America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 464 Don't care what they say

Chapter 464 Don't care what they say

"Dad, why has the cutie grown so big?" The dogs went home. In fact, the children may not know all the dogs, but the dogs that are closer to each other still know, "cute is not at all now." It's not cute anymore, can I change its name?"

"No, this is the name you gave it at the beginning. You should know that if you change your name from Lele now, would you be happy?" Looking at the fat son holding the little cute dog Qi Ping couldn't laugh or cry.

The little cuties are the children's former partners, and they have lived at home for a long time; seeing these dogs lovingly licking the fat son's little face, Qi Ping feels very happy.There are really many good friends for the little ones, they are always so innocent and cute, so they can become partners with these cute little animals.

Because of the innocence of the children, the small animals can become good friends with the children; in fact, the relationship between the children and these small animals is sometimes in a state of love and killing, which makes people laugh bitterly.

Lele thinks that cutie was even cuter when she was young, when she could be held in his arms.But now the cutie is too big, and now the cutie always licks his face, which is different from the cutie when he was a child, because the cutie is really too big, it has become a big fat man.

Qi Ping and Kate are also studying. There are only three puppies in the cute litter, but the average German shepherd has about five or six puppies in a litter.

These dogs in the forest farm are actually not particularly capable of breeding; shepherd dogs only start breeding when they are about two years old, so they can give birth to almost two litters of puppies a year.But in the forest farm, these dogs can mature when they are about two years old; but there are basically three in a litter, and there are even only children, which is why the number of these shepherd dogs in the forest farm has not been raised.

Perhaps it is because rare things are more expensive, these puppies are indeed very smart; in addition, they grew up in an environment full of aura, so their genes are indeed quite good.After all, the environment at home is still somewhat different from that of the forest farm. The quality of the spirit gathering array in the living area of ​​the villa is better than that of other places in the forest farm.

This is also the reason why some dogs in the forest farm are not as smart as they are in the southeast and northwest, because they grow up in the best environment, and what they breathe is the air full of aura.As for other dogs, although they also grew up in an environment with aura, they are indeed not as good as those in the southeast and northwest.

Qi Ping is thinking about some things now. In fact, the US government is still very rich; to be honest, Qi Ping doesn't mind helping those police dog training bases train excellent police dogs at all.Even Qi Ping is now thinking about cooperating with some government departments, which will not do him any harm.

And at this time, some good resources can be obtained, and some excellent dog breeds can be obtained for free, which can indeed lead to some good dog breed improvements.After all, the dogs on the ranch are basically descendants of the southeast and northwest. Even if Qi Ping has introduced some new dogs, it is still far from enough.

This matter is really very exciting, and in such a cooperation, Qi Ping can actually make a lot of money.Qi Ping is really looking forward to now, that is, to be able to make more money.As for being famous or making contributions to society, these tall people are really not of the same character, there is no doubt about it.

"Dad, let's hurry up and get ready to play games. Today we are going to have a tire pushing competition, and I want to become a wrestling star!" Seeing Xiaoyao running out with his younger siblings, and hearing that the little guy has changed his interest now, Qi Ping only I am helpless.

"Are you going to fight King Kong and Pooh again? I didn't know you should be them, boy, you should be smarter, you can't beat them. You should be smarter, know your own strength, know your own strength ability. You are no match for them at all, and even Dad can't beat them."

Qi Ping could only sigh, it was because Xiaoyao was so good at tossing around; this kid's biggest hobby was to take risks and try interesting games, but this kid was always deflated.This unreliable kid has always positioned his opponents on King Kong and the others, which is not a wise choice.

"I can compete with Pooh to push tires. I don't race with them now to run or move things. I can't. Dad, believe me, I am the best Xiaoyao!" The stinky boy is just shouting, and even his little followers don't believe it.

"You should have a painting competition with King Kong, and you can also ride horses, so you can win the competition. You can't win and push the tires, your strength is not strong enough at all." Yoyo is the best at tearing things down, she is very good at it. I am optimistic about my brother's competition with the big black bear and the big chimpanzee. I didn't find the right event.

