America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 471 The winner of life

Chapter 471 The winner of life

Qi Ping felt that he had really made a lot of money now, and now he had completely enjoyed the treatment of stealing a half-day leisure, which was the treatment that fell from the sky.

Xiaoyao and Lele successfully got the girls' party treatment, and the two of them are completely punks and rascals now.

Lele really wanted to go to her sister's party. Xiaozhi reasoned with his affection, coupled with being coquettish, cute and stalking, he managed to get on the last bus, and finally got his sister's permission to attend the party .

Xiaoyao is different, he actually knows all of Yoyo's friends.These two little guys have actually been together the longest, and they are actually the ones who know each other best.

The twins, for one, knew what it was like to be around each other since they weren't even born; the two guys are actually kind of inseparable now, whether they want to or not.For example, when they go to school now, they are classmates; and the seats are the front and back seats, so there is no need to worry about Xiaoyao pulling the hair of the girl in front of the seat to attract attention, because that is his sister.

Qi Ping was really happy, and suddenly felt that the whole world was quiet; the four children ran away, and Yoyo and Little Sweetheart probably enjoyed the party very much, because it was a girls' party.Yoyo is the main character, Sweetheart is the little princess and doll, she must be the little princess and doll of the party, it will be very interesting.

And Xiaoyao and Lele have already been assigned tasks; they can't be mischievous or prank, and they want to be gentlemen and waiters, not to mention, these two guys still need to help when playing games.The most important thing is that Pooh and the others are too naughty, so Xiaoyao and Lele need to take care of them, because these guys are actually quite mischievous and mischievous.

Nothing to do, suddenly found that the most noisy and annoying group of big and small bastards in the forest farm are no longer at home.Now Qi Ping can easily enjoy the leisurely and comfortable life of this day, without worrying about the mischievous children and little bastards; he can easily lie on the sofa, drink beer and watch movies, and he can watch himself Liked the game too.

He can do whatever he wants, no one cares about him, no one wants to divert his time; he is really quite idle, quite idle.Speaking of this kind of time that belongs to me, it really is getting less and less.

Seeing their youngest son lying lazily on the sofa, the parents didn't bother to say anything; now it's just a complete laziness cancer attack, which is not a big problem at all.In fact, the children are all at home, because they all know that Qi Ping seized the time and wanted to be lazy.

Let him be lazy, whoever makes these little guys at home are too energetic, without these mischievous troublemakers at home, it is really a lot of leisure.I have to admit that although the children are very cute, they are always spinning around under the eyelids all day, and sometimes it really makes people feel quite a headache.

"You go and feed Air Force One, you all like eagles, what's so good about this eagle. I really want to throw this little thing out, and I just like to peck people. It's not as obedient as Romeo and the others when they were young."

Qi Ping stood up quickly, he felt the pressure; Air Force One is an aggressive little eagle, this guy is really aggressive.Although Air Force One is really interesting, it is still a little too small, and it is still a little uncomfortable for life at home, and it is not very friendly at times.

Teasing the little eagle, Qi Ping actually thinks that Air Force One is quite interesting, this kid is slowly starting to like Qi Ping now.Of course it doesn't like children, they are a little too noisy and they still like to harass it very much.So even if children feed it, Air Force One will be vigilant.

The children are really at the age when dogs hate chickens, so it is really hard to laugh at these times; even if the children and Pooh have a good friendship, even if Pooh and they all Very sensible; but the children will still have conflicts with Pooh and the others from time to time, and Pooh and the others will also sulk and so on.

It's really interesting to tease the little golden eagle; especially the little golden eagle really likes to fight sometimes, although it is in a state of wailing for food, but if you provoke it, then it will definitely stick out its small mouth to bite people And so on, it still hurts to peck people with its small mouth.

"You are really liberated now. You play with birds and drink at home. This little life is really nourishing." Luo Yi is very envious. He has to be busy with work; he will go home after work Just taking care of the children, what he is worried about is that the relationship between the children and him will be relatively weak.

