America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 511 Crazy Preparation

Chapter 511 Crazy Preparation
Qi Ping is living and getting younger now, and now Yue is active and rebellious. No matter what others think, he has found the feeling now, and he is quite enjoying this kind of fun now.

Brother, don't count on it. My brother is a relatively traditional type. He has already married and established a business. Even if he wants to rebel sometimes, he will have a degree, and it won't be too exaggerated.So expecting my brother to rebel with me is simply impossible.

As for Luo Yi, he is also a relatively traditional guy; now Luo Yi is busy saving college tuition for his two fat sons and cosmetic money for his wife, where does he have time to mess around with the unreliable Qi Ping?Qi Ping is getting more and more unreliable, but at this moment he is getting more and more thoughtful.

Steve is more reliable, this kid is a typical Lohas family, although he already has a child now, it is also because he has had an illegitimate child before.However, as soon as he heard that he was going to play, he immediately became energetic, and now he is working as a consultant for Qi Ping and is constantly actively participating.

"I think we don't want to go to Las Vegas now, it's too rustic and unimaginative." Steve flipped through the map of the United States, and he is very thoughtful now, "Let's not go to those places that look unimaginative." Where it feels vulgar, our rebellion is not a young man, a frat act, we are not a young man with no substance."

"I also think that we need some challenge now, we can't be so vulgar or not challenging. I hope to have some different challenges, so that we will find it interesting to look back when we are old. Not too much Ridiculous, I don't want my kids to think their dad is unreliable."

Qi Ping crossed his legs, he is becoming more and more rebellious now; before he gets old, he should go crazy.Qi Ping is going crazy now, because the children are older now, and he doesn't need to take care of the children all day long.Now, it's better to go out and go crazy.

While you are young, you should go crazy; anyway, Qi Ping feels that the conditions are ripe now, and he knows that he has enough conditions to enjoy the next trip.This time, it was completely crazy to go out.

In the prime of life and with sufficient economic conditions to rely on, then this is certain, that is, there is not much to worry about now, and when all conditions are ripe, then this is really time to start thinking about going crazy A handful.

This time, Qi Ping wanted to take a trip around the United States; it was not a trip in the traditional sense, it was a self-driving tour.This kind of self-driving tour will definitely not be so comfortable. This is definitely not the type of flying and spending money to stay in a hotel.

Such a trip around the United States does require a certain amount of financial resources as a support; but it must be admitted that there is no preparation for hardship.This is a must, because some places are like this, and there is nowhere to spend money.

"We all know that California and Arizona are very close. Apart from Las Vegas, the most famous place there is the desert. In fact, there are not only deserts, but also many forests and grasslands. We have to cross Highway 8 and then turn to Highway 10 goes from New Mexico into Texas."

Steve said enthusiastically that he is very interested in traveling around the United States; let’s not say whether this time is a complete trip to the whole of the United States, but what is certain is that this trip will be very interesting.

The time will be a bit long, but it will definitely be very interesting; although it is impossible to visit every place, it will not be possible to watch every scenic spot in detail.But it's still very interesting to walk around and take a look at the rein.It must be very interesting to experience a little bit of different customs and taste the special food.

Qi Ping and Steve are looking at their map with great interest, although they know that it is impossible to travel all over the United States now, and they really do not intend to travel all over the United States.But it is certain that they will drive from the west to the east, and then circle back from the east; walk as much as possible, and see as much as possible.

So now, it must take a long time to calculate it this way; this month's time is basically going to be outside.For Qi Ping, there is definitely no pressure for such a thing; because without him, the forest farm will continue to operate; People who turn around will disappear for a long time at once.

Qi Ping and Steve are indeed discussing constantly, and they still need to check the information now; it seems that they have been to Arizona, so they are not very interested in looking again.But it’s the first time I went to New Mexico, so I plan to stay there for a while; it is said that the scenery there is charming, with red rock cliffs, deserts, cacti and other different scenery; that’s good, enjoy it in this dry climate A different customs.

The two of them are thinking now, not only to see, but also to participate more; anyway, this time it is definitely not talking about just driving around, of course it is a good way to travel, but Such a model can sometimes seem too wasteful.At this time, it is necessary to plan well, so as to ensure the quality of travel.

Although these two people are the kind of unreliable people, it is not very likely that they will implement it step by step according to the schedule.However, making a list and doing some research in advance will enable them to make better choices, which will enable them to see more scenery and experience more different characteristics.

"Believe me, although many people think that Americans know how to enjoy life, most people have not traveled all over the United States. They have to work, and they don't have so much money." Kate is quite jealous, she wants to take care of her children at home, So there is no way to travel around the United States with me.

"Of course I know this kind of thing. Most people don't have such an opportunity. Only a very few people will have such an opportunity. In fact, we can't travel all over the United States, we just follow a route Come on, I just walked through a few states, and maybe some different scenery on this route will make us enjoy it more.” Kissed Kate, Qi Ping smiled and opened the route he planned, and circled a few more representative ones Sexual attractions speak volumes.

