America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 499 Survival in the wilderness

Chapter 499 Survival in the Wilderness ([-])

Rest well, this is to recharge your batteries and prepare to start survival in the wilderness.

It's just that Pooh and the others don't seem to be very used to it. This is not a forest farm, not their home, so they honestly nested in this big house for a long time.It feels really bad, it's okay if you can't run around, it's not convenient to go to the toilet; it's not like their bathroom at home, you can't use the toilet.

Seeing how aggrieved Pooh and the others were, Qi Ping felt quite sorry; but there was no way, this was not a forest farm after all, so now he could only be aggrieved and let it go.So let's just eat something first. Although it is not as good as the vegetables and beef produced in the forest farm, it is actually almost enough to fill the stomach.

"I want to be in a group with you, you should all know that Bale is a ruthless character. I heard that he even drank urine, and I feel broken when I think about it now. If he makes me eat earthworms and maggots, I will go crazy Yes." Joshua was worried, he felt that he had to eat more now, otherwise he would be miserable when he went into the mountains.

"You shouldn't need to drink urine. We still brought a water bottle with us when we went into the mountain this time, and there is no shortage of water around here. You don't need to worry about drinking urine, but we are not sure what you are going to eat." Luo Yi threatened Joshua, after Joshua grew up, he barely let Joshua join the circle. After all, they have known each other for many years. The most important thing is that Joshua is no longer a child.

"I'm trying to please Pooh and them now. If they work hard, then we will definitely be able to eat a lot of things. Rabbit meat, pheasant, I believe Pooh and the others will definitely be able to find them. It's just that we can't bring our dogs, if They appear here under the leadership of southeast and northwest, so we don’t need to worry about not being able to catch food, and we can even sleep peacefully.” Steve is very greedy, if there are those dogs with good vigilance Now, sleeping late is definitely no problem.

As for Pooh, don't expect too much from them. Although they will be alert at night, these guys have developed a habit over the years.That is to run back to their rooms at night. They all have to sleep at night. It is unrealistic to expect them to keep watch at night, and their living habits have long been formed.

Drive Pooh and the others into the car, and now we are going to march towards the starting point.Several people on the road were also discussing, now this is not some kind of combat meeting, because this is the time to enter the jungle thoroughly.So what is needed now is to finalize some things, especially to carefully recall the details of the map and the like.

From a distance, I saw a group of people. Although it wasn't the kind of film crew with a particularly exaggerated number of people, there were still a dozen or so people.It still looks very formal, in addition to photographers and the like, there are probably security guards or directors and the like.Anyway, Qi Ping couldn't recognize all these people, but he still knew Bell. This middle-aged white man with almost no lips was a famous existence at the top of the food chain, and there was no one he couldn't eat.

The high-end and high-end Ford F650 drove over, and the film crew naturally knew who the owner of this car was.In fact, these people will also find it rather weird. It seems that the program "Survival in the Wild" is the president of the United States who came here to make soy sauce. This should look very classy; but this program is really the first This is the first time I have met such a group of rich people, all of them are billionaires except for the new baseball star.

Rich people have been here before, but this group of 'entrepreneurs' is the first time.Especially the leader, the film crew will definitely pay attention to it; among other things, there are many discussions about his worth.Although some media think that two to three billion US dollars is definitely no problem, more people seem to oppose such a valuation.

Obviously, if this rich man is willing to raise funds and go public, his value will definitely skyrocket.The most obvious one is because of the world's first-class beef and some vegetables and fruits. Such products seem to have a small market; but the title of world's first is really valuable.

The car stopped, and the camera was aimed at it; Qi Ping and the others were guests, and although Qi Ping and the others were not late, the film crew must have come earlier.Now that it has entered the shooting state, Bell is currently hosting there temporarily. Although he is not a professional host, it is still necessary to talk to the camera and introduce the situation by himself, which is familiar to him. of.

It's nothing for Qi Ping to get out of the car, even for several other people to get out of the car; these people walked directly to the rear compartment after getting out of the car, and heard a few thick roars as soon as they opened the door.Two big black bears staggered down, which was very oppressive; bears are so scary in themselves, this is the top beast; and they look very strong, you can see the whole body trembling when you walk of.

The camera crew here have not recovered yet, and they saw that the co-pilot finally opened the door; a chimpanzee ran out, and it seemed to know that it opened the car door, so it knew Closing the door is a reason.The door was closed, and I even knew to pull the door to see if it was closed.

This scene was indeed very shocking, and of course it was a moderate shock to the members of the film crew.These are complete beasts, and they look so ferocious; although they look smart and friendly, no one can guarantee that they will not annoy them, after all, the film crew does not have too many The experience of getting along with these big beasts, even if you have heard many stories about them.

Seeing these big guys staggering over, many members of the film crew looked nervous; including experienced adventurers like Bell, they swallowed nervously at this time.What he fears most in the wild is encountering some large beasts, especially some aggressive beasts, they are the most dangerous existence.

"Hey, guys. We shouldn't be late, I came here on time." Qi Ping didn't care about the tension on the camera crew side, such things are common, "They are very friendly, you don't need to worry about anything."

"Dude, you're not late." Bell stepped forward to greet the 'guests', but still didn't seem to dare to get too close, "They look cool, I believe they are the smartest and friendliest guys, but I dare not get too close, I am not familiar with them now, I hope to be able to become friends with them sooner."

