America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 460 Development is very busy

Chapter 460 Development is very busy

"Grandpa, can I drive a tractor today? I like big cars, I don't like small cars. I don't want to mow any more grass, I want to drive a tractor!"

Xiaoyao started to harass grandpa early in the morning. These days, he will go to the forest farm with grandpa to work every morning, which is very interesting for the children.It's not tiring at all, it's fun and fun.

"You can't drive a tractor, you can't drive. Your job today is to continue weeding, and together with Lele, you are responsible for cleaning up all the weeds in the vegetable garden. Don't be naughty, Yoyo, you made a lot of mistakes in your work yesterday, You need to be more serious and careful."

Looking at the lovely children, Qi Weihui really enjoys it; every morning after dinner, he drives the car with the children to work, which is full of fun.If it weren't for the two fat grandsons of the eldest son's family who have returned to China, they would have to pull them over to work together; especially the eldest grandson, Benben, is about to become a nerd. His academic performance is really good, but his extracurricular activities are not very good. I like it, why is this kid not as playful as he was when he was a child? !

Dad set off with the children in a mighty way, and a group of lively little guys began to look forward to today's new job again.Although these little guys may not be so dedicated, but they like such fun games, which is the most important thing, and the little guys are not impatient at all, which of course makes the family very happy.

Dad has dad's job, and the kids have kids' games.For Qi Ping, he also needs to do his job well, and this is a good role model.

Speaking of which, Qi Ping really has a lot of things to do now, and there is no delay at all.

Negotiating with Wagyu from Little Japan is a relatively difficult project. Now everyone is still looking for cards and so on. It is no exaggeration to fight for every inch of land on the negotiating table.This matter needs to be paid more attention to. Although we can grasp certain advantages, we can't keep grinding on this matter. It will consume time and energy and affect some work on the ranch.

We must hurry up, whether the negotiation is successful or the cooperation cannot continue, we need some clear answers; Qi Ping doesn't have so much time to continue to practice foreign work, and he doesn't intend to continue talking with Little Japan.

In the final analysis, Qi Ping now holds the initiative, and now Wagyu's life is getting more and more difficult, and they are actually more enthusiastic about cooperation.So in this matter, you need to be stronger. Anyway, you can't continue to play charades with those people, it's too much trouble.

The matter of cooperating with Wagyu needs to be clarified. Anyway, Qi Ping does not intend to continue to spend on this matter.Although this matter is of great help to the ranch, non-cooperation does not mean that the development of the ranch will be hit hard. At most, it will take more time to continue to cultivate and improve the breed of cattle.

Anyway, our Xianniu has already stood at the number one position in the world, and now it continues to develop in an orderly manner, so there is really no need to worry about making mistakes.After all, we are the leaders now, so we can have a leisurely attitude.

Apart from the matter of continuing to improve the quality of Xianniu, Qi Ping has other things to do; what he is focusing on now is the development of his own private island resort, which is now a top priority, so this needs to be taken seriously He has worked hard, and now he needs to make this matter perfect.

This can be said to be the top priority for Qi Ping now, because he is full of expectations for the island resort, and he knows that this is a new territory for his career.In any case, it is also a new profit point, so this needs to ensure that there is a capital to create more value.

"It can't be red walls and white tiles. Although sea view villas are of high grade, they are not suitable for islands. You can't build a big villa like ours on the island. You need to ensure that it conforms to the style of the island. Measure measures according to local conditions. It is out of place to build a luxury villa abruptly on the island.”

Qi Ping and Kate are nestled in the study room, and they are chatting about the architectural style of the island; this matter is really important, and it is also because these two couples are still a bit of perfectionists.In terms of career, Qi Ping has never been a sloppy character, and his requirements are still very high.

"I think Southeast Asian style and Balinese style may be more suitable. This style advocates nature and authenticity. I think this is the most suitable holiday style. This is the pursuit of the most natural style, plus Add enough tropical plants, this is the style closest to nature."

