Chapter 494
Qi Ping has long since stopped caring whether the children dislike him, who made him usually a little unreliable.There is no need to change things like that. Maybe the children will think that Dad is naughty and playful, but this will not affect the image of Dad in the children's minds as being able to protect them and play games with them.

In terms of changes, it's really not necessary at all; because these changes seem to have the potential to change their own lives and make the children feel that Dad has become abnormal.

It is because Qi Ping thinks this is an insignificant little thing, he knows that he has no real bad image in the children's minds, and now he has no need to worry that he will be rejected by the children.There is no doubt about this for Qi Ping.

"Dad, there's no more caviar in the refrigerator. You're going to buy caviar." Lele appeared wiping his mouth. This kid must have just eaten iced caviar. "I can't live without caviar, or I'd be unhappy."

"How much caviar have you eaten again? I told you many times, you can't eat a lot of caviar, it's not good at all." Qi Ping rubbed his temples, he really couldn't figure out why the fat son was like that I like to eat chilled caviar.

Iced caviar means to chill the caviar first, that is, to eat the filled caviar directly; Lele usually does this, he likes to eat caviar spoon by spoon.It seems simple and crude, but this is indeed a very good way to eat caviar.It's just that this method is not everyone's favorite in many cases.

"I only ate one jar, a very small jar. I ate it with my sister, who also likes to eat caviar." Lele raised her small face, her chubby face was full of innocence, which was completely It's the image of a good baby.

Qi Ping continued to rub his temples. Of course he knew that Lele was telling the truth. Basically, every time Lele ate caviar, it was a small jar.It's not a lot, but it's definitely not a little; this kid is really a glutton for snacks, but fortunately the family has some money, otherwise this brat will make the family poor.

Lele went out to play games again. According to Lele himself, it was exercise; it was just throwing baseballs. This brat wants to become a professional baseball player like his uncle. This is a complete joke. Anyway, Qi Ping is Quite unbelievable.

Although relatively speaking, the body shape of a baseball player may not necessarily be like football players, basketball players and other athletes who need to pay attention to their body shape.However, for athletes, it is really impossible to eat Hesse.Athletes are actually quite bitter, because they need to be responsible for their careers, and most of the time they can't really eat and drink.

Just look at Lele's recipes. It's not that athletes can't eat caviar, but that athletes can't like everything.Chocolate or greasy braised pork and the like, these are athletes who are best not to touch too much.But for Lele, he absolutely can't accept these, this is a standard snack.

Not optimistic, not at all optimistic that Lele will become a professional athlete when he grows up. This kid is at most an avid baseball fan.Qi Ping can even assert that even though Lele is always shouting that he wants to play in the Major League Baseball like his uncle, but if this is placed when he has to give up a lot of food, Lele will definitely give up his hobbies as athletes.

"Dad, I asked my mother, she doesn't know how to make fried tripe, but I want to eat fried tripe. Can you go to godfather, there is no tripe in the refrigerator." Xiaoyao ran out again, and the kid proposed Get the food you want to eat.

Qi Ping, who was still lying on the sofa and looked at the report, rubbed his temples again. He felt a lot of pressure.But for the delicious food of the children, in order to meet the little requirements of the children, then Qiping must try to meet the requirements of the children as much as possible.

Let's go to Luo Yi. Although there is a ranch at home, there is really no slaughterhouse in the management of the ranch. Luo Yi is responsible for these matters.

Fairyland Ranch is only responsible for the slaughter of top-level beef cattle. Luo Yi bought a slaughterhouse here, and his sales naturally need to ensure that these high-quality fairy cattle need to go through some strict slaughter procedures in the United States.

In fact, beef and the like are easy to buy, but tripe is different. For example, Americans generally don’t eat animal offal, so these people simply cannot taste many delicacies.In fact, this is also very normal. Many foreigners do not necessarily like real Chinese food. Although Chinese restaurants have been opened all over the world, they will more or less make certain adjustments to cater to the tastes of those foreigners.

However, such a thing does not exist in Qiping’s family. The whole family is foodies; the real Chinese food is the family’s favorite. Has a real Chinese stomach.Children are no strangers to Western food; Italian and French dishes are also liked by children, even if it is unpalatable British or German food, there are actually good places.

In other words, children like delicious food. They have no resistance to delicious food, and they are all standard foodies.Although Qi Ping himself is a foodie, compared to the four lively little guys at home, Qi Ping is still a little thankful that he has some money in his pocket, otherwise he really can't afford these foodies.

I called Luo Yi and asked him to bring some tripe back when he returned to the forest farm; if he didn't make the way, call the slaughterhouse and go get it later.

The two fat boys went out to play games, and Qi Ping felt relieved; foodies are actually easy to feed, as long as they are delicious, they will not refuse anyone, so things like picky eaters are relatively rare.Of course, the children in the family are basically carnivores, and they don't like vegetables very much. They like big fish and big meat.

It is quite fulfilling to watch the children feast on food; there are both Chinese and Western food on the table, and these delicacies will soon be destroyed by the children.As for the dishes, the children will eat whatever they want. Unless the little ones really want to eat some delicious dishes, they will take the initiative to ask their grandma or mother.

