America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 459 Grandpa Summer Camp

Chapter 459 Grandpa Summer Camp

The champion of the watermelon eating contest is undoubtedly Pooh. Even if the four brothers and sisters of Xiaoyao join the battle, they can only bow down when they meet the super big eater Pooh.

Little sweetheart may be the happiest, she is not at all depressed because of losing the game; one of the happiest things for the little girl is to eat watermelon with her brothers and sisters, and stuff the watermelon into her mouth with her little hands.Of course, it is also because Pooh is very powerful. Pooh just hugged the watermelon and started to eat it. His posture of eating watermelon is still very bold.

"This holiday, our house is very lively." Seeing the children misbehaving at home, it really makes people feel happy, "I have to bear at least a lot of weight this summer vacation, and I take them to pick them every day." fruit, go to the ranch for a race, and don’t do anything.”

"If you don't bring the kids, I'll take them. I like these little people running around me. You can't actually take the kids to play. You can't play baseball and you can't pile up blocks. Happy and happy If Le wanted to ride a horse, he would go to Heitan and Rudolph. Your words are really useless." Mom's heavy attack was so powerful that at least Dad choked so hard that he couldn't speak.

"Whether it's fishing or not, I take these villains with me. Going to the pasture to play is my home game. You see, if the children want to pick fruits, do they come to you or me? I'm actually very good." Dad started After fighting back, he didn't think he had no place in the hearts of the children.

Mom didn't speak anymore, she felt that she had nothing to say to those who refused to accept their fate; the children really didn't necessarily like playing games with grandpa very much, because it was really difficult for grandpa to play games with the children.

It’s true that you can’t play baseball; stacking blocks and the like can only be used by children.If you want to play toys with children, you don't necessarily know more than children.As for shopping, chatting, etc., the children really prefer to find grandma.

I was taken aback by this sudden thought, it turned out that grandpa's status was not very high in the children's minds.I thought I was doing pretty well at first, but there is really room for improvement.There is no way, who made these little people at home really tormented, and it is not an easy task to take them to play games.

Qi Weihui was stunned for a moment. Of course, the children liked grandpa very much. They liked playing games with grandpa and taking them to fish and ranch.But kids actually seem to play more games with grandma than with grandpa.

This is not possible, Qi Weihui felt that he could not be such a grandfather; he also lived in the forest all day long, either at the youngest son's house or at the eldest son's house to see.The two sons brought him a total of six grandsons and granddaughters. This is really the joy of the family.

The two fat grandsons of the elder son's family stayed in China for a while, and the United States for a while, which is really not like the four little babies in the family of the younger son, Qi Ping, who hang around all day long.But it doesn't mean that a grandpa doesn't like these fat grandsons and granddaughters. It doesn't mean that he doesn't like playing games with his children because he's busy working in the forest all day.

The big fat grandchildren are cute and lively, but these little people can't let these little people think that grandpa doesn't like to play games with them.It's time to reflect on it now. Although the work on the forest farm is very important; but to be honest, it's because I can't take it easy and want to find something to do. I don't know much about management. Category.

It has been busy for many years, and I have changed many jobs in the forest farm here and there.But the children are so old, look at what they have done.

I can't play baseball, I can't stack blocks, and there are even some small amusement parks in front of my house, but I haven't seen more games with the children in the amusement park.This is not acceptable. You can't forget to watch the children's growth because of such a little work, and you can't let the children grow up and not even remember how grandpa played games together when they were young.

Anyway, the current job is just a hobby, and now I have to change it; this is not a real job, and I hope to rely on these jobs to earn some money to supplement my family.

What is needed now is to find a balance. You also need to bring your children to play games while you are at work. Thinking about it, it should be right. After all, there are six grandchildren, big and small. How much would it be like to play games with them? interesting.It's not just work, it's time to learn how to take the children to play games better.

Listening to his father's rambling, listening to some of his thoughts; Qi Ping is dumbfounded now, he really didn't expect that his father is now thinking of 'retiring' to bring up his grandson.In the past, my father would never think about these things at all. My father is a person who can't be idle and likes to go to the forest farm to do things after breakfast.

