America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 458 Little idiots

Chapter 458 Little idiots
Good intentions, no matter in his own family or career, Qi Ping has exhausted his mind and racked his brains.What he needs is to find a better way to lay a solid foundation for his career, and he needs to think more comprehensively so that he can ensure the happiness of his family.

This is a real responsibility and pressure, but Qi Ping feels that he still enjoys it; although he does like to be lazy sometimes, it's just that he will not evade the responsibility he should bear.

There is no doubt about it, in fact, Qi Ping still enjoys such responsibilities; he will not be an active person, and without enough responsibilities, he may be a person who is content with a little wealth and is content with the status quo.And with the responsibilities that need to be borne, Qi Ping is full of motivation, and he will strive to do better at this time.

The cooperation with Little Japan is still under negotiation. This is definitely not an easy task, and it may not be something that can be finalized in a short time. There is no rush.

Whether it is Qi Ping or Little Japan, such a cooperation seems to be very promising. Everyone takes what they need and cooperates with each other. This kind of cooperation may bring more benefits and so on.

However, Little Japan needs to ensure that their wagyu situation can no longer continue to fall. They need to reverse some declines and obtain some technologies they need in cooperation.Only in this way can we ensure the improvement of our own strength, instead of taking out Wagyu's technology and only leaving the strength of our opponents, they need to ensure their own future.

Of course, the same is true for Qi Ping. Of course, he hopes to obtain a complete Wagyu breeding technology, so that the quality of the beef cattle on the ranch can be improved.But if it is said that cooperation can keep Wagyu alive and have a chance to fight back, then it is better not to cooperate.

In the final analysis, because Qi Ping has the initiative now, he can keep improving to make his own product quality better.But it is definitely not cost-effective to raise tigers to strengthen the strength of the main competitors.

This matter requires constant research, negotiation, and competition. Anyway, it is difficult to have a clear result in a short while.Of course Qi Ping knew about such things, and he was not in a hurry to get some replies right away.It is better to continue to negotiate now, and it is fundamental to obtain enough benefits for oneself.

"What should I do? Why are the little guys in our family just complete idiots? It seems that there is no future in their studies. I think we still have to rely on the Princeton University sponsored by us. Count on them Getting into a university by yourself is completely hopeless."

Looking at the children's report cards, Qi Ping was really desperate; whoever said that American students have no pressure to go to school, especially for some children from ordinary families, it is actually quite difficult to be admitted to college, especially It's some famous universities and the like, and it's not easy to get in.

Although Xiaoyao and Yoyo are still young, they mainly play like crazy in elementary school; but looking at their grades, it is really unsightly.Qi Ping thinks that he and Kate are not very stupid. Could this be the legendary hidden gene explosion or something like that?In fact, this pair of cute twins only inherited some external good genes. As for some hidden genes, it is hard to say.

"I have been looking for some ways to educate the children from my sister-in-law and Nina, but now it seems that there is no gain at all. They think that the responsibility is on you; the children like to play too much like you games, it is difficult for them to concentrate on their studies, and all their attention is on playing games.”

Kate decisively shifted the responsibility to Qi Ping, she felt wronged.The children are cute and beautiful. Although the children are still young, they don’t necessarily have to say anything. This represents the children’s learning ability, but now the young ones show that they want to be the bottom of the class and the bottom of the school. This is really true. It's hard to laugh.

Don't think that American schools just don't have any report cards, although they pay more attention to protecting children and not publishing them directly.But looking at the report cards of the little guys, all fools know that the two big live treasures in our family are not material for study. Judging from their grades, they are really not far from the bottom of the school.

So Qi Ping feels that he really needs to continue to make good friends with Princeton University now, otherwise these two big living treasures of our family will not even be able to pass the community college entrance examination in the future.At the same time, I also need to have a good chat with Professor Bruce. We can’t stop teaching our children just because they don’t like studying, and we can’t just focus on Benben and want to accept him as a closed disciple.

Sighing, looking at the children's report cards makes people feel very shocked; especially looking at the children, who don't seem to care about their grades at all, and are still happily trying to put Pooh on the ground Tossed to the ground.This made people even more speechless. He looked like a fool at first glance, and he didn't want to see how heavy King Kong was.

