America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 504 The Bears

Chapter 504 The Bears
Qi Ping was watching "Tom and Jerry" with his precious daughter, and the little girl was smiling happily; although the little girl was a little angry when her father provoked her just now, when she wanted to watch her favorite cartoons, the little girl was very happy. Generously forgot about these.Watching cartoons actually requires a lot of attention, but the eyes can only be fixed on the screen, but the little girl still wants to eat snacks. At this time, Dad needs to hold her and feed her delicious snacks.

The little girl smiled happily, watching Tom and Jerry constantly being mischievous or fighting wits.All of these are quite interesting, and the little girl likes these cute and funny cartoons very much.

"Dad, why is Jerry always beaten?" The little girl laughed childishly for a long time, but the little girl also had some doubts, "They can change back after being beaten, but neither Pooh nor King Kong Get flattened."

"Because the TV shows are all cartoons, they are not the most real. But Pooh is different from King Kong. They are all our family members, and like us, they can't fly and don't have many things." Qi Ping patiently told The baby girl explained, but he was trying his best to maintain the innocence in the baby girl's heart, and some things were hard to explain.

The father and daughter are happily watching cartoons. Don’t think that it’s just children who like cartoons. In fact, adults also like these cartoons a lot, because they are very interesting.Although it seems unrealistic and naive enough, it is naive and makes people laugh, which is why everyone likes these cartoons.

Now I feel more and more, that is, Little Sweetheart is the caring little padded jacket. Her older brothers and sisters are not so clinging to Dad now. Little Sweetheart's older brothers and sisters have their own game arrangements all day long, and Dad treats them In many cases it is redundant.But for Little Sweetheart, she really likes to stick to her father.

The children have grown up, and Xiaoyao and the others no longer like to be by their father's side as they were when they were young; even Lele is the same, the little guy has grown up now, and his ability to mischief is getting stronger and stronger.So he has become his brother's little follower, because following his brother must have a lot of interesting games to play.

"You just hold your little daughter all day long, and don't care about your son and daughter." The mother said angrily, feeling very speechless about Qi Ping, "they don't even know about it." Where did you go, go find it."

"Where can they go? When we watched the cartoons, they were still playing at the door. Where can they go in the blink of an eye. Don't worry, outsiders from our forest farm can't come in, and no one wants to abduct those monkeys." Qi Ping is really not worried. There is really no need to worry about the security of the forest farm. Outsiders are basically unable to enter; and there are advanced security facilities at the villa, so everything is fine.

"I know that outsiders can't come in. My grandson and granddaughter are smart. But you can't be so mad, this is really not at the door of the house. I just looked around, there is no one in the garage, and there is no one in the stable. It's not there either, and I'm sure I haven't seen it on the lawn." Although the mother was complaining, this really wasn't the kind of state where she couldn't find her child and panicked.

"Maybe I went to Luo Yi's or my brother's house. These mischievous ghosts don't leave home all day long. They must go to play games all day long. It doesn't matter. You will know when you are back when you eat." Qi Ping continued to mess around. I don't care, anyway, the children at home usually do such things, and everyone is familiar with it.

Mom still sent Qiping away, the key is that she didn’t want to go to those monkeys, that’s physical work; it’s better to let Qiping go, all she has to do is hold her little granddaughter and watch animation with her little granddaughter This is what she cares about now.As for the physical work, it is better to leave it to Qi Ping, who makes the children he teaches more and more mischievous.

Qi Ping felt quite speechless, he knew that he was in a lot of trouble now; it wasn't that the children were lost or something, but that he couldn't find the children now.

They didn't know where they went to play games. They were not at Luo Yi's house, nor at my brother's or Steve's house; It's true that they haven't been found. This matter is really a bit abnormal.

Qi Ping doesn't really care about safety and other issues, because the children already know some things, and the children of Muse Lake will not take the initiative to run to play unless they are accompanied by adults.As for how far these little guys can run, there is no need to worry. Although Xiaoyao can drive, golf carts and ATVs are all in the garage, and the keys cannot all be in the car.

In fact, the most important thing is that Pooh and the others followed; these little guys disappeared with the children, and they were originally playing games with the children.So now it is understandable, that is, the children and Pooh must have gone to play games somewhere, and they must have found something attractive.

This made me curious, where did these little guys go in the blink of an eye; these little guys can't actually run too far, although they have strong skin, but the little arms and short legs are really It is unlikely to go very far.This level can be guaranteed, that is, the children must be close to home, there may be a little distance, but it will never be far away, that is for sure.

These little rascals are really dumbfounding, and it doesn't seem easy to find them now.These rascals, after you find them, you must teach them a good lesson; going out to play is definitely fine, but at least you have to tell your parents, why did you just run away like this?

Qi Ping is feeling a little pressure now, he feels that the monkeys at home are really jumping off one by one.So at this time, it is definitely necessary to let the little guys know something, and he knows that these little guys must not be allowed to continue to be lawless.

Some things really can't be done because of the smallness of the evil, and don't be too small for the good; sometimes the education of children should be carried out in such small things.Obviously, the little guys just forgot some things now, and they just ran away; such things are not good, at least the little guys should learn to tell their parents when they go out to play, they can't even say hello like this If you don't fight, just run away.

