Chapter 457
Qi Ping is busy with some things now, which is an out-and-out major event; perhaps it is an exaggeration to say that this will be some major turning points for the ranch in the future, and some major measures that can affect the long-term development of the ranch.

Speaking of it, it is because Qi Ping is a very calm person. He does know some things, for example, the industry under his hands has developed very well, and he knows that his industry has indeed had a good foundation.But if you want to firmly occupy the No. [-] position in the world and completely prevent those competitors from catching up, it may take more effort.

He lacks some hardware and lacks more information; it is because Qi Ping knows some things, he really looks down on Little Japan, he thinks Wagyu is a thing of the past.

But I have to admit some things, putting aside some prejudices and the like, Little Japan actually still has some things worth learning.As for the technical advantages they once mastered, if they can be absorbed now, it may be a great help to Qi Ping, which will bring huge improvements to some of his products.

"You mean to continue to improve the breed of cattle? Combine the advantages of Xianniu and Wagyu, and continue to improve the quality of Xianniu, Xianniu version 2.0?" Luo Yi grinned at Qi Ping's brain hole, It's really because Qi Ping is too daring to think, Qi Ping actually wants to do a series of big things quietly.

"I'm going to do something immoral right now. Fairy Cow 2.0 has come out. This is the top beef cattle. Next is my Fairy Cow, and then those Angus cattle that have been improved for several years. This time It’s a good thing, Wagyu, who used to be No. [-] in the world, has suddenly reached No. [-].”

Qi Ping took a sip of wine and said ambitiously.He definitely has no good intentions, and it is actually very important to him to cooperate with Wagyu, because it is indeed able to improve the breed of cattle, which is the most important thing to him.After all, there are not too many good things, and this can still greatly improve the hard power of the products of their own ranch.

A certain bastard, this is definitely ill-intentioned; in fact, Little Japan may also have such ideas. While improving its own products, it is also suppressing the opponent's products.Learn from each other's strengths, this is the most important thing, this is a process that requires continuous learning.

Little Japan definitely has no good intentions, Qi Ping is quite clear about this; Little Japan will never be reconciled to the sunset, they hope to learn the best technology and make a comeback.So while they come up with Wagyu technology, they are also trying to get some core technology of Xianniu.

Qi Ping and Luo Yi chatted for a long time, and my brother and Steve also ran over to discuss together; in the study, my father also put forward some opinions.In my father's opinion, cooperating with Little Japan is likely to seek skin from a tiger, but he is very aware of some things about the ranch, and he also thinks that such cooperation has an irresistible temptation, because some technologies are so exciting.

Everyone is not a fool, and they can all know that cooperation with Little Japan can bring some benefits; Wagyu, even if they have been kicked out of the world's number one position, they still have merits.This matter is still worth considering, but it needs to be considered and studied in detail.

Cooperating with Little Japan's Wagyu Research, it is necessary to see how much you can get and how much risk you need to take.After all, they are all businessmen, and there are not many interests involved, so everyone needs to strive for more powerful conditions for themselves.This is business, and it's about the same as seeing red with a bayonet.

"Dad, I want to go out and play!"

Qi Ping felt a headache. He had just walked out of the study when he saw Lele, who was sitting on the ground playing with his sister, ran over.This outdoor sports enthusiast has no interest in only teasing his younger sister at home. Although he was a good brother when his younger sister was born, he is already getting a headache from his younger sister now.

"Brother, brother!"

Little sweetheart struggled to stand up, and walked over unsteadily; the little girl held her brother's hand and would not let go. She had just played games with her brother to a wonderful moment, and now she must not let him run away.Although the little girl is still young, she can already feel that her brothers always want to escape.

"Dad, can we go swimming?" Lele had a headache, and it would be impossible to run away if she wanted to get rid of her sister, so now she needs to work hard with her father, "I can take my sister to go boating, and we can go to Dabai Feed the bread. But I can't steer a big boat, you'll have to help me."

