Chapter 461
When I went out in the morning, the children were clean and cute, but when they came back, their faces were dirty, and their clothes were covered with mud or grass clippings.So Qi Ping often wonders whether these little people have gone to work with their grandfather or played in the mud, or why they are so dirty.

The little ones started running to the bathroom yelling. Although Xiaoyao and Lele felt that they could ignore this a little bit, they didn't need to change their clothes.But mom and grandma didn't agree, so the little brothers got into the bathroom honestly; now the little guys have grown up and can take a bath by themselves.

But Yoyo doesn't need to be reminded, she likes clean things very much, so the little girl will actually take a bath when she gets home, she likes beautiful clean clothes and a clean face.So every time after finishing work, the little girl will happily take her sister to take a bath, although her sister will be lazy every time she works, even though taking her sister to take a bath needs the help of grandma.

Seeing the fat sons swarming out of the bathroom, Qi Ping knew that the two boys just took a bath, maybe they didn't use shower gel or anything like that, anyway, as long as there was no obvious dirt on their bodies, it would be fine.

Thinking about it, it is heartbreaking. Both Qi Ping and Kate are not people who don't like cleanliness. Unfortunately, the two fat sons raised here don't particularly like cleanliness and carelessness.

Yoyo is still a lot of peace of mind, even though the little girl is sometimes more naughty than a monkey, but in fact, the little girl still has some potential of a little lady, and the little girl still makes people feel at ease.

"Father, are we going to find King Kong today?" The fat boys began to prepare to go out, took out their travel bags from a small corner, and said with anticipation, "I'm going to give An a lot of fruit today, so that it can will like me."

"I also want to give Ann a lot of fruit, and I also want to give Ann a lot of meat. Dad, we don't allow Jack and them to run over. Ann can only give birth to a baby when she is full, just like mother and Jenny."

The two brothers are very smart, knowing that King Kong always runs to the reserve now because he wants to pick up girls and have babies.Now King Kong and Ann have become boyfriend and girlfriend, so in the children's mind, maybe there will be a baby orangutan soon.As for the skill of naming the children, Qi Ping and Kate are already unable to complain.

Baby Bear, Red Nose, Dabai... The little ones played very well with the doctrine, and it was also very simple and clear.

It’s good to watch the little guys tossing around. In fact, children still have a lot of experience in outdoor activities, so they have enough experience to go out and play what kind of games, and they also know what to prepare for. items.Just like going to a wildlife sanctuary this time, it's good to bring fruits and the like.

If you are going to play baseball, you need sports equipment plus sports drinks; for horse riding, of course you need to prepare protective gear.The children are smart, who told them to always play like this at home, they can play.

"Dad, when is Ann going to have a baby? I want to bring the baby gorilla home to raise. I don't want the baby gorilla to be like the baby bear. The baby bear is a big fool. He always runs out to play and doesn't care." They will go home. The baby bear has not been home for a long time, and like Jenny, he does not like to play games with us, and they will only go home when they are hungry."

Youyou sighed, and the little girl felt that she was wronged; the little girl liked the baby bear so much when she was young, and she always took care of the baby bear.But now it's good, the little bear always goes out to play, and seldom goes home.

Baby Bear and Jenny do prefer to go out and play, they seem to prefer to live in the mountains; when they go home, they are basically hungry or hibernating, because they know that they will definitely be able to eat and drink at home and Also very safe.

And every time Jenny or the baby bear come home, they must be dirty and smelly; so at this time, they need to take care of them and give them a bath.You can't just let them eat enough, you also need to make them look clean and hygienic. You must not let Pooh and Baby Bear get oily and have mosquitoes flying around.

King Kong and Pooh are better, although they often like to go to the mountains to play, and sometimes they get dirty.But in the eyes of the children, this is normal, and they will be dirty when they go out to play; but when they are at home, they are all clean and cute.

The children are busy cleaning up now, of course Qiping and Kate are also busy now; they are busy explaining some things to the children, for example, King Kong does not like to take care of the children by himself, and if the baby orangutan leaves his mother after birth, Then it must be sad.

The kids now know something, although they do enjoy being with the animals.But the children know better that not every animal like King Kong they like to play games, not every animal is friendly and kind.So in the process of getting along with animals, it is also necessary to be cautious, because they are not as smart as King Kong and them. King Kong and them are actually family members, so you don’t need to worry, because they will love everyone .

These little guys are indeed quite good at tossing and tossing, but they are also very cute and kind.

Qi Ping is now going to take the children to the wildlife sanctuary. In fact, the children used to play games. The wildlife sanctuary is a zoo for children. There are many cute animals there, especially some cute little ones. Animals are actually more fun, and kids love being with them.

But for Qi Ping, he still needs to deal with some work now; because the wildlife sanctuary is getting more and more on the right track, and there is now a certain amount of output that can be created there, although it is still negligible.

But this is good news. Projects that can make money are actually good things; and when it comes to creating wealth, then you need to start thinking about some more realistic issues.

Of course, the distribution of benefits is very important, and in this process, it is also necessary to ensure the subsequent development of the protected area.Although the development of the protected area is getting better and better, and more and more wealth can be created, these investors now need to consider their own interests; some people do not necessarily have long-term plans, they are more What they care about may be the immediate interests.

As a major shareholder, Qiping not only needs to ensure that it can make money now, but also needs to ensure that it can have more gains in the future.So now it is necessary to ensure long-term development, but it still needs to be balanced. After all, not everyone like Qi Ping has no shortage of money for the time being. Those people's investments are not just to get money.

"There are a lot of profiteers, and there are more investors who only focus on the immediate interests. Only when the money is in their hands can they really make money. Otherwise, it is meaningless to just see the money in the assets." Naturally, Luo Yi couldn't be absent. At the meeting, he was also a little dissatisfied that some partners only paid attention to petty profits.

"I think a lot of people will have this kind of experience. You should know that many people want to make some money quickly. In fact, they invest in wildlife sanctuaries to make money. Now that they can make money, then this is It’s enough to keep them satisfied, they don’t care about making more money in the future, they care about the present.”

Steve muttered and said that he and Luo Yi are Qiping's most solid partners, and they have enough confidence in the reserve.Because they are very clear that the development of the reserve must have great potential; but for some investors, they may not only care about the immediate interests, but the future development of the reserve.

For future development, some investors lack confidence; this is because of Qiping, just like they chose to invest in protected areas.

It seems contradictory, but it is actually so realistic; in fact, these investors are smarter than each other, and they are doing enough research on Qiping, which makes them feel less confident about the future development of the reserve .

Why, it's actually Qi Ping's character that caused the trouble.

Qi Ping is not a person with great ambitions, and most of the time he will not make his own industry a super giant.That is to say, Qi Ping will continue to restrict the development of the industries under his hands, and will control these industries in his own hands.

This is not good news, so it is reasonable to want to make more money now; because the current protected area is under certain development and has begun to produce output.Then at this time, it is necessary to earn a little more money, because this protected area is destined to not have a 'big' future.

Qi Ping and his brothers began to discuss, although they have an absolute majority of the controlling stake, so it is reasonable to say that they have the final say on the future development of the reserve.There is no doubt about it, Qi Ping has never liked to let some things out of his control, and his desire to control is still very strong.

But now, Qi Ping can also know something; in fact, Luo Yi and the others more or less have some ideas, after all, it must be everyone's idea to make more money, after all, not everyone is the same as Qi Ping.Qi Ping has absolute technology, so he doesn't have to worry about future development.

For the vast majority of people, it is to pursue their current interests well, so as to ensure that their interests are maximized.This is not just for long-term development, but also for current interests.

(End of this chapter)

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