Chapter 482
Qi Ping was originally complacent. He felt that he had done some great things now, and he felt that he was slowly becoming a big man now; Short-sighted people have successfully bit the bait, and Qi Ping feels that he has no reason not to develop now.

This is something worth celebrating, and Qi Ping thinks it is quite enjoyable; and now, let's start celebrating.And the best way to celebrate is to go shopping, of course. When you are in a good mood and something big happens at home, then it is only natural to go shopping together on the street.

Qi Ping accepted it a long time ago. Although he and Kate will control the children's pocket money and let the children know that it is not easy to make money, they naturally hope to cultivate the children's correct consumption concept and so on.Don't be too rigid, though; just saving money is not enough, of course enjoying life is important.

So when something big happens at home, then it's time to celebrate together.

"Dad, you have to give me your credit card. Grandma said you always spend money recklessly, and I will keep the credit card for you, so that you will not spend money recklessly." Seeing his precious daughter suddenly stopping by his side, Qi Ping I was stunned for a while.

"But if I give you my credit card, will you swipe it indiscriminately? Dad is very worried. Although I am very relieved for you, I saw your brother and younger brother waiting by the side. I know you want to take me away. My credit card to buy candy, to buy toys. I have to be careful, you have to promise me not to swipe the card indiscriminately."

Although he said so, Qi Ping was not worried or opposed at all, and obediently took out his credit card.Then he was completely stunned, he actually saw several credit cards in the baby girl's small pocket!
This is not right, credit cards in the United States do not have PINs; some cards may require a signature, but Qi Ping can guarantee that he knows that most of the cards in his family do not have signatures.As for the discovery that the card is lost or the like, just call and report the loss immediately.

"Your card was also taken away by Yoyo? As soon as she went out, she pestered me to ask for the card. Both your mother and I gave her the card. Who did she learn from? Even at such a young age, she knows how to get it." Card." Qi Weihui smiled and watched the grandchildren jumping and jumping to celebrate, and the credit cards were taken away by the children, anyway, the adults were all around, these are a few small human-shaped wallets, Children can only enjoy the fun of paying.

"She is very capable. She always goes out shopping with her mother and Kate, and knows the benefits of credit cards. It's not that I'm praising Yoyo, she is really good. A few days ago, she was still on the phone with Kate's black gold card. There is a personal assistant; as a result, our little girl chatted with the people over there for a long time, asking where to buy Barbie princesses, and where is there any treasured version of the beautiful Barbie."

Qi Ping smiled, he really wanted to see the children playing around; children from rich families may not be able to spend a lot of money, but it must be admitted that children do not need to be too careful in many cases, they can enjoy more Toys that they can't play with, they can get the toys they like.

"Then my two fat grandsons are a bit stupid. They still think it's better to see the banknotes. Like the two of us, they like cash, don't like credit cards, and don't like checks. In fact, Xiaoyao and Lele have hidden a lot. The pocket money is with your mother, who earns pocket money by beating our backs and legs every day, Kate doesn’t even know how much pocket money Xiaoyao and Lele have now.”

Qi Ping was taken aback by what his father said. Does this young man know how to hide his private money? Do you want to be so exaggerated, the promised moonlight family is happy, and the promised toy consumer snacks are big Lele.But they still know how to hide pocket money, one by one has not learned to save money, but they know how to open up money.

The father and son were chatting, talking about some interesting things about these little guys; but in the blink of an eye, they saw the children disappearing into the candy store, and there was really nothing but crying and laughing.It goes without saying that a candy store is definitely one of the favorite places for kids to have one of their favorite little treats.

The children are happily choosing their favorite candies, these things are their expertise; anyway, Qi Ping does not know the taste of these candies, but the children not only like delicious candies, but also those cute ones. sweets.

The youngest little sweetheart is now my sister's little follower, not to mention eating candy, there are still many candies in her two little hands; the little girl is running around happily, and the candy store has become her favorite now.Because there are a lot of candies, and her brothers and sisters will help her collect a lot of candies, of course she is happy.

