America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 462 Struggle and Accident

Chapter 462 Struggle and Accident

The long-term benefits look very good, which makes people very excited.But this is something that cannot be seen or touched, and it will make people itchy, and it will make them feel very anxious and looking forward to it.And the benefits that are close at hand, and even being able to get them immediately, make people feel very satisfied.

Only the real benefits are the most satisfying, and if you can maintain a certain long-term development after getting a part of the money, it will naturally make people feel happier.

Now the wildlife sanctuary led by Qi Ping is paying attention to such a matter. What he is concerned about now is actually the long-term development of the wildlife sanctuary.It's really speechless to say it, and it seems that the pie is not big enough; if the long-term benefits in the future can make people very excited, maybe these investors may not care about such a small profit in front of them.

"What do you think if we make the reserve bigger and stronger now? I mean, if we separate the reserve and build it into a brand like these animal parks, will it be better?"

After all, Qi Ping still expressed his thoughts. In fact, the Wildlife Sanctuary is just a piece of cake thrown by Qi Ping, otherwise he would not have attracted so many investors to participate.Now that more people have got a share of the pie here, there is no need to be so particular about it. The most important thing is to do some big business well.

There is no need to worry about getting out of control, because Qi Ping only needs to hold a certain amount of shares now; he even thinks that he can make a little more money now, and it is actually very meaningful to build the protected area into a brand.After all, a listed company or something represents huge wealth. Compared with some industries in the forest farm, because they are destined to be family businesses, they just make money step by step, but there is no such thing as market value.

Market value, shares, this is also money; if you can make your own wealth more, Qi Ping must not be able to refuse.The most important thing is that now that the protected area has been created, there is no need to restrict the development of the protected area so rigidly.There is actually nothing wrong with being bigger and stronger.

Qi Ping wants to make the protected area bigger and stronger, and wants to make it the most distinctive zoo, and even a zoo brand.

At this point, many investors are excited. They were worried that Qiping would definitely limit the development of the reserve after the reserve developed to a certain scale.And now that I heard Qiping's plan, I know that this is the most suitable investment project, with unlimited prospects.

But at this time, you will find that the rare wild animals in the reserve are still far from enough. As a large zoo, it can't just be such a few animals. There should also be more professional animal trainers, veterinarians and other professionals here.Because the protected area will introduce a large number of animals in the future, there will be more animals here that need to be protected.

It's just that Qi Ping still needs to pay attention to the balance during this process. Of course he hopes that the reserve can make more money; but he doesn't want to cause some trouble for himself. It is not hoped that a large number of wild animals are greedy for the good environment of the forest farm.

Therefore, it is still necessary to ensure that while expanding the protected area, it is necessary to leave a living space for those wild animals and natives. This is a balance that must be maintained.Because this protected area will be the cake of many people's interests, and the forest farm is a cornucopia of equalization; there is no need to delay your own interests because of other people's interests, and there is no need to cause yourself some troubles just because you help others make money.

Qi Ping just put forward a proposal, but each of these investors is very enthusiastic; it may be difficult to understand why Qi Ping, who was originally insisting on it, suddenly changed a little bit, although they also want it now. Get some extra money.

But when they know that the long-term development has great potential, this is enough to make more people not so short-sighted, they will have more confidence in investment, and they will have more patience to ensure the development of protected areas .

Although some people may want to make some cash, more people need long-term benefits.Even those who are only short-sighted have become the 'enemy' of most investors, because the existence of such people will damage everyone's interests.

Qi Ping suddenly felt a little funny. This is just a small protected area, and there are already some conflicts of interest.If the protected area is listed or something, then it is estimated that it will really be a board struggle.

However, this also makes Qi Ping feel that some of his own industries need to pay more attention to independence, especially those core industries, which need more attention.In the final analysis, it is because these industries are the long-term golden rice bowls of the old Qi family, and Qi Ping does not allow other people to intervene in them. Only the members of the old Qi family are allowed to control them here.

