Chapter 497

Qi Ping is going to participate in the star version of "Survival in the Wild". This was originally a program launched by NBC. Bear Grylls will lead many celebrities to remote places to complete a two-day expedition.

It's just that Americans are still very unscrupulous. As long as they can get attention, they really don't lack 'entertainment'.Anyway, this is not a particularly rigorous program, it is just a reality show, an adventure program.If it is too rigid, then it is destined to be eliminated.

If you want to watch the real survival in the wilderness, just watch the men at the top of the food chain parachuting into dangerous wild environments, watch Bell eating mice and so on.Since it is a star or something, it must not be so rigid.

"I went to the wilderness to survive, and my personal lawyer reminded me to make another will. How many wills I have made, I really don't remember now." Qi Ping felt quite Heartbroken, this is a great youth, but the private lawyer always reminds me of the sad reminder of making a will.

No way, Qi Ping is now worth a lot of money, which is a lot of wealth; so it is better to be just in case, so as not to leave a lot of trouble after some accidents.This kind of thing is actually very normal. The rich people in the United States will make a will early; and such a will may not be one copy, and it may be constantly changed. Of course, there may be priorities, the last effective difference.

"In fact, I have known about your will for a long time, and there should be no changes. Parents, mothers and our children, they can all share a fortune, including me of course. As long as I don't remarry, then I can take care of it The property of the children is until they achieve certain results. This inheritance is actually your cash, and industries like forest farms are not allowed to change at all, and we can only get dividends.”

Kate said nonchalantly that she actually knew about Qi Ping's little thoughts, and Qi Ping's will basically remained unchanged.That is to say, Qi Ping's private lawyer likes to be troublesome. Several wills have been made, and there are no changes; at most, there is only one more heir to the inheritance without one more child.

Hearing Kate's words, Qi Ping felt even more distressed; Qi Ping was quite against such things at first; making a will so early is not a good luck.It's just that he also knows that his current worth is a bit high, so it's better to take a little precaution.

"I think Joshua might hate you. You actually dragged him to participate in the wilderness. This is not good news. He should be clubbing and training in Minneapolis, but now he is going to Jungle camping, maybe no food at all. Hopefully Bell can catch him a few snakes, or he's going to starve."

Kate lazily lay on the sofa and said, this is really some husband and wife going along with each other, does this really mean that the family does not enter the house.This is starting to get lazy.

"I'm trying to save my face. I'm pretending to be a big name. I don't care about too much popularity, but Joshua is different. He is at most a new baseball star, and his salary is average. Not to mention, it would be a good thing if I could get some advertising endorsements. My brother-in-law really worked hard; if he wants a car, I will buy him a car, if he wants a house, I will buy him a house. "

Qi Ping doesn't blush and his heart doesn't beat, he really feels that his brother-in-law is really good now.If you have something good, you think of your brother-in-law, as long as you can get some exposure, you think of your brother-in-law.Don't think that sports athletes can only play ball, commercial endorsements and the like are still very important, and this will even take up a large part of some athletes' income; of course, such athletes basically need strength as a guarantee.

"I don't think Joshua will like such an event very much. He will definitely feel the pressure. You must know that to be on the star version of Survival Wilderness, you must have enough strength and fame. Unfortunately, he is only just now. With a little fame, he can’t even be said to be the absolute main force now.” Kate still seemed a little careless and said, she actually didn’t object to this at all, and it’s not a bad thing to have one more publicity platform, who let Joshua Now it's a public figure.

This time, Survival in the Wilderness has now entered the preparation stage, and it is also time to sign a contract; as for the details, they must have basically been finalized.

This time, Qi Ping went into the mountains with Luo Yi and Steve, and competed with Joshua, who was led by Bell, in the jungle crossing competition; he brought modern technology or equipment, such as flint and steel, and a dagger. All equipped.Whether it is survival in the wilderness, or self-sufficiency, the emphasis is on local materials and the like.

But this time, Qi Ping's team of powerful assistants is still quite shocking; Pooh and King Kong will naturally follow, plus Baby Bear, a just-mature big black bear with certain experience in wild survival.These three violent assistant groups are absolutely guaranteed to rampage in the mountains.

And Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai will follow. Although they are not the kind of powerful fighters, it is definitely no problem to explore the road and so on.This is still very important, because they are very smart and know how to find prey and warn.

It seems to be cheating, but for such a program, this is a gimmick; this time to invite Qi Ping, isn't it just to stare at Pooh and the others.Moreover, what can still be said now is that it comes under the banner of a model of friendly coexistence between humans and animals, which must be quite attractive.

In the final analysis, this is somewhat of an entertainment nature, so it seems a bit unfair, but no one cares so much.In the final analysis, this is not some kind of science and education film; in fact, it is quite a challenging thing for Qi Ping and King Kong to appear on the big screen, which requires NBC to pay some price to be able to Please move.Qi Ping is not a big star who desires exposure, and the appearance fee is actually not enough for Qi Ping's worth.

So now Qiping has come up with some conditions, as long as it is not too much, then NBC will definitely accept it.They are not stupid, if they can invite some big people who are difficult to appear in such a place, they can't be absolutely rigid. This still requires smart and flexible changes, otherwise there will be no chance to invite such a gimmicky combination, and there is no way To be able to come to such a unique game.

