America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 483 Looking for trouble

Chapter 483 Looking for trouble

Qi Ping fell into a big pit, thinking about his own sacrifice is really big enough; the baby girl's aesthetics is actually very good, but the little girl is a little too small now, so Qi Ping is now a little girl Those options are pink, white and the like.

A pink shirt, white suit trousers, and a pair of black leather shoes; Needless to say, it is really difficult to wear it out without a little psychological endurance.Just hang it in the closet. The single piece is very good, but there is still no way to put it together and wear it out.

Chipping and Kate took their children to Minneapolis, the largest city in Minnesota, where the Twins play their home games.The kids are here for their uncle's celebration party, which is also a family party; it is said that Joshua performed well in training and has successfully squeezed into the rotation lineup, no longer just sitting at the end of the bench .

"Uncle, I miss you!" Lele really misses Uncle the most. Uncle is the best baseball player in Lele's mind, and he is also Lele's first coach and partner. "Are we going to play baseball today? Can catch the ball, and I've learned to slide now."

"Really? Did you get hurt when you practiced sliding? You need to be careful. It's not easy to be a good base runner. You need to connect with the sliding bases to be able to steal better. You have to Practice the basics and be brave enough to become a better runner."

Joshua is teasing his fat nephew, this fanatical little baseball fan is really powerful; his physical fitness is very advantageous among children of the same age, so it seems that he has some talent to become an athlete .However, Lele should learn more.

"I just run, run, and then just lay down. I'm the best, I can skate far, far, and I can skate on the grass with my ass, I always steal bases, Dad is a big fool!"

Hearing the words of his precious son, the veins on Qi Ping's temples popped out; he has a conscience, and there are a lot of baseball fans at home, so Qi Ping already knew what baseball is all about.As for being looked down upon by the fat son, it's just because there is a gap between the current skills and professional players. enthusiasm is gone.

As for Fat Boy's training, it is basically on the grass; the lawn is thick and soft, so Fat Boy doesn't need to worry about getting injured when he slides.It's just that it's true that I often get dirty on my body.

It’s been a long time since I saw my uncle, so the little ones really miss him a little bit; now everyone is talking to her uncle, the youngest little girl doesn’t speak much, but she urgently needs a sense of presence. Just keep yelling, so you don't have to worry about someone ignoring her.

Becoming a professional player is not an easy task. Although Joshua has always been very sunny and cheerful, he still feels a lot of pressure after becoming a professional player.

When he was in school, he was the core and the main force, and most of the tactics revolved around him; but in professional sports, he may not be treated like this.And I have to admit that there is a lot of competition here; although I need to face some pressure to win in college, but compared to professional sports like MLB, these are two completely different concepts.

Joshua's current strength is not enough to stabilize the main force, so he is just a rotation player and a substitute player; this is not bad, Joshua is very clear that he is not the favorite of heaven.So he needs to keep learning and improving, because his teammates are very good, and those who can play in MLB are the top baseball players, the best among the best.

And Joshua still has a lot of troubles now, not just his status on the court, but his living environment has changed.In addition to going from sunny California to "bitter cold" Minnesota, the most important thing is his teammates and his current identity. These changes are the most difficult for people to adapt to.

Joshua has been the star and strength of the team since he was a child, and he is also the star of the team; but these are not the most important things now. For Joshua, it is not only necessary to consider the change of the role of the team, but also Need to take into account the role of teammates and the like.

In a professional team, everyone is a professional player; and at this time, something can be discovered. A 20-year-old rookie athlete, and a [-]-year-old veteran who is at the peak of his career, are all on the same team and in the same locker room.

In fact, this kind of age difference may not be able to adapt well to many people, because everyone may not have such a common topic, and this may not be able to share similar interests.Even the characters of many rookies will have some conflicts and contradictions with those of the veteran players, and everyone's concept of the game and life will also change a little.

It is actually not easy to deal with these things well; many athletes have the ability, but they may not be able to handle the relationship with teammates well.The knowledge of the locker room is actually a great knowledge.

Joshua is still a little too young. Although he is relatively mature, he is still not enough to look at compared to those old fritters; and this guy now not only needs to have a good relationship with his teammates, but also needs to have a good relationship with the media.Now he is considered a public figure anyway, although he doesn't need to worry about his public image like a politician, but if something goes wrong, it will still be very troublesome.

Joshua was rambling on, he still seemed a little uncomfortable with this new identity, he was still not used to these things, and he really needed time now.No way, who made him step into the society now, this is a complicated society.Compared with an ivory tower like a university, it is really much more complicated, even though American universities are not particularly simple.

"What I'm not used to now is playing away games constantly. Although I would go to away games a lot when I was in college, there is no such intensity. Thankfully, our schedule is a little looser than the NBA. But I can guarantee that you will not Not being able to get used to going to the airport right after a game is such a headache, you just can't get a good rest."

Joshua's strong complaints are a problem for many professional players. If they can't take a good rest, it means that their physical condition is not the best.Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to maintain the state and play a high-level game.

"So I advise you not to mess with those girls, it's not good for you. Go to clubs less and take more rest, which will give you more rest time. You don't have so much time and capital now , you are still a young player who has not proven himself, you need to seize every opportunity to try to have some performance on the pitch."

Qi Ping said casually, this lazy brother-in-law didn't distract himself at all; his suggestion seems to be more practical, but these really may not be so effective.Speaking of it, it is a matter of identity. Qi Ping is not a professional player, so he does not have more experience to pass on to Joshua.

If Joshua wants to open a restaurant or a ranch, Qi Ping may still be able to say something, and he may be able to give Joshua some meaningful suggestions.But Joshua is a professional player, so he is too far away from Qiping; the current situation really needs Joshua to solve it by himself.

"Uncle, don't you have a swimming pool in your house? What if you want to swim? It's boring without a swimming pool." Xiaoyao had already visited the uncle's house upstairs and downstairs, but the little guy was a little distressed now, "You too There's no big grass, so you can't play baseball."

Looking at Xiaoyao who sighed, and seeing his fat nephew expressing emotion like a little adult, Joshua really didn't know what to say.Joshua knows that Xiaoyao actually knows that many houses do not have swimming pools, and he also knows that many houses are not so big and nice.But people who are closer to each other really have such good conditions.

Joshua felt that his house was pretty good, not a big mansion or a villa, but such a single-family house has a relatively large space.In addition, the housing prices in Minneapolis are not as good as those in California. In fact, Joshua's house has a large space and well-equipped facilities. It is definitely a house for rich people that many people envy and cannot afford.

"If I want to play baseball, I can go to the team, where there are training grounds, and there are professional trainers. I don't need a swimming pool, because I don't like swimming. You may not know, it's very cold here at my uncle's house. It's going to snow, it's going to be snowing, it's going to be snowing, it's going to be snowing, it's going to be snowing, it's going to be snowing, and it's going to be snowing. Then you can come here, and we can go make snowmen and go skiing. Then bring the southeast and northwest, or Rudolph, and we can ride the sleigh !"

Hearing Joshua's words, Qi Ping almost jumped up; not only did Joshua feel some annoyance, but the most important thing was that this bastard was still making trouble for him.

"Uncle, can you really go sledding? I also want to build a snowman. Our family doesn't have a college, and I can't have a snowball fight with my brother. If it snows at your house, call me and I will ask Dad to take Rudolph Come!"

Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Qi Ping felt that he really shouldn't come here this time; this bastard Joshua is really able to find trouble, he successfully whetted the appetite of the children, so it is certain that the children We must be looking forward to the white snow, who makes it difficult for them to see a real university in California, so come to Uncle!

(End of this chapter)

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