But now look at some of my father's plans. He is going to take the children to the forest farm to do some small things, and by the way, he will play games and baseball with the children.In other words, Dad is now planning to organize a grandpa summer camp, and he plans to take the children to carry out outdoor activities during the holiday.

Not just sports, but also taking the children to do some farm work together; such as planting vegetables, picking fruits, feeding calves, cutting grass and so on.

Hearing some arrangements from his father, Qi Ping was really taken aback; this is not about letting the children become small farmers, but taking the little ones to experience fun farmhouse fun.And here are basically things that some little guys can do, and they are also some jobs in the forest farm.

It’s really interesting to say that it’s fun and educational. It’s not expected that all the children will become excellent little farmers and cowboys, but the little ones can learn something in the process. The form and importance of the work, let them know what kind of 'development' the forest farm is like.

In fact, these are quite superficial but intuitive tasks. I believe that children will know something when they see them.Especially Xiaoyao and Yoyo, these two little guys are the type to do evil at home and at school all day long, they are very naughty.There is no harm in letting them get in touch with these things. After all, they are no longer ignorant toddlers, but have basically entered the ranks of children.

"Dad, I support your plan. Children can't just play games during the holidays, they need to make life more interesting and fulfilling. They need some meaningful activities. It's different, they should learn to start working slowly."

Kate was the first to respond. Of course, she hopes that the children will be more lively and lovely, and she hopes that the children will be more exposed to some meaningful extracurricular activities.As for academic performance and the like, it's really not what Kate cares about the most.

But now it seems meaningful to start some meaningful exercises and let the children go to the forest farm to slowly learn some simple daily tasks.You can't let the children and King Kong put fruit in the bag together shoulder to shoulder, or spend all day thinking about how to overthrow Pooh or defeat the invincible big eater.

"It's okay to weed or water some small trees, although our forest farm doesn't necessarily have to do that. I agree with taking the children to work, but the time can't be too long, two hours at most. And Children should not be delayed in playing games or studying. The most important thing is not to let children do dangerous time, do not let children do physical work!"

My mother agreed to this matter in principle, but I also need to learn some balance in this matter; I must not really treat the children as small laborers, child laborers, and the little ones will work more. It's the nature of summer camp.

"Then I know what I'm going to do. Xiaoyao will help me drive a small forklift and help me move things. If Youyou is careful, help me label the boxes. If you are a grade, she doesn't know much. Lele, let me think about it, weeding I really can't let him go, he doesn't know the difference between grass and vegetables. Our family is sweet, just be a little cheerleader for me."

Dad is very happy. He has found a project that can improve the relationship with the children and leave good memories, which can also help the children's growth.Now that the family has agreed to this matter, he is naturally quite happy; now his father has begun to consider the division of labor, and he has begun to consider taking the children to experience different lives and positions in the next period of time.

There are a lot of things to do in the vegetable base, and it takes about a week to go through the flowers; the children in the orchard like it, and ten days may not be enough.There are not many aquatic products in Muse Lake, and the fishy smell is relatively strong, just take a look at it in two or three days.As for the resort, it's good to go to the resort for a while. It's serious to go to the horse farm to play more. Children also like ponies.

In such a calculation, the time is really a little tight. This ranch has not been considered yet. This has been scheduled for at least a month.Counting it, the industry at home has not been fully explored yet, and there are still many positions that I have not tried.

Qi Ping and his father began to discuss. They more or less knew the jobs and nature of some forest farms, at least better than their mother and Kate.Now if you want to arrange a few small laborers, you really need to rack your brains; there is no way, who makes the jobs of these little guys need to be very particular, they don’t just have to have a job, it is necessary to treat these little guys. suitable position.

It does seem to be a bit troublesome, but the process is still full of fun; I don't feel annoying at all, and I don't think that the little guys will delay the work of the forest farm or the like.Even if it reduces efficiency, it is worth it!
(End of this chapter)

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