Qi Ping was busy checking the information. Although he did have enough experience in outdoor sports, it was obvious that Qi Ping had no experience in surviving in the wild.Even if you bring a strong bodyguard, you should be more prepared.

In fact, not only Qi Ping is doing this, Steve and Luo Yi are also doing this now.They are all preparing for the next outdoor adventure. In fact, everyone is still a little excited and looking forward to it. Speaking of it, it is because they feel the excitement. This seems to be a very challenging and manly thing. .

And these people, although they are all rich and powerful, it doesn't mean that they have no expectation of appearing on the screen.This is indeed a very interesting meaning, which is their different pastime.Because these people are rich, but these people are not the kind of people who appear on TV every now and then.

"I think we need to learn how to use flint and steel to make fire now. I don't want to live a life of drinking blood. Although there is no oil and no pot, we can still go to barbecue. Two days, if you eat raw meat, it will be disgusting to death. It's not sashimi." Luo Yi seemed a little excited, but also a little worried.

"You know that such a thing is difficult and you still encourage me to go to the wilderness to survive?" Qi Ping couldn't laugh or cry, he felt that this incident really made people feel really shameful, "Now I will regret it when I have to go to the mountains to suffer hardships." , how nice it is for you to drink wine or coffee at home, watch TV, and walk around, it’s much better than going to the mountains to find your own sins!”

"Isn't this a fever at the time? I only heard so many interesting things at that time, and I thought of being able to advertise and go on an adventure in the name of work. I was really impulsive. But now look at this Something, I really think I'm a jerk and unreliable." Luo Yi sighed, he felt that he really regretted it now.

Thinking about it, I know some things. Going to the mountains will definitely not be particularly comfortable; this time I went into the mountains with powerful bodyguards like Pooh and the others to help out, but this time I didn't even have a tent.There is nothing suspicious about eating and sleeping in the wind and the like.

Going to the mountains, this time is obviously going to suffer, this is obviously going to suffer.And all of this is self-inflicted, Luo Yi and the others are just like this, because of their impulsiveness, they let Qi Ping follow behind to suffer.This time it seems that the prospect is good, and there is not much danger; but in fact, no matter how interesting it is, it will not be smooth sailing.

Qi Ping felt that he was cheated by the pig teammates. This is a solid pit; it was because these pig teammates were too ambitious that this happened, and it was because they were tempted by impulse one by one.But now that they have calmed down, everyone knows that something is wrong.

It is too late to be afraid of wolves and tigers now!
These soft-eared guys have already signed the contracts, and only then do they realize that they regret it. This must be unrealistic.What they need now is to honestly follow them up the mountain to endure hardships.If they are smarter at this time, they should try to curry favor with Qi Ping and be more realistic, otherwise they will really suffer when they go to the mountains.

It's definitely not a big deal to go over mountains and mountains. Although some people are middle-aged, they don't count as big bellies.It's just that this time into the mountain, it is obvious that Pooh and King Kong can only be counted on for hunting.So now it is really important to please Qi Ping, because Qi Ping is a narrow-minded person.

Qi Ping must be a little dissatisfied with the bad friends now, Luo Yi must have a bottom line in his heart; think about Qi Ping's character, usually I really wish I could be a person who will never stand still, but now I am going to be pulled out to turn over Mountains and mountains, this will definitely make people who have always liked to be lazy full of complaints.

Now I have to start thinking about some things. If I don’t want to continue to suffer in the mountains, it is necessary to take the time to exercise and improve my physical fitness.Then there is no doubt about flattering Hao Qiping and his little brothers; although it is not a forest farm, as long as you follow King Kong and them, there is nothing to worry about, they can take care of everyone good.

Qi Ping really likes to take his younger brothers to play in the mountains, and he believes that Pooh and the others will definitely like it quite a lot.It's just that Qi Ping doesn't like being "coerced" to go out by others. He actually prefers to take the initiative to attack, rather than being so depressed that he can only make such a small request. This matter has been proactive from the beginning The power is not in Qiping's hands.

Qi Ping felt rather uncomfortable about this, and the pig teammates Luo Yi and Stephen, who were the culprits, obviously realized something now.They now feel that something is wrong, and now they feel that they must think about it and flatter Qi Ping, otherwise they will really go to the wilderness to survive in the mountains.

In fact, Qi Ping is not so narrow-minded, at most he puts eye drops on Luo Yi and Steve; these two strong buddies really often play the role of pig teammates.These two guys are obviously Qi Ping's best buddies. They know Qi Ping's character, but they are still causing trouble for Qi Ping, and they really need to be taught a good lesson.

The dark psychology began to erupt, and Qi Ping was also planning to do some not-so-excessive things during this trip to the wilderness to teach the two pig teammates a lesson, and make them pay for their naivety and ignorance. .He must let those pig teammates understand that it's not that we didn't fight back, and that this is a powerful combat power that will only erupt after careful consideration!
Obviously, the current Qi Ping is all kinds of petty outbursts. He is not only busy thinking about how to better take Pooh and them to enjoy the game trip in the mountains, he is also thinking now Take revenge on his two bad friends.

These things are what Qiping has to do now. Of course, he also has a lot of things to do now; that is to constantly calculate and plan. Although the leaders are Pooh and others, Qiping also needs to ensure that he can become Pooh and their assistants, so that they can guarantee fun in the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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