America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 472 The Talent of Playing

Chapter 472 The Talent of Playing
Qi Ping is going to take the children to swim, and now he is going to take the children to go for a wild swim in Muse Lake; no matter who makes the children have no interest in playing games in small pools like swimming pools , they are now ambitious to explore Lake Muse.

In fact, Qi Ping didn't really want to take the children to swim in Muse Lake, because he felt that the children were still too young, and the water and fire were merciless. After all, Muse Lake was still a lake.

It's just that Kate thinks that the children's abilities may be somewhat insufficient, but as long as the safety protection work is done well, it will be fine.In fact, the most important thing now is to pay attention to some things, because since children already have curiosity, they may try these things secretly.

What is needed now is some guidance, not simple and rude rejection; only better guidance to let children realize that such things are not as fun or safe as they thought.These things really need some clear cognition, and children need to know that this thing should not be done secretly...

All the little ones happily put on their swimsuits, except for the cutest little sweetheart; the little girl can't swim yet, she can only splash in the bathtub now.But her older brothers and sisters are all good swimmers, and they are actually quite good; they can no longer satisfy them in the swimming pool, and they should go to challenge some more interesting and challenging things.

"Dad, I'm going on an adventure. I'm going to swim to Muse Lake and catch a lot of fish, you know I'm the best. I can be like Pooh, and we can both come and catch a lot of fish. Dinner is me If we catch fish, we will all be full and full."

Xiaoyao checked, and everything that should be prepared was ready; so he jumped into the water wearing diving goggles. The ambitious he was bewitched by Pooh.Who gave Pooh the ability to jump into the water to catch fish, and Xiaoyao has never been able to catch fish, catching fish with small hands; so he was worried, and he felt that he should do this.

There is no need for Qi Ping to beat the fat son anymore. For the arrogant elder brother, Yoyo has long been unable to stand it; now Yoyo even sometimes feels that her elder brother is really ashamed, because her elder brother always thinks that he is the most powerful , there is nothing he can't do, although my brother always loses, but every time he won't learn a lesson or admit defeat, except for the painful experience gained through countless comparisons with Winnie.

Lele is probably the one who still maintains enough blind trust in his brother. This kid is his brother's little follower. Whenever he mentions his brother, he is full of pride; his brother is very good at fighting, and his brother is also very good at riding horses now... These Lele can't do it, so elder brother is Lele's greatest pride, because elder brother is number one in the world.

As for the cute little sweetheart, although she is still lying in her mother's arms, although she is also looking eager to try; but this little girl with small sleeves and a small swimsuit can only express her focus on participation, she is Sitting on a boat may be able to touch the water with little feet.

And when it comes to topics such as whether the brothers are good or not, Little Sweetheart is too young and simple-minded now, she must love the brothers.But sometimes she will definitely hate her brothers, because they always make her cry, and her sister is more caring. Compared with her frizzy brothers, Little Sweetheart prefers to play games with her sister.

Pooh jumped into the water, but with a little rogue; Lele learned some tricks, he knew that when some mother bears took their cubs across the river, they would let the cubs grab the mother bear's fur so that they could cross the river safely .Although the little guy still doesn't understand why there is only mother bear and father bear doesn't like to take care of baby bear, but this does not prevent him from enjoying playing games with Pooh very much.

The most powerful Xiaoyao has not found anything so far. Although he always tries to stab his body, but every time he can only see a small buttocks raised high, he can't sink at all.As for Lele, if you give him a drink, it will be like going out to sea on a bear-shaped cruise ship.

Yoyo is still the most normal, the little girl is swimming happily, dog planing, freestyle or backstroke from time to time, this is the little mermaid princess, because compared to her older brother and younger brother who like to splash in the water but don't have much talent , Yoyo's talent in swimming is much higher, and it's also because her older brother and younger brother just want to toss when they get into the water, not to improve their swimming skills.

