look for some ways to turn the situation around.Even if it can't completely return to the top beef market position, it can't be a disgraceful loss and a clean loss.At least they need to work hard, maybe this will allow them to fight for the last bit of interest.

In fact, Wagyu beef in Little Japan still has some capital, and this still has some capital to fight and fight for interests.

Wagyu, in fact, still have a lot of capital; after all, they have occupied the first position in the beef market for more than half a century. This once recognized as the best quality and most expensive fine-bred beef cattle in the world actually has quite mature breeding technology and reproductive technology.

These are actually the biggest capital of Wagyu now. They now need to cooperate with the Fairyland Forest Farm, and exchange the absolutely confidential technology they once regarded as treasures in exchange for cooperation opportunities.This is definitely their last capital and fig leaf now. If they can take advantage of these technological advantages or opportunities for cooperation, they can also guarantee some benefits.

Maybe they can't be as beautiful as before or earn all the profits, but this is enough to make them save the last bit of profit cake.There is no way, because they are very clear; the expectation is completely driven away, so it is better to use this "technical advantage" to ensure the last little benefit, which is the most practical.

Qi Ping is now looking at the information cheerfully. This is really a turn of events; Wagyu used to look down on other beef, and they dominated the most high-end market and dominated the market.When the fairy cow appeared, the wagyu from Little Japan was suppressing it while using its brains.Not reconciled to failure and losing the lead, this is a very normal thing.

Xianniu doesn't care about some beef grade standards of Little Japan at all, so we set up a new stove to create grade standards that belong to Xianniu.There is nothing to say, who makes the quality of the fairy cow so good, the so-called grading standards of the wagyu in Little Japan are not suitable for the fairy cow.

Although there is no clear evidence that the Japanese Wagyu Association once wanted to steal cattle and the technical information of the fairy cow, but no one is a fool, because everyone knows who is under the greatest pressure from the rise of the fairy cow.

However, those little tricks in the past have been proven, that is, the tricks of the clown, and they are basically not on the table, and they have not caused any pressure on Xianniu.Xianniu is still rising, a strong rise and a crazy crush.

Although Xianniu used to be Wagyu's biggest opponent, although Wagyu in Little Japan used to regard Xianniu as an opponent.But according to the servility of Little Japan, they just lower their eyebrows and put on a humble look when others are strong.These people are really 'aware of current affairs', they know the true meaning of hugging their thighs.

"Cooperate with them? I'm not optimistic at all. You really don't need Wagyu technology now. Your Xianniu technology has matured long ago, and you don't need their technology at all. If you cooperate with them, this is Divide part of the benefits." Luo Yi frowned, not just because he disliked Little Japan, but more importantly, because of the profit factor.

"I am also worried now. I don't want others to interfere with my ranch, but some of their technologies are really what I need. How should I put it, the quality of Xianniu is really nothing to say, but there is still a lot of potential You know that these products of mine, in the final analysis, depend on the environment of the ranch; although the quality of the fairy cow itself is not bad, but to be honest, there are still some areas that need to be improved."

Qi Ping said distressedly, of course he knew some wolfish ambitions of the little Japanese; but some baits thrown out by the little Japan really made Qi Ping quite excited.

These baits are actually really exciting; because what Qiping needs is to make its own products better, because Qiping strives for excellence.Qiping is an entrepreneur and a businessman, so what he needs is to make his products more competitive.

Qi Ping thinks that if he absorbs some of the technical advantages of Wagyu and adds some of his own advantages, then this may be the real perfect beef cattle and top-level beef.

Now Qi Ping is not only talking about these topics with his family, but also asking Luo Yi and Steve for their opinions.In fact, it is more important to include the opinions of the agents and managers under him. Qi Ping now needs to get some comprehensive and thoughtful suggestions, which is the most important thing.

Considering the potential of this cooperation, we also need to consider the risks involved; we still need to be more thoughtful, and we need to take into account all aspects of the relationship.In fact, it is definitely not a simple matter to smooth out these relationships.

