Chapter 493
Qi Ping lay lazily on the sofa, watching the little brothers Xiaoyao and Lele running back from the house in a hurry, Qi Ping raised his head lazily or asked more questions.It's useless to ask, the children are so noisy, they run around in and out of the house every day, if you ask the children every time, it will make people collapse.

It's better to enjoy the rare leisure quietly. The children have all gone outside to play games, so there is nothing to worry about.Anyway, the children won't run too far, and King Kong and Pooh are also following the children, so there is nothing to worry about. With that time, it is really better to take a good rest and be more comfortable.

The children seemed to be rummaging through boxes and boxes, and they didn't care about anything. They were probably looking for snacks again.Kate, who was busy preparing lunch in the kitchen, asked lazily. This is enough to prove the status of these little devils at home. All right.

"Father, bye!"

Lele's words amused Qi Ping, seeing her father lying on the sofa, Lele knew to say goodbye.But this kid seems to be too confused about the situation, this is lying on the sofa, even if these little things have run out to play, they are still under the nose, so there is no good bye.

It's still Xiaoyao who knows the ways of the world, this kid rushed out like a train, so that Qi Ping didn't even see what Xiaoyao was holding in his hand.I guess, it's either a toy or a snack. I guess it's a 'picnic'. The brothers and sisters are sitting on the lawn, eating snacks and playing games, which is probably the case.

Continue to lie leisurely on the sofa, watch TV, and be in a daze. This is much easier than going crazy with a lot of brats. It's better to continue to be lazy.

Being lazy is really enjoyable; especially taking care of a group of children with excess energy every day, not only makes people physically and mentally exhausted, it can really make people feel broken and driven crazy.So you still need to learn to be smart, that is, it is better to learn to be lazy.

For being lazy, Qi Ping is absolutely at ease; no matter how hard the brats are, they may not be able to go to the house.There is nothing to worry about, at most, the children will go crazy together later and have some conflicts or something, as long as there is justice at that time, Qi Ping is really familiar with these things, and there is no difficulty at all .

"I don't want to go and see your children, they are going to torture Pooh and King Kong crazy." Qi Ping was still slacking off, when Luo Yi's wife, Nina, came over.

"Pooh and King Kong were tortured crazy? Are you kidding, I think it's more likely that Pooh and King Kong spanked the children on the grass. You still don't understand King Kong and Pooh, they are smart, and it's their job to protect the children Good game, but they are never stingy when it comes to educating children."

Qi Ping replied lazily, not paying attention at all.

"But they are brushing King Kong and Pooh's teeth. I think you need to help solve this matter." Nina said with a smile. The indescribable joke on her expression was also the biggest blow to Qi Ping, who was conceited.

Qi Ping was stunned, and then jumped up from the sofa as if his butt was on fire; this is not bad, it’s all for Pooh and the others to brush their teeth, isn’t the children’s brains a little too big, how did they go about this matter? What they came up with was completely unreasonable. How could they come up with such a weird thing!

Hurry up and run out of the house. If he knew that the children played in such a way before, Qi Ping would not lie on the sofa as if nothing happened.It is indeed beyond Qi Ping's expectations that the children can toss and toss so much.

Sure enough, Qi Ping saw the children; not only his two live treasures, but also the two bear children of Luo Yi's family.No wonder Nina came to complain, but she should also feel wronged, her two precious sons are the biggest accomplices.Qi Ping can pat his chest and touch his conscience to assure that these children are typical chickens of the same species, the type of laughing at fifty steps, and they are all naughty.

Pooh and King Kong both have big mouths, and this bared grin seems to be quite suitable for children.The children's division of labor is also very clear, Xiaoyao and Yoyo are in charge of brushing Pooh's teeth, Yanyan and Lele of Luo Yi's family are in charge of brushing King Kong's teeth; In charge of managing the faucets.

This is not bad, it looks like it was organized and premeditated, and the children have such a clear division of labor, Qi Ping can guarantee that this must have been premeditated by the children.The most important thing is that Qi Ping can guarantee this matter, and Xiaoyao must be "indispensible"; let's take the water pipe as an example. Basically, Xiaoyao is able to prepare better when he washes the car for him. The class is really a piece of cake for him.

This is to catch the mastermind, but Qi Ping doesn't understand; King Kong and Pooh are too ignorant, they didn't resist after being tossed about by the children like this.If the children dared to make such a fuss in peacetime, King Kong and Pooh might just grab the children and punish them with spanking and tickling.

Looking at it now, although the mouth is full of white foam, it still feels quite enjoyable.This is unscientific, quite unscientific; Qi Ping knows the temper of his little brothers, and Qi Ping can't understand if they are happy; just look at their expressions, they seem to like this game very much.

"What are you doing?" Qi Ping was a little upset, which is understandable; it doesn't matter if the children are usually naughty, they have a talent for naughty, but it is unreasonable for the children to toss King Kong and Pooh so much.

"We are brushing King Kong and Pooh's teeth. They both need to brush their teeth. King Kong and Pooh don't care about hygiene at all. Pooh likes candy and honey so much. If you don't take care of your teeth, you will be bitten by bugs." Yoyo happily replied , She didn't look like she made a mistake at all, she still looks like she's asking for praise.

"But Pooh and King Kong will be unhappy in this way. They are different from us, and they don't need to brush their teeth. If you do this, they will be angry." Qi Ping patiently explained to the children, who may still be a little young , and a little naive; and the children's current starting point is still good, that is, they like to take care of King Kong and Pooh, as far as they can.