"I like a challenge, I am not afraid of losing the game, but I should not lose my courage!"

Xiaoyao shouted excitedly, and when they heard the little guy's words, Qi Ping and Kate were taken aback, and the next thing was quite a surprise.To be honest, they always thought that the little guys were only mischievous, especially Xiaoyao was definitely a mischievous activist; but to be honest, they really didn't think that Xiaoyao's usual mischief was so insightful.

You can not care about winning or losing the game, but you should maintain enough courage; this is good news, a news that makes people feel extremely happy.Xiaoyao can not care about losing some games and so on, he can continue to challenge, even some events that he is not good at; but Xiaoyao has always maintained the enthusiasm for challenges, and he has never lacked courage.

Xiaoyao ran away bluffing, taking his little brother with him; of course, King Kong and Pooh are both basking in the sun outside, and it is actually very easy to compete with them, because they are actually very playful partners, As long as they can play games together, then this is very interesting for King Kong and Pooh.

In fact, the children are all little stars, because of their cuteness, and because they have a mother who shows off babies and is crazy.It's really because people have too much envy and expectations for children's lives and encounters, because they all feel that these things are beyond their reach.

Look at the big black bear weighing more than 400 kilograms. This huge and fat big black bear is full of fat; but these beasts are very scary in people's impression, and they can let children crawl on them.And in many photos and videos, you can see the chubby children lying on the back of the running big black bear, and you can see the happy and bright smiling faces of the children.

Of course, there was the chimpanzee, who was wearing boxing gloves and a boxing headgear, and walked staggeringly in butterfly steps; as for the chimpanzee in front of it, it was basically these few children.All of them were wearing boxing equipment, jumping up and down in front of the chimpanzee, playing "fancy punches and embroidered legs" one by one to provoke the chimpanzee.

Although it is often seen that the children are pushed to the ground and spanked one by one, everyone can see that the chimpanzee is still carefully protecting the children during the process.And it can be seen that the chimpanzee is very happy, not necessarily because of its particularly human-like smile, but more because that kind of happiness comes from the heart.

I can play games with black bears, compete with chimpanzees, and there are often two deer dangling around; I often see some videos or photos. In the photos, you will see children standing on their shoulders and heads. A huge colorful and beautiful parrot, will see lovely swans, whooping cranes...

All of this is so charming and beautiful; some people may think that these beasts are dangerous, but no one cares, because there will always be some people who like to pretend to be profound and think that they have seen everything , They think that only their own opinions are the most correct.

Although many people think that huge animals like bears are dangerous, you can like them but you should keep a certain distance, you can't live with them against the laws of nature, because it is dangerous, especially when you have children.

But Qi Ping scoffed, because Pooh and King Kong grew up beside him, and no one knew the characters of King Kong and Pooh better than him.Qi Ping is very clear about the characters of these little guys; it is precisely because of their kindness and understanding that this is the reason why Qi Ping is willing to get along with them forever. Qi Ping enjoys this kind of life very much and does not intend to change it.

Live happily and enjoy the beautiful life now.In fact, there is nothing to worry about, because these so-called beasts are not aggressive, and they live in abundance, and they have no pressure to survive.Of course, it's more because these big guys are actually very friendly, they are members of the family, and they love their families very much.

There must be no suspense in the match between Xiaoyao and Pooh, and the loss was clean and thorough; of course, the little guy is still smiling, and if he loses, he is lost. The little guy doesn't care about such things at all, what the little guy cares about is this Getting enough happiness during the game is what he cares most about.

Life at home is very interesting, and life on the forest farm is full of joy; but in fact, at home and on the forest farm, you can’t just ignore others and what happens around you, especially these things are still related to the forest farm.

Like these accidents now, Joshua, a rookie baseball professional, made a name for himself helping the sheepdogs of the forest farm.Many people now know that Fairyland Forest Farm has excellent shepherd dogs. They are smart and powerful. They may be the best police dogs. They have great potential.

(End of this chapter)

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