America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 503 The Importance of Reading

Chapter 503 The Importance of Reading

The daughter-in-law went shopping again, and Qi Ping didn't bother to complain about it; he was in his thirties and had four children. At this time, he began to know how ugly he was.I talk about worrying about sagging skin and rough pores all day long, and now I run to San Diego with my sister-in-law and friends every now and then, just to go to unreliable beauty salons.

Qi Ping couldn't figure it out, the environment of the forest farm was so good, how could there be any need for beauty care and skin care.This prodigal daughter-in-law is really unreasonable, what kind of senior membership and what kind of advanced nursing project, isn't she just responsible for paying for it.

Sure enough, women and children's money is the best to earn; it costs a lot of money to go shopping here, and you will definitely have to bring gifts for the children when you come back.Isn't this just paying directly? It is estimated that Kate, a stupid daughter-in-law, will be able to see some bills sent home in a few days after she returns home. There is nothing suspicious about it.

"Dad, let's catch a rabbit!" The cute little sweetheart ran over happily, pulled the dazed dad and wanted to go, "I want to catch a big rabbit, and I also want to catch a little squirrel."

"Going to catch rabbits again?" Qi Ping really couldn't laugh or cry, my baby girl only likes those cute little animals now, and the state of obsession is all caused by cartoons, and she was completely taken into the ditch by fairy tales "Dad can't catch more cute animals for you, you should know it's not easy."

"I also need Pooh and King Kong, they will help me." Little Sweetheart is very powerful, she knows how to find a helper, "I want a cute little rabbit, but I don't have a rabbit now, I still like little squirrels."

"But if we catch rabbits or squirrels, they will be separated from their parents. This is not good, the little rabbit or squirrel will be sad." Qi Ping can only comfort his precious daughter in this way, he can only do this I'm perfunctory with the little girl, there's nothing I can do, who made the little girl a little too difficult.

"Then why can't they be like baby bears? I will protect them. When they come to live in our house, I will give them a lot of delicious food. They can also go home to find their parents." The little girl crawled skillfully. Sit on Dad's lap, the little girl is the best at acting like a baby.

Qi Ping is patiently resolving doubts with his precious daughter. Although the little girl always likes crooked buildings or has various ideas; but for Qi Ping, it is not difficult at all. Who made him like these things so much? He likes to play games with the pestering little girl.

There is no way, the fat sons are no longer as obsessive as they were when they were young; especially the eldest Xiaoyao, this kid sometimes dislikes his father, he thinks it is not good to be too intimate with his father, just like a little girl.This machismo boy even started to take Lele a little too far. These two boys often talk about what boys shouldn't do. They both want to be a real boy.

As for Yoyo, Qi Ping is not worried; the little girl has a good relationship with her father, every time her father goes out or she has to go out to play for a long time, she will kiss her father goodbye.But this little girl has actually been with Xiaoyao for a long time, although the little girl also has some girls' hobbies; but I have to admit that this little girl is a bit wild sometimes, and she looks like a tomboy.

It is better to be the youngest sweetheart. The more ladylike little girl knows a lot of things under the education of her mother and sister; the little lady likes to wear skirts, pink, and dolls, and the little girl likes to act like a baby.

Undoubtedly, Qi Ping felt that this was his intimate little padded jacket.It’s because he thinks such a baby girl will give him a sense of accomplishment, this is his ideal baby girl; it’s not like he prefers Little Sweetheart or Yoyo, they are both Qi Ping’s baby girls, but Qi Ping Everyone can see that he likes the baby girl acting like a baby to him.

As for the fact that sons don't like acting like a baby, everyone knows, and I have to say that it doesn't matter if boys act like a baby when they were young.But now that he is 'not too young', if he likes acting like a baby anymore, Qi Ping may start to have a headache.

After all, Qi Ping is still relatively traditional, he just likes boys who are more masculine, not handsome boys or sissy boys.Boys, you can be naughty, you can be naughty, you can be tough.However, don't be weak, if you cry or put on makeup all day long, it is really unacceptable, anyway, Qi Ping is like this.

Brats should play the games of brats, such as running with Pooh and wrestling with King Kong; if they are really bored, they can also pester Heitan or Rudolph to ride a horse, etc. These are obviously men. Children prefer sports.There is actually no harm in doing more outdoor sports, which is always encouraged by Qi Ping, and it is also what the children like; the result is that the children are thinking about playing all day long, so their academic performance is in a mess.

"Xiaoyao, I can't do many questions now. What should I do? I'm getting more and more stupid." Benben was distressed. He felt that he had to ask Xiaoyao for help now. Who told Xiaoyao to be a doctor? Many people say that Xiao Xiao is very powerful and smart.It's better to ask Xiaobai to ask, there is no harm in asking more about people who are good at studying and smart.

"No way, you are studying with some smart kids now, so you will find that you are all very good students." Qi Ping replied dryly, Benben entered the so-called genius class, and his family The children are probably hopeless, "You haven't become stupid, in fact, you have become smarter and stronger now. It's just that your advantages are not obvious now, because the people around you are very powerful people."

The saying "Don't lose at the starting line" is really universal, not only the Chinese believe it, but also the Americans.It is nonsense to say that American children study like sheep herding. American children also have pressure to enter higher education, and American families also hope that their children can study in schools with better educational resources.