Seeing the fat son looking up with anticipation, Qi Ping definitely couldn't bear to refuse.As for the cute little sweetheart, in fact, the little girl doesn't have much opinion on whether to play games at home or go on a big boat.In fact, the little girl still likes to see the cute Dabai and the others, although now Dabai and the others often don't go home.

Lele led her sister and walked slowly in front, the two little brothers and sisters showed a very friendly look; although little Lele sometimes gets impatient, even though little sweetheart sometimes makes trouble for no reason.But in general, the little brother and sister have a good relationship.

Starting the yacht, watching Lele and his sister sitting on the deck of the cab, the two little brothers and sisters started chatting again; listening to the incomprehensible topics and language of the little guys, Qi Ping still felt very happy , very happy.

"Romeo, you and Juliet help us find Dabai and Dahui, you are the best." Lele is still very good at instructing his friends to work, who knows that he won't be like Romeo and Juliet? Fei, "If you see Mom and Dad, let them come and play games with us. I can give you a lot of hazelnuts and walnuts. I'll smash them for you."

Seeing her brother holding Romeo and Juliet, little sweetheart is the happiest; this is her best friend, who made her often play games with them at a young age.Although the little girl is not able to speak many words fluently, she can try her best to speak as much as possible.

Romeo and Juliet fluttered and flew out. Although they were fat and not as good at talking as their parents, they were still very smart. Now they can learn to speak more and more words. They know some simple conversations and can clearly understand Recognize every member of the family; now it's a piece of cake to find out how many of them are, as long as they don't fly around and run out to play.

Seeing Romeo and Juliet flying close to the surface of the water, Qi Ping became less and less confident in them, not at all.These little guys in the family are all too playful; it is okay to expect them to do some things, but it is difficult to guarantee the completion of quality and quantity.The main thing is that someone is watching, and you must be fine.

But if you want to let them play freely, it is better to pray more; it is really difficult for these little guys at home to have more confidence in them.No way, Qi Ping never suppresses their nature, they always do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't cause harm to others.

Xiao Lele started playing games with her younger sister, running around on the deck, lying on the fence together and watching her father fishing.It's just that because of their existence, it's really hard to guarantee that you can catch fish. Although there are a lot of salmon and bass in Muse Lake, but with such naughty things, it's basically impossible to fish with peace of mind. possible things.

As for the little ones, they also forgot to feed Dabai them bread, and now they have become two little brothers and sisters sitting happily eating bread together.It's really shocking. Our children have never been short of food and drink, okay? Why do they always look like they are not full? The most important thing is that the little ones are small now, although they are chubby The look is very cute.

But if it continues like this, maybe there will really be more chubby guys in the family.In fact, Xiaoyao and Lele are better. The little guys have relatively firm flesh, and such little guys still look very MAN.But our Yoyo and Tiantian want to become a lady in the future, not a little chubby girl.

Seeing his precious daughter happily eating bread, and seeing Xiao Lele taking good care of her sister and handing her juice, Qi Ping felt even more stressed.Xiao Lele is taking care of her younger sister, but no matter how you look at it, this is the trend of leading her into the ditch.This kid probably won't understand his father's good intentions and those worries.

The two little guys, Romeo and Juliet, are not enough to make people feel at ease. This pair of little brothers and sisters have been out for a long time. Lele and Tiantian are already happily watching the big fish caught by their father, but Romeo and the others There is no movement at all.

These two little guys either flew out to play or failed to find Dabai, but the chances of going out to play are higher.Muse Lake is said to be big, but it doesn't mean that they can't be found all the time; even if they can't be found, they should go back to the yacht directly.

It seems that these two little bastards ran away, and it seems that they finally had the opportunity to leave their good friend Tiantian. go home.Just like their parents, they go out early and return late to play games, and don't even want to stay at home for a while.

These things really make people feel quite speechless and helpless; who makes the children of the family to toss about, who makes the little guys in the family all playful.

(End of this chapter)

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