As for some corners and corners, Qi Ping will not focus so closely; he has now begun to have some conceptual changes, that is, he not only needs to ensure the simplicity of core interests, but also needs to increase as much as possible. some wealth.

"Dad, Mom told you to go home. I had a fight with King Kong just now, and he spanked me again. I was so angry." Qi Ping had just walked out of the conference room when he saw his fat son running over; The important information is unexpected, and the complaint is still in progress.

"Then can you tell me why King Kong spanked you?" Qi Ping asked amusedly. He had often seen children being spanked by King Kong on his legs. This was learned from his family. The children When he is naughty, he is often spanked, but King Kong knows how to use a lot of strength.

"My brother and I don't allow it to go to Ann, we want to play games with it." Just after the fat son finished speaking, Qi Ping laughed; Xiaoyao really deserved his own punishment for being beaten.

Qi Ping really didn't know why Kate called. He said that this time he was going to take the children to play games in the reserve.If there is nothing important about this, then it is really impossible for this to happen.

It's still quite strange, but Qi Ping still thinks that the children should be praised; the little ones are all very smart, and they will guarantee efficiency if they ask for their father to hold the phone.

"I just received an email from the Los Angeles Police." Kate couldn't talk to the children because the children didn't understand. Now that Qiping answered the phone, he knew the result, "I think you may Need to start preparing to take on more work, which may be a pity for you."

"It's really a pity, I never want to have any experience in dealing with the police." Qi Ping said helplessly, but it's still good now; Kate is in the mood to play tricks here, which proves that it is not a troublesome matter.

"You may know that many police dogs are German shepherds, but Los Angeles police dogs actually have a great reputation. They are the best assistants of the police. These police dogs are powerful. They can detect drugs and arrest them. Now the Los Angeles police hope Cooperate with us, they hope that we can cooperate with the police and hope to help them train police dogs."

Kate finally let go of her secrets and said these important information.

"Police dog training? Although our dogs are powerful, they are only good at some jobs in the forest farm. I don't remember that the southeast, northwest and their children have the potential to be police dogs. They have never been anti-drugs or anything like that." Qi Ping was taken aback, never thinking that those unreliable Los Angeles police officers wanted to cooperate with him.

"I knew you underestimated our dogs. These little guys in our family are actually very powerful. They undertake a lot of work on the forest farm and on the ranch. They are responsible for the safety of the forest farm and the work of the ranch. .” Kate was very dissatisfied with Qi Ping’s underestimation of these dogs at home.

"Of course I know that the southeast and northwest are very powerful. I also know that some of the dogs we bought and bred later are not as good as them. But we don't have enough dogs in our forest farm and ranch. Where do I have time and puppies to train them as police dogs? " Qi Ping felt very wronged, he was the one who thought that his little guys were the most powerful, but now being wronged by Kate, this really hurts people.

"We have always been low-key, but many people are very concerned about our forest farm. Speaking of Wonderland Forest Farm, many people first think of King Kong and Pooh because they are more attractive. But our low-key and loyal partners, They've always been overlooked." Kate is happy that outsiders are finally seeing the sparkle of those little guys who deserve praise.

Of course, Qi Ping knew how powerful the southeast, northwest and their children were. In fact, the total number of dogs in the forest farm even exceeded fifty over the years.It's just that in Qi Ping's view, only the direct descendants of the southeast and northwest are what he cares most about, and the puppies he brings home every time are indeed only children of the southeast and northwest.

These smart puppies are very lively and can have fun at home, and they will not receive some training until they are more than one year old, and start working in forest farms and pastures.In fact, these puppies are really powerful; they protect the safety of forest farms and can also become excellent cattle dogs on pastures.

It's just that they are suddenly famous now, which is really surprising, because Qi Ping never shows off with these outstanding little guys.And these low-key little guys basically do some high-profile things during this time.

I am really confused, but I am very confident in the strength of my little things; now it seems that I really need to start getting serious.For this matter, you also need to start thinking about whether to take over and whether it will benefit you.

(End of this chapter)

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