In fact, there is no way to do this, because the children are too tricky; if you ask them every meal, you will definitely get a variety of answers, which is not good, it is asking for trouble.So I still do what the children eat, and when they especially want to eat some dishes, they should just ask for it. This is hello, hello, hello, everyone.

Just thought I was relieved, the baby girls ran out again; Youyou walked out of the toy room slowly holding the little sister's hand, the two sisters happily ran to find fruit, they want to drink delicious juice.

"Dad, there are no more pears. I want to eat fruit salad, but there are not enough pears now. Can I go pick pears with King Kong?" Yoyo ran out of the kitchen, and the big girl asked expectantly.

"You can't pick pears with King Kong, it will always hurt the pear tree, and the pear orchard is far away from our house, and you can't drive." Qi Ping felt a little crazy, but he still could only silently These little requests from the children are really normal, "I'll pick pears later, and I'll pick some more fresh fruit."

Youyou pouted and ran back. She originally wanted to say that she could also drive, but forget it; she can't drive a fast car, so she won't be able to drive golf carts and ATVs like her elder brother and younger brother.In fact, the little girl knew better, father would definitely not allow them to go to the orchard far away alone.

Listening to the voices in the kitchen, Kate and her daughters were chatting happily; especially the babyish laughter of the little sweetheart, which made Qi Ping completely forget about being entangled by these difficult snacks dizzy.Now, it's better to honestly prepare some delicious food for the children.

Foodies are hard to raise, especially when there are still four foodies all at once; only at this time can Qi Ping feel the huge pressure, every time he meets the children who keep making these demands, he can only do nothing and to the greatest extent It is the only way to meet these small demands of the children.

Fat sons and precious daughters, these are all real foodies, Qi Ping has no doubts about this.Of course, Kate is also very clear that children actually like delicious food so much, they all like to study and enjoy delicious food very much.So now that the children have made demands, Qi Ping and Kate naturally need to meet these small demands of the children.

When you get busy, there is no pressure on the tripe; Luo Yi will bring some tripe back along the way, so there is no need to worry about this matter.As for Lele's caviar, in fact, there is nothing to worry about; Luo Yi helped, who let everyone run a high-end restaurant together, and there is no shortage of caviar.

But now there are still a lot of things to do, the most important thing is to help the baby girl to pick some fruits; this is the top priority right now, and it is naturally something that Qi Ping can do.Without the slightest doubt, Qi Ping knew that he would definitely be able to do these things, and he could do them very well.

"Father, where are you going?" Just after leaving the house, the sons ran over, thinking that Dad was going to play, "I want to go too, I want to go with you."

"I'm going to pick fruit, and Yoyo wants to eat fruit salad, do you want to pick fruit with me?" Qi Ping is naturally willing to take the children to pick fruit together, and he also has a companion on the way.

"Then we won't go, we want to play games now, I don't want to go. You can help my sister pick fruit, we won't go." Xiaoyao shook his head, and he made a decision immediately; , but it doesn't mean he is ignorant. If he went to pick fruit, he would definitely come back after picking it, so he would have no time to play games.

The children's choices made Qi Ping shake his head. These shrewd little bastards are really powerful, and their analytical skills are also excellent.The little ones wisely choose the option that is more beneficial to them, and they only choose a few things that seem interesting to them.

Qi Ping is very aware of these things, the children are really unreliable now; it is really unreliable to expect these two brats to be like sweet cotton jackets.Such a behavior that is difficult to reach the sky is a complete extravagant hope, so it is better to be reliable at this time, and don't think about those whimsical things.

In the final analysis, this is because Qi Ping can't understand the characters of the children very well. Qi Ping knows very well that the children are not just snacks, they are more playful.So this matter, you can't count on the children.

After learning the lesson, Qi Ping should just drive to the orchard to pick fruits. As for why he doesn't ride a horse, it's not because it's inconvenient, but because he really has no other choice.

If you can ride a horse, you can go up the mountain directly. Although there are some small roads on the mountain, it is naturally easier and less troublesome to enter the mountain by riding a horse. Moreover, Qi Ping also likes riding a horse and galloping in the forest farm. This is indescribably chic ,carefree.It's just that this matter is really unreliable, and that's because Heitan, this little bastard is completely unreliable.

Heitan really goes out early and returns late, not only because Heitan has entered the estrus period, so now he often runs long-distance horses to harm some young mares, but also because Heitan is really playful. Just go where to play games.It is really a bit unreliable to find it, so it is better to drive, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble.

Thinking about it, it's really quite frustrating. The children are greedy for food and playful. It's really not an easy thing to take good care of the children.As for the little brothers who were supposed to be reliable and cute, in fact, each of these little things is very unreliable and typical, and you can't expect them to help you at critical moments.

Qi Ping has learned enough lessons now, and this is also a summary of his own experience; Qi Ping had some insights into this matter before.But now, he has become more and more convinced of this feeling, and he really has a "blood and tears lesson" about these things.

Sullen, the more I think about this matter, the more I feel dumbfounded; it seems to be the backbone and pillar, but no matter how you look at it, it still has a fate of drawing paper.That is, when it is needed, everyone rushes to it; but when it is used up, it is quickly thrown into the trash can, and there is no sense of existence, let alone, and it is still disgusted!

(End of this chapter)

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