America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 498 One Unlucky Case

Bad luck together
Qi Ping simply packed up. This time he went into the mountains to survive in the wilderness, but he didn't really have much to bring.After all, this is not going camping in the mountains, there is still a big difference.

Although Qiping is carrying a backpack, in fact, there are some clothes and the like inside.No guns, no tents, not even a pot or pan.With only the simplest toiletries, this is a simple luggage.

Not bad, acceptable.Naturally, Qi Ping knew very well that he would not be able to bring big bags with him when he went into the mountains this time. He must be very clear that there is no hope for those who want to eat delicious food and drink spicy food.Qi Ping is also ready now, that is to go to the mountains to endure hardships, he will not take this matter as so simple.

Put a lot of walnuts and dried fruits in your pockets, let Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai get on the car first.

"Now I know I'm worried. In the beginning, everyone encouraged me to take risks. Now that I'm going to suffer hardships in the mountains, I know they care!" Qi Ping felt elated, and said with deep resentment.

"Seeing how old you are, you are still cautious here. Isn't it a good thing for you to take Pooh and King Kong to the mountains to play, you usually like to play around. This is a dog who bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people. We care about you out of good intentions, and you are still saying some weird things here."

My mother said with a smile and cursing, she was still a little worried at first, but now she has become unhappy.She felt that this kid Qi Ping was really a child who couldn't grow up, and he was really a little narrow-minded. This was a chance and he just wanted to have a sense of presence.Especially once Qi Ping finds so much space to play, he will be so complacent!

"Don't worry about him, Pooh and King Kong have such a good relationship with him, there is nothing to worry about. There is also the baby bear, although it is not particularly close, but it is also very reliable. A few of them went to the mountains together, really to bully Other animals." Dad was not too worried, because Qi Ping's lineup was too luxurious.

Qi Ping smiled, of course he knew that the luxurious lineup on his side really had nothing to worry about; such a combination of violence could really run rampant in the mountains.There is nothing to worry about. What I may not be comfortable with this time is that I did not bring a tent or the like; this is camping without too many weapons and equipment, and this is camping rather than survival in the wilderness.

Luo Yi and Steve also followed, basically just bringing toiletries.This time there is nothing to worry about, except that the assistants on Qiping's side are strong, and because NBC will definitely have enough security guarantees.Although such programs have some dangers, they will pay more attention to avoiding the existence of some dangers.

Pooh and King Kong are very full, because this time when they enter the mountain, it may not be about how much food they can catch; it is better just in case, if they can catch a lot of food, it is naturally a good thing.It doesn't matter if you can't find too much food, and you will be hungry if you are full now; in fact, although Pooh and the others eat three meals a day, it is not a big problem for them not to eat for a day or two.

Qi Ping felt that his modified Ford F650 was really good, not only because the car itself was like a giant, but also because of the comfort.

This car was actually refitted for Pooh and the others. Inside the trunk of the car, there are relatively soft car mats and the like. The inside of this large car has crash pads, sponge rubber, etc., for anti-collision and heat insulation. Material.And there will definitely be ventilation fans inside the compartment, not only will it not keep Pooh and them safe during driving, but it will also make them feel as comfortable as possible.

It is no exaggeration to say that although Qiping owns a Bentley, that car is not as expensive as this F650.Not only is the price of the car itself high, but the most important thing is because of the modification inside.Don't say that King Kong and Pooh won't get impatient in the car, but most people won't feel uncomfortable in such a car for a long trip.

With a large space and sufficient comfort, this is really a bit of a soft sleeper, but it's just a means of transportation for Pooh and the others.

Seeing Pooh, the baby bear and his son got into the rear compartment, and seeing them lying down on the thick carpet in tacit understanding and starting to take a nap, Qi Ping felt relieved.After checking Pooh's snacks and the like, there was no problem before closing the car door.

"I didn't see that my King Kong wants to take the co-pilot, you two sit in the back." Qi Ping laughed, Luo Yi and the others were confronting King Kong, King Kong likes to sit in the co-pilot of a large car, this is something Qi Ping knows.Now King Kong was fighting with Luo Yi and the others, and it stood in front of the co-pilot's door and bared its teeth in protest.

"I'm afraid that the police will stop me. Although you have issued a certificate for King Kong, you can't let him sit in the co-pilot. Your car itself is enviable and hated. If people see the co-pilot There is a chimpanzee in the driver, so he must call 911." Luo Yi was telling the truth, he felt that Qi Ping sometimes spoiled Pooh and King Kong too much.

"I can do whatever I want with my car. I don't carry dangerous weapons or drugs in the car. I don't speed or drink and drive. I don't believe that the police can trouble me." Qi Ping doesn't care, he is Rich people, and Qi Ping knows that such things are not much trouble at all.

As for what other people say, he likes to talk, anyway, Qi Ping doesn't care about those boring voices.

Sitting in the cab, the first thing Qiping does is to turn on the monitor; there is a camera in the rear compartment, which also ensures that Qiping can know what happened in the rear compartment at the fastest speed and the fastest reaction.Although there is a large window between the cab and the rear compartment, Qi Ping doesn't want to be able to see Livini and the others in the rear compartment just because he is driving.

After Qiping fastened his seat belt, he stared at King Kong who was sitting in the co-pilot and began to slap his hands and dance; this kid was a little smug, he was busy looking at the complicated dashboard now, if Qiping hadn't slapped his Hand, it is estimated that this is going to be pressed randomly again.