Qiping has a technical advantage that Wagyu cannot touch at all, and Wagyu also has some key technologies that Qiping needs.It seems that this should be strong cooperation, which should be complementary to achieve greater achievements.

In fact, Qi Ping considered these things because he knew the embarrassing situation he was facing now.These are things that Qi Ping didn't think of before, but they have already happened.

Although Qi Ping never thought of himself as a monopoly giant, some such voices have begun to appear now, and this is getting louder and louder.In the final analysis, it is because Qi Ping has touched the interests of many people, and his current strong rise has offended too many people.

When a company's marketing presents a monopoly or tends to be monopolized, a means of intervention by the national government or an international organization is the famous anti-monopoly.In market economy countries, the anti-monopoly law is an important legal guarantee for maintaining the order of free competition, and has the reputation of "Market Economy Freedom Charter".

Although Qiping has always been relatively low-key, the products of Fairyland Forest Farm are not low-key at all; such strong products have actually completely occupied the throne of some of the best agricultural and animal husbandry products.In fact, these products already have the meaning of monopoly; the products of Fairyland Forest Farm are so powerful that it makes other products unable to form competitiveness at all.

So now there are a lot of voices, the Fairyland Forest Farm cannot be allowed to continue to develop so unscrupulously, and the Fairyland Forest Farm cannot be allowed to firmly press more competitors on the ground so that they will never stand up again.Fairyland forest farms must be restricted, otherwise this will make many agricultural and animal husbandry operators lose confidence.

It seems a bit alarmist, but Qi Ping has to pay attention to it; Microsoft and Apple were caught in anti-monopoly lawsuits at the beginning, which was quite a headache.Although the fairyland forest farm may not have so much market value, but the forest farm is really a bit invincible, and his opponent is completely a chicken and a dog.

In fact, a large part of the reason for being envied was because Qi Ping completely controlled the ownership of the Fairyland Forest Farm.This is almost Qi Ping's private property. Even if other people have a little bit of interest sharing, it is pitiful and sidelines. The core profit is still completely exclusive to Qi Ping.

So Qi Ping also knows that he has encountered some unspeakable things now. He really does not mean to monopolize, at least he will not do such things legally and on the books.But too many people have been offended, and he has touched the interests of too many people. It is not unreasonable to be hated at this time. It is normal for some people to want to make Qi Ping trouble.

Of course, Qi Ping is not worried about some people's petty movements, he is not afraid of the shadow slanting when he is upright.It's just that being harassed all the time is really a dumbfounding thing, it's really disgusting.So if you want to solve these troubles, you should find some more suitable solutions.

In this process, in addition to strengthening one's own quality, one really needs a shrewd approach.Qi Ping even felt that it was true that flies did not bite seamless eggs. It seemed that he was not strong enough to strike iron and needed to be hard himself. That's why these people saw some opportunities and wanted to pounce on them and take a bite.

Qi Ping never wanted to build a business empire, but Qi Ping felt that if the industry under his hands was indestructible, then it must be a pretty good thing.The business empire is too exaggerated, but a first-class top-level large enterprise is acceptable to people.

Now start to think about how to solve the troubles. Although these are just some minor troubles and some potential troubles, the most reassuring thing is to get rid of some potential threats.No matter what kind of thoughts those people came to make trouble for, Qi Ping didn't care about it at all.But Qi Ping can be sure that he doesn't like to be passive, he prefers to take the initiative.

Whether it is small Japanese wagyu cattle or some American forest farmers and ranchers, in fact, these people know that it is basically a fantasy to form a direct competitive relationship with the fairyland forest farm, but as long as they can share in the fairyland forest farm A piece of the pie, in fact, this is what they can accept, after all, this piece of the pie is also a lot of profit.

For Qi Ping, it is definitely not a realistic thing to let him share a part of the profits.If you want to take some profits from him, you should make some exchanges to get some benefits that make Qi Ping tempt.

In the final analysis, this is cooperation and the exchange of interests. It is absolutely unrealistic to want to have a pie in the sky.What Qi Ping is looking for now is a partner who can meet his interests.

(End of this chapter)

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