Chapter 465
Qi Ping's most important thing now is to take care of his wife and children at home. His current task is actually to focus on some career breakthroughs.Although there are indeed a lot of things to do now, Qi Ping feels that compared to his family, his career can only take a second place.

The development of the island is continuing, the wildlife sanctuary is now starting a new plan, and the cattle cooperation project on the ranch is also continuing, and there are so many projects such as police dog cooperation that have suddenly popped up.

"I don't think we are necessarily going to cooperate with the police dog training center. We just didn't realize that our dogs are so good. Now that we have a very good foundation, we can train better dogs at this time. kind."

Kate is very opposed to cooperating with the police dog training center, because she thinks that it will distribute more benefits.Since our forest farm has such outstanding dogs, there is absolutely no need for others to take a share.Who made these dogs in the forest farm already great, and now there is no room for further improvement.

"I originally wanted to cooperate with them, but suddenly realized that something was wrong. Think about it, how big this pet market is, and these dogs in our family are so powerful, but we often see them , so we don't realize how good they are."

Qi Ping hugged the big fat dog, all of them are fat; they are now in their prime, and now they eat and drink well and work happily, so this is a good thing.They are not fat like Pooh, they are really strong.

The husband and wife stared at the southeast and northwest, and the more they looked at them, the more powerful and miraculous they became. These little guys were originally working dogs and family pet dogs.But now many people suddenly told them that the southeast and northwest are the most outstanding dogs, and they have gradually begun to breed more excellent shepherd dogs. They are the "noble dogs" of dog breeds, because they have The best bloodline ever.

Staring at the southeast and northwest, this also made them start to be confused; this is not right, why do you just stare at it when you get home, shouldn’t it be served with delicious food and drink, and then a group of little annoying ghosts yelled Called to play games with them.And now, the little bastards have appeared together, but they were chased away.

This, no, absolutely cannot accept such treatment!

I am impatient. When I was young, I liked to cling to the reliable big brother Qiping; but now that they have grown up, they now prefer to play games with the children, and what they like is to amuse the children.So facing the unreliable big brother staring at them endlessly, I feel very awkward.

Fleeing away, these four guys turned around and fled unreliably; their noses were sharp, and a few of them also heard the sound of children playing outside.So you have to run away, run out and play games more than anything else.

Running away, Qi Ping and Kate looked at each other in blank dismay; they all felt very shocked, these little guys had grown up, and now they were not the most clinging people to them.

Qi Ping felt that it was very reasonable to be wronged. When he was young, he followed Qi Ping, and even acted like a baby in order to win Qi Ping's favor.But now, even if they meet each other, they just go around. They are in the mood of playing games, so they must go to find the children. I licked my face to drool.

"Dad, save me quickly!"

Lele had just popped a head, and then saw a huge black shadow grabbing him; probably Xiao Lele lost the game again, so he would be captured right away just after running away.King Kong is very principled, it will never accept halfway things, it is the supervising army!

"Dad, you have to protect me! I'm going to be beaten, Pooh is going to bully me!"

Xiao Lele still wanted to escape, but King Kong was holding Lele with one hand and waving with the other. Grinning his teeth, King Kong was signaling some people not to come over.This is an internal matter for the children. At this time, there should not be too much interference from the adults. What they need is to solve these problems by themselves.

Therefore, it is estimated that Xiao Lele must be miserable, and I don't know whether this time he wants to wrestle with Pooh or compete with Pooh for food.Anyway, these worry-free little guys have a lot of tossing skills to play together, and they always have some interesting projects that make people laugh.

"Why was Lele taken away again? He doesn't have a long memory at all." The mother came out with a large plate of juice, and saw the appearance of the fat grandson being taken away, but she was not worried at all. Pooh and King Kong protected him. When I got up with the children, I was completely unreasonable, "I was not happy when Kate said that Lele played baseball and games and didn't like to use his brain. Now I see that it is really the case. He can do nothing but exert his strength." gone."

"Mom, it's not just me. It's a lot of people's opinions. Joshua, my dad, they've been baseball fans for many years like me. In fact, we all know that some sports The project requires high physical fitness, but the wisdom of these players on the court should not be underestimated. It is a pity that our Lele does not seem to have much court wisdom."

Kate's words really made people laugh; Qi Ping felt that this matter was also very disturbing. The little guy likes baseball and outdoor sports.

But Lele spends most of his time playing with his friends, especially after he goes to school.Among his peers, the little guy is really the type with overwhelming physical fitness. He runs fast and has great strength. Therefore, when playing baseball, he often doesn't like to use his brain too much. A brute strength can make him achieve very good performances. .

This matter is not just Lele alone, Xiaoyao will also do the same; playing rugby with friends is like this, it is difficult for other children to knock him down one-on-one, a big and strong kid, that must be Can't run away with ease.So on the court, this kid really doesn't like to use his brain and only likes to run forward or bring people down when he is in the defensive group.

This is a typical lack of football quotient. Kong has enviable physical fitness, but it is hard to say whether he can achieve the expected performance on the field.Even if you only have physical fitness and don't have enough golf quotient, or you can't gain a foothold in the professional sports circle, only physical fitness will definitely not work.

Qi Ping sighed and felt quite aggrieved, his boys were really empty.These little guys are not only not smart enough in academic performance, they are not smart enough in outdoor sports.

But it's relatively reassuring, the little guys just like to use their physical fitness to crush their peers, they just don't like to do things that don't interest them.Although the little guys' academic performance is not good enough, although their performance on the court is not smart enough, it does not mean that their IQ is problematic.

In fact, the little ones are smart. These little guys’ smarts are still useless for things that adults think are correct. The smarts of the children are now used for playing games and playing games. And play the game on.They may only be able to fully express their intelligence when they are thinking about all kinds of games or being mischievous. They are the type with useless thoughts.

Lazy to talk to these troublemakers, their house is very lively when they are on holiday, it is not only lively, it can be described as too noisy to be more correct.No way, who made this group of troublemakers like to play games? That's all they do at home.

Qi Ping and Kate now need to think more about their careers. They have just decided on some architectural design styles for the island resort.But now something else is coming, what they need now is to make a good preparation and plan the future development of these star dogs at home.

There are quite a lot of things, one after another; it seems a bit overwhelming, which will make people busy all the time.

However, Qi Ping still felt quite comfortable, because such a few things were not labor-intensive at all, and these actually did not involve much physical work.Now it's almost enough to just steer the helm a little bit, and some details are helped by people to take care of it; it's still worry-free, and you can enjoy life at home leisurely.

Such a little thing, that is, makes life more exciting and fulfilling. It is impossible to be busy around or completely busy with work and neglect family because of such a little thing.Qi Ping has a good grasp of the balance here, because he has never been such a career-minded person.

Although he has no ambition, it doesn't mean that Qi Ping has no desire to make money at all; in fact, Qi Ping still hopes to have more and more wealth, and when some ready-made benefits are brought under his nose, Then Qi Ping will definitely not miss it. If you miss the opportunity to make a lot of money because you want to be lazy, it is unforgivable.

Now the benefits have been brought under his nose, and now someone has proposed to Qi Ping a way to make money.Then naturally you can't be too generous at this time, because it will only harm your own interests.

Make these Shepherd Dogs from Fairyland Forest Farm real stars and let these Shepherd Dogs burst into all their glory.This matter is really enough to make people look forward to. They have this ability to arouse everyone's expectations and love, because they are so outstanding.

(End of this chapter)

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