America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 463 The Famous Dog

Chapter 463 The Famous Dog
Joshua became a star, in a different way; not because he was a rookie for the Minnesota Twins, not because he was an MLB player.Of course, Joshua is also more fortunate, not because he and the cheerleaders were messed up by the news.

Actually because of his dog, his great victor.

The great victor was Joshua's dog, which was a little over a year old; this dog was brought back from the forest farm, a child of the North Wind.Joshua knows better than anyone that the direct descendants of the North, South, East, and North are actually the best dogs.

Although it does not necessarily mean that there is a clear pedigree, but everyone in the forest farm knows that the southeast and northwest are the most outstanding group of dogs, and they basically don't like to spend more time with other new dogs or their children. touch.

Joshua has always liked dogs, especially when he was full, he started to want to have a dog by himself; although he couldn't take care of the dog all the time because he was in college, the great winner can be loved by his parents at home take care of.This is his good buddy and the best training partner.

As a baseball player, Joshua sometimes takes the Great Winner with him when he hits practice, and often even takes it to school.One swing, and this sees the great winner sprinting toward the batted baseball, which will return to the strike zone with the ball in its mouth, and will place it next to Joshua.

It's nothing, many dogs like this kind of game; holding Frisbee and the like, many dogs can do it, it seems nothing.At best, the Great Winner is bigger. This basically mature German Shepherd looks bigger and fatter than the average dog of its kind.

But soon someone knew something different, that is, in Minneapolis, Joshua's new stronghold; when taking the great winner to the street, this dog unexpectedly threw down a drug dealer who was being chased by the police .Of course it didn't bite down, but it did help the police catch the little hooligan.

Later, when Joshua was chatting with the police, he made a surprising discovery that the little hooligan who was arrested was that kind of marijuana dealer.Maybe he remembered the smell of marijuana when he was catching the little hooligans, which even made the great victor find a drug dealer again from the onlookers next to him.

This is a big deal, although drug detection dogs and the like look very powerful; but such a drug detection dog requires long-term training, and Joshua does not touch that thing, and the great victor first came into contact with These drug dealers can remember the smell of marijuana, which is very rare.

Although many people know that dogs have a well-developed sense of smell, they should not be so exaggerated; look at this dog again, it does not look like a "drug detection dog", it is also an attack dog and a guard dog, not a drug detection dog.

This was also quite surprising to Joshua. He only knew that the great victor was very powerful, but he didn't expect this docile guy to be so powerful.Taking it to take a simple test, Joshua was very pleasantly surprised, but the dog handlers at the police dog training center were very hard.

The great victor did a good job of tracking the breath, it is very sensitive to the breath; in the hunt mission, the great victor can find the police officers hiding in the building.As for the task of guard dogs and patrol dogs, this is not a problem, because the great victors never lack courage.Anti-drug looks good too, the great victor can remember the smell of several drugs...

Other police officers thought that Joshua was very lucky, he got a super good dog with great talent, it should be the best police dog.But Joshua frowned. In his impression, there were several dogs that were better than the Great Victor; among his brothers and sisters, the Great Victor was only moderately qualified, and his parents were even more powerful.

Twins rookie Joshua has a very good dog. It is said that his performance in the police dog training center is amazing, even better than those quasi-police dogs who have been trained for a long time.If it weren't for Joshua's resolute refusal to sell or donate, I believe those police dog trainers would definitely snatch the police dog called the Great Victor.

When this news was broken by the gossip media TMZ, it also said something that made people jealous, that is, the great victor came from Wonderland Forest Farm, and its brothers and sisters are all outstanding, because they all have the most The pedigree of those excellent collie dogs.

Joshua is actually very happy. As a baseball player, he still needs some exposure just like those entertainment stars.Such positive news is good for his image, and he is now a star, albeit one that seems to be borrowing the light of a great winner.

And Joshua also wants to study the full potential of the great victors. Although it seems more and more amazing now, they seem to have unlimited potential.

