Chapter 489 Balance
Feeling elated, I have once again become a hero in front of my wife and children; this feeling is really good, so this big lobster tastes delicious.

Although this big lobster does not seem to be able to fill everyone up, it is just a dish, a big meal, and of course it needs to be matched with other foods, so as to ensure balanced nutrition and everyone can eat full.

The current fairyland island is still in the development stage, and many places are still quite rudimentary, but Qi Ping thinks this is really not a big problem.Now you can bring your children to enjoy the fun of summer camp, and it will be very romantic for the family to set up a big tent on the white sandy beach.

"Mom, is that star a shit star?" Lele was successfully deceived, the little guy squeezed into his mother's arms and pointed to the sky and asked, "Brother said it was a shit star, why is there a shit star? "

"That's because my brother was impatient and lied to you. There is no shit star. But if you and brother are willing, it can also be called a shit star." Kate carefully followed the direction of the fat son's finger for a long time, but she still Couldn't figure out which star the fat son was referring to.

"Okay then, it's a shit star, I remember it!" The fat son said enthusiastically. Although the little guy had camped in the mountains with his parents, he had never lived in a tent by the sea.

Lele seemed very happy, and Xiaoyao and Yoyo were equally happy; this pair of little brothers and sisters were happily burning a fire, and now they don't need lights or anything like that, just a big bonfire is enough.Just look at my sister's happy face. Although the little sweetheart still can't jump up, but against the backdrop of the flames, the little guy's chubby little face is red and cute.

The children were happily playing games, pointing at the stars all over the sky and asking about the topics they wanted to know; this really made both Qi Ping and Kate feel pressured, even Kate, who knew a lot about the constellations, might not be able to recognize them. The more famous stars came out.What's more, the children are too noisy, and the stars they recognize may not necessarily be famous stars and the like.

Now Kate finally understands that the eldest son will come up with a "shit star" because these children are all in a posture of breaking the casserole and asking the bottom line.At this time, regardless of whether I mispronounced the names of those stars, I can say whatever comes to mind; but Kate has done a good job, and will not make up tasteless 'shit stars' like a fat son.

Qi Ping looked at it carefully for a long time, but he still couldn't see the difference between 'Beautiful Angel' and 'Sweetheart Baby'; Qi Ping was even more sure that Kate thought of those star names that seemed to be relatively good. It's over; there are really too many stars, how can I recognize them thoroughly.

Even the star whose name was just named was forgotten the next moment, because these stars look so similar that there is no way to distinguish them well.Who tells us that we are not astronomers? Even astronomers can't name these stars, even if they have numbers and the like.

Qi Ping is very clear that Kate is now more and more struggling to deal with the children's questions; Qi Ping also feels more fortunate that the children often ask their father for questions, which are basically games.As for science, culture, etc., they believe in their mothers even more, because mothers are not as stupid as their fathers.

As long as you are not a fool, you shouldn't take the initiative to get yourself into such trouble at this time; Qi Ping is very clear that the children don't need their father now, so let their mother explain to them about the stars.The most important thing is that once the children raise these questions, all Qi Ping needs is to comply, and he will definitely not expose the fact that Kate named the stars indiscriminately, otherwise he will definitely have a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, Kate knows a lot of vocabulary, and fortunately, the children are still a little young, so although Kate is a bit in a hurry, she can also deal with these problems very well.It's all small problems, simple things.

"The children are all asleep, and they seem to be very happy." Kate looked at the children gently. These little guys are tired after a day of crazy play, and now they know how to rest. "It seems that they all like these differences. environment, they are enjoying the trip now.”

"I think it is very important for the children to have excellent adaptability, but I know that they are enjoying the current trip because they follow us. We are the most trusted people for the children, so they will enjoy this trip quite a lot now .This is a summer camp, where we take the children to experience different scenery and environments, and there will be different games and fun here.”

Carefully carry the fat son into the tent. Qi Ping and Kate are now living in the big tent with the children; the size of the big tent is definitely not small, and it is relatively safe and comfortable.The most important thing is that Qi Ping and Kate take the children to camp every now and then, and now the children have learned to help when setting up the tent.

Both Qi Ping and Kate are very proud of this matter, because the children's hands-on ability is constantly improving; they now know how to set up a tent, and they can now mow the lawn, grow vegetables, and weed.Even in the orchard, the little ones can pick fruit, frame them and so on. They are definitely not millet bugs who only eat but have no hands-on ability.

Qi Ping admits that the little ones in the family are a bit pampered, and the little ones are indeed used to a rich and comfortable life.But the little guys really have a certain amount of hands-on ability, Qi Ping doesn't think that these little rich second generations in the family have less hands-on ability than other children.

It is true to pamper the children, but it also needs to ensure that the children have a certain amount of hands-on ability; the little ones are mischievous all day long, but compared to their little friends and children of the same age, Qiping can pat his chest It is said that these little guys in the family are very good, but some people only see the mischief of the children.

Sleeping beautifully, listening to the sound of the waves hitting the beach, and sleeping dishonestly, rolling around; so hugging my son and daughter, all crowded together, it feels quite good.