Youyou swiped the card smartly, and after careful selection for a long time, I still think it is best to spend my father's money; although my father always makes mistakes and gets deducted pocket money, but my father has a lot of money.This is a typical example of robbing the rich and helping the poor, but this little girl may not have noticed the eyes of the salesperson auntie, such a little girl has several credit cards in her pocket; although she has never seen a black gold card in reality, other Some of the premium credit cards of the company can still be seen.

The little guy swiped his card happily, and the children went shopping while eating candies contentedly; Qi Ping was really a little worried when he saw these little people holding hands and walking in front of them.

It wasn't because Little Sweetheart was too young and had just learned to walk. What he was worried about was that the group of little guys were so busy eating candy that they forgot to watch the road.And these little guys really know how to love each other, and they happily hold hands; Yoyo and Xiaoyao are on the two sides, and the younger siblings are in the middle; but they hold hands in a straight line, which is quite spectacular.

Looking at this group of little people, Qi Ping felt very happy; of course, such a group of little guys are still very attractive, because they all have obvious mixed-race appearance.Such a group of cute little guys are really enviable, and as the parents of the children, Qi Ping is of course proud. Looking at these cute little guys, Qi Ping feels arrogant.

"Dad, can I have a new dress?" Well, the baby girl can't move anymore, the little girl is really a shopaholic tendency cultivated by Kate, "I want a pink dress, It would be nice to have a tutu. I don’t have a tutu right now and I want one.”

"Then you go and calculate how much budget you have left, you can't overspend." Touching the baby girl's head, it's all the same, but there is still a little principle to say.

The little girl was very happy, because she planned to use her father's card to swipe the card; in fact, what the little girl likes most is to ask her father to act like a baby, because she may feel that her father likes her more.Children are sensitive, maybe they don't know everything, but they can still know some things more or less, they know better who is really good to them.

The four children, although Qi Ping guarantees fairness to the greatest extent, after all, the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh; but sometimes Qi Ping can feel a little bit, he seems to prefer to treat his precious daughter more tolerantly, The little girls sometimes act like a baby, so some of Qi Ping's anger may disappear quickly.

As for the fat boys, Qi Ping is not partial; it's just that he is relatively strict with the boys, and these fat boys know how to play like a baby to their grandparents.

Suddenly, Qi Ping felt something was wrong, and he couldn't tell what was wrong; he felt that his troubles seemed to be getting worse, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to a dark abyss.

It's not a children's clothing store, it's not a women's clothing store; look up the name of the store again, Gucci, Gucci!

"Dad, Mom said you have too few clothes, can I buy you a dress?" Qi Ping finally felt something was wrong, and the fat boys were happily changing into new clothes, all of which were small suits ;But in a blink of an eye, I saw the baby girl running out, pulling her father to run away.

"Dad already has a lot of clothes. Dad doesn't need new clothes now. I don't have pocket money anymore. I can't buy clothes now." Qi Ping said quickly, he really doesn't like buying clothes; No problem, but Qi Ping doesn't like to choose and try clothes slowly by himself, it's too troublesome.

When it comes to shopping and the like, Qi Ping would rather stay at home if he is alone; even if he really has to buy something, Qi Ping must have some plans in mind, and that is the legendary quick fix. , there is no "walking around the street" style of picking slowly; even if it is buying clothes, it must be taken away if it is pleasing to the eye, and it is too time-consuming to buy clothes like Kate and to consider matching.

"But Mom said that everyone can get a new dress, and we are going to Uncle's party." Yoyo is innocent, she feels happy; of course she is happy to have new clothes, as to why Dad looks unhappy This kind of little girl doesn't know at all, she simply thinks that everyone likes to buy new clothes.

Qi Ping felt that it was not good to marry a wife. He felt that he was obviously cheated by Kate; Kate pushed him out, and matched it according to the aesthetics of a baby girl. I really don’t know how to match it. What a strange look.So Kate had an idea and asked her husband to be used as a model by her daughter, which was better than the whole family being tortured.

This is a typical point of view of sacrificing a happy family, and this is a typical discrimination!But there is no way, who made Yoyo a baby girl!

(End of this chapter)

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