"I think it might be a bit difficult, I know a lot of people misunderstand them. I actually don't encourage everyone to be friends with some beasts because I know it's really unrealistic and safe. But I can guarantee , Pooh, they're fine lads, and they'd be friends with every kind person."

Qi Ping naturally knows some things, this can be regarded as a script; he appeared in such an event this time, isn't it just for the sake of some people and animals getting along well.But it also needs to be realistic. The relationship between him and Pooh is really good, but this really does not mean that all animals can live in an environment with sufficient aura. This is an obvious thing. Even if those beasts are not afraid People and the like, but that doesn't mean they won't get angry at some point or something.

So Qi Ping has to make some things clear, that is, this time he came to participate in the show, on the one hand, to show the life of the rich, and on the other hand, to show the harmonious coexistence between humans and animals.It's just that the person in charge still needs to be a little bit more, and you can't just talk about it there. If you encourage everyone to raise some big black bears, it must be unrealistic at all.

I simply talked to these people about some things, but in fact it was mainly about the photographers who followed the shoot; in fact, Qi Ping has the final say on these things, after all, Qi Ping has the right to speak now.What kind of characters Pooh have, of course, Qi Ping has the final say, this time they took them into the mountains, the members of these film crews must understand that some things are better not to provoke Pooh and them, it is still You need to learn how to get along with them.

In fact, there is nothing to say, this situation is just a brief introduction; in fact, there is no need to say anything about precautions, anyway, this is not a variety show or the like.It's very simple, as long as the members of the film crew don't provoke Pooh and the others, then everything will be fine.

"Guys, let us meet at the end. I hope you will feel happy in this process, and I hope you will not suffer too much. This kind of jungle is not easy, I wish you luck." Bearing a big bag, he Now we are going to start with Joshua, the two of them are a combination, and we will compete with Qiping and the others.

"I hope you don't work too hard along the way, and I hope you can eat enough." Qi Ping is not polite, anyway, this is just teasing each other, "We can find a lot of delicious food now, this time is camping and hunting for us. Should know, look at our roster and know we're going to be well fed."

"Yes, we are here to enjoy this journey. I can guarantee that when we reach the end, you will find that we have gained several pounds, because we will eat a lot of delicious game." Luo Yi Full of confidence, it was obvious that he had full confidence in Pooh and the others. As long as he was not too unlucky, he should be able to find enough game.

The two teams began to compete with each other, because they didn't want to lose the game. Where there are men, there will be competition. Even if this kind of game is still interesting, it is obvious that the two teams don't want to lose the game.So the result is obvious. The two teams are expressing their confidence one after another, and they are belittling their opponents by the way.

It seems that there is enough gunpowder, but the next thing to do is to try not to lose the game.Now we need to go all out, and this kind of game is full of meaning.

The first team is an experienced wilderness survival expert. Bell brings Joshua, a rookie. It seems that the lineup may not be luxurious enough, but he has enough experience.It is enough for an expert like Bell to bring Joshua; this is a completely light-packed battle, and it must be able to succeed easily at this time.

As for Qi Ping, the three elders actually have a certain amount of outdoor sports experience. Although they may not have enough experience to complete the crossing in the mountains and forests, they will definitely not be too slow.Coupled with the existence of Pooh and others who are qualified now, the safety of this time's mountain forest crossing can be guaranteed even more.

There was nothing to worry about at all. Qi Ping and the others seemed to be full of confidence at first glance, and they were a little impatient now.Maybe it will be a little nervous at the beginning, but when the real adventure starts, it will definitely be full of expectations.

"Let's go!" Qi Ping waved his big hand, and a group of people set off in a mighty way, "Liang Shanbo, go to open the way, I am not your mount, okay, you go to open the way!"

Qi Ping was speechless, he had walked for a while, and he was about to enter the mountains, but Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai didn't move at all; Liang Shanbo landed on his shoulder to put on a show, and when he saw a stranger, he was a gentleman and didn't say a word of.This kid is really too disappointing, it is a typical nest.

"Zhu Yingtai, you just need to be more confident. Go ahead and open the way, just like before." Luo Yi is also persuading Zhu Yingtai, this girl has not entered the state yet, she still looks a little shy. "We are going out to play, we will protect you, go ahead and open the way, we will follow you."

"Don't go, don't go, I won't go!" Qi Ping's constant urging made Liang Shanbo explode. This kid is a ghost, he feels that it may be a little dangerous to come out to play this time, "It's not good to swear, swear not good!"

People on the camera team may not know what the macaw with colorful feathers is talking about, but it really looks like it is as good as it is in the legend.It's just that when it opened its mouth, its owner's face was not good.Now Qi Ping doesn't want to explain, but when editing afterwards, you can ask someone who understands Chinese.

Qi Ping and Luo Yi looked at each other, their faces were really weird, and now they knew exactly what was going on with these two usually skinny parrots.They are so abnormal, maybe they are too narrow-minded, maybe they are too naughty or something, so Qi Ping will scare them and throw them away.

But now, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai felt threatened; they must not run around, this is not in the forest farm, if they get lost and can't find their way, how can they go home!
(End of this chapter)

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