"Pooh and King Kong like brushing their teeth very much, we all know that." The baby girl waved her hand in disgust, as if she didn't want to say anything more to her father, "Sister, I rinsed Pooh's mouth. You have to be careful." , don’t let them drink the water, or they will have a stomachache.”

The little sweetheart who had been waiting to water the road for a long time became happy, and the little girl ran over with a hose holding a hose; the second boy of Luo Yi's family also had skills, and knew how to reduce the water potential so that the water flow would not be too large.

Seeing his brother and sister running aside, seeing Pooh with his mouth wide open, the little girl was helping Pooh rinse his mouth with a hose.Seeing the foam flowing from Pooh's mouth, the little girl smiled even more happily. She seemed to feel that she had done something extraordinary.And Xiaoyao and Yoyo are also busy at this time, busy washing their toothbrushes and re-squeezing toothpaste.

This seems to be a new toothbrush, at least Qi Ping knows that this is not a children's toothbrush; the children's toothbrushes are colorful and beautiful, and they are all small electric toothbrushes for children.And this is a toothbrush for adults.

"Where did you find the toothbrush?" Qi Ping wondered, he really didn't know where the children found the toothbrush.

"Grandma bought a lot of new toothbrushes. It's not hygienic at all to use other people's toothbrushes. Dad, you need to find a big mouthwash cup for Pooh and King Kong later. You are too partial. You bathe Heitan every day. But they don't care about King Kong and Pooh." Xiaoyao was a little dissatisfied, he felt that his father was indeed too partial.

His cheek hurts, he really doesn't know what to say now.It is obvious that the children's brains are so open that it is dumbfounding, but it is not objective if you say that the children did not do well in this matter.It's not just the kids who care about King Kong and Pooh, but Pooh seems to love it too; look at how happy they are with their foamy mouths now, and you know what's going on.

"Sweetheart, let's go home. Daddy will accompany you to build blocks, and we can change clothes and dress up the doll together." Qi Ping thinks it's better to bring the little sweetheart home, seeing how Pooh and the others shake their heads, that is The splash of water is still quite stressful, and it is better to take the little sweetheart home.

As for the naughty ghosts like Xiaoyao, they are not too young, so it is better to let them toss; besides, King Kong and Pooh like to brush their teeth, so Qiping has no say in this matter, let them toss All right.Children have unlimited energy, and it is better for them to play with their own than to toss him.

"Don't go home, don't go home, I want to play!" Little Sweetheart said childishly, the little girl didn't want to go home at all.Even seeing her father running over to hug her, Little Sweetheart first thought of running away, but soon realized that she had a weapon.

Little sweetheart's milky voice and laughter made me feel cold all over, because the little girl actually thought of watering her father now.It seemed very interesting to pour water away from Dad; even when she saw Dad running away, the little girl giggled and started chasing Dad with a water hose, she thought this game was more interesting.

The most important thing is that the second boy of Luo Yi's family is really not caring enough. This little bastard turned the faucet with a smile at this time. Compared with the gentle water flow when Pooh and the others rinsed their mouths, the current water has increased.Should I be so tricky, or should I be so naughty, this is actually regarded as a class enemy!
"Sister, don't play games with Dad. Dad is too ignorant. He only knows how to play games. Now we have to help King Kong rinse his mouth." It really makes Qi Ping's father's heart so cold, why don't he cheat his father like this, or dislike his father so much!
Some of the drowned Qi Ping no longer cared about his embarrassing image. He felt that what he needed to do now was to talk to the children well.Do you want to exclude and belittle your father like this, or despise your father like this.This is really treating Dad as a villain and an enemy, which is something Qi Ping simply cannot accept.

I have to talk to the children carefully, Qi Ping feels that he really needs to establish a new image in front of the children now.

"I told you a long time ago that children are very smart, and they already know a lot of things. So you need to reflect on it now, and look at your image in the children's minds, only playful, Believe me, this should not be your image in the eyes of children, you should be taller, more reliable, you should be a hero, not just a naughty ghost in the eyes of children."

Kate also came over at some point. She saw Qi Ping's distressed appearance; flat.Looking at Nina's overjoyed look, this can explain what kind of image Qi Ping is now.

Qi Ping, who was very shocked, sighed, and now he knew that he was powerless to defend; it was useless to say anything now, so there was no need to explain.The dejected Qi Ping felt that it would be better to go home obediently now, and found a corner to lick the wound silently, his heart needs a little comfort now.

It was too shocking, so there is no need to think about it at this time; the more you think about it, the sadder it is that Qi Ping is like this now, he really didn't think that he still had such an unreliable attitude in the eyes of the children Spectrum, playful image.This is really not what Qi Ping hoped for, and he feels that he may need to reflect more now.

You have to reflect on it carefully, such a thing is really exciting; I thought I had done a good job, but now I look at it, it is not the same thing at all.Don't think about taking the children home now, they are playing games right now, but it doesn't mean that the children are mischievous.

Kate and Nina laughed so hard, especially when they saw Qi Ping's downcast look, it was such a joy; they are now responsible for helping and guiding the children.Although Xiaoyao and the others know how to brush their teeth, brushing King Kong's teeth is not an easy task.

As for a certain unreliable man who has lost his soul, no one cares now.

(End of this chapter)

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