"Our children are the strongest, I am very proud." Kate was very proud, driving a small swan-shaped boat and slowly following beside her, "They are strong and healthy, even stronger than children who are much older than them. You know, I get a lot of invitations for our kids to go play some sports and the amateur coaches love our kids because they have great athlete genes."

"But I guess only Lele may be interested in baseball, and the others have no interest in becoming athletes. They focus on participation, and they won't devote all their time to a certain project. I can guarantee that, If it's some monotonous basic skills training, none of our little baseball fans will have much interest."

It's really not that Qi Ping is bringing bad luck to his own children. The so-called knowing son is like a father.Then he naturally has a considerable say in some matters. Of course, he is very clear about the children's personalities.

As far as the few living treasures in my family are concerned, maybe the little sweetheart is too young to know too many things now.But the remaining three are definitely not just because the seven-year-old and eight-year-old are hated by dogs, but also because they are more mischievous and mischievous than other children. They still obey the rules and other children, but they are too curious. , Temperament is a bit wild, this is something that absolutely needs to be admitted.

Although the children shouted one by one to cross Muse Lake, to catch fish in Muse Lake, to fight big sharks, etc., this matter is definitely not reliable.

It is too difficult to catch fish, even Qi Ping does not have this ability, because the water is the home field of fish.As for big sharks and the like, this is just the imagination of the children. Muse Lake is a freshwater lake, and there are no marine life like sharks in it. What's more, Muse Lake does not allow those ferocious fish to exist in principle; Not only because there are a lot of fish raised here, but also because it is also a recreational project in the resort.

The children are ambitious and looking forward to crossing the Muse Lake and swimming to the center of the lake, but they are still too young after all, and their physical strength is not enough to support them to complete such a difficult challenge.

Lele was the first to retreat. Don't look at him taking the Pooh Bear boat at first, but Pooh was also tired, and turned his head to swim to the shore to rest.So the little kid can only swim by himself, it's only been less than half an hour, and the little guy is about to get on the boat.Lele, who has no brains, can only use brute strength and go all out to pursue speed, so he is weak in succession.

Then there is the cute person and the little princess Yoyo, the little girl is not as good as her brother who always likes outdoor sports, and his physical strength is still a bit weaker.So she can only be sent on board by her father, and her mother and younger siblings are cheering for her brother, and now only her brother is still going on!
In fact, Xiaoyao is very tired now, but he still persists; Xiaoyao is not a character who likes to give up, he likes challenges very much.The essence of the challenge is actually to constantly break through, including breaking through one's own potential.

Seeing Xiaoyao continue to persevere, Qi Ping is still very happy; it's just that such a challenge still requires some attention, anyway, it needs sufficient safety guarantees, otherwise it is really unreliable.Qi Ping was protecting and cheering for the fat son. Although looking at the little guy's face turned pale, Qi Ping was really happy.

The little guy's persistence and bravery are what he values ​​most; Qi Ping doesn't necessarily want his children to be weak and obedient, and Qi Ping can accept some rebellious and personalities.Because in the United States, it is actually very important to adapt to one's own character; if one does not have one's own edges and corners, it may not be a very good thing.

Qi Ping encourages the children to maintain their curiosity and adventurous spirit, because he thinks the children will have a more interesting life in this way.Who will let these little guys in the family have no worries about food and clothing, and they can do what they like to do.

I took the little ones for a happy swim. Although the little ones were very tired, they were all very happy.This is the biggest achievement of Qi Ping and Kate. This is that their plan to take their children to cross Muse Lake or jump to Muse Lake to catch fish has not been fully realized, but they still feel very happy.

Watching the little guys start discussing again with great interest, such as how to catch fish, how to swim better, and even unreliable ideas popped up one by one .These energetic little guys don't have such a moment of rest, each of them has a whimsical idea and then another whimsical idea pops up.

Thinking about it, it's enough of a headache. It's really too difficult to take care of these boys and girls. I don't have so much time and energy.Anyway, the children will not be tired, anyway, they will not be tired when playing this thing, they don't know what it means to be tired, anyway, they are born to be tired.

(End of this chapter)

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