However, both Qi Ping and Kate are seriously skeptical that American schools still protect children, so generally speaking, children do not know each other's grades.But both Qi Ping and Kate know that Xiaoyao and Yoyo never keep their grades secret from each other. Looking at their brother's grades and their younger sister's grades, they will get the illusion that everyone's grades are the same.

But it's still reassuring, because the children of American students don't necessarily depend on their academic performance, as well as their conduct and other grades.

"It's nothing. The children are still young. What are their grades in elementary school? It may only show the children's learning ability when they are in middle school. It doesn't necessarily mean that they will be successful if they study well. You are overthinking it. "

Dad took a look at the children's grades, and gave a decisive judgment without caring.

"If you really want to find the problem, you still have to find it on you. You are not a good student yourself. You are not a smart person after studying for so many years and barely passing an undergraduate degree. Kate is similar. You are a big vase. You My mind is at home. Neither of you is smart, and it's not the children's fault."

My mother is more decisive, and I can't find problems with the children in this matter.So you have to be decisive, and put all the responsibility on Qi Ping and Kate, because your grandson and granddaughter are the most perfect.

Qi Ping and Kate are speechless, why don't they be relatives like this; look at those little guys yelling and running out to play games with King Kong and Pooh, they look like silly boys and little girls no matter what.

Qi Ping was even more aggrieved. My parents are not people who don’t care about grades at all; when I was a child, I had the experience of being beaten for poor grades. Still ringing in my ears.Even more directly, when looking at the report card of the eldest grandson Benben, the parents burst into laughter.

"A good study is not necessarily the most promising. Isn't Joshua's academic performance a mess? Didn't he get a scholarship to the university for playing baseball? Besides, your annual sponsorship fee for Princeton University is also a bit, It’s really unreasonable not to give a few places. Our children don’t necessarily have to study hard to be successful, they just do what they like.”

Dad's inter-generational relationship is happening again, anyway, his own children are as good as they look.The children are so cute and beautiful, and have such a good personality, where can I find a little guy who is better than the children at home.

"I may believe that Lele can play baseball, but you have also seen our Jialele playing baseball. We only use our strength and don't use our brains. That's what it means to have developed limbs, and that's what no golfer says. Xiaoyao and As for Yoyo, to be fair, I really didn’t find some sports or art projects that they are good at. The naughty ones are better than the other, and the hobbies are too wide and none of them are good at.”

I just finished speaking, and I was slapped by my mother; did I make a mistake, this is too sad, and I don’t want people to tell the truth at all.Although we also admit that studying well may not necessarily mean the most promising, but we can't deceive ourselves. Our children are indeed quite smart, but they really don't like reading at all.

Regarding the topic of children's reading, there is no way to continue; in fact, it is quite funny to think about it. The children at home have known some things early on. For example, even if they don't study well, they will Receive the best education possible.So now, the kids are just doing the things they enjoy and they're going to be happy and that's the best thing.

In fact, Qi Ping and Kate were just joking. They knew better than anyone else that the children's academic performance was not necessarily all that important, and their morals were what they cared most about.

The little idiots ran out to play games, the cutest and smartest little sweetheart rolled her eyes wide open; this is a cute and smart little girl, she is the most powerful.The little girl was happily playing games with her grandpa, her giggling and crisp laughter made the whole family feel extremely happy.

Qi Ping thinks there is a reason why the children in the family don't like to study very much, because Qi Ping and Kate never deliberately ask the children to study and so on.Even they often take the children to "skip class" and so on, and with several playmates of King Kong, how can the children have the intention to study hard, and playing games is their favorite.

"Grandpa, can you take me to pick watermelons?" The little idiot went home, and Xiaoyao, who was lying on King Kong's back, went home, just for the game, "Let's go pick a lot of watermelons, I want to compete with Pooh to eat watermelons , I can eat half a large watermelon, I dig it with a spoon!"

Desperate, the little idiot and the little rice bucket, there is no hope!
(End of this chapter)

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