Chapter 488
Qi Ping is still very busy, and he will be busy with a little inspection on the island now; fortunately, the overall terrain of this island is not too high or steep, and Qi Ping has already had the terrain of a small island picture, so it is really clear.

Now I came here to take a look, just because hearing is believing; although Qi Ping still trusts the survey team he invited over, he still needs to confirm some things by himself.Qi Ping is such a character, even if there are some seemingly perfect reports, Qi Ping still does not want any negligence in it, he needs to ensure that there must be no mistakes in it.

It feels very good, but it still needs to be marked on the map a little bit; especially when the money in the pocket is getting more and more, and the more and more advanced equipment and instruments in his hand can help him better understand the terrain At that time, Qi Ping just needs to keep improving. He hopes that the spirit gathering array he has arranged will not have any dead ends.

Made some annotations, and communicated with the architect responsible for the development of the island; there is no need to immediately arrange the gathering array, but what Qi Ping needs now is to let the development here be under his control. What he needs now is actually It is better to adapt measures to local conditions so that the Juling Formation and the island can be perfectly combined.

"What are you doing?" Back on the beach, I saw Kate playing games with the children, "Are you being naughty, if you are disobedient, it will violate our agreement."

"Dad, we are building a castle. But you should help us take my brother away now, he is too naughty." Yoyo quickly ran over and dragged her father to complain, "He has been making trouble, Dad, take your brother to swim .”

Qi Ping suddenly laughed, he felt that it was really funny; it seemed that Lele had provoked everyone's anger, he didn't like playing with sand at all, or he didn't have much patience to play with sand.This is a standard type with nails in the ass, and he is the type who really can't sit still.

So now it’s all right, Lele got a little impatient after playing with the sand for a while, the little guy doesn’t like digging slowly with his brother and sister, and he doesn’t like watching the stupid sister digging happily Sand as a little helper.Compared to building castles, he prefers to roll on the beach or play pranks. Although he has been taught several times by his brother, Lele still enjoys it.

"Dad, I don't want to play with sand at all. We can't build a big castle. It always collapses. I don't want to build a castle anymore. Let's go play in the water." Lele finally looked forward to his father, Because only my mother is here now, I can only play games on the beach; now that my father is back, I can play other games.

"As long as you are careful, the castle won't collapse so much. It can only be said that you are too careless. You are like this every time, and you are always frizzy. If you are careful and careful, then I believe Brother and sister are willing to play games with you." Qi Ping hugged his fat son, smiled and rubbed the boy's round head.

"But it's not my game, I like more fun games. Sister and sister can build castles, but I don't. Brother should go swimming with me now, we can wrestle on the beach, that's what boys play It's a game." Lele made unreasonable words, and the little guy cheered and ran to the tent to pull out his little swimming trunks, and immediately put on the little swimming trunks after he was naked, this kid was ready to go swimming.

Qi Ping smiled wryly, and now he is really going to take the boys to swim; it is obvious that the little ones are no longer ready to continue building castles, and it is time for a change.Although there is a swimming pool at home, the children do often go swimming in Muse Lake; but obviously, children are still relatively unfamiliar with swimming in the sea, but these little guys who don't know how to be afraid really don't fear , they like such a brand new game project very much.

Xiaoyao also ran over, yelling, this kid is full of expectations now; although he will take good care of his younger sisters, although he is really willing to help them pile up sand.But now that we can go swimming together, Xiaoyao will of course be happier; Xiaoyao, who has a wide range of interests, has been playing in the sand for a long time, and now he wants to change the game items.

Go swimming in the sea and step on the waves; this suddenly aroused the enthusiasm of the children, Yoyo ran over with her younger sister, and the two sisters were going to pick up shells together.

Boys prefer some exciting games, but little girls still prefer more romantic things.For example, picking up shells, the little girls have collected a lot of beautiful shells now, and they plan to continue picking up shells on the waves, this is a new game for them on the island, and this is their favorite game on the island one.

Kate is still slowly leading the girls to pick up shells, picking up those shells that look more beautiful; but Qi Ping has already jumped into the sea with the boys.

"Dad, can we catch big lobsters today? If you help us catch big lobsters now, then our lunch can be grilled lobsters. Or you can catch a lot of big crabs and conchs, or our I can only eat vegetables for lunch. I don’t like those green vegetables and tomatoes, they are not as delicious as those from our forest farm.”

Xiaoyao stared underwater with his diving goggles, but unfortunately he never found out; so now, he still asks his father for help.

"Then you need to go ashore now. Dad can go to the sea to grab food, but I still need to pay attention to your safety." Qi Ping hugged Lele and was teaching the younger reckless Lele to use a breathing tube. A lot of sea water.

In fact, this is an elbow with an open end and a mouthpiece on the other end, plus a buoyancy air-closing valve or anti-wave structure; as long as you bite the snorkel, you can ensure that you can breathe enough air during simple snorkeling.

"Then we can catch big lobsters with you, Dad, we haven't caught lobsters." Xiaoyao wanted to catch lobsters by himself, the little guy is already a good swimmer, and the little guy thinks he is still very good, "I I'm almost hungry, my father has been not good enough to catch a lot of lobsters, I want to eat a lot of lobsters."