I slept very soundly, this is the type that sleeps until dawn; the most important thing is that Qi Ping likes to stay in bed, so when he is still sleeping in a daze, he feels someone pinching his nose, Those who blow their ears and slap their faces.Don't think about it, the energetic children are waking up now, and he is being tossed by the children.

"Dad, Dad!" Well, there is another little existence who was tossed and cried. The little sweetheart still wants to sleep late, but the brothers and sisters are too noisy, and now I want Dad to hug me. "Mommy mommy."

Kate hurriedly hugged her baby daughter and comforted her softly. This is the child who likes to stay in bed the most in the family. Compared with her energetic older siblings who always like to run out to play, Little Sweetheart is just like her father. Her favorite One thing is to sleep in late. If she can't sleep comfortably and satisfactorily, if she can't get enough sleep, then the little girl will really get up.

Qi Ping is now in charge of taking the three older children to fight, this one hugs and bites, the other catches and kisses, scratches by the way, etc. Anyway, Qi Ping takes the children in the tent Rolled over.

"Go, all go brush your teeth and wash your face." Taking the little ones out of the tent, the sun is really sunbathing, "Brush and brush your teeth well, you all have to protect your teeth. Lele must not be sloppy, you always like to eat candy and chocolate."

I kicked the little guys' butts lightly, and drove them out of the tent one by one; they could go crazy all morning, but it's definitely okay for the children to play and make trouble.But the little ones need to brush their teeth and wash their faces, Qi Ping still needs to start making breakfast now.

The little ones started to brush their teeth, and the little brothers and sisters stood obediently in a row and began to brush their teeth; of course, the little sweetheart is just pretending now, she still doesn't know how to brush her teeth, in fact, the little girl's teeth haven't grown yet.However, this did not affect the good mood of the little sweetheart who had come to her senses. She began to brush her teeth like her brothers and sisters.

"Dad, what game are we going to play today?" Xiaoyao couldn't wait to ask while still having breakfast. He likes to live in a tent and play games on the beach. "Can we play here today? I also want to ride a horse , It would be best if Heitan was here, it likes to carry me around the beach, and it will scare me into deliberately running into the water.”

"We can't ride horses here because there are no horses on our island. As you can see, although there are a few houses here, they are just work houses where the workers' uncles live. We need to continue to live in tents now, but we can here Playing baseball, volleyball, we can also wrestle. I think now we'll have a lot to do, and you guys can play in the sand all day."

"I don't want to play with the sand for a day, I just want to play with the sand for a long time. Dad, let's go catch fish. I want to catch big lobsters." Lele became excited and played with the sand all day He is definitely impatient, and he still hopes to play other games, "I want to catch a lot of big lobsters, so that we can have a full stomach, so it will be fun."

Well, now these energetic little guys just opened their eyes and are planning to play games; it is really good, these little guys came to the island to play games and take a vacation.Although they have been to the seaside and islands, it is really unprecedented experience that they can play games freely on such a small island.

Qiping and Kate also feel very good. At first, they were worried that the infrastructure construction on the island is just in its infancy, and the children may not just like it here.But now it seems that this is not the case at all. The children like life on the island very much. Although there may not be many delicious snacks here, they can have a lot of fun here.

This made Qi Ping and Kate feel at ease, so that they can take the children to play here for a few more days without worry.After all, Qi Ping still has to work this time, and he still has a lot of things to do; now there is no need to worry about the children being impatient, the little ones seem to have experienced the fun of playing on their own island, and they are now It's endless.

Qi Ping is discussing and communicating with the children carefully. Although the children are sometimes a little whimsical, their ideas may be a little unrealistic.But it doesn't matter, a lot of communication is actually not a bad thing; and these opinions of the children may be able to give Qiping some different inspirations.

Qi Ping is still busy, but Kate can play games with the children; the children are more obedient, and Kate can naturally take care of them.But what needs to be done now is actually very important, and that is to put sunscreen on the children, otherwise the little ones will really be red or dark.

My own children are really not considered white; it's not that their skin color is inherited from Kate and the like, but because these little guys play too many outdoor sports.So at this time, we must admit something, that is, the children's skin is relatively wheat-colored, which is a typical healthy wheat-colored color.

"Father, I'm going too." Qi Ping pouted, Baby Sweetheart immediately knew to pout and kiss Dad, but the little girl also wanted to go out to play now, "I'm going to play."

"Dad is working, not playing games. When Dad comes back from work, I will take you to play games. Then we can build castles and I can teach you how to swim. Only when Dad comes back can we play games." The baby girl said, although the little girl is still pouting like I am angry, but Qi Ping is not worried.

Kissed the baby girl, and didn't care that the baby girl wiped her face in disgust, and then went to work.Work is still very important. This time I came to the island not to bring my children to a summer camp; what I can do now is to find a balance between work and summer camp, which is why Qi Ping will stay on the island for a longer time now. .

There is no way to concentrate on work all at once, because I need to spare enough time every day to play games with my children.It seems that there are some things like reduced efficiency, but Qi Ping doesn't care about such things.He has never been a very ambitious person, he knows that life and work are both important, but just finding the balance is enough.

This feeling is really good, because the thought of being able to play games with my wife and children after work is enough to make people feel extremely happy.

(End of this chapter)

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