Kate also put forward her own opinion. She thinks that the island villa does not need to be so luxurious and modern.Simplicity, naturalness and comfort are the most important, which should be the most suitable and most in line with the surrounding environment.Of course, when pursuing nature, we should also ensure enough enjoyment; after all, those who go to resorts are rich people, who go on vacation and enjoy themselves, not to experience the suffering of primitive society.

"Our two opinions are very unified. I am also opposed to building particularly luxurious villas there. I don't like it being too modern. It is very important to maintain a certain degree of primitiveness and the natural landscape there. .”

Qi Ping feels that the style of the villa has been determined, and it must not be too modern and luxurious; after all, the island is particular about the blue sea and blue sky, not necessarily the high-end atmosphere like on land.In fact, this is also due to construction costs and the like. If you want to build a house on an island, the cost will not be high.

Because the transportation is inconvenient there, it will cost a lot of money to transport materials; it still needs to save a little bit of work, even if not all materials are obtained locally, it is necessary to transport as little material as possible.Saving costs and improving efficiency is the way to do big things with little money.

Now that the style is determined, take a good look at the design proposals given by the design studios; pick out the one you are most satisfied with, and then you can find a builder.

These things really can’t be delayed, because the development of the island is not just enough to build houses; although there is no need for deep-sea docks and the like, because even if yachts can be docked there, they are only small and medium-sized yachts, and the draft will not be large. too deep or something.

It's just a pier or something, which is an absolute must.In addition to the convenience of commuting, it is also because there should always be yachts in resorts. This is a hard configuration for vacations and sea trips, and it is absolutely indispensable.

Villas and docks must be available, as well as water and electricity; buy a small wind turbine, because the fairyland island does not have suitable fresh water resources, so small seawater desalination equipment is still needed, which is in case of emergency .Plus building up a water storage tank, this must also be there.

There are really a lot of things to do in this calculation. If you buy an island, you will find that there are too many things to do there.This is definitely not worry-free, and it cannot be completely developed overnight.

Qiping not only needs to ensure enough funds for development, but also needs to have enough patience.Fortunately, Qi Ping is still very patient now, he knows that such things cannot be rushed; as for the capital chain and the like, there is no need to worry, Qi Ping has enough funds for activities.

Don't talk about buying an island or developing it, even if there are a few more projects, there is no pressure.Qi Ping is a thoroughly rich man. He is not like many rich people who seem to have a lot of assets, but basically it is difficult to realize them in a short time.Qi Ping's 'cash' is really quite a lot, his assets are visible and tangible.

The young couple huddled in the study and discussed a lot of things, although Kate often didn't care about career matters at all.She is a housewife, and she is not very familiar with business matters; Kate is not worried about these things because she has full confidence in Qi Ping.

Kate is very clear that Qi Ping is a lazy person, and he may not have such a great sense of professionalism; but Qi Ping has always handled matters in his career very well, so there is no need to worry at all.

"Steve doesn't seem to have much interest in the island development this time. He is only concerned with the work of resorts, restaurants, and wildlife sanctuaries." Now we are talking about some of the next partners, which seems to be the most tacit cooperation The partner will not go into battle this time.

"I know this, he doesn't have much money to continue to invest. Although the resort and the restaurant have a good output, the wildlife sanctuary has not yet seen profit. He talked to me about these issues, and he wants to do well. These are the current businesses; besides doing a good job in his own business, he actually needs to take over the family business."

Qi Ping shrugged his shoulders. It's actually okay for Steve not to invest together; it's not because of friendship or something, but because Steve really doesn't have the energy anymore.Qi Ping can understand this, so he won't have to pull his best buddies together in every investment.

Busy with the development of the island, busy with the negotiation of cooperating with Niu, it seems that Qi Ping is still very busy now.While doing these things well, Qi Ping still has other tasks to deal with; for Qi Ping, he can't stay at home all the time, he actually still has some things and work to deal with .

For example, what we are going to do now is a wildlife sanctuary; although Qiping has never been particularly concerned about this sanctuary, although there are many investors in charge of it, but for Qiping, the major shareholder and chief technician, For him, he couldn't ignore it at all, especially now that he had some achievements.

(End of this chapter)

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