"Your King Kong is smart, but his curiosity is too strong." After getting into the back seat, although it is still a relatively large seat, it is not as comfortable as the co-pilot, and the co-pilot can see more scenery. "It doesn't even know how to wear a seat belt now, it's because you pet it. I remember that it seemed to be able to wear a seat belt by itself before, but now it's all forgotten."

"That's because there are fewer seats in the car. In the past, it was either in the back seat or in the rear compartment. How many opportunities did it have to sit in the co-pilot. Now that the children are away and Kate is away, of course it can sit in the co-pilot. Chimpanzees are always Smart, my King Kong is smarter, just sit in the co-pilot a few more times, and then it will wear a seat belt." Qi Ping replied nonchalantly.

Luo Yi and Steve rolled their eyes. According to Qi Ping's doting on King Kong, it can also understand why King Kong has forgotten a lot of things.Qi Ping dotes on Pooh and King Kong very much, and he also knows that there are some things to be strict when educating children; but Pooh and the others, as long as it is not a principled mistake, it doesn't matter.

Waving goodbye to the family, it seems that the children are a little dissatisfied now; not because they miss Dad or something, but because Dad took King Kong and them out to play games.

Thinking about their own treatment, they are quite speechless. The children never worry about not being able to see their father for a long time, and they will not feel any reluctance when their father goes out to work.It's just that every time the father goes out, the children have to ask clearly. What they care about is whether the father is going out to work or play games. If they play games, they must take them with them.

There are too many such things, and many of them make him feel quite speechless; he really didn't expect that he and the children have such a solid friendship, and the children usually like him so much.But in the end, this is because they took Pooh and the others out to play games, and the children were all angry because they were not allowed to go with them.

It is really impossible to take the children now, although Xiaoyao keeps saying that he is now an older child, although Qi Ping and Kate do take the children to camping every now and then.But even if the children are familiar with camping, it doesn't mean that the children can go trekking with them.

He smiled and waved, and blew a few more kisses; this was originally an interaction with the children, but the effect was not very obvious.Other than the cutest little sweetheart blowing a kiss to her daddy, her older siblings didn't show much.Even the kid Lele was sulking. The little guy turned his back and only left the back of his head for his father.

It seems that Qi Ping is not the only one who wants to go out to play, as long as he proposes to go out to play, basically the whole family will be moved.Especially for children who are responsible for playing and growing up, playing games is one of the most important things in their lives, and such a play schedule without them is unacceptable.

From Ramona to Maripose, it was almost a seven-hour drive; this time what they had to do was to cross the heart of the Sierra Nevada and pass through the Yosemite National Forest.Starting from the small town of Maripose, cross the Sierra Nevada Mountains from west to east to Livining, almost [-] kilometers.

It seems that this is not easy, [-] kilometers is not a short distance, not to mention passing through dense jungles along the way.Although a large part of the area here belongs to the National Forest Park, it has to be admitted that the Sierra Nevada is still relatively dangerous. Every year, many people enter this mountain to explore and cannot survive.

Qi Ping is naturally very aware that this is a relatively dangerous thing, but he will not worry too much; if he is worried or unsure, he will not come here.In the final analysis, he has enough confidence. Adventures and the like seem very exciting, but Qi Ping has never been the kind of fanatical outdoor sports enthusiast. He has no great interest in challenging the limit and the like.

If you think about it, you will know that Qi Ping now has the old and the young, and he is a typical example of a happy family. He enjoys his life very much.And now that he has a lot of wealth in his hand, he can eat well, drink spicy food, and live a delicious life; Qi Ping feels that he has not lived enough, and he doesn't want to let himself be caught because of that eager curiosity. lives are threatened.

Therefore, it is still necessary to confirm some things with the production team again and again, and Qi Ping still regrets his life.He is not only responsible for himself, but also for his family. He doesn't want his family to be sad.

Details and the like are very important, and Qi Ping never thinks that these things can be sloppy; look at the logistics support, and then look at the security personnel provided by the program team.This is more reassuring, although the program team bought insurance and the like; but such accident insurance is unnecessary, Qi Ping does not want to sacrifice his life because of such a small amount of insurance, his life is not only worth such a small amount of money, he is more I don't want to make money but spend money.

It's not just Qi Ping who cherishes his life, Luo Yi and Steve also cherish their lives; they are also the kind of rich people, although sometimes they like such exciting things, but it definitely doesn't mean that they like such tense things as risking their lives.Some things still need to be asked personally, so as to ensure that there are no accidents and the like.

Including Joshua who came in a hurry, this kid is actually more nervous; don't think that people like Bell have enough experience in wilderness survival, but it is another perception to take part in such an adventure by himself.Obviously, Joshua thinks that Bell is not as reliable as Qiping, at least Qiping is following Pooh and the others, and the existence of those big guys can guarantee invincibility in the jungle.

"I think I'm the biggest victim. You all should know that I don't have much interest in outdoor adventures. But I can't refuse the temptation to be on a show like this. I can't refuse to be in front of more people. Show your manly side." Joshua took a sip of his drink, but actually he drank a lot, at least not until he was 21 and legally allowed to drink.

"The two of us are the same. We were both deceived by a group of bastards. We didn't have the initiative, and we didn't have much choice." Qi Ping felt that Joshua and himself must have a common language, that is, they both He was pulled onto a pirate ship.

"Of course I know this, so I hate you even more!" Joshua was suddenly excited. Of course he knew Qi Ping's feelings, but it hurt him even more, "You know this feels bad, but why do you still pull Fuck me? It’s enough for you to be unlucky alone, don’t pull me into it! Dude, you can’t do this!”

(End of this chapter)

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