"Of course I am liberated. If you have four children in your family and you are around them all day long, you must be going crazy." Qi Ping complained. There are too many children in the family. And he can make a lot of trouble; although Qi Ping loves children very much, sometimes he will really make a fuss about him.

"The four live treasures in your family are really a headache. I'm not saying that the children in my family are good, but you should ask them. If you want to say that the children are the most naughty, the four live treasures in your family must be ranked first and second. Two, third, and fourth. Our family, your brother's family, and Steve's children are all furious, but absolutely none of your children can make trouble."

Hearing Luo Yi's 'slander', Qi Ping opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't know what to say to refute; the children in the family were indeed a bit naughty, but it's okay, just being naughty doesn't necessarily mean such a moral character This aspect of the problem.

Think about your own children, if they dare to take Pooh with them, they run up the mountain, they dare to take off naked and jump into the Muse Lake; as for boxing with Pooh, it's normal, they race with Heitan and Rudolph and so on, it's not a problem at all.The children's brains are too big, they really dare to think and do.

"Your little life is so nourishing. It's great to have a successful career and spend time with your wife and children at home. Many people ask me some questions, thinking that you are a full-time father. I really don't know How should I answer, are you considered a full-time dad? After all, you seem to be living in the forest farm, even if you go out to find something to do sometimes, it still looks like a part-time job."

Luo Yi is really envious, Qi Ping is really a little bit more nourishing; and Qi Ping's life, he doesn't need to worry about his career and can still accompany his children to grow up, which will make a father like him feel pressure , because they have to make money to support their families, the pressure is really a bit heavy, and they feel that they miss some good things sometimes.

"Small life is indeed very nourishing. I have a successful career and a happy family. This thing really makes me feel quite fulfilled. I don't lack at all, not lacking in career, nor lacking in time to spend with my family. This Things really make me feel very happy, I am a winner in life and will not lack anything. Compared with those who are busy with work, I must be much happier."

The self-satisfied look is quite disgusting, but Qi Ping's words still make Luo Yi envious; he suddenly felt that he needed a little change, and now he really has a bit of a career foundation.But he is busy every day, and he really has less time to spend with his family; but it seems unrealistic, who made his career not like Qi Ping, who can lie at home and make money.

There is no way, who let Qi Ping master the absolute technology, he can really sit at home and collect money now, without worrying about career or inheritance at all.Because now it seems that Qiping’s technology is monopolized, and the profits here are too amazing. Of course, Qiping’s industries are more, so the natural income is more.

After all, there are very few people like Qi Ping, and Luo Yi is very clear that his career is successful, but a large part of the reason is because of his relationship and friendship with Qi Ping.And these industries, when they are very big, still need to rely on friendship and the like, and they may not be irreplaceable.

So now, he really needs to work harder to continuously expand the strength of his own enterprise; only in this way can he ensure that he can keep up with the various development needs of the fairyland forest farm, so that he can ensure that he can always keep up with the development, so that he can Make sure that you are not squeezed out of the market; in the end, this is still a business. Although friendship is important, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax. Your own strength is still the most important.

Naturally, Qi Ping does not have this trouble, because he is a capitalist to the letter, he has enough wealth and industry, and he can occupy the most lucrative market in the market with his unique technology. Benefit cake.So this is also the existence where Qi Ping can sit back and relax, he doesn't need to worry about his money problems at all.

A winner in life, Qi Ping feels that he has reached such a height without knowing it.And now I find that there are still many people who are very concerned about his life, and he turns out to be a successful person in the eyes of many people.

I still feel very proud. It turns out that we are still a successful person now. It turns out that we are still a man of the hour.Really proud enough, I still feel a little smug.

However, such a winner in life really has a lot of things to do now, even if he enjoys doing whatever he wants at home, but there is still a time limit for this.Who let him have such a leisurely life for only one day? Once the children are at home, he really needs to pay attention to the impact, and he must not do whatever he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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