Joshua and his great victors have become famous, but now there are still many people's eyes slowly turning to Wonderland Forest Farm.Because it looks like there are amazing things there, not only the best vegetables, fruits or beef, but also the top resorts.

But no matter how you look at it now, there are some magical creatures there, such as the chimpanzee who was once regarded as a wild man, and the big black bear that is said to be very kind.And I have to admit that the best group of horses on the track now are from Wonderland Forest Farm, where the animals look so different.

So some people are thinking about whether to cooperate with Fairyland Forest Farm, and some people are just curious; how did Fairyland Forest Farm cultivate so many excellent gadgets, and what is the secret of Fairyland Forest Farm's success.In other words, should such technology be promoted to benefit all mankind?

In the final analysis, it has nothing to do with their own interests. These people just stand and talk without back pain.Although such a thing is unlikely to come true, but if you petition and protest a little, maybe you will be able to get some benefits like a pie in the sky.

It's so fucked up, but I really didn't think that it was such a thing that I was on the cusp of the storm, and no one thought that I appeared in front of the media together because of these dogs.

In fact, this incident makes people feel dumbfounded, because not only the police dog training center is interested in this; some fucking scientists are also interested in this, they want to study the password of Wonderland Forest Farm, and want to know the magic of these dogs .If you can research some technologies that can be promoted, you will gain both fame and fortune by then.

Such things are indeed irresistible to many scientists; many scientists are like this, and they have their own research directions.It may be the natural environment, or some animals. Although it may seem unrealistic, scientists often research projects that are forward-looking.

"I'm not interested in scientists at all. I'm not interested at all. Professor Bruce brought some researchers with him, and they were analyzing and studying the secrets of some forest farms. This is very important. I will definitely not let other people come to me to study, After all, the research team led by Professor Bruce still serves the forest farm, but the research results of those scientists are only the team and organization they belong to."

Qi Ping refused without even thinking about it. Scientists seem to be very high-end and elegant, and people with knowledge will be admired.But to be honest, when the research of these scientists will harm their own interests, then there is really no need; it is obvious that Qi Ping does not want other people's research results in the fairyland forest farm to cause losses to the forest farm, and he certainly does not want these Research doesn't do you any good.

"I also agree that our forest farm may have a lot of places to study, and it may bring some good benefits to others. But dear, we should know that the forest farm is the root of our interests. For our lovely children , even when we choose some partners, we need to guarantee our own interests. We must not be too generous, sacrificing our own interests for the happiness of all mankind is not cost-effective. And I can guarantee that such interests can only make Very few people benefit, capitalists like you!"

If it weren't for the children playing nearby, Qi Ping would definitely not let Kate go; this big fat daughter-in-law is getting more and more bold now, and often takes it as a pleasure to stimulate Qi Ping.This really made Qi Ping feel that Fu Gang was weak, and this was not the family status he expected.

But I have to admit that Kate is right; that is, the property of her own forest farm cannot create wealth for some insignificant people, no matter how great the outside world says, it is unnecessary.In the final analysis, it is because these properties belong to the company. If Qi Ping is allowed to disclose some secrets, it is better to let Apple and Ford disclose their technologies.

It seems great for the benefit of all mankind, but such a fake big space is not practical at all, and it is not in the interests of Qiping at all.So at these moments, what needs to be guaranteed is one's own interests; letting other media and other eloquent tongues, these will not change Qiping's attitude.

Having said that, the two of them really do not intend to reveal some secrets about the forest farm; but to be honest, some researches can actually be cooperated.Just like these police dog cooperation projects, to be honest, Qi Ping really feels that there is a lot to do.

Qi Ping didn't know that his dogs were so good before, but now that he knows, he is of course very happy.Creating the greatest dog breed may not be what Qi Ping cares about, but if he can ensure some of his own interests and advantages in the process, it will make people feel extremely happy.

(End of this chapter)

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