It's so hot, these naughty boys will definitely be taught a lesson; presumably, the little ones will be grounded again.These things are certainly not unfamiliar to children, they are often grounded; Qi Ping does not beat children, but for children, the punishment of being grounded is actually the most uncomfortable.

Let's go find the children, this time I can only go to rescue soldiers; Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai must have gone out to play games with the children, and they naturally want to do evil together.But now, it is definitely necessary to find Romeo and Juliet. They are actually quite sensible, at least not like their parents who are disregarding their families and all kinds of glass hearts all day long.

I am aggrieved, that is, Qi Ping is restrained everywhere when he wants to move rescuers.Romeo and Juliet are the darlings of the little sweetheart. The little girl will interact and play games with Romeo and them when she is still in the cradle. Their friendship with the little girl must be nothing to say.

Therefore, Little Sweetheart asks her father not to bully Romeo and Juliet, and they cannot run very far, and they cannot fly very tired... This is a series of restrictions, although these requirements of Little Sweetheart are often not thorough Realized, but looking at the serious look of the little girl, Qi Ping still felt quite speechless.

Still succeeded in deceiving Romeo and Juliet, Qi Ping's current level is the little daughter who can't talk fluently and the silly macaw.

After carefully explaining Romeo and Juliet, watching them screaming and flapping their wings and flying out, Qi Ping sighed, it is really unrealistic to expect them to be of great help.These two guys flew all the way and roared all the way, and then watched them hover at low altitude or land on the ground looking for bugs and flowers; these guys pay too much attention to life, they are not the kind of existence with working ability at all.

Looking at Air Force One squatting on the ground innocently combing its feathers with its beak, Qi Ping felt even more heartbroken; although this is a golden eagle, it has full wings now, but I have to admit that this golden eagle It's really just for show.It looks quite mighty, but it hangs around with a few unreliable guys in Liangshanbo all day long, and now it can't wait to eat fruits and flower petals.

Forget it, I hope this guy will be able to wake up when he grows up a little bit, and I hope that Air Force One can realize that he is an eagle soaring nine days earlier, not a parrot that is a rascal and plays tricks all day long.

I’m still looking forward to it, looking forward to Air Force One being able to fly to the sky earlier; this guy is actually very clingy, although it looks a bit cold, but it really likes people to play games with it, it just hangs around on the ground all day Running, trying to be friends with everyone.In fact, it's quite smart, but it doesn't have the tough temperament of an eagle.

It doesn't matter if it's flashy, as long as Air Force One can fly high; then, it will be the real Air Force.Sharp claws and sharp eyes can actually bring Qiping a lot of help.Moreover, this kid is actually very powerful and smart. He actually already knows the meaning of some human words. He can understand some demands and orders from his family members, and his execution ability is still very good.

Look forward to it, look forward to the little days in the future that will become more and more nourishing, and look forward to these little guys not going to the ditch one by one.Even if not all of them can achieve great results, at least they can't all make people feel stuck, otherwise it would be too shocking.

Qi Ping drove around aimlessly, which is not considered aimless; at least he has a certain search range, which is nothing more than the area in front of his house. He knows that the children will not run too far. I don't have this ability yet.This point of flushing is very confident, which can be regarded as slightly reducing the workload.

It seems that they looked in the wrong direction at the beginning. They went in all three directions, east, west and south, but nothing was found. At this time, it can only mean that the children either went to the north, or Qi Ping underestimated their abilities. All of them ran very far.However, it was impossible to run too far, because no one saw them.

"Here, here!" Looking at a large group of colorful figures, listening to the noisy screaming, Qi Ping began to feel his scalp go numb, "here, here, We Are Here!"

Thank goodness, Qi Ping thanked himself for his good psychological quality, which prevented him from being pissed off by Liang Shanbo and the others and had a heart attack.These guys who are used to playing around with the wind now know how powerful they are, and they immediately expressed their feelings when they saw the boss Qi Ping coming; while Romeo and Juliet, who are considered to be more reliable, seem to be really unreliable, they obviously forgot that Qi Ping Regarding their explanations, each one of them is playing crazy.

Liang Shanbo, they flew high and saw far away, and immediately flew over with flapping wings after seeing the Qiping car.Especially Romeo and Juliet, they remembered their work at this time, so they hurriedly wanted to make amends, they didn't want to be considered playful little bastards.

As for Qi Ping, he was really angry; but he still had to slow down the speed of the car. Liang Shanbo and them flew over one by one ignorantly. At this time, they had to slow down, or they would hit the car directly on.

"Catch the mouse, catch the mouse!" Liang Shanbo shouted, flew directly from the window to the co-pilot, and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Baby, I saw it!" The little bastard Romeo is really shameless, now he knows that he has found the child; but he obviously forgot, before he left, he ordered him to go back and notify the children immediately when he found the child.

Qi Ping was under a lot of pressure. He really had nothing to say when he met such unreliable children; if he was serious with them, he would really be pissed off.But if you don't take it seriously, then you are really irresponsible to these little guys.

Qi Ping is also very curious now, what is the mouse that Liang Shanbo is talking about; in fact, he is also very strange, what are these brats doing, and what are they all doing here.You know, this is not a short distance from home, and this swarm of bees crowded here is quite abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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