"Dad, can we bring Pooh and King Kong with us next time? Pooh is the best, and he can help us catch a lot of fish. They must also want to come here with us. They will definitely want to come here." Playing games by the sea." Lele now has something to say, this quick-tempered little guy is always thinking of finding something more interesting.

Qi Ping laughed, he felt that he was really helpless now; of course he also wanted to take King Kong and Pooh out to play, but they were too big, and it was absolutely impossible to take them abroad A simple matter, such as a quarantine, can make King Kong and the others dizzy.

So it is no problem to take a few of them to the sea view villa in San Diego, because it is an hour's drive, and it is very simple to take them back and forth.But for things like going abroad, unfamiliar places are actually secondary, because Qi Ping has enough money in his hands; but having money doesn't mean having everything, there are still many procedures that must be in place.

One more thing is better than one less thing. The most important thing is that even if they take Pooh and the others abroad, they may be happier at a certain time.But the tossing and tossing in it is a little too much, and this is not worth the candle.So it's better to be quiet, and don't do some things that are too frustrating for the time being.

"Father, go and catch seafood!" Qi Ping waved his hand at his wife and daughter on the shore, and said leisurely, the little girl was looking forward to delicious seafood, especially the one caught by her father, "Dad, you can catch me another big one." Conch, I like to eat conch, and I want to eat a lot of big lobsters, but unfortunately you haven't caught them yet!"

"Baby, don't worry, Dad will definitely try to catch more and more food today. You have to have more confidence in Dad, I will never let you down." Qi Ping embarrassed , but soon became confident again, "Believe me, I'm already starting to check the terrain now, and I'm going to catch fish soon."

"Dad, then my brother and I should go to the shore first, can we move the grill first? We will wait for you to catch more big lobsters, my brother and I will not hinder you." Xiaoyao heard Excited, although he really wanted to catch lobsters with his father, but he knew better that he was too young now.

Looking at Xiaoyao and Lele, the little brothers who are slowly pawing along the waves towards the shore, and seeing the snorkel thrown by Lele, Qi Ping really can't laugh or cry, facing these children, you really can't say It's too 'real', because in the impression of these children, father is the most powerful; since father said that he can do it, the children are of course full of confidence.

Kate smiled and waved her hand, which seemed to be gloating; she is now preparing with the children, and now she is going to take the children to prepare for the grill or ingredients.Although it seems that this time the barbecue party should be able to harvest more delicacies such as big lobsters and sea crabs, but it seems to be forgotten now. Anyway, a lot of vegetables and beef are brought over, and the supplies are not counted. Very short.

Qi Ping really took a deep breath, he felt that he really needed to take a good breath now.

Anyway, we are also half-experts in water sports, and we have also played some diving and other things; now this is the Caribbean Sea, with clear water and rich products.Although I don't expect to be able to go to the depths of the ocean to catch tuna or something, it is still possible to catch some conch in the relatively shallow sea here.

The most important thing is to show your face to your wife and children, otherwise it would be a bit too embarrassing; these few times I caught only those conch shells that were not very movable, and I didn't get any other seafood.Don't expect delicious and tender Australian lobster or king crab here, there is none here.

But there are still a lot of spider crabs with longer legs and more spider-like, or blue crabs whose meat is difficult to get out, or those spiny lobsters and corrugated lobsters that like to hide in the crevices and caves of coral reefs or rocks. ilk.After all, there are still some aquatic products here. As long as you have more patience, you may have some harvest.

With a diving goggle and a snorkel, he began to search hard. For Qi Ping, this was really a time when he had to find face.Now we must seize every opportunity, because children don’t want to eat delicious seafood every time. Maybe they bake delicious chicken legs and chicken wings on the shore by themselves, and they will forget to salivate on seafood.

I need to hurry up, anyway, the weather here is still calm, and I have a basic diving certificate, so now try to find delicious seafood in the water about ten meters deep, it is really worth it possible.

Conch, besides conch, is still conch; this is not good, children like to eat conch at first, but once the freshness wears off, they feel that conch is really not very good, and there is nothing delicious.Although some large and small coral fish swim by from time to time, Qi Ping really can't catch the fish with his bare hands, and these small fish are not enough to fit between his teeth.

I am searching hard, hoping not to miss a fish that slipped through the net; now I have to catch more delicious seafood, now I have to catch a lobster or crab, and only in this way can I really live in the sea. To regain face in front of the children, only in this way can I continue to promote my invincible image in front of the children.

This is indeed not a simple matter. Although the sea is said to have endless treasures, it definitely does not mean that the fish and shrimp in the sea can be caught with one's hand.I still need to continue to be patient, although every time I surfaced, I only saw children jumping around the barbecue grill. They are now doing barbecue with their mothers. They don’t care about being in the sea now. daddy.

We must take a breath, and we must not return empty-handed at this critical moment; Qi Ping feels that he should be stronger, and he needs to search every corner of the underwater more patiently and carefully, so that he can guarantee to catch big fish !
Great, long tentacles, although the big lobster has a blue shell that is good at hiding under the coral, but Qi Ping really found it.Carefully grabbed its long tentacles, and pulled it out vigorously; it was really a big guy, almost half a meter long.

This big lobster can definitely make Qi Ping proud!

(End of this chapter)

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