The two talked and laughed, but Kate also knew that it was impossible for Qi Ping to travel all over the United States, at least not now; this time, he just walked from the west to the east coast, and then turned around and came back.Just take a look at a few states in the south, look at Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia, and even the typical New York on the east coast of the United States, because I don’t have time.

This time, Qiping is just a walk and a look; perhaps this is not a trip in the eyes of many people, because some famous scenic spots are not in Qiping's plan at all.It's very simple, because Qi Ping doesn't care about those at all, he just hopes to experience some scenery in a deeper way, a different experience.

It is quite down-to-earth, but also quite free; this kind of freedom is not just about going wherever you want, but also because you may go to some luxurious and expensive locations, or you may be quite street and rural.Anyway, there is nothing to care about, that is, where the comparison can make people understand deeply, then go there.

"I'm preparing for our future trips around the world and around the United States. You know, this time I'm just going to experiment and sum up some experience. When our little sweetheart grows up a bit, our whole family will take a round-the-world trip together .When the conditions are right, we put everyone aside, it is a world belonging to the two of us, with enough time and enough money, we will go where we want to go, we will travel all over the United States and the world."

After hearing Qi Ping's words, Kate smiled and said nothing; of course she knew that what Qi Ping said was true, and she was naturally looking forward to it.It's just that some opportunities are immature now, but this does not mean that the conditions are not ripe in the future; these things are really normal, as long as the children grow up a little bit.

Kate is also talking about some things with great interest, such as the attractions she is looking forward to; in fact, after all these years, it is not that the two of them have not traveled.But most of them are still nesting in the forest farm, and most of them are still busy taking care of the children; it is also because they really don't have much interest in traveling.

These things, that is, the interest may be expected at a certain time period; as for more, I really don’t feel it at all.In other words, Kate is fine with this matter; in fact, she prefers to be with the children, even if she travels, she should take the children with her; otherwise, Kate can't bear to travel for a long time Woolen cloth.

It feels quite good, and it is precisely because Qi Ping wants to go out and go crazy, which makes him seem to know a little more about the United States, and now he knows some attractions, customs and so on.Although these are just a taste and a little understanding, but it really makes Qi Ping feel uplifted.

I am in a good mood, not only because I have seen a lot of game projects that people feel more looking forward to, but also because I think that this is about to start, and this is full of expectations.This time, it's just whether the elders are good or not, there is no pressure or supervision at all, and they can do whatever they want.

As a car, Qi Ping doesn't plan to drive a stylish Bentley; Bentley is still a bit business-like and serious, and his Aston Martin is not very suitable. Although it has a lot of power, the space is too small.This is not satisfactory, but there is no way; Qi Ping can only choose his Aston Martin; because his favorite SUV will be kept at home, and the children will use it to go to and from school.

"If you had made up your mind earlier, if you had wanted a better sports car earlier, you wouldn't have to be so aggrieved now." My mother was a little funny, there were so many cars at home, but seeing Qi Ping here Distressed, it really makes people feel a little funny, "Cars worth more than 100 million dollars have already been ordered. If you really want an SUV, you can just buy another one."

"Isn't this a waste? In fact, I don't have very high requirements for any car. In fact, the sports car is better, and I don't think there is a big problem at all. The sports car is a little more stylish, and I see it now." Qi Ping said something wrong Said, money belongs to money, but it can't be wasted like this.

"But the space of the sports car is really too small. Although you are going to stay in a hotel or something, you don't need to stay in the car all day, but the space is still not enough, and it is difficult to stretch your legs." I think this matter is a big problem. Anyway, it's just buying a car. The problem is really not that big.

Although the parents are not very supportive of their youngest son going crazy, since Qi Ping is determined to go crazy, then it is not a big problem.Since you want to go out to play, then have a good time, don't be reluctant to spend money, or else going out to play will become suffering, this matter will make people feel quite uncomfortable, it is self-inflicted.

This matter, it seems that my parents are more open than Qi Ping, and my family members have such an attitude towards the matter of spending more money when traveling.At least, the family members don't think traveling poorly is a very good thing. Traveling poorly is really a pain in the ass, so it's better not to be stingy and do what you should do.

It's better not to get too entangled in this matter. Parents naturally feel sorry for their son, and this attitude is also because the family does not lack money.But in Qi Ping's view, some things really don't just mean spending money. Spending money doesn't necessarily mean getting too much fun.

Qi Ping doesn't intend to spend money recklessly, he also has some ideas of his own now; anyway, Qi Ping doesn't think that buying an SUV can solve any big problems, and he doesn't think his family still needs a new car.So now, you can go as you should. The high quality of tourism is really not about a car.

Packed up and ready to go; Qi Ping was completely ready this time, and he was full of expectations now.In any case, Qi Ping is already ready, and he has entered the state early.It's not that sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood, but that if you have enough preparation, you will have enough confidence to enjoy the trip.

He set off, kissed his wife and children goodbye briefly, and set off in high spirits; for Qi Ping, the things he was looking forward to had begun, and the travel and madness had come.

(End of this chapter)

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