Therefore, there are also "genius classes" in the United States; such classes are somewhat special, and are recommended by the teacher to take the exam. Once you pass the exam, you can go to this class.This is an educational course specially set for children with high IQ, which is the legendary gifted class.

It's just that such a class does not necessarily only look at academic performance, because many American children think that children who can only read are nerds, and it is also necessary to learn some extracurricular social activities.In addition to IQ, the genius-like standard also includes some hobbies or willpower, leadership skills, etc. Such a standard is no longer purely academic performance.

Although the United States claims to "not give up" every child, it has to be admitted that there are indeed some IQ gaps between children.These things are very normal, so some things are just deception; maybe it is not blatantly said in the law, but some hidden things are still there.

This is also the reason why the education level of public schools in the United States is closely related to the school district. Schools in wealthy areas spend more money, and the general quality of education is better than other school districts.This has also caused a lot of private schools to have higher education quality, fairness, etc., which is completely impossible. Even if it is said to be good, there is a big gap in reality.

This stinky boy Benben is here to make troubles, he is not here to ask Xiaobai for help, this is completely to stimulate Xiaobai, okay?He also didn't think about the behavior of his cousins, all of them were of the type who went to the sky, climbed trees and dug out bird's nests, and couldn't sit still in the class, causing trouble all day long.

At this time, I came to talk about some courses in the genius class, cultivating everyone's hands-on ability, divergent thinking, etc., isn't this exciting.You are talking so well now, and thinking about the children in our family, it is completely impossible to go there.So Qi Ping is now thinking about sending them to private schools with better teachers when the children are older. Maybe a better environment can make the children improve a little bit in their academic performance.

Qi Ping is really thinking about some things seriously now, although our children may not be the only way out of studying, even Qi Ping doesn't care much about academic performance and the like.But it must be admitted that there is actually no harm in reading more books. If the children know more things and knowledge, then it is really beneficial and harmless.

There is a lot of pressure, no wonder Qi Ping is under a lot of pressure; although Qi Ping now has billions of dollars in wealth, it is difficult for him to guarantee that all of his descendants will be filial sons and grandsons.Education, this is really a very important thing; as the saying goes, "Three generations can cultivate a nobleman", which is also very reasonable; it is not just about money, but more importantly, self-cultivation and the like.

In terms of children's education, Qi Ping actually doesn't just care about academic performance and the like; because at Qi Ping's current wealth, the children don't have to care about future jobs at all.What he should care about is actually the inner quality of the children, which is actually what Qi Ping cares most about.

Thinking of the children's education, this is really full of heartache; but there is really no way, in fact, Qi Ping knows very well that his children are very outstanding and excellent children.It's just that the children are not very interested in learning such as cultural lessons, plus they are a bit naughty and like outdoor sports.

Some things are like this, not necessarily that all things are carried out according to my beautiful ideals.Qi Ping is very clear that this is the reality; there is no such thing as disappointment, but sometimes it does feel like a headache, especially for children. There are really a lot of headaches, which is quite speechless .

After driving away the annoying Benben, this nephew is no longer as cute as when he was a child, seeing him now always stimulates everyone intentionally or unintentionally.Having a smart nephew will certainly make people feel very happy, but meeting a nephew who is too smart and only a group of playful sons and daughters around him is full of heartache.

"Father, I still want a big white rabbit." At first, I thought that the little sweetheart already knew about it, and it made sense, but the little girl seemed to have forgotten something in a blink of an eye, "I want a big white rabbit, Then I can hug the big white rabbit, I am a princess, and my sister and I are both princesses."

The lovely princess started to make trouble unreasonably, and this little girl's trouble is really troublesome; although Qi Ping will not easily compromise on some things, he also knows that the children are too young now, you It is difficult to let children know what kind of situation some things are.

In fact, at this time, it is really necessary to pay attention to the way of education, so that children can learn to grow.

Obviously, not everything will be fulfilled according to the children's expectations, and the children's expectations may not be all reasonable.So now that little sweetheart wants a big white rabbit, this matter must be made clear to the little girl, even if she is crying and fussing, but the little girl should be clear about some things.

Qi Ping really dotes on his daughters, compared to his sons, Qi Ping dotes on his daughters even more; but such a doting should be within a certain range.At least, Qi Ping will not pamper without limit, he will teach the children that there are some things that can be requested, and some things are actually not negotiable, because it is really unreasonable.

Taking care of children is really a very challenging thing, even with the help of parents in this process, it is full of challenges for Qi Ping.In fact, this matter is not easy, no matter how much Qi Ping dotes on the children, he will be annoyed by the children's noise during this period, because they are too noisy.

Looking forward to the children starting school as soon as possible, as long as these little guys can go to school one day earlier, then they can get a temporary peace.This is not a joke, because the children can spend hours at home without arguing; and I have to admit, these few hours are a kind of relaxation for the family, a complete relaxation.

Qi Ping is sure that many parents send their children to school not only because their children need education, but also because they hope to have some quiet atmosphere at home.This, especially now that there are a lot of children, four children can definitely make people feel unbearable.

Let's start school earlier, so that the family can be quieter, let's start school earlier; by then, even Lele will be sent to school, and only the little sweetheart will be left at home.

(End of this chapter)

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